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| Wednesday, March 30, 2016 - 8:12 pm
I just know I'm tired of hearing the word "Munchausen." 
| Wednesday, March 30, 2016 - 8:15 pm
Although at first I liked Rinna and Eileen but now not so much. I am so tired of them hanging on to stuff and Rinna needs to learn how to keep some of her opinions to herself. If I was Lisa I would be so over with the same stuff being brought up over and over. Once you have said you were sorry it needs to be dropped and not brought up every time they get together for whatever event they are at.
| Wednesday, March 30, 2016 - 9:56 pm
Please... Erika was loving every minute of humiliation Lisa V was getting. Erika was loving the drama.
| Wednesday, March 30, 2016 - 11:54 pm
Rinna has to keep bringing up old stuff, because without it she has no story line. I am tired of her and she can go at any time
| Thursday, March 31, 2016 - 10:44 am
I understand where Eileen is coming from. LVP never actually apologized for hurting her feelings. She offered a very unsatisfactory (to Eileen), "I'm sorry if I asked too many questions." That was BS, but it's the best she's going to get from LVP. Time to figure that out and just move on. You can't force someone to apologize. If I were LVP, of course I would have said, "I'm very sorry that I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to." But apparently LVP can't do that. Just let it go already.
| Thursday, March 31, 2016 - 12:01 pm
Brandi didn't get that much crap from Eileen and she threw wine in her face.
| Thursday, March 31, 2016 - 12:58 pm
Reminder: excessive bashing, namecalling and misspelling celebrity's names into something derogatory are not permitted at TVCH. Don't do it again. 
| Thursday, March 31, 2016 - 9:36 pm
I was watching Andy Cohen on WWHL one night and he mentioned that Lisa R. told him who slandered Yolanda by mentioning she could have Munchausen's. Do you know who started this whole forest fire with her tongue? It was Lisa R. hairdresser. Of course now we know that Lisa R. mentioned she heard it from someone and proceeded to tell LVP and Kyle, who were already laughing and making fun of Yolanda's "fake" illness. LVP encouraged Lisa R. to spread this vile gossip to the viewing audience. I have been so sad to see the accusations made against Yolanda. Yes, I know she hasn't always been nice, but neither has Kyle or LVP. I will never understand the big deal that was made of the pictures Yolanda posted of her happy, and of her sick. She brought hope to people suffering from chronic...yes..chronic lyme disease. She showed that you can have a good day, and you can have a devastating day, too. I know it's hard for people who have never even heard of this disease, but I can tell you that it is so horrible, and scary a lot of the time. I have had chronic lyme for years. As you know I live in CT, and I was misdiagnosed many years ago. My son also has lyme. What people don't realize is there are co-infections you can get with lyme. Everything is so new, doctors are just trying to figure things out. I remember when my dog was alive, they had more info to help her then to help me. I was thinking about this, also..I wonder how much has been spread through the blood supply. If doctor's and scientist don't know what to look for, it can very well be spread through blood. That's what happened with A.I.D.S., Hepatitis C and so on. I am grateful for people like Yolanda, Avril Lavigne and Daryl Hall. I have literally spent thousands of dollars trying to get better. It's not cheap, and there is only so much that western medicine has to offer. That's why you seek out doctor's who think outside the box. Some are not good, but there are so many that are really trying. I don't really care what Yolanda's caretaker did in the past. She was trained to help her. This happens more often then you realize. If you can't have a family member help, friends can be trained to administer meds, or help in other ways. I read this article one day and thought I would share it. Lyme is everywhere. Sorry, I don't know how to shorten links, if a mod wants to do it, I would be grateful. From that article I read, I found this Billionaire who claims his whole family has now been diagnosed with Lyme. I looked at his tweets, and he seems like he genuinely wants to help people in the UK that are suffering from Lyme. I know that someone mentioned that even the CDC does not recognize that lyme can be chronic. This interview with Daryl Hall, who suffers from chronic lyme sums up what the Lyme community thinks of the CDC"s claim. And here is a youtube interview with Daryl- To sum this all up, I highly doubt that Yolanda would risk her reputation and those of her children's by faking her illness. She has been here in CT. a couple years ago speaking about Lyme, and she did in New York, too. Gigi was on Celebrity Masterchef and her charity was for Lyme research because her mom, and siblings were suffering from it. I don't think Gigi would risk her career to lie about this. I know Yolanda did not show for the Lyme event in CA, but I think when you become this ill, you tend to do what is best for you. Maybe she really needed to go home to be with her mom. I can empathize with that. Sometimes you say yes..but then you realize you really can't do it, and you have to back down. I thought that about her with the outing with Kim and Brandi. She might have thought she could do both..but she couldn't. I have done that before. You really think you'll be able to do something and you wake up so sick. I know that some people don't like Eileen, but I love her on the show. I also like Erica's loyalty to Yolanda. Good on her! I am so sorry this is so long. I just felt that I needed to say something.
| Thursday, March 31, 2016 - 11:04 pm
Very well said Ruby. Thank you.
| Friday, April 01, 2016 - 3:51 am
Appreciate your post, Ruby. I have not followed Yolanda or any of the housewives that much anymore so do not have an opinion on them but I do feel there is a lot of misunderstanding about immunity diseases. I have good days and bad days and know there are people who do not understand and perhaps think I am lying because they observe me feeling really good one day and then the next day I have to cancel plans because I am very sick.
| Friday, April 01, 2016 - 6:51 am
This is why I cannot stand Yo and will call her out on her B.S. any day of the week. She was "too sick" to travel to SD for the cast event there because she didn't want to be away from her doctors (135 miles), she couldn't travel to Dubai because she couldn't be away from her doctors (another missed cast event), yet MIRACULOUSLY she was able to travel over 4,100 miles last week to go on vacation to Bora Bora: Bora Bora (Of course, the comments section is always the best part )
| Friday, April 01, 2016 - 1:22 pm
You have to remember, the show has been taped months ago. Yolanda has been saying she's been feeling better, but she still has days. I guess I feel like most people should just not worry about her condition. The only people who have that right are her family and close friends.
| Friday, April 01, 2016 - 1:48 pm
This is pretty funny...lisa rinna โ@lisarinna ยท 5h5 hours ago Happy April Foolsโ Day!!! ๐๐๐
| Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 11:05 am
How sad is it that Yolanda chooses to spend her time with the two outcasts. Someone who would choose to gift her friends with wildly inappropriate t-shirts says sick, medicated and being sober is no fun. I'm sorry for Yolanda, she is in a bad place. I just wish we wouldn't have had to focus on her health problems all season. It wasn't interesting or informative. Dubai looks fabulous but why for the sake of modesty did they have to wear caftans everyday but it was all right to leave their breasts uncovered? Legs bad, breasts good? And I'm disappointed they couldn't get through one dinner without vulgar language for the sake of Kyle's piece of mind. She was their hostess and asked them not to.
| Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 12:23 pm
LMAO, I always search for and buy $705,000 jewelry. And too funny about the golf carts to drive them around, those were the fanciest golf carts I have ever seen.
| Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 12:27 pm
This season has been strange. I don't understand the level of anger these ladies get to. The fact that this dragged out for a whole season is ridiculous. It has been so repetitive. So much of it doesn't make sense. I'm rambling...
| Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 12:52 pm
I have't gotten thru my tape yet but I am cracking up that Kyle had to tell LVP what to say to apologize, wonder how Eileen feels about that after seeing the show. I know what you mean Rieann, I used to enjoy just watching them be nuts, now it seems sort of mean girlish. And I am starting to feel sorry for Kyle (I can't believe I said that) because she thinks these people are really friends, especially LVP.
| Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 1:36 pm
I didn't realize that both Eileen and LisaR 's Mom's had lost their memories.
| Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 2:35 pm
Were they drinking champagne at breakfast? Oh, well I guess that is normal at brunch, just surprised me.
| Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 3:04 pm
Oh and Kyle has since cut 8 inches off her hair...I think it was about time, I think it looks a lot better now.
| Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 6:23 pm
I think Kyle is friends with whoever is best connected and more likely to list their home with Mauricio's real estate company.
| Friday, April 08, 2016 - 8:52 am
Repeating the same old tiffs/disagreements is like being constipated.......A pain, move it along geez a whiz.
| Friday, April 08, 2016 - 4:19 pm
But do these women have anything else going on in their lives??? lol
| Friday, April 08, 2016 - 4:33 pm
I don't know. I thought just being in Dubai was pretty fabulous. Did they have to fight and scream at each other the whole time they were there? And what is Eileen's big deal about forcing everyone to acknowledge "the truth." Who cares? Everyone has their own version of the truth. What does it matter? Agree to disagree and move the F on already.
| Saturday, April 09, 2016 - 4:08 am
Pinky could apologize 42 different ways from Sunday and it still wouldn't be good enough for Eileen.