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| Wednesday, December 12, 2012 - 7:38 pm
Apparently their divorce, settlement and custody is done. Paul has supervised visitation, apparently the judge was concerned about his temper.
| Thursday, December 13, 2012 - 4:46 am
Those pictures were released by Bernie, AM's chef. I'm going to have to search for the link, but I thought Paul was given joint custody of the children since AM's allegations of abuse were false.
| Thursday, December 13, 2012 - 12:38 pm
In Kim's blog she states that she called Adrienne as soon as she got home to tell her about it. So it sounds like this scene (unlike so many others right? LOL) was done for the camera.
| Thursday, December 13, 2012 - 12:51 pm
AAACKKK... I just had this huge long post on all the latest scoop and accidentally backed out of it... ((((sigh))) Maybe I'll type it later. And it was a good one too!!! But I'll give you a little tidbit (that isn't all that juicy like what I was trying to post). The reason AM was all maddin' at Brandi re: the surrogacy issue is AM had pictures taken of her with pillows stuffed under her clothes so she could show her children her "pregnancy" pictures. LOL 
| Thursday, December 13, 2012 - 5:38 pm
Oh geez, she is going to lie to her children, what great character she shows. Makes me believe that when Brandi says she lies all the time that it is very true.
| Friday, December 14, 2012 - 7:30 am
Well, Brandi is telling the truth when she says AM does lie all the time. It is now being "reported" that AM has been having an affair the last few years with someone who is very well-known in the Beverly Hills area. I'm wondering if Yolanda also knew about this as well as Brandi. Yolanda clearly has disdain for anyone that cheats in their marriage (since Mohamed cheated on her). And I wouldn't be surprised if Lisa also knew because Lisa knows everyone in BH. I would be surprised if Kim, Kyle or Taylor knew because they obviously don't travel in the same social circle as Lisa and Yolanda. I'm not saying they didn't know, but it would seem more likely that Brandi, Lisa and Yolanda would know.
| Friday, December 14, 2012 - 12:03 pm
Reality Tea has updated this story with a copy of a "blind item" from back in February. Looks like Brandi knew exactly what she was talking about. Reality Tea - Blind Item
| Monday, December 17, 2012 - 11:01 pm
Wow, I don't think that Brandi should be apologizing to Adrienne, it should be the other way around for the way she and Paul attacked her at the party. What is wrong with Kyle? She always wants everyone to apologize and get along with each other, sometimes you just have to let people go out of your circle, like Lisa has. That's what I would do, some people are toxic and it seems that maybe Adrienne is one of them.
| Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - 12:23 am
And what's up with Faye Reznic getting into everybody's business? What a bully! Kyle just sits there making smug faces while Faye acts like she's the world's therapist. I remember her from the O.J. Simpson trial. What a publicity ______ that one is.
| Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - 4:15 am
Feels like a changing of the guard with this show and I'm thrilled about it!! Marisa speaking up to Faye in Brandi's defense was best part of the show for me last night. Lisa & Brandi's friendship appears very solid and I love that Yolanda's blog is titled "who's faye". Kyle, Adrienne and Faye are hopefully soon departed from this show. Kim said it best, "Kyle started this" by asking Brandi what was going on and knowing that Brandi is a firecracker. I like Kim more and more. Genuineness with her that Kyle lost somewhere. Mauricio is all over twitter defending his comments. Brandi says in her blog she always liked that Mauricio didn't enter the pettiness (paraphrasing) then says she wasn't aware he disliked her. Good on her. Mauricio sided with Kelsey last season or the one before and it's all about the commission for him. Like looking at Mau but that's about it.
| Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - 4:57 am
Lisa cracked me up last night when she told Ken he got flowers from a "Ms. Ciprian" and she didn't think it was LeAnn Rimes.
| Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - 9:00 am
Faye was likely encouraged by the producers, another fine example of the manipulation of "realty" tv. What irony, I need to quit watching this garbage, I need a "fix " of something else so I can break free from this "addiction" to this stuff. Lucky for me watching has no calories or nicotine.
| Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - 9:53 am
Faye is Kyle's pit bull. The same thing happened in Season One at Camille's dinner party. Kyle feeds Faye the information, then lets Faye do her dirty work while Kyle sits back and smiles (or appears to act absolutely mortified).
| Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - 7:30 pm
Totally agree with your post Shenanagon. Yes, Mauricio is all about siding with "the money " to secure his commissions. He also looked like a tool in saying how he and Kyle are classy people. Who talks like that about themselves? If all of these women are so concerned about Adrienne and how "the secret" should not have been revealed, why do they continue to discuss "the secret", and tell Adrienne and Paul it, ON CAMERA?? Kyle pulls in Faye with a gossip session ON CAMERA, then hosts another dinner party blowout to discuss it ON CAMERA. The hypocrisy runs rampant. 
| Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - 7:36 pm
Also have to say how spot on Yolanda is in her BRAVO blogs. She's a breath of fresh air!
| Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - 9:33 pm
Are there rumors that Kyle is leaving? I hope so and she can take Faye Resnic with her. Kyle is very pretty but has an ugly personality. She and Faye had the nerve to call Brandi a "mean girl." Don't they see themselves?
| Wednesday, December 19, 2012 - 12:12 am
She and Faye had the nerve to call Brandi a "mean girl." Don't they see themselves Have they all forgotten how they had bullied Brandi, without even knowing her, and caused her to lash out at Kim that night. Their behavior was abhorrent.
| Wednesday, December 19, 2012 - 12:17 am
Marisa speaking up to Faye in Brandi's defense was best part of the show for me last night. Me too, Shenanagon!
| Friday, December 21, 2012 - 1:33 pm
Faye Resnick is a bitter hag, and I can't look at her without thinking about poor Nicole Simpson. Who does she think she is? Brandi's mother??? "Why don't you send her some flowers and apologize? Wouldn't that be a nice thing to do?" I hope Kyle realizes it was Faye who started this and doesn't try to turn it back on Brandi again. I felt bad for Brandi. They were all ganging up on her AGAIN. I'm glad she finally decided to leave. I was wondering why she didn't.
| Friday, December 21, 2012 - 5:13 pm
Evidently Faye couldn't take the heat, and Bravo removed her blog from its website - LOL!!! They ripped her a new one.
| Friday, December 21, 2012 - 5:16 pm
BJM, of course Kyle realizes that. That was the whole point of briefing Faye before the dinner. It's the same crap Kyle pulled at Camille's dinner party.
| Friday, December 21, 2012 - 5:43 pm
Wow! It was there earlier today. I read it, but can't remember what she said. I hope to never see her on this show again. She just stirs up trouble, which these "ladies" are perfectly capable of stirring all by themselves. I feel kind of sorry for Brandi. Yes, she said something she shouldn't have and she's sorry she ever opened her mouth. I think we've all made that mistake at one time or another. But as several of the women said in their blogs, no man should ever speak to a woman that way, especially when his intention is to intimidate her. I know he was defending Adrienne, but it was over the top.
| Friday, December 21, 2012 - 8:27 pm
I think it is funny how all these women (except Lisa and Camille) have tried to make Brandi the outsider of the group and now she is more likeable to the veiwers than they are. They picked on her from the beginning, giggling about her wearing high heels with a cast and hiding her crutches. By the way, we very seldom see any of them without high heels - some so uncomfortable looking that they can barely walk. Good for Bravo for getting rid of the Resnick witch.
| Saturday, December 22, 2012 - 8:21 am
Hummingbird..there was an episode a few weeks back when Lisa was walking in high heels. She could hardly walk - it was ridiculous to watch and I can't imagine the pain she must have been in.
| Saturday, December 22, 2012 - 10:26 am
I remember that, Reenie, and thought she looked ridiculous. She looked better in the white dress and athletic shoes playing badmitten and Kyle made fun of her shoes.