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| Sunday, January 25, 2015 - 10:06 am
I agree with everyone's thoughts on Brandi. I so over her. I just don't want to see her anymore. Her envy of the other women is palpable and her vulgarity is working for her anymore. And it is past time to drop Kim. It is so painful to watch someone relapse. I don't find it entertaining at all. Give her and her family some privacy in coping with this.
| Thursday, January 29, 2015 - 8:45 am
Kim Richards appeared on last Sunday's episode of Revenge. She was a socialite at one of Victoria Grayson's parties.
| Thursday, January 29, 2015 - 11:28 am
I think Eileen and Lisa R. are so refreshing. I had stopped watching for a while because there was no normalcy in these women's lives. I hope the producers do not try to get Eileen and Lisa R. to create drama to stay on the show. Eileen and Lisa R. always say what I am thinking. In the segment I just saw, Lisa told Kyle that none of the argument would have happened at the poker party if the woman had not been drinking. Exactly! To me it is obvious that Brandi elbowed Kyle away from Kim so she could create some drama. Feel sorry for her that she feels she has to do things like this to stay on the show. She needs to get her self-respect back even if it means losing her part on the show.
| Thursday, January 29, 2015 - 6:44 pm
I'm also really liking Eileen and Lisa R. Such a refreshing change from the two drama queens they tried to bring in last season (especially the Wiccan woman who had such a chip on her shoulder). I really loved the episode a few weeks ago when Lisa travelled to Oregon to help her parents move into their assisted living place. Having just gone through the same experience, it touched my heart in a big way
| Friday, January 30, 2015 - 8:37 pm
I am really enjoying Eileen and Lisa R. Brandi has gone from hot mess to just a mess, I can't watch her anymore, I think she needs help.
| Sunday, February 01, 2015 - 12:53 am
This season I have really been enjoying the show. I agree that Eileen and Lisa R are a very welcome addition, and the first few episodes were a breath of fresh air. Now, Bravo seems to feel that for us to watch the show, there has to be ugly drama. I hate that Bravo exploits the real heartbreak of people's lives. BTW, RHBH, and Top Chef are the only two shows I watch on Bravo anymore. Bravo is really digging into the gutter/sewer with most of the shows. I don't even know what they are showing this season, but the one that really ticks me off and makes me ill is the "Shaws" one. As far as I can see, it is on par with most of the rest of the garbage they offer. So Sad, Being the reality junkie I am, it actually sickens me that I have watched some of these shows. The misery of others is not entertaining.
| Monday, February 02, 2015 - 9:56 am
Sun: I agree. I often take a stroll down memory lane and remember fondly the days when: A&E was really had Arts & Entertainment Discovery was actually science TLC had stuff you could learn AMC ran classic movies and Bravo was theater. sigh...
| Monday, February 02, 2015 - 2:00 pm
Well put, Terolyn. They've all sunk in the gutter.
| Monday, February 02, 2015 - 3:25 pm
LOL ~ So true!!
| Monday, February 02, 2015 - 4:44 pm
I Agree Terolyn!!! My husband and I talk about that..animal planet use to be all about animals, too. During the day, just for noise, I put TCM on. I love old movies- especially black and white. It helps with my anxiety. I tried to watch Kate plus eight yesterday, but the arguing and snide remarks was just too much! 
| Tuesday, February 03, 2015 - 6:57 am
forgot about MTV and VH1... they used to have music.
| Wednesday, February 04, 2015 - 5:06 pm
I just watched last night's show, and I'm appalled that Kim would stand by and allow Brandi to talk to her sister that way. Kim should never have been there in the first place since she was so ill, but to bring Brandi along was the height of stupidity. Kim is obviously not thinking clearly. Kyle should have just asked Brandi to leave right away, rather than allowing things to escalate like that. I used to be a Brandi defender, but how is it ever okay for one woman to tell another, "I will knock your f***ing teeth out"? And to tell Kyle, "Nobody wants you. Ask your husband." She just goes out of her way to be hateful. I hope Kim wakes up and realizes how she's being manipulated, but then we all know that Kim just isn't that smart.
| Wednesday, February 04, 2015 - 6:13 pm
Kim looked really bad in what little I saw. I cannot stand Brandi and put up with Kyle. But, Brandi saying that to someone is so far out of line. Kim needs to get away from the toxicity and get well. I realize this is not real reality, but to think that tptb believe this is appropriate is pretty appalling. Thus, why I do not watch very often at all.
| Thursday, February 12, 2015 - 2:56 pm
| Friday, February 13, 2015 - 3:59 pm
The Richard sisters have a whole lot of the same drama, over and over. They need to get into therapy to get it on track. It is extremely hard to deal with a family member who chooses to drink or do drugs. Kyle is stuck in a pattern and can't seem to get out. Sobriety is Kim's issue. Kyle is not responsible, Brandi is not responsible....Kim is. Most addicts to 'fall of the wagon' at least once after getting sober. Suddenly they feel better and think they can handle it, or something in their life triggers a relapse. I think the Monti thing was Kims trigger. She is not a strong person and to live and care for someone fighting cancer it probably not a good idea for her. Lisa R is the only one that seems to have a bit of knowledge on the subject and seems to be dealing with it head on. Well see how that goes.
| Friday, February 27, 2015 - 4:19 pm
Wow these people don't know that you don't take luggage carts on an escalator? That is a plan for disaster.
| Friday, February 27, 2015 - 5:39 pm
Dipo, I guess not. Maybe the sign was in Dutch? Kim is just a mess. I think she is what I've heard called a "dry drunk." She's not drinking, but she's not dealing with the issues that caused her to have a problem with alcohol in the first place. My parents were both in AA, so I heard this term used a lot. This is what happens to people who stop drinking, but aren't working a program to help themselves get better. She's seems very angry and defensive about everything and everyone. She is not a happy person right now. Even in her blog on the Bravo web site, Kim refuses to see how Brandi is talking to everyone behind her back. She's all over Lisa R. for talking about her, but she apparently didn't see Brandi's comments to Lisa about how Kim is in trouble, "You don't even know." Even weirder that Brandi would tell Kim Lisa was talking about her, but failed to mention her part in the conversation. I think Kim's gonna end up back in rehab. She doesn't seem well at all.
| Saturday, February 28, 2015 - 5:08 am
In one of Lisa R.'s blogs, she said she wanted to talk with Brandi about why Brandi had a problem with her, and Brandi turned around and brought up Kim. Then Brandi turns around and tells Kim before the trip that Lisa R. was talking about her.
| Saturday, February 28, 2015 - 12:29 pm
Brandi is a master of deflection. Whenever anyone tries to call her accountable for her actions, she turns it to something else. I was so shocked when Yolanda was trying to talk to her about her drinking, and she comes back with, "Everyone's saying Bella has a problem with alcohol." Yo should have kicked her out right then. You just don't attack your friend's children, especially as a means to divert the conversation away from your own issues. It was really tacky, and she does it time and time again. Having "no filter" as an excuse to be rude to people is getting really old.
| Monday, March 02, 2015 - 10:26 am
I wasn't so much surprised why Brandi mentioned Yolanda's daughter. I was however appalled that she would say it to her face.
| Monday, March 02, 2015 - 4:15 pm
I laughed when it was shown that Brandi and Kenya (from RHO Atlanta) hate each other because they both constantly flip the script to deflect attention from themselves. I just assumed they would be patting each other on the back when they met. I'm also surprised that no one, including Andy, calls them out on it at the reunions.
| Wednesday, March 04, 2015 - 7:55 am
Cannot understand or defend Kim and her behavior at all. And I am tired of her diary room antics, where she's made up to heck and tries to be sweet and kooky. She is a master manipulator to Kyle, that's for sure.
| Wednesday, March 04, 2015 - 8:34 am
When Lisa V. made that comment last night about the other family members, it is safe to say that Kathy, along with Kyle, has also spent her entire adult life covering for Kim. Kim is mean whether she is sober or drunk. Kyle probably bears the brunt of Kim's meanness and addiction because Kathy probably isn't around as much.
| Wednesday, March 04, 2015 - 8:51 am
Brandi going on about that 21 day cleanse...should have saved that money and used it on new extentions. Her hair was looking mighty nasty. My husband with 30 years of sobriety under his belt refers to Kim as a "dry drunk".
| Wednesday, March 04, 2015 - 9:37 am
Kim is reality, a sad reality. The one thing she hit upon last night was "her kids" Her kids probably have had a thing or two to say about her behavior... I can't imagine what they are going to show on the reunion - was it 10 hours of taping? Lisa R did say that it was a hard show to do because not only do you film it but then you are required to watch the show, so you can blog about it, then you have to do the reunion...