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| Thursday, April 28, 2016 - 11:54 am
NWBlonde, agreed! I don't buy the cultural thing. And if it is, she's been in the states long enough to have learned how to simply say "I'm sorry" in a meaningful way.
| Thursday, April 28, 2016 - 11:54 am
Remember when Eileen was nice and also kind of boring? I miss that Eileen. She seems to be on a vendetta against LVP. I will be surprised if she or Rinna are asked back next year.
| Thursday, April 28, 2016 - 12:34 pm
I like Eileen. She seems to be the only one with some sense, except maybe Erika. I also think they were told to stir things up. You don't honestly think they just go about all of this without any little nudge from Bravo.
| Thursday, April 28, 2016 - 1:11 pm
I agree with Northwestblonde and Bbpeach, too! I know what Eileen was looking for. A simple "sincere" apology. I believe LVP is a narcissist. I don't think it's a cultural thing either. Lexie- It looks like Yolanda wasn't lying. LVP said it from her own mouth that Mohamed was not speaking to her. (He is now..a little) I think sometimes you just have to ask yourself..does it fit with this person's character. I do question Mohamed, though. If LVP was such a close friend, why did he tell her his kids were fine, when they were not? I know he didn't want Lisa to know, but why? Also...Saying Yolanda has munchausen's means that she is making up all of her illnesses? So isn't that an oxymoron, because it is fact her breast implants were leaking. That would make anyone feel sick. But it is true she has lyme. I felt so sad for her when she started to cry about people selling their homes just to get care for their children. Darryl Hall talks about that in one of his interviews. I think a lot of people, including here at tvch don't understand it. I have tried really hard to explain why Yolanda takes natural food pills and supplements, I have been doing this for years just to feel somewhat human. Just because she had all those pills in her closet does not mean she takes them everyday. If you saw my would probably say I had munchausen's, too. My friend was on a different antibiotic every month for 8 months, and she still suffers from lyme. She bought a rife machine to try and get rid of it. Reader- you talked about the girl on Real World with Lyme. I remember her. There is a test for lyme, but unfortunately 60% of the time it does not show up. So you have to go down another road if your doctor doesn't take you seriously. Unless you are going through it, it will be hard to understand it. But, that's where empathy comes in to play. I am one of the few that likes Eileen. Mamie316, I agree with you..she makes sense. I remember last season, I was worried about her joining, but I like her spunk, and I love Erika for the same reason. You can't let people walk all over you. Demand respect! 
| Thursday, April 28, 2016 - 5:51 pm
I like Eileen as well, and I don't think anyone has ever actually said Yolanda had Munchausen, that is why the whole things makes me nuts. They keep going on and on about the munchausen and that wasn't the issue. The issue I have is that while Yolanda does have lyme, she doesn't seem to be able to admit that many other things going on were probably exacerbating that condition, i.e., the leaking breast implants, probable menopause and I think maybe she did admit to being depressed. And LVP never apologizes but she does manage to get everyone to do what she wants them to do, LOL. She does it on her other shows as well.
| Friday, April 29, 2016 - 12:04 pm
When LVP talks about it, she keeps saying I NEVER said munchausen but she doesn't say she never said anything else. I don't like her. I would not trust her as far as I could throw her. And her husband is so odd. You can see right through her and she doesn't like anyone to acknowledge that.
| Saturday, April 30, 2016 - 8:06 am
Eileen and Erica are my favourites. I am oddly fascinated by LVP but she is definitely a liar. I can't believe she cannot apologise for real. She keeps skirting by saying "I'm sorry you feel....."
| Saturday, April 30, 2016 - 9:30 am
Or her line "I'm an open book, ask me anything" and then never says anything at all.
| Monday, May 02, 2016 - 8:20 am
I really do hope they ask everyone back. I enjoyed this season much more than others. Even though I think the art of hair-splitting was taken to a new level, I so enjoyed seeing Erika and Eileen calling things without being nasty, IMO. I truly love the confidence Erika exudes and really hope she comes back.
| Tuesday, May 03, 2016 - 8:12 pm
"I can keep a secret but if you don't want it repeated, don't say it." What?!
| Wednesday, May 04, 2016 - 1:10 am
I never liked Eileen before RHW. At first I was glad she joined the group. Now I am sorry she did. I think she sticks her nose where it doesn't belong. Full disclosure - I love LVP - in spite of her flaws. I do believe that the Brits see things differently, and some of that is what comes out. LVP is a very smart woman, as is Erika. I think the two of them are more alike than Erika would like to admit. I also think there is a lot of jealousy towards LVP from the other ladies. And I also believe that true friends accept others without trying to change them or call out their flaws. Who made Eileen the expert on how people should act or react. That is none of her business. I find that more irritating than anything LVP might have done. If she thinks she's manipulative, then stay away from her, Eileen. I also was very disappointed in Lisa R. I thought she was way out of line right there with Eileen. And she said some ridiculous things about Kim being dangerous. And I am happy to say that Katherine surprised me. I didn't think I was going to like her because of the Faye thing, but after a couple of episodes I must say I really came to appreciate her. Hope she is back. I have always been on the fence about Yolanda. I think she is not the little innocent she likes to portray, but I do believe she is a true friend to her friends, and I would want her in my corner. I also believe she is very jealous when it come to LVP because of Mohammed. And I saw her engage in quite a bit of the very manipulation she accused LVP of. I always liked Kyle and only tolerated Kim, and that hasn't changed. Glad to see Brandi gone (she was almost gone!). Overall, the BH gals are the best and hope we see everybody again.
| Wednesday, May 04, 2016 - 3:37 am
Exactly what Libshea said!!
| Wednesday, May 04, 2016 - 7:57 am
This reviewer said everything I think about this season so I don't have to.
| Wednesday, May 04, 2016 - 9:47 am
Good review. I agree with it too.
| Wednesday, May 04, 2016 - 3:28 pm
I was LMAO at how peeved LVP was that she had to listen to Brandi's comments. They have been talking about Brandi all season, it always does crack me up when they mention her since she is not on the show anymore.
| Wednesday, May 04, 2016 - 6:08 pm
Agree 1000% with what Lipshea said. I'm so over Rinna and Eileen. Rinna has been positively vile on Twitter in her attacks on LVP's supporters. Kind of ironic that she was so "appalled" by Ken's comments. Ken loves LVP and was angry at the other women being so mean to her. Doesn't excuse his comments, but it's understandable. He's defending his wife!
| Thursday, May 05, 2016 - 11:53 am
Lisa R. said she has no regrets. I am so sick of people saying that. What does that say about her as a person. She made so many people doubt Yolanda'a and her children's illness, and she does not regret that? I guess having a conscience is a rare thing to have now. She also should learn to say no, and maybe practice saying it. She is too old to be letting others influence her to do terrible things on tv for all to see. I bet Harry wasn't too happy. I disagree about Yolanda being jealous of LVP and Mohamed. There is no proof of that. LVP is the one that has a vendetta against Yolanda. She told Lisa R. to bring up the munchausen accusation and she also encouraged Lisa R. to act more upset about the bipolar comment. As they showed on the reunion...LVP is behind a lot of the trouble that has been caused. Like Northwestblonde, I also hope all of them return next season. 
| Saturday, May 07, 2016 - 11:01 am
Rubyroo, I always cringe when people say they have "no regrets." Really? You never hurt anyone? You never disappointed someone you care about? If you're going to be honest about it, every single human being on the planet has something to regret, something they know they should have done differently. We all make mistakes and we all have things we wish we'd handled better.
| Wednesday, May 11, 2016 - 9:35 pm
I agree Babyjaxmom! I really don't want to beat a dead horse..but I thought some of you would find this link interesting. I am going through some more crappy Lyme problems right now..and my frustration level is high. You will never know how dumb some of these doctors are, and you just have to keep trying, There have been times that I have come here to tvch...crying...and just wanting to tell you that I don't want to fight this anymore. That's why I was so passionate about standing up for Yolanda. I know what it's like to not be heard or be believed. It sux so much. I am sorry if I offended anyone. Thanks for not telling me off!
| Wednesday, May 11, 2016 - 11:47 pm
Hang in there, Ruby. I don't have Lyme, but I can relate to being ill and being judged/misunderstood. You will never know how dumb some of these doctors are, and you just have to keep trying, I hear ya! I always say doctors are only as good as their education and experience. That is why they call it practicing medicine. <wink on that last bit). I am concerned with that guy Yolanda sees here in Seattle (suburb actually). A friend of mine had a bad experience there. I can't remember the specifics, but it wasn't good.
| Monday, June 06, 2016 - 8:51 am
Yes, Rieann, the doctor in Seattle is one of her quackadoodles. The "speculation" is that he is the one that hooked her up with Daisy the $200 per hour "reformed international call girl/health advocate." He is probably using Daisy to protect "his investment." However, there is good news. Yolanda has now been fired from BH - which also means that Brandi will no longer have any reason to make cameos. Eileen has been downgraded to Friend of the Housewives (to Rinna) and Eileen's not taking it well so they may just kick her to the curb altogether. Unfortunately, Kathryn Edwards was also let go (and that was a shocker because she was very well-liked by the fans and the cast).
| Monday, June 06, 2016 - 10:32 am
Lexie, I liked Kathryn too, but maybe producers thought she was "boring" cause she was so nice and didn't get dragged into the bickering. Where did you read all these details? I haven't seen any of this online. Good news about Yo. I was so over her.
| Monday, June 06, 2016 - 10:57 am
BJM, it has been all over the interwebs (all the reality "tea" sites broke the story on Friday), as well as Twitter.
| Monday, June 06, 2016 - 11:01 am
I went to All About the Tea website, and they have an article showing a tweet from LVP saying it's not true, so who knows?
| Monday, June 06, 2016 - 11:23 am
Now I'm reading that Munchies will be back but she cannot talk about Da Lymez disease because we are all sick of her "journey." Her story line will be single and dating. This is why I was nervous about posting that she had been fired because every season on all these shows they "let someone go" and then bring them back before filming starts. This happened a few years ago with Nene on ATL. They were going to let her go, but she caved to their demands and was brought back. One of the stories on Friday did say they expected Yo to grovel to get back on the show.