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| Tuesday, January 29, 2013 - 5:47 pm
Even Lisa said in her blog that she had to FF when she saw Faye on the screen. Pam2uall, I tend to agree with your comments re: Leann and Eddie. What kind of a scumbag cheats on his pregnant wife? Brandi is still dealing with the hurt of that. The reason she keeps talking about it is because people keep asking her. I liked what the women were telling her (was it Kyle?) at the Vegas dinner that when she meets someone who treats her the way she deserves to be treated, it'll be easier to let go of her anger. Losing the love of your life is hard. Been there, done that. It takes a while to get over it. The whole reason Brandi even brought up Adrienne and blurted out the surrogacy thing in the first place is because the women were asking her what happened between her and Adrienne. They were digging for dirt, they'd been drinking, so she gave them some. I'm sure she regrets saying what she said, but once the cat's out of the bag it's out. And everybody keeps bringing it up. Can I just say how much I despise Faye Resnick? What an obnoxious woman!!!
| Tuesday, January 29, 2013 - 10:20 pm
ITA, if Kyle wants the Adrienne thing to die down, she needs to stop talking about it. I figured out this season was filmed last Sept-Oct-Nov ish. It is so weird to me to watch Adrienne and Paul seemingly pretend to be a couple. You can really see that Adrienne is pretty checked out of the marriage, and it seems that Paul is still trying. Brandi, et al, need to stop talking about Leann, it is fine if they want to talk about Eddie, but they should drop the Leann stuff. I am glad to see that Brandi is starting to get opportunities because it will help her to move on from the hurt. Does Kyle invite Faye because Kyle is not getting the attention she wants since she is no longer fighting with Kim? It seems to me that Kyle is less relevant this season since she doesn't have all the drama with Kim to put the spotlight on her (Kyle). That's my thoughts.
| Tuesday, January 29, 2013 - 10:54 pm
ITA, if Kyle wants the Adrienne thing to die down, she needs to stop talking about it. THANK YOU!!!
| Wednesday, January 30, 2013 - 4:44 am
Brandi, et al, need to stop talking about Leann, it is fine if they want to talk about Eddie, but they should drop the Leann stuff Brandi has said once the book tour is over she is done answering questions about Leann & Eddie
| Wednesday, January 30, 2013 - 4:47 am
Dipo, this season was filmed much earlier than that. Yolanda said at the art gallery that the painting she bought was for Father's Day.
| Wednesday, January 30, 2013 - 7:17 am
If Leann wants Brandi to stop talking about her then she needs to quit pushing Brandi's buttons. It is more than Leann taking Eddie from her. Example: Leann referring to Brandi's children as "her boys" ... they are not her boys. I recently read an article written by a phychiatrist on this subject and he suggested the "stepmom" ask the "mom" how she should address the children in public, otherwise refer to them as her stepchildren, stepson, stepdaughter, or by name. The stepmom should never refer to them as her children (son or daughter) in anyway, unless the Mom has okayed it or is not in the picture. Another example, is going on twitter, TV, etc and trying to get sympathy for her actions. Own it and move on.
| Wednesday, January 30, 2013 - 10:35 am
Thanks Lexie, I just figured my time based on when Kyle's store opened, but now I remember Yolanda did say that about the painting. So they are filming a year back, that sure seems like a long time between filming and airing. I do agree that Leann does fan the flames, she needs to stop as well.
| Wednesday, January 30, 2013 - 11:48 am
Bbwatcher, I agree. I always refer to my husband's grown children as "Charlie's son/daughter," out of respect for their mother. I didn't raise them, I can't take any of the credit. I didn't "steal" their father (they'd been split up for months before we ever had our first date), but in LeAnn's case, she did steal a man from his wife. She needs to shut up about it. It's totally normal for a woman to talk about what went wrong in her marriage when she's among friends. It's just not usually done on TV.
| Monday, February 04, 2013 - 10:09 pm
Wow, can Adrienne be more catty? LOL.
| Tuesday, February 05, 2013 - 11:53 am
watching the episode right now, first thoughts: Yes Adrienne its easy to have a new venture like shoes and bags when you already have millions and millions of dollars as well as likely have connections. Pot calling Kettle black with talking about Paul playing the victim. I don't get Kyle and Camille WHY do they feel the need to constantly bring up Adrienne when they get together with the rest of the girls? Are they scared they are just irrelevant if they don't turn a nice dinner to an argument? Why is it Camille won't admit she knew about the set up, at the end of the dinner it sounded to me like she knew about it but didn't want to admit it... so she lied. So why did Camille go after Lisa and her owning Sur when it was Brandi who was talking about Adrienne and what she owned. NONE of this would have even come up if Camille and Kyle hadn't started talking about Adrienne.. but I forget we are supposed to see Brandi as the cause of ALL problems. wow then all of a sudden everyone decides to fly home with Yolanda when before the dinner they said they were leaving the next day.
| Tuesday, February 05, 2013 - 12:00 pm
Camille brought up how Adrienne was pissed that they didn't hold Pandora's party at the Palms, which is why Brandi brought up Adrienne only owning 2% of the Palms so why should she care where the party was held. From reading the Bravo blogs, it was common knowledge that the Maloofs sold most of their share in the casino. In Lisa blog, she mentioned that a good friend of her's owns the other 98%. I have a hunch that Camille got that misinformation about Ken and Lisa not owning Sur from Adrienne. I did read about a week or so ago that Camille did apologize to Lisa about the ownership comment.
| Tuesday, February 05, 2013 - 2:09 pm
I hope they are dropping Adrienne out of the show next season I am tired of hearing about her "troubles", LMAO. Mistysmoke I thought the same thing about the shoes and purses. I swear for "smart" women they sure take offense at the smallest thing. Yolanda was right, Kyle needs to stop bringing Adrienne up, but I said that last week. I saw Kyle was on WWHL and someone asked her why she hides behind Faye. I was LMAO as she said she didn't.
| Tuesday, February 05, 2013 - 3:24 pm
It's easy to have purse and shoe collections when you have absolutely nothing to do with designing them, all you are doing is sticking your name on someone else's work.
| Thursday, February 07, 2013 - 7:31 pm
It takes money to make money. Adrienne has LOTS of money already. Brandi is starting from scratch. Good for her for trying to get something going. I wish instead of talking about how "sleazy" it is, someone had mentioned that pole-dancing is also good exercise. It's become pretty trendy as a gymnastic exercise. Plus it looks kind of fun! Kyle is such a hypocrite! She needs to stop stirring the pot and just let things simmer down a bit. But I guess that wouldn't make good television.
| Friday, February 08, 2013 - 5:16 am
ITA with you BJM. I thought Lisa and Yolanda looked great on the pole. 
| Tuesday, February 12, 2013 - 1:07 am
What the heck was Faye Resnick doing at Lisa's tea party on tonight's episode? Great manners, coming when you're not invited. (Kyle asked if she could bring her.) Two trouble makers there, Faye and Kyle. At least Faye kept her mouth shut as far as we know. I guess she just wanted to help make Brandy as uncomfortable as possible.
| Tuesday, February 12, 2013 - 5:16 am
Granjan, I don't think Kyle asked if Faye could come to the tea party.
| Tuesday, February 12, 2013 - 7:08 am
Lisa said that there was no way she would invite Faye to the tea party. I take that as she crashed the party.
| Tuesday, February 12, 2013 - 8:01 am
What Keldogg said.
| Tuesday, February 12, 2013 - 10:29 am
Funny but I see Kyle as making nice to the Maloofs because she knows they were divorcing or knew there was trouble in the air and she saw $$$ signs for Mauricio. Mauricio had already signed to represent Lisa and her house sold, so no more $$ there, yet he needs to keep on the good side of Lisa because of her connections. Brandi is worthless to Mauricio because he doesn't consider her to be in his league and make money. I've sorta thought this since Kyle gave that party for Mauricio with Bravo in attendance to promote his new agency.
| Tuesday, February 12, 2013 - 11:40 am
I guess I heard wrong, but I thought I heard Lisa say to the effect of "There's no way I would invite her, but Kyle asked if she could bring her." Maybe I'm wrong. Ditto Mauricio and Kyle going the way their business will benefit. And it seems as if Camille is back to her old self after being nice last season.
| Tuesday, February 12, 2013 - 11:54 am
I'm curious now, soI'm going to watch it again, just to find out exactly what Lisa said. Will report back 
| Tuesday, February 12, 2013 - 1:34 pm
Thanks, Keldogg. I'm curious too. Gee, I think I need to get a life!
| Tuesday, February 12, 2013 - 2:58 pm
faye took kim's seat at the tea party, no invitation.
| Tuesday, February 12, 2013 - 3:17 pm
WTH??!! Has Adrienne's brain been taken over by Kelly Bensimon? In today's blog she states there was no letter sent (cease and desist) or threat of a lawsuit. In previous blogs she explained why there was a difference between her situation (letter) and in the Russell/Taylor/Camille situation. Then, in next weeks preview, she says she didn't know about the letter (therefore acknowledging one was sent). She's nuts!! 