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| Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 9:25 am
Dipo, I can see where Kyle is coming from. If you've ever lived with someone with drug or alcohol problems, trust isn't rebuilt overnight. After years of having someone lie to you, not show up when they said they would and being scared every time the phone rings late at night that it's going to be bad news, it's really hard to trust that person again. You're afraid of being hurt. Kim was acting strange in Paris and if you read her blog, she did "accidentally" take the wrong medication, so she was out of it. As much as she wants people to trust her, it doesn't happen overnight. I'm surprised any of these women can call each other friends after the bickering that went on at the reunion. I guess next week it gets worse!
| Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 4:46 pm
I was wondering what everyone thought about Adrienne showing up at Lisa's vow renewal/housewarming party? Also- what did everyone think of Lisa's allegation about Mauricio and Kyle backing up Adrienne and Paul, because Mauricio was going to be selling their house, and how Lisa said Mauricio and Kyle changed toward Lisa nad Ken after he sold their house? Talk amongst yourselves... 
| Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 4:57 pm
LOL, I swear the first thing I though of was, here comes Adrienne in her "widows weeds". What person with any class swoops into someone else's party, gathers her friends around her for sympathy, and then swoops back out again?
| Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 5:10 pm
...Adrienne in her "widows weeds".

| Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 5:15 pm
Exactly- especially since she wasn't getting along with Lisa and Ken in the first place, and she knew Brandi would be there. It was weird! The vodka party that Adrienne had was the night before Lisa's I thought it was suspicious that the very next day that Paul was dressed as a tree was the day they chose to announce their separation...and it was the day Lisa and Ken were renewing their vows! Then Adrienne kept saying her kids needed her and they were crying, and she went to the party instead. Very weird!!!
| Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 5:17 pm
Lol..I had to look up widow's weeds. I had never heard of that phrase before. 
| Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 5:32 pm
She did look terrible. Her face was puffy like she had been crying a lot. Maybe because Paul bested her by filing first? I'm so cynical when it comes to Adrienne.
| Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 11:46 pm
Frogi, as of last month, an article on LV Revealed stated George Maloof is still the face of the Palms and is the manager. Why the majority owners are going along with this is a mystery, especially after the fine. Seems kind of hinky, like the way Station Casinos (LV chain) went bankrupt and the Fertitta family found a way to buy it back for themselves.
| Thursday, March 28, 2013 - 3:55 am
Rubyroo, if you remember back to season one when Kyle was fighting with Camille, Mauricio made the comment about how he could lose the potential listings of Camille and Kelsey's properties if Kyle didn't mend her rift with Camille. At the reunion, Kyle said she wasn't that close to Adrienne (even though she had been defending her most of the season), and it turned out that Adrienne had only been to Kyle's house twice so they weren't really that close. Yet, when Paul and A split, Mauricio got the listing. Of some note, Marissa Zanuck sold her MIL's mansion and Mauricio was not listed as a co-listing agent so at some point whatever contract she had with Mauricio was not renewed. A client of Josh from Million Dollar Listing bought the house so we might see the sale of this house when MDL comes back on. So I think Lisa is spot-on when she says that once Mauricio sells a house, Kyle's relationship with people changes once M&K don't need them anymore.
| Thursday, March 28, 2013 - 6:41 am
I said that about Mauricio long ago. Kyle threw that party for his new real estate business opening on his own, and Mauricio was besties with whoever was getting a divorce or moving, like Lisa and Ken, then he left them and moved on to his next supposed client and consoled them until he got the listing. Kim and Kyle are sticking like glue together because Brandi called Kim out, and may have done what Kyle should have done long ago. Sure Kyle shouted it out to Kim, but when it became apparent to Brandi, Kim finally had to come to terms with it. Both of them treated Brandi like dirt when she came on the show. None of them are perfect, and all of them have traits I don't like, but Kyle is on the show to make money and push her husbands business. Kim clings to her sister while she is still recovering and Kyle grew up living off her sisters income which she seems to forget. I still prefer Lisa most of all
| Thursday, March 28, 2013 - 8:41 am
What Csnog said............. and Lisa is classy.
| Thursday, March 28, 2013 - 9:22 am
Lexie- I was just talking about Camille's house and how Mauricio was nervous that Kyle was not getting along with her, because he wanted to sell her house. I love Million dollar listing- Josh is my favorite! That will be interesting to see. Wasn't Mauricio on that show for an episode (briefly)? Csnog- ITA! I remember how mean Kyle and Kim were to Brandi, so to me- Kim looked foolish the other night on the finale when she was insisting how much Brandi hurt her. Kim is so narcissistic that she forgot that she (and Kyle) started the whole thing, and Brandi apologized for it..but Brandi wasn't so far off was she?
| Thursday, March 28, 2013 - 10:59 am
Nope. I give Kim a little leeway because she was the family income, and didn't develop into a normal adult so she does cling to her sister. I really believe that Kyle had many years to do more for Kim, and that Brandi accelerated it into doing something. Brandi may have saved Kim's life, more than Kyle. As for Yolanda, I need to see at least two seasons, before I get them down. She said she was sick most of the filming and while I worshiped my DH, she seems a bit overbearing about him and his wishes. Perhaps because of so many divorces, so I will wait and see next season about her. Some things I really like about her, and some not so much, but not enough to like/dislike her. I disliked Camille the first year, liked her the 2nd year, and wouldn't mind her back in, but the fact that she threw Brandi under the bus about the gang up on Lisa last year put me back into the questionable department. Taylor needs help, and the money but does she contribute? Faye can disappear into neverland. Marissa is yet another HW that seems headed for divorce, so Mauricio will stick to her like glue. If not, then Mauricio will stick like glue to Ken so he gets air time.
| Thursday, March 28, 2013 - 12:43 pm
Marissa is a real estate agent. She doesn't need Mauricio.
| Monday, April 01, 2013 - 10:58 am
Don't like Marissa...troublemaker! Love Lisa and Ken!!! I think Adrienne wanted Paul to file so she could play her little scene at Lisa and Ken's vow renewal!
| Monday, April 01, 2013 - 1:52 pm
There was talk a couple of weeks ago that Marissa may not be asked back (particularly in light of the fact that she didn't attend the reunion). However, now that there may be friction of some sort between her and Kyle because of Mauricio being cut out of the sale of the MIL's mansion, there is a slight chance she may be back. Also, I don't know if I posted this last week, but Faye Resnick has given a statement/press release that she is officially out next season (which wasn't a shocker since it was written in Lisa, Brandi and YoFo's new contracts that they wouldn't have to film with her).
| Monday, April 01, 2013 - 1:54 pm
AND!!! Last week Bernie gave an interview and he said Lisa was spot-on about Kyle. Once Mauricio sells your house, neither he nor Kyle have any need for you anymore.
| Monday, April 01, 2013 - 9:29 pm
I totally get what Brandi was saying about how it seems like Kyle wants Kim to fail. Sometimes people who are used to a certain relationship have a hard time adjusting to the new relationship and will sabotage without realizing it. I think that is what Brandi sees. And it is going to be a while before Kim isn't so sensitive about her recovery. I think that Kyle doesn't see things normally, she interprets behaviors incorrectly, like saying that Yolanda was talking badly about Lisa. I saw that conversation and took it the way Yolanda meant it, not the way that Kyle was trying to make it seem.
| Tuesday, April 02, 2013 - 3:20 am
Yeah... what Dipo said.
| Tuesday, April 02, 2013 - 6:54 am
Could have lived without hearing about Kim's poo stained pillow last night. 
| Tuesday, April 02, 2013 - 7:26 am
I still can't figure out how one poo-stains a pillow.
| Tuesday, April 02, 2013 - 11:42 am
I still can't figure out Brandi saying she knew it was poo because she smelled it to see if it was said poo.......ew.
| Tuesday, April 02, 2013 - 12:51 pm
I think she said she was there and you could smell what it was.
| Tuesday, April 02, 2013 - 12:58 pm
But how do you poo on a pillow, and why would you take that pillow back home with you from Europe?
| Wednesday, April 03, 2013 - 3:03 am
Yuck! I would have thrown it away.