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| Monday, February 24, 2014 - 2:55 pm
Wow. As much as I've defended Brandi in the past, I just can't do it anymore. To publicly call someone "weak" for unfollowing another person's social media feed is kind of silly. I've unfriended a few people on Facebook when they've crossed the line. Who needs that kind of aggravation in your life? Brandi's treatment of Lisa is terribly wrong, especially when Ken and Lisa basically adopted her when the other housewives wanted nothing to do with her. And didn't Lisa say that she found out Brandi never even knew Cedric? Brandi was lying about having worked with him when she was modeling. I'm not looking forward to tonight's episode. (Okay, I kind of am, but I'm not looking forward to seeing Lisa cry.) Seems like Brandi has just decided that the best way to get attention is to turn everyone against Lisa. Pretty despicable.
| Monday, February 24, 2014 - 3:53 pm
Frogi...thanks for that link. I agree BJM..Brandi just seems to do and say anything these days that will bring her more TV time and internet stories.
| Monday, February 24, 2014 - 4:56 pm
BJM, that is true. Lisa did find out that Brandi lied about knowing Cedric (probably so she could get on the show). I will give My Queen mad props for making lemonade out of lemons. For a while, you could tell Lisa was hurt and pissed on Twitter. But now that Brandi has completely self-destructed (and took Kyle and Kim with her) and everyone is supporting Lisa, Lisa is now making the best out of the situation on Twitter with her Tweeties. One person posted a miserable weather report from up north, but said the weatherman was afraid to blame Lisa for manipulating the weather because she would have him deported... and a couple of other Tweeties were asking Lisa if she could have them deported to Italy or some other exotic location. Brandi must have been from another planet iffin she thought she could take down Lisa.
| Monday, February 24, 2014 - 7:08 pm
Granted I only saw 15 minutes but I definitely noticed Brandi covering her face up because she looked like she had a huge smile on her face as Lisa and Ken left the restaurant. She definitely got the attention she craves. Can someone tell me if I have this right - Brandi purchased the tabloids in question. Brandi had them in her house. Brandi put them in her luggage to go to Palm Springs and yet they are all furious at Lisa and it's all Lisa's fault? If they aren't acting, they are a scary group of women. Kyle and Kim have always been a joke to me but I have always respected Yolanda up until now. Are they just victim-sisters in spirit?
| Monday, February 24, 2014 - 7:26 pm
I really do wonder how much of this controversy the producers start. Quite a lot I think.
| Monday, February 24, 2014 - 8:04 pm
Wow, these ladies get their blogs up fast! Both Yolanda and Lisa posted within seconds of the end of the east coast show.
| Monday, February 24, 2014 - 8:59 pm
And I love how they get annoyed because Ken is sticking up for Lisa. What a bunch of jokers. I forgot all about Carlton until she was shown at the end talking with Lisa. Lisa run...don't confide in her. Yolanda was so over the top - it all had nothing to do with her. She was just stirring the pot. What a disappointment she's been. Kim - shut up. I don't know what to make of Kyle. Brandi - sick of her.
| Monday, February 24, 2014 - 9:13 pm
Dipo, I was thinking the exact same thing. The talking heads are obviously cut in after asking provocative questions. Big Brothers diary rooms do the same thing.
| Monday, February 24, 2014 - 9:39 pm
From what I have seen Yolanda and Kim stuck their noses into something that wasn't their business. Kim repeating something she doesn't know is true and wasn't there to see. Typical childish behavior when you aren't getting enough attention.
| Monday, February 24, 2014 - 9:42 pm
Wonder why they are moving the show and what will be on at 8pm
| Monday, February 24, 2014 - 9:48 pm
I think Brandi is ridiculous. She has worked to be a shop stopper every season. All Brandi has to hear is "someone said" and it becomes fact. Biggest mistake anyone can make is befriending Brandi. She will stab you in the back when someone more "important " comes along. Gosh, I hate that this show has evoked such emotion in me !!!
| Monday, February 24, 2014 - 9:56 pm
That was so weird, it was like it was edited together to cause the problem. Lisa answered the question but it was if Kyle and Mauricio didn't like the answer so kept at it. And OMG, Kim brings up her daughters graduation party AGAIN, they RSVP'd that they were not coming, get over it.
| Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - 8:40 am
Well, come to find out that Carlton and YoLo were at Brandi's when she was packing for Palm Springs. Both of them have come out and said the incident with Lisa wanting to pack the tabloid never happened. Now Carlton was not in PR to back Lisa up - which only makes YoLo look like a bigger shit-stirrer because she knew Brandi was lying and it never happened.
| Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - 8:54 am
So Kim believes Brandi is telling the truth about Lisa, does that mean Brandi was telling the truth about Kim being a meth user? I don't want Kim to come back. She was mean to Ken, and he has every right to ask her if she was drinking again. I can't believe how she can throw the stupid graduation party in their face when she was late or never showed up for many engagements! What a hypocrite.
| Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - 9:39 am
According to an article from RT a few months ago, Kim has since been fired. What is hilarious is Kyle tried to pull the "if she's fired, I'm walking" card - which is kind of stupid since there have been hundreds of posts every week for the last two years begging Bravo to fire Kyle. Personally, I don't know if Kyle has the guts to walk because she enjoys the fame too much and it still gives her a chance to promote Mauricio's business and her clothing store. Look at Luann on RHNY. She tried to hold out for more money. Bravo was like "see ya, wouldn't want to be ya" and started filming without Luann. Luann, who was so desperate to stay on the show missed the beginning of filming and ended up taking a pay cut to be on this coming season. These scenarios are obviously different, but it shows that Bravo is clearly willing to let a HW go then have her try to hold them hostage in negotiations.
| Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - 10:51 am
I get the feeling that Brandi and even Kim are jealous of Lisa's attention and friendship with Kyle. So, they have to work on ruining it again. If Kyle and Mo fall for it, I will be very disappointed. Lisa isn't perfect but she does seem to be a very good friend when she has the time away from her busy schedule. She had a point when she asked Brandi, why she didn't call her. Also, no one questioned why Brandi had the magazines in the first place. She was the one that bought the stupid things and supported the lies. I'm not sure why Kim thought she knew more about it than anyone, she wasn't even there. I believe Lisa, I don't believe Brandi and I find it very amusing Brandi said that Lisa had used her, when it is obvious it is quite the opposite. I hope Lisa never takes her back again.
| Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - 1:45 pm
I think Brandi is very gullible and believes the most recent person who tells her something. I don't believe that she trusts herself anymore so just goes with what others believe.
| Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - 9:14 pm
Oh I think Brandi knows exactly what she is doing. In the restaurant when Ken and Lisa leave because they are so upset near the end, Brandi is covering her face but you could see the smile under her hands. She was joyful at how it all played out. She's a sick puppy. Excuse me - sick GROWN woman!
| Wednesday, February 26, 2014 - 4:17 am
Kappy, you are correct that Brandi knew exactly what she was doing. She was covering her face because she was overcome with joy at what was happening.
| Wednesday, February 26, 2014 - 10:04 am
I gave up watching the HW shows, but I've been keeping up on some of the madness. Last night I noticed Kyle was on HSN hawking her clothing line. I'm no Kyle fan but I couldn't resist popping in to check out her "line". I was so enchanted I went on a shopping spree. I bought some caftans, caftan blouses, caftan pantsuits, caftan pants, caftan t-shirts, caftan undergarments, and even some caftan shoes (who knew). 
| Wednesday, February 26, 2014 - 10:21 am
LMAO... Caftans-R-Us !!!
| Saturday, March 01, 2014 - 1:09 pm
I'm not looking forward to tonight's episode. (Okay, I kind of am, but I'm not looking forward to seeing Lisa cry.) Seems like Brandi has just decided that the best way to get attention is to turn everyone against Lisa. Pretty despicable. Babyjaxmom, Yolanda is pulling Brandi's strings and Brandi doesn't even know. I've always thought she was a user. Even if she does know, it's okay because Yolanda & David might be richer and have more connections for poor victim Brand than Lisa and Ken. Yolanda doesn't want to have to compete against Lisa, so it's easier to try to bring her down through Brandi. All Brandi's nastiness is because she is soooo jealous that Lisa and Kyle are back to being closer friends. For her to whine that Lisa used to call her every morning, but now she has the audacity to talk to Kyle, was so eye-opening. So childish and immature. Brandi is jealous of everything those women have and she seems like the type who can only have one friend @ a time; that current friend is Yolanda, whom I dislike more every week. Foolish Kyle is sooo easily led astray. Does she not remember Brandi's attacks on her? In what world would she or her not so bright sister EVER believe Brandi over Lisa. I feel awful for Lisa. She has been a true friend to Kyle and Kyle is the one who started fracturing that true friendship (not just for TV) a few years ago when she hung out with another liar, the gal whose husband committed suicide. That gal used Lisa too and hung on to Kyle to split Lisa/Kyle. It worked. They've never been the same. Lisa has always had a very dry sense of humor, so I could see her teasing about put the mags (why Brandi buy them...thought she didn't like the paparazzi?) in the suitcase. I can also see might have wanted to just a little after the way Kyle has been treating this last year. I'm sad to see the Lisa/Kyle tensions when they were such good friends and seemed so comfortable together. I called it back when Kyle went against Lisa because of what's her face I mentioned, but Kyle is so unaware of that.
| Monday, March 03, 2014 - 11:30 am
I had been a big fan of Lisa until she started causing the issue with Carlton by pointing out that the "ring" (crown) didn't match the necklace. Yes, later she said it was a peace offering, but she did cause the initial doubt. She is a smart cookie and she manipulated that situation. It was the first time that I had seen clear evidence of her sneakiness. I am not a fan of Brandi.
| Monday, March 03, 2014 - 2:26 pm
I caught that also Jenjackso, about the ring. And then she denied that she said that to Carlton. I haven't posted on here in a bit because I think I am in the minority. I do not like Lisa or Ken. The dog is cute, but they take him everywhere with them. I remember when they took it to dinner at (can't remember her name, but she lived across the street) and had the dog drinking out of the wine goblets at the table. Sorry, I love my dog but that unacceptable. Brandi is a hot mess. Carlton is a waste of my time and I fast forward when she is on. Yolanda tells everyone not to butt in, but that is all she is doing and she gives me the impression that she is so much better than everyone else. Kyle doesn't bother me the way she seems to bother most everyone else. When Lisa was over her house and made the comment about Maurice cheating, Lisa said that was just a joke. Sorry, but what their family was going through was not funny and that comment was uncalled for. Also when Kyle wanted to discuss it with Lisa, Lisa said that she had moved on but Kyle said that she didn't. So why wouldn't she just say she was sorry for making such a statement. Well that's my take anyhow.
| Monday, March 03, 2014 - 2:55 pm
None of these ladies seem to be able to say a simple I'm sorry.