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| Wednesday, March 04, 2015 - 9:39 am
Kim forgets that that on poker night she told Kyle that her ex husband gave her one of HER pain pills, but then later lets it out that it was one of HIS pain pills. Kim has fallen off the wagon, but she doesn't seem to get it. Lisa R was just apologizing when Kim got nasty. So Lisa tried to explain why she felt Kim had problems-poker night. My heart broke for Kyle, Lisa R and Eileen. If I were Yolanda, at that very moment I would have sent Brandy and Kim home. Kyle needs to let her sister go. She needs to remove the toxicity from her life. My sister is just like Brandy. Last year my son almost died, and what she did to us is heart breaking. This January, I woke up and could not breath and my heart was beating too fast. We called 911 and they found multiple massive pulmonary embolisms in my lungs that put so much stress on my heart that it caused a small heart attack. They also found a dvt in my leg. I had hurt my foot and was on crutches and the lack of mobility caused least that's what they think. Still doing tests. My sister was and has not been there. I have had enough. She was never accountable for her actions and deflects all the time. I feel sorry for her..but now she is it out of my life, and I don't have to go through the stress that Kyle has to. Kim never defends Kyle-she forgot that..conveniently.
| Wednesday, March 04, 2015 - 9:49 am
Reader-I agree. Where was Kim's concern for her kids when she took a pain pill not prescribed for her and behaved like a fool on television for all to see. She is a very sad human being.
| Wednesday, March 04, 2015 - 10:03 am
Kim may have taken that pain pill that one night but you cannot tell me she hasn't taken anything else. Many of her clips, she seems out of it. I think she is on some kind of prescription medication but is that even safe for her? She just went into that dinner angry last night and was ready to let them all have it and then blame it on everyone else. And can we get rid of her and Brandi, once and for all.
| Wednesday, March 04, 2015 - 10:13 am
Ruby, last night I had a huge blow-out with my younger sister (which has been years in the making). Your description of your sister is exactly how I would describe my younger sister. I told my middle sister and her husband this morning that, like both of them, I am done with the younger one. Kyle has a wonderful home and family. She doesn't need the toxicity that is Kim in her life. After covering for Kim for the last 30-40 years, it is time for Kyle to enjoy her life and not be a punching bag for Kim.
| Wednesday, March 04, 2015 - 12:22 pm
can we get rid of her and Brandi, once and for all I wholeheartedly agree. I don't find them entertaining, I just find them sad and disgusting. Kim is definitely on something, and is just plain absurd and hateful. Kyle probably brought her into this thinking it could be fun for Kim and bring in some much needed income. She should just cut her loose now. If Kim thinks Kathy is the better sister, let Kathy deal with her from now on. Enjoy your family and be done with her, Kyle. Kim loves to play the victim, her life has been so hard and her "sobriety" has been such a cross to bear. Buck up Kim, we all have problems. Brandi brings nothing but vulgarity and hatefulness. Yolanda should have been done with her the moment she mentioned Bella's name. Her behavior is inexcusable and I'm glad for Ken standing up to her and cutting ties.
| Wednesday, March 04, 2015 - 1:51 pm
Ruby and Lexi, I just have to say I had an older sister I loved dearly, until she got bitter and mean and took it out on everyone else. I used to screen my calls, cause I felt that she only ever called to dump on me about her problems. The last straw was when I was in Vegas with a girlfriend and we met up with her and her skeevy boyfriend at the time. They arrived at our hotel room two hours late, finished the bottle of wine we had in our room, let me pay for drinks and taxis all night, then had the nerve to call me a b**ch because I didn't want to play guitars and sing at 2:00 am. Done. I didn't speak to her again except for once when I had to help my mom send her some money. She died alone a couple of years ago and hadn't even spoken to her own kids in months. Very sad, but at some point you have to recognize a toxic relationship and remove that person from your life. People tried to guilt me that I should resolve things with my sister, but you have to have boundaries with people who abuse you. I understand what you've been through. Both Brandi and Kim are angry, hateful people who feed each other's baser instincts. I hope they're both gone next year. Kim always complains that Kyle never has her back (so not true). When does Kim ever have Kyle's?
| Wednesday, March 04, 2015 - 2:58 pm
I wonder if Kyle is seeing any therapists, she seemed to have closed the door with Kim in Amsterdam, which I thought was a good thing - but boy, she really likes to be "part" of things - and in that way it stirs things up...
| Wednesday, March 04, 2015 - 3:06 pm
Kim said on the plane she only takes what it prescribed to her... I honestly wonder if she feels like she's not abusing pills as long as they are prescribed to her. Would make sense to an addict. And I completely understand why kyle was upset with Brandi saying on camera that she last smoked weed with kyle.. Now if kyle had smoked on camera then I can see Brandi saying it but she didn't, and don't want her kids to know. Cannot wait for kim and Brandi to get the boot
| Wednesday, March 04, 2015 - 3:36 pm
I'm sure you are right, Mictay, about the prescription drugs. Brandi was also wrong about the girls being hypocrites. Brandy has no boundaries but the others might. Remember during poker night when Eileen kept reminding them she had a child upstairs. That's not being a hypocrite. All responsible adults have different criteria when it pertains to their children's knowledge of their private life. It is good Eddie won't let his boys appear on this show.
| Wednesday, March 04, 2015 - 5:56 pm
Thank you for your story BJM. . I found out earlier this week, before my final blow-up with my youngest sister, that our cousin and his wife, who she was very close to, also had a blow-out with her and are done with her. My sister is one of those toxic people that will never take responsibility for her actions and it will always be someone else's fault. My heart was breaking for Kyle last night because I think 30-40 years of covering for Kim came to a head in Amsterdam. What is really disturbing is Kim didn't even seem phased by the altercation. If I had gotten into a fight with someone, regardless of whether I was the aggressor or the aggressee, I would be shaking like a leaf. I have always said that Kim has a mean streak - whether she is sober or drunk, and last night was proof-positive. She wasn't phased one bit after that altercation.
| Wednesday, March 04, 2015 - 6:47 pm
Having a sister as an addict I feel for kyle, I didn't talk to my sister for 5 years because of it, my kids don't really know her either cause I've always kept them away from her, my mom would always try to stick up for her and didn't understand why I didn't go to family functions if she was there..... It's been better over the last year but I'm still convinced she's using and sadly her daughter is following in her footsteps. ADDICTION SUCKS!!
| Wednesday, March 04, 2015 - 10:21 pm
but it seems harder for Kim, because its been alluded to that Kyle and her husband have always helped Kim out, that Kyle has supported and defended Kim - we've seen their fights... and it seems now Kim is loving the drama, getting something out of it, the anger, the fighting for her,it seems to me in her mind, she is standing up for herself - On E! one of the reporters was saying she watched the fight at least 17 times... I get why Lisa lunged for Kim, and pulled back and then the throwing of the wine... not so sure, but taking that glass and slamming it down, shattering it - now that was dramatic! Then the next day, all calm, cool and collected - aw come on - what did the production staff have to do to get Kim to knock on Lisa R's door? There's no way that didn't happen without some kind of intervention! and I agree with the others. Kyle has a young child, and she cares to keep her private adult life away from her kid s- and Brandi has kids, but she feels it should be all out in the open... otherwise you are a hypocrite (in her opinion) and they are saying that Lisa R and Kim go at it at the reunion... its really sad... sounds like Harry was right, and Lisa shouldn't have signed on to the Housewives (she talked about that on Watch What Happens Live)
| Thursday, March 05, 2015 - 10:29 am
Previews for next week show (Brandi, I think) slapping Lisa V... I cannot wait for the reunion..what is wrong with me?!! 
| Thursday, March 05, 2015 - 12:49 pm
Not only does Brandi slap Lisa, but on slow-mo, you can see Brandi smiling after she does it.
| Thursday, March 05, 2015 - 3:02 pm
If Brandi does strike her in anger, that should mean dismissal. On all other reality shows physical abuse is forbidden.
| Thursday, March 05, 2015 - 6:50 pm
Sadly, I think Andy likes the publicity it brings to the show. On a talk show today, they were referring to all the housewives from all the shows as "mean girls". Eileen and Lisa R are such a great addition this season in that they are happy enough with their lives to not have to bring that kind of meanness in. I wish they would revamp all the franchises and part of the prerequisites would be that the women have to be actual housewives AND they should already be successful and not just using the show as their main income OR to sell their brand. Brandi and Kim bring nothing to this show. Kick them to the curb!
| Friday, March 06, 2015 - 12:18 pm
My sister is an alcoholic and addict. I finally had to cut the ties. It was very hard but my life has been so peaceful since then and my husband is happier that our money is being spent on our needs or saved for our needs. It was a ferocious fight but when it was done and everything was said, I felt so relieved and almost happy. I have zero guilt because I gave a huge part of my life to her and her issues and finally decided it was time for her put on her big girl undies and take care of herself. Really, it was the best way to help her become independent.
| Friday, March 06, 2015 - 1:14 pm
FYI... After Kingsley attacked Alexia, it was said that Kingsley had been "re-homed." Well, I read today that Kingsley has been in "training" for the last four months and is now back in Kim's home. I also read that the reunion was the first time Kyle has spoken with Kim since Kingsley attacked her daughter. I'm kind of surprised that Kim's landlord allows her to keep this dog. There are at least four reported attacks by Kingsley (one being a Bravo crew).
| Friday, March 06, 2015 - 1:22 pm
Kim has a landlord ? I would expect at her age she would have a home as an asset.
| Friday, March 06, 2015 - 2:23 pm
Kim has moved several times since the show started.
| Friday, March 06, 2015 - 11:10 pm
This is interesting about the timeline of events. The dog bite seems like a long time ago but it hadn't happened yet in terms of the show. The dog bite was quite serious, I remember Alexia was hospitalized and had two surgeries. Kim should have given him up. There are so many other breeds that could be a good companion for her without the worries that come with an unreliable dog. I would be quite upset if I were Kyle and this came on the heels of everything else that had happened this season.
| Saturday, March 07, 2015 - 6:21 am
Exactly Chieko. When this was filmed, Kim still had Kingsley and he hadn't bitten Alexia yet. But he had bitten three or four other people, which is why you have only seen them film at Kim's house one time this season (the crew insisted that Kingsley be locked up). The only reason Kingsley wasn't picked up by Animal Control is because Kyle didn't file a police report. It sounds like Kim deliberately misled everyone by telling them she had re-homed Kingsley when, in fact, she sent him off for training for four months. Unfortunately, Kim is such a bad dog owner, four months of training will be undone after one week of living with Kim.
| Saturday, March 07, 2015 - 12:44 pm
This is what I hate about pit bulls. They can be good dogs with the right owner, but so many times they are owned by people who can't or won't control them. They are big, powerful dogs, and they can do a lot of damage if they are not controlled. I have small dogs and worry all the time about running into one of these big bruisers when we're out walking them. If the dogs are under control, I have no problem with them, but when they get out of their owner's yard or are simply allowed to run free, they are a menace.
| Saturday, March 07, 2015 - 12:51 pm
I wonder if they will address the dog attack on the reunion show.
| Saturday, March 07, 2015 - 2:30 pm
worry all the time about running into one of these big bruisers Judge Judy has law suits about pit bulls almost every week.