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| Monday, March 03, 2014 - 3:17 pm
they can't say a simple Im sorry because that's not what the show wants them to say or do - they want drama, if they want to be on the show, they know what the show expects. Andy on WWHL hinted that their reunion show is a doozy as usual!
| Monday, March 03, 2014 - 4:48 pm
I bought some caftans, caftan blouses, caftan pantsuits, caftan pants, caftan t-shirts, caftan undergarments, and even some caftan shoes (who knew). LOL, Rieann! Were any on them like the ones the ladies wore in Puerto Rico? They were gorgeous.
| Monday, March 03, 2014 - 8:20 pm
True, Reader, but they could apologize in person and in their blogs and not disrupt the show.
| Monday, March 03, 2014 - 10:28 pm
Aye, I think Lisa and Ken had every right to get up and leave Puerto Rico after the way these women behaved. I may not agree with everything Carlton does or believes in but I do think she sees through this group of phonies. If the rumors are true that she and Joyce are not being brought next year, their lives will be so much better for it! I think Brandi and Kim are having a contest of who can create the most fake drama.
| Monday, March 03, 2014 - 11:10 pm
Joyce was the one who invited Lisa and Ken to go to Puerto Rico and she was not involved in the discussion so it was extremely rude for them to leave without saying anything to Joyce and her husband. Lisa can give it, but she sure as heck can't take it.
| Monday, March 03, 2014 - 11:43 pm
I think Joyce knows how awful these women can be, especially Brandi who has attacked her again and again, so I don't think she'll have a problem with Lisa and Ken leaving. I wouldn't miss Carlton at all, but I like Joyce. She's too nice for this show, though. I like her husband as well and how he doesn't let the others attack her in front of him. I'm hoping there's a 'reality' (cough, cough) setup where Yolanda gets attacked because she sure thinks she knows how others should behave; can't wait to see how she handles being attacked for nothing.
| Tuesday, March 04, 2014 - 12:01 am
I came across an interesting article about who may go and who may stay: I sure hope her guesses are right!
| Tuesday, March 04, 2014 - 5:29 am
It was speculated over a month ago that Kim was fired.
| Tuesday, March 04, 2014 - 12:44 pm
The way they edited the show last night it seemed that Yolanda was in a power struggle about who would be queen bee, her or Lisa. Since Lisa left, Yolanda believes she is now the queen bee, LMAO. Boy was I bored with the show, I could care less how upset Yolanda or Kim will be with their daughters going off to college. And sorry, Kyle, if the girls can't take the ear piercing, then don't do it. It was like watching temper tantrums, just say ok, we won't do it and leave. Stupid. I kept FF'ing through the show, not very interesting.
| Tuesday, March 04, 2014 - 2:09 pm
Yeah, the theme last night seemed to be kids. Lisa's daughters, Kim's daughter, Yolanda's daughter, Carlton's daughter.
| Tuesday, March 04, 2014 - 3:18 pm
I got really bored with last night's episode. I started to turn it off, but was too lazy. I, too, have been a huge supporter of Brandi. Now, not so much. I am OK with Lisa. She irritates me sometimes, and she makes me laugh at other times. What I am not OK with is several people ganging up on her. And, on a vacation, no less. Did she do what she was being accused? Maybe. Maybe not. I believe her when she said she didn't even see the magazine, then retracted by saying she didn't remember seeing it. To me, she really did look like she was confused by the whole mess. I agree with whoever said that if she did see it and if she did tell Brandi to pack it for the trip, I bet it was said jokingly. She is constantly saying little quips, almost under her breath, that she clearly, imho, does not intend for anyone to act upon. My two cents, I think a whole bunch of jealousy and backstabbing is going on. Brandi has been totally supported by Lisa for a long time. Kyle had come back into the picture with Lisa. Brandi can't handle that so she has to cling to her new bestie, Yolanda. Yolanda can't stand that Lisa is the "Queen". That should be her [Yoldana's] role. Kim feels put down by Ken. All roads lead to attacking Lisa for payback and possible assent to power. Most of all, shame on Brandi. Lisa is the one person we have seen who has defended Brandi no matter what. Shame on Brand for treating Lisa in this manner. With whatever is revealed next week, I may change my mind. But, I have my doubts.
| Tuesday, March 04, 2014 - 6:29 pm
Lias is a big girl. She can handle herself. She's no angel...none of them are. I won't put anything past Lisa or any of them. It seems their need to be #1 housewife trumps rational behavior...but these shows are not about rational behavior...just the opposite.
| Tuesday, March 04, 2014 - 7:03 pm
It was speculated over a month ago that Kim was fired. Interesting, Lexie_Girl. I'm not up to speed with all these women...go off them for awhile and then watch a bit. I just keep reading the 2 new ones are going.Will be happy if it's Kim. She just doesn't add anything to the show. Do they know if they are fired at the time of the Reunion?
| Tuesday, March 04, 2014 - 11:08 pm
"Do they know if they are fired at the time of the Reunion?" Now wouldn't that make for some good drama! 
| Wednesday, March 05, 2014 - 4:11 am
Pam2 - Both Carlton and Yolanda were at Brandi's house when she was packing for Palm Springs and they said the alleged incident with the tabloid never happened. Which then makes me want to call out Yolanda because when Brandi was telling this story to Kyle on the beach that afternoon (after Lisa had walked off), Yolanda didn't step up and say that wasn't true.
| Wednesday, March 05, 2014 - 10:14 am
I must say - Kim's ex is very handsome!
| Wednesday, March 05, 2014 - 10:30 am
Lexie Girl stated: Both Carlton and Yolanda were at Brandi's house when she was packing for Palm Springs and they said the alleged incident with the tabloid never happened. Yolanda says that NOW because she's busted with what Carlton said. Watching the show where Lisa was confronted, why if Yolanda saw no magazines did she push and push Brandi to confront Lisa and tell Kyle? Why? If they would let viewers ask questions at the reunion, that would be my question to Yolanda. She started a 'pack attack' on Lisa based on a lie and something she knew wasn't true. Shady character she is. I so wish anyone would call her out on that. She is as sneaky as they come and rumors keep popping up online in articles saying they are selling their house and she's saying it's her Lyme disease, but they have money to hire people to clean and do the garden. Some are saying it's not all heaven in that marriage. I liked her at first and then I saw through her after a few shows and couldn't stand her. Dipo, you're absolutely right. That was my feeling after last week's show. Yolanda needed to bring Lisa down because she's controlling Brandi now and Kyle and Kim are easy to control; just left Carlton & Joyce and they are newbees. By the way, just saw part of this week's show (or was it in the previews for next week where Brandi calls the gal that works for Lisa and slept with Eddie a 'chore with b.') Umm, pot calling kettle black Brandi. The way you talk and your bragging that you've slept with all the men in BH kinda makes you much the same. Stop blaming the gals (although they aren't faultless) and blame Eddie. Although, the more I see of Brandi and her severe jealousy, I can't imagine what it would have been like to be married to her.
| Wednesday, March 05, 2014 - 12:30 pm
Cricket, the problem is they filmed the reunion a month ago - long before we got to see what happened in PR. They do allow viewers to submit questions; however, all the good stuff happens on the show AFTER the reunion is filmed.
| Wednesday, March 05, 2014 - 12:31 pm
... and you are right. There are rumors that not all is well in paradise in the Foster marriage.
| Wednesday, March 05, 2014 - 8:47 pm
Hmmm, well if the reunion is filmed, when were the viewers told to submit questions? Poor David; he keeps picking these women who kind of take him over, but don't necessarily respect him. The mother of the Jenner boys treated him awful and those boys were out of control; just totally disrespected him and she did nothing. They had a reality show quite a few years ago. Reenie, wow..I agree. Kim's ex is a stone fox (yeah, I know I'm showing my age...heh, heh.) Their daughter is gorgeous and seems like a nice gal.
| Thursday, March 06, 2014 - 4:15 am
Andy does a post on Twitter and Facebook for the viewers to submit questions. He does it every season for all the HW shows.
| Thursday, March 06, 2014 - 8:04 am
Cricket - stone fox for sure!! If he would film more with them, I'd keep Kim on the show! David is so talented but he picks very flashy wives. You get the feeling he doesn't need all the razzle dazzle, but who knows.
| Thursday, March 06, 2014 - 11:38 am
funny thing but when Kim's ex and her daughter were sitting on the couch in the dorm and he leaned over to kiss her goodbye I thought he was going in for a make-out kiss. I have seen it twice now and it gets me each time.
| Friday, March 07, 2014 - 2:06 pm
I was watching TMZ yesterday (don't judge me!). They showed a clip of Carleton being carried out of a bar on a stretcher to an ambulance. She had been drinking with some friends and passed out. Apparently as soon as she got to the bar she started downing tequila shots. The consensus was that since she was fired from Real HWBH she is trying to remain relevant. Sad that she is trying so hard.
| Friday, March 07, 2014 - 4:16 pm
Ugh. Carlton is so disgusting. I hope she is fired so I don't have to FF thru all her TMI moments.