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| Saturday, June 21, 2014 - 5:30 pm
Yep, Mady is just like mom, grating and sassy and hard to take. Like mother, like daughter! And I can't see much resemblance in them to Kate -- really they all look like Jon to me, in varying degrees. Cara maybe a bit like her mother. His genetic influence is very strong. And Kate is hitting the botox HARD. The kids are cute but they are clearly picking up her bratty kind of attitude. She just seems to bark orders at them. Nothing has changed much -- still eating all meals on paper plates. Poor landfill. LOL.
| Saturday, June 21, 2014 - 6:17 pm
I enjoyed it and think Kate has come a long way from being a neat freak.. anyone who can let a bird free in the house cannot be TOO OCD.. that bird seems to have personality already. Heck, my mom and I hit some very rough patches that went on for years and there were only two of us, no cameras, no dad out prowling for young babes or shacking up with the "babysitter" over the garage, or making headlines with other headline makers, or referring to himself (recently on couples therapy) as a "brand". I personally don't see the fear.
| Saturday, June 21, 2014 - 7:00 pm
I don't see that they fear her either. And yes, most every teen gives their parent a hard time. This is true for sure. I just can't imagine spending much time around them at all -- Kate is so abrasive and bratty toward the kids.
| Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 8:26 am
Speaking of 'filter's. I'm convinced we all see Kate's parenting though the filters of our own lives and judge her accordingly.
| Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 3:20 pm
I don't see anything wrong with her taking away privileges. I know when I was raising my kids I would take away stuff as punishment. Like no TV didn't have cell phones back then. Also I remember having my car privilege taken away when I was a teenager.
| Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 3:30 pm
I never had anything taken away, well, except part of my allowance for not closing my closet doors.. My brother got a D in something solid in grade school and lost TV for 6 weeks. It was during the winter so he decided to make an ice rink in the back yard, which took time to spray water, let it freeze,spray more,etc. My mom would go out at other times to help and we had a great rink. I think mom or dad helped smooth out the snow and pile it around the edges too. We didn't have too much to take away in terms of riveting gadgets back then. People had a small half page this week with pics from the carnival and while I'm sure the show will show plenty of drama, all the pictures show big smiles, including Maddy and Cara.
| Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 3:48 pm
I don't have a problem with removing privileges. What I do have a problem with is her gleefully saying that she is deliberately giving her children stuff with the predetermined plan that she can hold it over them and take it away if they are bad. That shouldn't be why you give or do things for your children. It's like her motto is expect the worst of your kids.
| Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 4:38 pm
Yes, exactly what Jimmer said. She takes an uncomfortable glee in punishing her kids and beating them in games. It comes across as a bit malicious. Most parents I know don't take any pleasure in withholding items from their children -- it's a tool but not a source of joy.
| Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 9:25 pm
Gosh, I thought she was joking..
| Monday, June 23, 2014 - 2:55 am
I'm also agreeing with Jimmer. To me it's not the fact that she uses the cell phone as punishment (you do what you have to do with 8 kids) but it's the way she says it with such glee.
| Monday, June 23, 2014 - 4:01 am
Yes, our villains should be consistent and not try to have a sense of humour. I cannot believe ANYONE actually believes Kate went to a store and shelled out hundreds (ahh heck, it's ipods and ipads) THOUSANDS of dollars as a ploy. It's just one more in a long line of examples of how terrible she is when she tries to be cute, charming or funny. TLC should get her a life coach or a personal writer. LOL
| Monday, June 23, 2014 - 7:34 am
Well I can agree with you that Kate isn't very good at being cute, charming or funny. 
| Monday, June 23, 2014 - 8:34 am
I think the only one laughing is Kate... all the way to the bank! 
| Monday, June 23, 2014 - 8:48 am
I think it depends on the filter used when listening to Kate or watching her. And maybe you all are correct, that she bought those items with evil intent and is always looking for a reason to snatch them back. I just don't see it or hear it. So, I'm with Rissa on that point, AND yes, do agree that she could use coaching, but don't expect that from TLC.. They want drama.. they want meltdowns.. this crosses over many of their shows (Dr Jen and Bill of The Little Couple sure messed with the TLC reality mode and then had the audacity to adopt two of the most endearing kids ever, but I'm guessing they won't let TLC enable drama). TLC wants catfights and jealousy (The Little Women of LA!!), and on and on. So I'd say they are thrilled that Kate and Jon were so polarizing. Maddy too. And probably encouraged this and helped to shape Kate into someone hard for them to deal with Kate needs a life coach, but she'd have to get one on her own and be convinced that TLC would hire her more if she was actually as cute, charming and funny as she attempts, and indeed fails, to be.
| Monday, June 23, 2014 - 9:48 am
Can we all agree that Kate must know that her image is bad? I can't imagine why she would want to deliberately risk adding to that impression unless she thinks it will bring her more money. Plus she is so consistently difficult, regardless of the endeavor (Dancing With the Stars comes to mind). I always try to think the best of people but sometimes it is what it is.
| Monday, June 23, 2014 - 9:48 am
I don't mind Kate at all; but must admit most off what they show of her she isn't being a warm fuzzy. The key being…'what they show'.
Board Administrator
| Monday, June 23, 2014 - 10:21 am
Having a friend that is a bit OCD like Kate, I don't mind her idiosyncracies as much. I agree that kind of parenting can be hard on kids. But my friend can't really help it, and I'm guessing neither can Kate. And FWIW, her grown boys adore her, because in spite of it being hard on them, they never doubted that she loved them. Just that she was a bit unique. 
| Monday, June 23, 2014 - 11:26 am
What is it about your friend that makes her a person you enjoy as a friend? Can we see those same qualities in Kate? Providing discipline and not letting her children starve is admirable but how often do they show Kate telling her kids she loves them and she is proud of them?
Board Administrator
| Monday, June 23, 2014 - 11:43 am
I didn't watch the show, so I can't say for sure. However, my friend (much like Kate) is very inventive and always thinking of new places to go, new things to do. She is very high energy and it's contagious. It's always fun to travel with her because she sees the world uniquely. And uh, she is certainly never messy! Last time she visited, she alphabetized my freezer vegetables! I can't say this about Kate, but my friend also is keenly interested in every one. Wherever we go, we make friends because she treats everyone (and I do mean everyone), even complete strangers, like she has known them forever. And she's very funny. She was very hard on her kids and their dad, however. I couldn't have lived with her. She made a big deal out of things I never would. Like once making her husband physically (and roughly I think) put their 10 year old in the shower at the end of the day. I remember asking her why it was so important and she said something about so his sheets wouldn't get dirty. This is a kid who still loves to visit home and go on vacations with mom, even though he's late 20s. He just adores her. And kids her relentlessly about her idiosyncracies. People have good and bad points I think. We've been lifelong friends (since high school). Those of us that love her have learned (mostly) to laugh about her oddities because we appreciate so much the rest of her.
| Monday, June 23, 2014 - 12:03 pm
That's nice Kar, she sounds like a great person. Although I had to LOL at the alphabetised veggies.
| Monday, June 23, 2014 - 12:59 pm
I haven't watched the shows yet, but I have to say that the daughter that they featured laughing in the commercials is absolutely adorable - she is going to be beautiful when she grows up.
| Monday, June 23, 2014 - 1:56 pm
That's interesting about your friend, Kar. What a wonderful description. It's true that people have good and bad points, though it seems that what we have seen of Kate seems to be focussing much more on the bad than the good.
Board Administrator
| Monday, June 23, 2014 - 2:15 pm
It does, unfortunately, but that's what makes good tv. Reality, news, whatever - it's all about the controversy any more.
| Monday, June 23, 2014 - 2:59 pm
Jimmer, I know there were some tabloids who said Kate was difficult on DWTS, but some of those tabloids also report many things that are simply untrue, so who knows for sure. I wasn't backstage so I cannot say, really, but she seemed to get along okay. Yes she and Tony had arguments that were featured but they are far from the only pair whre we've seen that. So, nothing about that convinces me that ehs is always difficult, or whatever. I think she is defensive. And in her shoes I'd probably be defensive and I'd get snarky. And yes, if she was sweet as pie, they might not do updates, or she may feel that way. I much prefer her to the portrayed as sweet as pie Duggars, for instance, who in real life with their beliefs and political/social agenda, I would avoid. And then I try to accept people or appreciate them without trying to change them. I think for being as OCD as she always was on the show, so organized and such, she's doing really well. Neat freak with a bird on the loose. That would be a real test of some. My mom was strict and structures which worked better for young kids than teens, I suppose, but when I went back to Detroit on business and met up with a childhood friend, she told me that she always LOVED it when they would be at our house at lunch time because we always got lunch, every day, same time, same lunch and she just adored that because at her house they never knew what, when or if.. chaotic. I just took that organization for granted as a kid. NOT saying my mom was similar to Kate, but she had only two kids, an actually supportive husband, as supportive as a 50's dad working long hours would be, and no cameras. A couple of update specials over a few years doesn't really show if and when Kate tells her kids she loves them. I sure would hate to have years of my life judges by update specials! Kar, that is so funny, alphabetizing the veggies. My place would probably make her spin out of control. I do have a friend who will create tasks if she visits and I learned to come up with a list of things that I needed done, and that made her happy. Anyway, haven't see the second half.. I think my DVR is back to eating programs before I can see them.
| Monday, June 23, 2014 - 7:29 pm
I much prefer her to the portrayed as sweet as pie Duggars, for instance, who in real life with their beliefs and political/social agenda, I would avoid. Thank you. If I had to spend time with one of them, I'd much prefer Kate. I also had a friend who was a little OCD. Once she commented on some dust in my house. I handed her a dust cloth and a can of pledge. She laughed and put them aside. But she never mentioned my slack housekeeping again.