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| Monday, March 17, 2014 - 9:32 am
Is this the show where the partner got the giggles as she watched her partner climbing the palm tree painfully scraping his privates with each step!
| Monday, March 17, 2014 - 10:04 am
Not in this particular episode. The two that made it to the end worked very well together. This was the second time each of them did this . But first time they were paired up. First time the show used the amazon. Such a hostile environment for humans!!
| Monday, July 28, 2014 - 1:49 pm
I loved that show, they were really great together, giving their all, they almost made it look easy. when I first heard about this show , it seemed so gimmicky, but now, I can see why they did it. I would have a problem if I could not wash my hair every day, the oil would have me itching and breaking out without any of the other problems. ha ha .
| Wednesday, April 22, 2015 - 6:58 am
A new episode aired on Sunday. I'm sure it will be re played.
| Friday, May 22, 2015 - 1:32 pm
One thing that always throws me is people who get sunburned immediately, If I were going on the show I would be working on a full body tan for weeks before. it reminds me of my mother's unhealthy belief for us as a child, which was throw us out in the sun to get several sunburns until we would finally get tanned and then she would not have to worry abut us again. I would skip the sunburn and just work on a slow tan before I went and eat a lot of garlic to keep the bugs away at least in the beginning. Not that I would make it past one day on this show.
| Wednesday, May 27, 2015 - 11:45 pm
What gets me are the vegetarians. They already have enough trouble finding any form of food during the 21 days as it is and then you have someone who refuses to kill anything. What are they expecting to survive on?
| Thursday, May 28, 2015 - 10:57 am
I just don't get the naked! What would be so wrong to have them at least in a bathing suit or underpants. Too much stuff can climb into their innards in my estimation. I do like this show tho even if they are naked.
| Thursday, May 28, 2015 - 11:52 am
Do they get paid very much for doing this torture? I think I saw where it isn't that much.
| Thursday, May 28, 2015 - 12:12 pm
clothing can be made into shelter, shoes protect their feet. The idea is to start with nothing. I remember one woman who had the guy cut her hair so she could make cord. I remember that young woman who wove clothes from leaves and made sandals for them the first year and the guy was looking down on her as a time waster, but he got sick with sunburn and she did not. If I were on (not going to happen) and hey told us ahead of time where we were going, I think I would look up natural insect protection on my list of things to know.
| Sunday, July 19, 2015 - 5:16 pm
Naked and Afraid EXTRA LARGE! Yay! EJ and 11 other past cast members are back for 40 days and nights!
The only returnee I don't understand is Nora(Honora) who tipped out in her own season because she laid out all day in the hot sun on the sand dunes doing nothing while calling her partner a fat a&&. They've teamed her up with 2 guys which is totally unfair because now they will have to take care of her. They've been sent out in teams of 1, 2 and 3 - assuming they find their partners. It appears like they will all find each other eventually. One, Dani, was expected to find two other women and join up with them but got lost. However, from the first episode, she appears to be having a blast by herself, lol!
| Sunday, July 19, 2015 - 7:55 pm
I swear if the producers ever let Honora on this show again they should be shot. Obviously she has no concept of redemption and being hungry and thirsty makes her crazy. She should be removed because she is now a danger to the guys, she could kill them in their sleep.
| Monday, July 20, 2015 - 2:58 am
Lol. I agree. I swear I'd have a hard time not wanting to physically hurt her. That two women/one man team seems like a tough one for him too.
| Monday, July 20, 2015 - 8:01 am
well, the two women with the guy seem annoying, but the guy said he should be a serial killer, comments like that can make you a bit wary and I understand the vegetarian not eating the turtle, the others woman, I have no idea. Do they have enough veggies? I a wondering if this guy was the one who drove his other partner crazy talking about killing and gutting things over and over and in the most disgusting way so that when he did catch something she could not bring herself to eat it.
| Monday, July 20, 2015 - 10:15 am
My daughter and I were afraid Honora was going to do something lethal with the weapons. What a lunatic.
| Monday, July 20, 2015 - 2:45 pm
I don't understand how Honora even got on this show, since she didn't prove herself to get through the 21 days. Maybe they couldn't get another woman to do it, and she was their last resort? I feel terrible for the 2 guys that are with her.
| Monday, July 20, 2015 - 4:46 pm
Naked and Afraid jumped the shark with this version of their franchise.
| Tuesday, July 21, 2015 - 4:47 pm
SO Honora posted at previous TV forums and the mods removed her post - don't know if it was her or not, but it was whiney enough to be her. so you want me to bring the copy here?
| Tuesday, July 21, 2015 - 5:07 pm
Yes I'd love to see what she has to say for herself!
| Tuesday, July 21, 2015 - 5:12 pm
well, we don't know for sure it is her. Allow me to enlighten you as to how Discovery is so full of shit. They edited the crap out of this episode. I built that shelter with Matt, moved 30 cubic feet of sand under it, spent 24 hours doing a toxicity test on the cacti before we deemed it safe to eat, shared buriti and coconuts that I'd found with him, made a fish basket, killed and cleaned two birds with my bare hands, made us blankets, and shared treated water with him. Now I have a constant stream of hate messages thanks to the editing process. As a homeless person with no security blanket, I'm pretty devastated with this whole thing. I agreed to let them portray me in a false light,but people telling me I deserve to die is way too far. Not to mention, what I said to Matt was provoked by an argument which they didn't air and began with me approaching him and asking if we could talk and work things out. They took out the fact that I made a shade device that I used while I was treating my water. My one "big mistake" of falling asleep in the sun was on day 2, after Matt and I worked together to build the shelter and then I used my legs to move the 30 cubic feet of sand to flatten the shelter's floor while he napped. Furthermore, that locust was thrown at Matt after it fell on the cameraman. And lastly, the real reason why everything was so difficult was because Matt told me on night one that he couldn't believe they let him take amphetamines (2x/day) out there. Meanwhile, I was on Malarone for malaria. the shade device was a palm leaf and she did make a small hat.
| Tuesday, July 21, 2015 - 11:01 pm
I only caught about 10 minutes of the 2nd episode and she threw the survival tools that she had brought with her (water canteen, machete) into the river so the 2 guys couldn't have them if she tapped out. Her first time, I thought she behaved like a spoiled 13 year old. She doesn't appear to have learned anything about herself. I'm still shocked they brought her back unless it was so she can redeem herself which she obviously isn't doing.
| Wednesday, July 22, 2015 - 9:27 am
How did she accurately measure 30 cubic feet of dirt? I don't believe it. A cubic yard is 3 feet wide, 3 feet in length, and 3 feet deep = 27 cubic feet. Since she did not have to dig deep, the depth figure would probably be less that 0.5 feet. The length and width would have to be in the range of 10 feet by 6 feet. 10 X 6 X .5 = 30. That shelter didn't seem to be that large.
| Friday, July 24, 2015 - 3:55 pm
I can’t believe that they put such an unstable person like Honora back in with true survivalists. Either the producers really didn’t have any other female willing to try it again or they wanted the drama.
| Friday, July 24, 2015 - 5:48 pm
That drama is causing those 2 men a lot of trouble though, and that is so unfair to them! Luckily those 2 men are very resourceful, but still. It just isn't right.
| Wednesday, July 29, 2015 - 11:56 am
Honora's only logical use in that situation would have been as food if the guys decided to eat her but I suspect they must've realized she was too stringy and too bitter....and maybe even poisonous.
| Wednesday, July 29, 2015 - 12:19 pm
