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| Friday, December 07, 2012 - 9:57 am
I think any issues that Paul had with Brandi were "Adrienne-induced."
| Friday, December 07, 2012 - 6:30 pm
LOL @ "Adrienne induced".
| Monday, December 10, 2012 - 9:29 pm
Brandi acts like a trashy, low-class, wannabe. I am not in the least impressed with her. Too bad she has partial custody of her children. I don't think having her for a mother is doing a favor to those kids. Low-class!
| Monday, December 10, 2012 - 9:58 pm
Brandi acts like a trashy, low class wannabe, be cause she is a trashy, low class wannabe!! I truly do not like her.
| Monday, December 10, 2012 - 10:36 pm
Ok, I forgot this was on until I saw these comments, so I quickly flipped over to the channel. Got there just as they were finishing a dinner talking about something Brandi said about Adrienne. What did Brandi say?
| Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 2:56 am
dipo, whatever b wasn't said on the show...but apparently it's some "big bomb shell" according to kim. what they showed: b said adrienne lies alot (book deal). brandi said, b and a got in argument during an hour long phone call. a wanted b to take back things she said on twitter. b was not going to do that. (lisa in private shot saying a wanted b to publicly tweet things in support of a/p). most of what b saying cut out (just show her talking). show private shots of women. apparently a told b something that was very private and b told them. some upset b told them since so hurtful to a's family.
| Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 7:04 am
The internet is all a-Twitter that last week when the girls were in O'Jai (or however you spell it), Adrienne lied when she said she had C-sections for her children and that her and Paul used a surrogate(s). Being as Adrienne is now 51-years-old and her oldest is 7-years-old, if Adrienne did in fact give birth, she didn't start popping them out until she was 44-years-old.
| Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 8:48 am
Also adding: Adrienne's two youngest boys are twins and I think they are only what 3-4 years old? Obviously, Adrienne did not physically give birth to twins when she was 47-48 years old.
| Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 9:03 am
I don't blame Kyle for chewing out Kim. She got A and P all revved up about what Brandi said right when they arrived at Mauricio's big party. That's what phones and texting are for, talking trash. She unnecessarily caused a stir at the party. I know RH women stir things up to get air-time, but this battle going on feels real.
| Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 9:40 am
Kyle and Kim definitely have issues. Also, I was reading that in 2010 there was an article in the Las Vegas newspaper about Adrienne using a surrogate, so I'm not quite sure why she was so pissy about Brandi saying that Brandi "would hurt her family," when Adrienne put it out there two years ago. I'm guessing Adrienne just needs to be relevant on the show.
| Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 10:17 am
I'm confused what all the hoopla is about. I'm guessing that Adrienne is threatening lawsuits and that's why everyone is going mum on this. Apparently Adrienne won't be returning next season because she also tried to sue Bravo. I'm paraphrasing and this might not be accurate. Read this on the web so it could be fabricated but with AM saying lawsuit and suing Brandi it is definitely possible.
| Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 10:35 am
This was filmed awhile ago and still no lawsuit filed? The backs of P&A kids are seen on the Bravo intro. Also Adrianna sold their house through Kyle's husbands new firm for $20 million. Asking price was $26 million. Perez ---is that his name? ---said that P&A had a very tight pre-nump and P wanted 1/2 of everything but apparently didn't get it. He said that Paul was a camera hog that loved being on Bravo. He had a lot to say about Brandi and her penchant for creating drama to remain on the show.
| Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 12:42 pm
I just read that Adrienne and Paul have dropped their lawsuit against Brandi, but still have an ongoing suit against Bravo. Safe to say Adrienne will probably not be asked back for next season.
| Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 3:46 pm
47 year old women can have children. It's usually through some type of assisted reproduction, but it is definitely possible. The oldest I have seen in my work is 55 
| Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 5:01 pm
Keldogg, do you honestly think Adrienne, who eats like a bird, would carry twins? Evidently, what Brandi said was true because Adrienne gave an interview in 2010 about using a surrogate, and Paul and Adrienne have since dropped their lawsuit against her. Of some note, I was reading today that Paul and Brandi have kissed and made up and they are friends. They were tweeting each other last night. This goes back to what I've said earlier this season that this behavior was so unlike Paul and I think he was only acting like a tool to appease Adrienne.
| Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 6:08 pm
Paul seemed to always want to please Adrienne. She never seemed happy with him. I'm guessing here but if Paul was worried about their marriage he may have been misdirecting his anger onto Brandi. Divorce is hard. I always liked Paul he seems goodnatured usually.
| Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 10:21 pm
Lexie, I was just commenting on the belief that no 47 year old woman can carry a child Wasn't saying that she did 
| Wednesday, December 12, 2012 - 1:07 am
I just don't buy that the "big secret" is that Adrienne's kids were born via surrogate. No one would have reacted the way everyone on the show reacted. If it is true, there is no lawsuit for defamation. If it is untrue, it is easily disproven as being outlandish. I don't get it.
| Wednesday, December 12, 2012 - 1:40 am
**Edit to above: If it is untrue, it can easily proven as false, therefore showing how outlandish the accusation is. I'm still not grammatically correct, but I think you can get what I am trying to say. I'm brain dead. 
| Wednesday, December 12, 2012 - 9:14 am
Well, I was thinking along those same lines, Rieann, it is just not that shocking or intimate of a secret. People had to have known she wasn't actually pregnant prior to their birth and Camille never hid the circumstances of her children's birth. If the outrage is over this it is silly. Kim must have been urged to tell A and P because I can think of no other reason she would have felt compelled to rush over and spill the beans.
| Wednesday, December 12, 2012 - 3:33 pm
I understand Kim wanting to tell Adrienne what had been said about her, but her timing was horrible. I really felt bad for Kyle and Mauricio, who were trying to launch his new business. What a horrible scene to happen at his party. What must his clients think? "Older" women very often have children these days. Many of us have delayed motherhood due to careers and other life events. I conceived my son naturally at 44 and gave birth at 45. As long as you're still menstuating, you can conceive. My grandmother remarried at 55 and was told by her doctor to "be cautious." Wasn't Gina Davis (actress) 47 when she had twins? It can happen. I think Adrienne's sons are 10 (the twins) and 12. She would have totally been young enough to carry them, barring any other health issues. Whether or not she used a surrogate shouldn't be a big deal. You're not gonna be able to hide the truth about something like that when you're in the public eye.
| Wednesday, December 12, 2012 - 5:20 pm
Didn't I read here somewhere that Paul was suspected of spousal abuse? I was thinking that maybe THAT was what Brandi said that caused such an uproar amongst the group. The reaction was too over the top to be about the surrogacy Imho.
| Wednesday, December 12, 2012 - 5:36 pm
Bravehearts there were some photos that came out after they filed for divorce but Paul was exonerated. Seems that Adrienne does martial arts training and it was thought that the photos were a result of that. Their initial divorce filing publicity got pretty nasty. I would be surprised if they are back together unless it was going to cost Adrienne to much. Most of the seasons she didn't appear to think to highly of Paul.
| Wednesday, December 12, 2012 - 6:02 pm
Interesting, Dipo.
| Wednesday, December 12, 2012 - 6:28 pm
from how i understood what i saw, adrienne told brandi whatever it was that is such a secret. i'm thinking i must be wrong about that because why would a tell something to b that is personal. since paul got so mad and mentioned it was about family, i'm thinking it is about the children. i had to laugh when brandi was talking about conversation at Sur and said....i don't think these are the type of girls to tattletale. ?really? i wish they hadn't shown giving the daughter a car, but it was good to see that the daughter seemed very grateful.