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| Thursday, April 02, 2015 - 3:21 am
Csnog, Kyle didn't "steal Kim's house." Big Kathy (their mother) remarried (again) and bought a house with her husband. Kim's "money" did not buy Kathy a house. When Kathy died in 2002, there was still a mortgage on the house. She left the house to her three daughters in her Will, but she wanted them to keep the house for 10 years before selling it (which is kind of selfish, but very typical of Big Kathy's behavior). In 2004, Kathy and Kim wanted to sell the house. They didn't want a second house note (and Kim was struggling with money due to her drinking). Kyle refinanced the house and bought her sisters out. Kim was lying when she said that she didn't know the house was for sale until it was in escrow because her eldest daughter was a listing agent with Kyle's daughter. The house was appraised for the re-fi and Kyle bought out her sisters. Kyle and Mauricio continued to pay the mortgage for another 10 years, including renovations, and sold the house in 2014. Of some note, Kyle and Mauricio lost money on the sale of the house.
| Thursday, April 02, 2015 - 6:55 am
Kim was the breadwinner in that family since she was 3 months old. The incident of "stealing the house" came up several years ago on Bravo. Not 2014, and there is no law saying you must keep a house after someone passes away. Their mother and family was provided by Kim's young working life and if her mother stepped UP to a larger home that may be a whole different problem. Kathy, the richer of the sisters, doesn't seem to have the problems with Kim as Kyle does, and there should be no reason that Mauricio took it upon himself to pay for a mortgage for 10 years after a death. I have also kept a wary eye on Mauricio, as I felt he used the people on the show to further his real estate business. Even the ladies on the show referred to Mauricio as staying friends with them, just long enough to sign them up to sell their homes. I find it interesting that Kyle looks like a deer in headlights, while Kim seems to have her life a bit back on track except for Lisa R and her constant nagging about a person she barely knows. Let alone the family history of Kim/Kyle/Mauricio. The dog incident I know little about. BUT...If I knew a dog was aggressive, I wouldn't let my child anywhere near that dog.
| Thursday, April 02, 2015 - 7:08 am
Csnog, Kyle bought out Kathy and Kim in 2004. If you read my post, I said she died in 2002 and Kyle bought out her sisters in 2004 because both Kathy and Kim wanted to sell the house. It was in 2014 when Kyle sold the house. Kyle held on to the house for another 10 years after buying them out. The reason Kim said Kyle "stole her house," is she wanted to buy back into the house, even though she couldn't afford it. Before she was bought out, Kim had taken out a $20,000 loan against the house which she didn't pay back and Mauricio and Kyle paid the loan off for Kim. Kim is exactly like Brandi, you can't believe a word that comes out of her mouth. But most importantly, Kim did not pay for that house. Big Kathy had the reputation for marrying wealthy men. Kim was a "child star" in the 70s, not 1996 when Big Kathy and her husband bought that house. I would have never let my mother guilt me in to keeping a house for ten years. I have no idea what possessed her to put that in her Will, but from everything I have read, she was a very selfish woman.
| Thursday, April 02, 2015 - 7:14 am
Kim is nothing but a liar. She said she knew nothing about the house being sold, yet her oldest daughter was the listing agent.
| Thursday, April 02, 2015 - 9:25 am
I understand about wanting to defend housewives we like - I do. God help me I still defend certain things about Therse G and Nene to people, LOL, while completely understanding why others hate them. That said, I can't stand Kyle but I don't think she is afraid of anything that Kim has to say. I just see a person who is exhausted from years of dealing with an alcoholic drug abuser. I think Kim needs more help then what she has received for her addictions. I don't see where she has at any time accepted responsibility for it or shown remorse for the effect it had on her family. Instead, she is still in denial and blaming others. I know it's a continuing life-long struggle but shouldn't she have at least apologized at some point? If it's been THREE years as she says? Does anyone really believe that Kim's kids were never ever hurt by Kim's alcohol & drug abuse BEFORE Lisa R joined th show as Kim acts like? Lisa R and Eileen rock! Let's hear it for the hard-working grown ups who earn every penny they have and take care of their kids in healthy ways! Bravo to them!
| Thursday, April 02, 2015 - 9:33 am
I totally LMFAO when Kim berated Lisa R. for the Depends commercial (even though she got paid seven figures), and then Lisa R. knocked it out of the park when she said she turned down Diving With the Stars. Kyle has never been my favorite. I never hated her, but I never loved her like I love my Queen. (I also love my Queen's consorts - Lisa R. and Eileen.) But I totally feel for Kyle with regards to Kim. I've pretty much had to cut off contact with one of my sisters and I never spent nearly the amount of time that Kyle did with Kim. There comes a point you have to rid your life of toxic people.
| Thursday, April 02, 2015 - 12:43 pm
Kim is not a favorite, but is a human being and didn't need Lisa R. pestering her all season. I didn't like that. Kim seems to have raised decent children despite her drinking, and is the caretaker of her ex. They then focused on her taking a pain pill, and Kyle admitted she didn't visit Kim in the hospital after Kim had a kidney stone problem, which is why she took the pain pill to begin with. Who knows about filming...maybe she was required to be there no matter what. More will come out, but I believe that 'other' people, you hardly know, need to be pestering you. That happens when you want others to not talk nor know about you and problems you may have. After all, these women are not in each others lives every day. If anyone looks haggard it's Lisa V. She's a bit old for that hair, and she sure can dish it out and say she was kidding, but others are not allowed. Brandi is as others have said...A hot mess with a nasty mouth who can't seem to realize crossing a line. She pushes buttons because she knows she's crossed that line, and gives her more air time.
| Thursday, April 02, 2015 - 1:04 pm
Kim's children are a lot more troubled than you think - which is why you see very little of them over the last five years. A couple of her kids are A. Real. Mess. Kim could never keep it straight about why she was in the hospital. She said she took the pain pill because she was in pain from bronchitis, but she went into the hospital for either a hernia or backache (she never could get that story straight). Then Kim wasn't sure if she was in the hospital for 5, 7 or 9 days. Also, Kyle did go to the hospital several times to see Kim. Kim lied when she said Kyle never went to visit her. Kim has had a problem with consistently lying about everything since the show started. The only good news is now that Evolution has been brought into the Kingsley lawsuit, we remain hopeful that they will not bring Kim back next season since they are getting the Bejesus sued out of them since Kingsley likes to chew on sunglasses and shoes - while people are still wearing them.
| Thursday, April 02, 2015 - 1:18 pm
Lexie - you speak with such authority about these people and behind the scenes things. Do you know them personally?
| Thursday, April 02, 2015 - 1:28 pm
There's stuff on these people every day... you just have to know where to look. Kim has been in the news a lot because of her children and the lawsuit with Kingsley. 
| Thursday, April 02, 2015 - 1:34 pm
Oh, thanks!
| Thursday, April 02, 2015 - 3:30 pm
Thanks Lexie I appreciate your postings, I have that feeling/vibe about Kim, but didn't take the time to dig around. I do feel that Kyle and Maurico have supported Kim in many ways including finacial. I saw the "teaser" where Kim threatens to "expose" more family dirt about Kyle... seeings how Kim is trying to deflect, and in her mind she feels that Kyle has betrayed Kim and Kim's kids... it would seem she enjoys spending time around Brandi as Brandi is a hot mess. and I think Lisa R got dragged in to a lot of the stuff (either due to producers prodding, or simple storyline/gathering) It seems like Lisa R came at it as a simple storyline, then when she got "bit" by Kim, she didn't retreat, she thought she could "manage" the storyline as she has some experience - then she realizes her mistake, tries to pull it back - and that made it worse. I just don't think Lisa R was trying to meddle in Kim's affair as much as she was trying to move the "storyline" forward... and that didn't work out so well... imo
| Thursday, April 02, 2015 - 4:37 pm
ONe thing Lisa R's trying to get involved and show Kim concern did show us, is that a lot of stuff is being hidden. Kim goes ballistic when anyone approaches her on this subject, all the other have decided it is not worth her wrath to broach an issue they all seem to be concerned about. I thought that I had heard she is taking prescribed medicines, but I don't think I have ever heard of anyone who successfully rehabs who takes any kind of medicine that is not just an aspirin or sinus medication. Certainly not any antidepressants or narcotics of any kind. For example, I remember when Janice Dickenson got her boobs redone and she was afraid to even do the drugs for that, and they clearly made her crazy, she didn't remember a lot of that week.
| Friday, April 03, 2015 - 3:14 am
Kim never misses a chance to bring up that Kathy is the "only sister that has her back." Do you honestly believe Kathy would have let Kyle cheat her out of her 1/3 share of the mother's house? Kyle was very smart to keep the cancelled checks.
| Friday, April 03, 2015 - 10:04 am
Kim has mastered the art of lying, she seems to do it with such ease. Kyle is a good liar as well. I'm wondering of it has to do with having to cover for Kim all those years of her drinking or it just runs in the family...
| Friday, April 03, 2015 - 12:32 pm
Kim is nothing but a liar. She said she knew nothing about the house being sold, yet her oldest daughter was the listing agent. Kim probably doesn't remember because she was deep in her addiction at the time. Addicts quite often have whole periods of their lives that they don't remember. And Kim wasn't the only child who worked. Kathy and Kyle were both child actors also.
| Friday, April 03, 2015 - 3:48 pm
Those sisters need to get into therapy or just go their separate ways. Doing it on a reality show is just crazy. You can't heal if everyone keeps bringing up the past. Now with the dog bite thing....I makes it all worse. Just because Kim took some medication that one night and got all wacky.....we had to have a whole season about the Richard sisters disfunction with all the other cast members putting in their two cents.
| Friday, April 03, 2015 - 5:55 pm
Also, I thought that the earnings of child actors was put in trust until the age of maturity? If that is the case, then how could Kim's family have separated her from her money?
| Saturday, April 04, 2015 - 9:41 am
Only 15% of the child's wages is required to be put in trust. The rest goes to taxes, managers, handlers and parents. It's not unusual for families to live on their child's earnings. The law was put in place so that SOMETHING would be left when the child comes of age. It's named the Coogan Law after Jackie Coogan, a child actor in the 20s and 30s whose parents spent every penny of his income and he had nothing when he became an adult.
| Saturday, April 04, 2015 - 12:00 pm
Yikes only 15%! Parents should be ashamed of themselves to spend their kids' money.
| Saturday, April 04, 2015 - 2:37 pm
Without her addiction, Kim has no storyline.
| Sunday, April 05, 2015 - 5:08 am
People have to remember that Kim was a child "star" 35-years-ago and there is a huge difference in what teenage actors made back then compared to what they make today. (And I use "star" loosely because I had never heard of her until BH started - LOL)
| Sunday, April 05, 2015 - 4:21 pm
Lexie, did you never see Escape from Witch Mountain? Or Nanny and the Professor? I guess I'm older than you. 
| Monday, April 06, 2015 - 3:14 am
I don't think you are older than me. I have heard of them, but I never watched Escape from Witch Mountain. I did watch Nanny and the Professor, but I honestly don't remember anyone who was ever on that show.
| Thursday, April 09, 2015 - 12:23 pm
Wow, I wish they would just post the full 8-10 hours of the taping so we could just watch it "live-tape" with no editing. I am sure it would be much more understandable without all the editing. Lexiegirl, I knew of those shows and I am sure saw many of them but I don't have any recall of Kim. Since day one I wondered why she was so "special" as a child star, there are tons of them. I was enamored of the Nanny, not the kids.