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| Thursday, April 09, 2015 - 1:10 pm
I have to say I cracked up with Eileen said she drove a Flex and had to clarify it was a Ford and Lisa still didn't know what she was talking about that was hysterical.
| Thursday, April 09, 2015 - 1:36 pm
I think I read someone in here mentioning that Kyle looked funny and I agree, I keep looking at her and trying to figure out what is wrong. Her hair looks odd to me, like it is too long or not real or something, I can't figure it out. I know lots of time I just wish she would put it behind her shoulders. And OMG, Kim calls Lisa R and egg beater, I have never heard that before. I do think it is odd how they don't think Lisa R throwing and breaking a glass all over them is the same as Brandi throwing the wine on Eileen. One was in anger, and one was a joke, but the final event was the same.
| Thursday, April 09, 2015 - 1:39 pm
And what an acting job by Kyle, breaking down and crying and saying take your kids away from me. Obviously edited badly since they were not even talking about her daughters wedding, and Kim said she didn't want to uninvite her.
| Thursday, April 09, 2015 - 5:45 pm
Kyle is very good about crying on cue. When she thinks she's losing a argument....the tears start. She really is a ugly cryer ....but most of us I read somewhere a few days ago that Kim was taking care of the Johnson heiress child (I can't remember her name now). She had drug and drinking problems. When the child started calling Kim Mommy, she took her back. Later she OD'd and died.
| Thursday, April 09, 2015 - 8:21 pm
Ok- I feel like I have to step in here and defend Kyle. I empathize with her so much. My sister is like Kim and Brandi-she is a narcissist. My sister made it so difficult to have a relationship with her. I was always walking on eggshells and biting my tongue constantly. The reason I had to do this is because my sister would punish me with taking her kids away from me. It was horrible because I loved her children so very much. She used them as a weapon. I can't write our entire life down- but my sister was cruel and deflected just like Brandi and Kim. It was never her fault, and I was blamed for everything. I know you guys don't really know me, but I swear to you, that I told my sister that if I ever hurt her, that she should tell me, because I would rather die. I wanted a real relationship so badly, but it's so difficult to do with a narcissist. If you google "my sister is a narcissist", there are a lot of people out there going through the same crap. I finally cut ties with her-it was way too painful to have her in my life. She turned her kids against husband's heart was was too much. I think Kyle has experienced this with Kim. I wish I could tell her to just forget about Kim. It is so painful, but it's better then worrying when the other shoe is gonna drop. I also think Kyle looks different because she is wearing a muted eye make-up. I think she looks pretty. Fight or Flight-that's what happened to Lisa R and Kyle. Kyle fled, because she said she has anxiety and can't handle that much. Lisa R. stayed to "fight"-Kim provoked her and Lisa explained that she will defend her family-I would do the same. Her smashing the glass was something I think she did blindly-because the next day she described it as was traumatic for her-something she never does. Brandi threw the wine because nobody was paying attention to her. She sat there and smirked afterwards. I really like Eileen-she is intelligent and so pretty!
| Friday, April 10, 2015 - 3:20 am
Rubyroo, I wish I could "like" your post 1,000 times. You are absolutely spot-on. I think what we are seeing now is 20+ years of emotional abuse taking its toll on Kyle. Kim is vicious and mean, and Kyle needs to walk away and wash her hands of her sister.
| Friday, April 10, 2015 - 6:42 am
Thank you Lexie. I know you know how painful it is. For some reason, I knew enough not to give my sister too much info on my life. So glad I was careful, because narcissists take things you you tell them(in convidence) and turn it back on you or twist it when they feel they need a weapon. My sister had to go to the hospital a couple years ago. I was really sick and not able to visit her, but my son did. She was only there a couple days and she knew I was sick. At the same time her husband who is an electrician was hooking up our house so that if we lost power our whole house would run on a generator. He put a hole in the wall to the outdoors for an outlet and was wiring everything. He was supposed to come back and finish and he never did. We think she decided to punish me because I didn't visit her in the hospital. She turned him against his own parents, and they never got to see their grandchildren grow up. I am so disappointed in him. My husband has a spinal cord injury and he left us in a lurch like that. She blocked our phone number when my son was in the hospital last year..that was it for me. My son almost died and we could not reach her. My son saw her months later, and he mentioned that she blocked our phone know what she said? She told him we could have called her cell. Would you want to do that after your phone number was blocked. Very, very sick. I cry sometimes about it...not because I miss her, I am mourning what I wish we could have had. I will not let her back in my life.
| Friday, April 10, 2015 - 9:11 am
Ah Ruby, your post brings tears to my eyes. And it seems your son still tried to keep a relationship and was hurt for his concern. Too sad. Brandi , Kyle and LisaV have their blogs up on Interesting reads. I love Lisa's. Brandi's' for the most part is written by someone else ( my opinion). Every week she uses new metaphors. And of course, there is the often used throwing crap out there and seeing if it sticks. There is a very obvious accusation that Kyle did something unforgivable at Brooks wedding.
| Friday, April 10, 2015 - 11:14 am
Well, the cameras were there the first time Brooke got married. I'm pretty sure if Kyle did anything unforgivable, the cameras would have caught it. And did I mention how tacky I think it is that Brooke is now having a second (and larger) wedding in less than one year to the same guy? I guess she didn't get enough gifts at the first wedding.
| Friday, April 10, 2015 - 11:42 am
Was it said why they wanted a second wedding?
| Friday, April 10, 2015 - 1:01 pm
I heard that this was the planned wedding from the get go... that they had a smaller one earlier so Monty could be there...
| Saturday, April 11, 2015 - 10:02 pm
Rubyroo, I wish I could "like" your post 1,000 times. You are absolutely spot-on. I think what we are seeing now is 20+ years of emotional abuse taking its toll on Kyle. Kim is vicious and mean, and Kyle needs to walk away and wash her hands of her sister. Me too!!! 
| Monday, April 13, 2015 - 4:53 pm
Brandi's Chardonnay is available, only $15 per bottle, it is a Sonoma wine. shipping at $18 for 2 bottles seemed a little high to me.
| Tuesday, April 14, 2015 - 12:31 pm
I would drink lighter fluid before I would buy a bottle of Brandi's wine. Ugh. She's an awful person. I bought her first book, but won't be supporting anything else she does. She needs therapy.
| Tuesday, April 14, 2015 - 6:51 pm
I think tonight's big shocker will be about Kim's dog bite(s). She will probably characterize it as a little scratch. Want to watch, hate that I will watch!
| Tuesday, April 14, 2015 - 8:00 pm
Once again they show Kyle and it is so obvious that she was acting when she was crying and saying you can disinvite me from the wedding.
| Tuesday, April 14, 2015 - 8:01 pm
Well I do agree with Brandi, "This is bat-shit crazy", LOL, for sure she is correct.
| Tuesday, April 14, 2015 - 8:12 pm
Wow, this is just awful, why would Bravo think this would be fun to watch?
| Tuesday, April 14, 2015 - 8:30 pm
I kind of thought they all seemed to be acting ! They are so busy trying to be the most "popular" housewife they are making the show just awful. If next season is all the Richard sisters drama, and everyone else giving their two cents of advice about it, I may finally cross this show off my list.
| Wednesday, April 15, 2015 - 7:11 am
Yep, Kim is delusional and a control freak. She had so many "this is off limits and I am not going to discuss it" moments that you wonder how she thinks she could be a draw on the show at all if it weren't for those issues. What level of denial can describe her? She has zero appeal. Zero. She is a dry drunk who has not progressed a bit in sobriety.
| Wednesday, April 15, 2015 - 7:58 am
Kyle and Kim's relationship reminds me of Blanch and Baby Jane...In What ever happed to Baby Jane.
| Wednesday, April 15, 2015 - 9:21 am
It almost seemed as if Kim wanted to blame the dog bite on Kyle's daughter.
| Wednesday, April 15, 2015 - 1:28 pm
What happened to Kim Richards? She was a sweet little girl. She's turned into a mean, vicious pit bull, just like her dog.
| Wednesday, April 15, 2015 - 4:05 pm
Kyle's daughter was in the hospital for five days, had an IV for three weeks and went through two surgeries. Kim made it sound like she got nipped on the finger by a toy poodle and not a pit bull who has at least four known attacks. There is no way that Kim is sober. She's either drinking or she is taking pills - or both. I wish someone would have challenged Kim to take a piss test right there at the reunion.
| Wednesday, April 15, 2015 - 4:44 pm
Lexiegirl, I think she has said before that she is taking prescription meds that her doctor has her own. Most like some anxiety and mood type drugs would be my guess. So I have never considered her truly sober, just off the alcohol. And as others have mentioned I think she is white knuckling through that. It just seems odd that she would never mention meetings or a sponsor or any type of support for her sobriety. Although it is her right not to mention anything even tho she is on a reality show about their lives.