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| Friday, November 23, 2012 - 12:47 pm
I think there was more with the Lisa/Adrienne story than we know. Lisa is very pretentious in my opinion The chicken salad scene with her mixing in the bathroom while the daughter getting makeup done I had a "Grey Gardens" flash. Kim reminded me Little Evie. I think it is the medications making her a little loopy.
| Saturday, November 24, 2012 - 11:43 am
She wasn't mixing the chicken salad in the bathroom. They had a chair set up in the living room where Kimberly was being prepped for the prom. Kim was sitting at a dining table mixing the salad. It was a little weird, though, how she was mixing it with her hands. I felt bad for Kim. I understand why she wants to be included in her daughter's life so badly. She's spent the last few years medicated on drugs and alcohol, so she wants to experience as much as she can before Kimberly leaves home. I thought it was a little sad when Kimberly left the house with her date and Kim was crying at the window. She knows she hasn't been there for her kids, and now they're all growing up and moving on.
| Saturday, November 24, 2012 - 4:36 pm
I kind of think that the scene with Kim was set up by Bravo. That would be my guess.
| Saturday, November 24, 2012 - 9:19 pm
Kim has obvious issues but I do like her. I want her to feel good about herself. She tugs at my heart and I find myself caring about her wellbeing. Kyle I have the complete opposite reaction too. I'm glad the ladies I like the best are all friends. Yolanda, Lisa, Brandi and Kim. The preview on Bravo's site of Brandi telling Adrienne to shut the F up is priceless. Can't wait to watch the next show.
| Monday, November 26, 2012 - 10:23 pm
Cricket, I think Paul is just trying to appease Adrienne. Yes, that could be it Lexiegirl. Wonder if he still feels that same now that he and Adrienne are divorced. I can't help but wonder what she told him. On tonight's show Adrienne gets called out by Brandi for saying, "Oh..someone's crying" more than once. It was Kim crying and I'm not sure what Adrienne was trying to point out by saying it, but Brandi was having none of it. I never felt we saw much of Adrienne's personality in the past few years, but maybe this year will show more of her personlity.
| Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 8:41 am
I kind of think that the scene with Kim was set up by Bravo. That would be my guess. LOL, ALL the scenes are. Shooting times and locations are planned long in advance. You don't really believe Kim organized that whole trip to Ojai herself?
| Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 10:58 am
I really do love Yolanda. I love how she calls the girls out for being so overly-dressed for a 4-year-old's birthday party or a ride in the car to Ojai. She's my kind of gal - wears jeans and shorts everywhere!!!
| Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 2:09 pm
Me too!!
| Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 4:28 pm
I loved when Yolanda said, "Don't you ladies ever just talk things over???" Maybe that was in the preview for next week, but they do tend to fly off the handle. A lot. I like Brandi, but the girl just can't seem to filter herself. I think she was upset that she and Kim were finally mending fences, and then Adrienne had to make fun of the fact that Kim was crying. That was inappropriate, but so was Brandi's reaction. I think she meant to be protecting Kim, but I also think she's sensitive to Adrienne because she (Brandi) and Lisa have become so close. Can't we all just get along??? 
| Tuesday, December 04, 2012 - 1:06 pm
I was reading Yolanda's blog and she doesn't have too many kind things to say about Kyle. I'm crossing my fingers that we get some drama from those two this season. I think Kyle is trying to straddle the fence when it comes to Lisa and Adrienne - but she's not doing a very good job of it. Now giving credit where credit is due, in Kyle's blog she said after she watched the show and saw what was happening between Brandi and Kim, she realized that Adrienne was wrong to butt in the way she did when she saw Kim was crying. Gawd... I love this show.
| Tuesday, December 04, 2012 - 8:53 pm
The next episode looks brutal for Brandi who's easily become my favorite. I don't think she's perfect but I don't think she looks for or manipulates trouble for others which I can't say for Adrienne, Taylor and Kyle. Absolutely love the way Kim's handling her rehab and Yolanda probably isn't someone I could handle being around long, too much perfection I'd be horribly jealous of her quickly but I do enjoy her very much, her sensibilities are needed in this mix of high schoolish personalities which I've grown tired of on all the HW shows. I think Atlanta is going to need an injection of a Yolandaish HW soon. I love this show as well particularily Lisa. I would love to have a friend like Lisa who wasn't over the top rich but funny and clever. Always good company.
| Tuesday, December 04, 2012 - 10:20 pm
Sorry to disagree, but watching Brandy's ways really made me think, no wonder her husband left this foul-mouthed talking, mean girl.
| Wednesday, December 05, 2012 - 2:28 am
Ouch. I feel nothing but sympathy for her regarding Eddie having an affair with Leann Rimes.
| Wednesday, December 05, 2012 - 4:00 am
I like Brandi a lot. I think she just needs to clean up her language and she will be OK. Brandi, Lisa and Yolanda are my favs too. I used to like Kyle but she has gotten kinda snotty. And Taylor is too dramatic. And Camille is just there. But I love this show, it is my fave of all the HW shows. I doubt I will ever watch the HWNJ I am so sick of Theresa and her mouth.............UGH!
| Wednesday, December 05, 2012 - 6:05 pm
I like how Lisa is able to reign Brandy in. Last year there is no way Brandy would have said sorry right away for using the language she did. She also realizes she needs to get along with Adrienne sooner rather than later. Kyle isn't the Queen this year. Her only close friend now is Taylor and she's awful when she drinks. The others are now warming up to Kim, so I'm waiting for Kyle's jealousy to come out. Can't wait for Kyle and Lisa to get into and for Lisa to let her have it. I'll never understand why she sort of let her friendship with Lisa go in favor of a person like Taylor. When Taylor doesn't like someone, she's brutal. She goes after Brandy just like she did Kim the first year. She is just weird.
| Thursday, December 06, 2012 - 6:00 am
Yolanda seems sort of "normal" compared to the others. Why don't they talk things over like normal women? Cuz they're all drama queens fighting for camera time? Hope she influences them rather than the other way around. I like Lisa this season, but wonder what she's really like. She has her own spinoff show starting soon. And she's in a place where she could put out cookbooks or put her name on food or wine like Bethenny. She could be just acting nice. I hope she's as she portrays herself on the show. Time will tell.
| Thursday, December 06, 2012 - 9:40 am
I would be comfortable around Yolanda and Lisa. I feel like I could learn a lot from them, ya know? Yeah Brandi has a potty mouth, so do I. At least she is being herself and not putting on an act of being Miss Priss for the camera. Brandi says things to peoples faces instead of gossiping. I mean, really how long did the "that was so inappropriate" conversation go on? I think I may have told them to shut the f up at that point because they just kept repeating themselves. Adrienne acted like she was so innocent .. really? Ugh. I can't imagine how difficult it may have been for Kim to be sitting there with everyone drinking around her, so glad she excused herself. I know everyone is different but for me, when I am around someone early in their sobriety I don't drink around them. Heck, I rarely drink in front of people with 30 years sobriety. I look at it similar to smoking, if someone is quitting don't smoke around them, I haven't smoked in 14 years and sometimes that scent gets to me.
| Thursday, December 06, 2012 - 10:18 am
ITA Misy, good post!!
| Thursday, December 06, 2012 - 10:51 am
Kyle is such a hypocrite. She must have forgotten the first season where she said "Camille, you are such a f___ing liar," inside a restaurant in NYC.
| Thursday, December 06, 2012 - 5:52 pm
Misty, eons ago I went to rehab & the day I got out I smoked pot & snorted coke, but I didn't drink-that day. The next time around, no rehab just AA, early in my sobriety I could'nt be around drinking/drugs. It was too soon. Now, I can be around partiers, but man are they annoying! And I think omg, to think I was even worse than
| Thursday, December 06, 2012 - 7:20 pm
Mistysmoke and Bluejaxrock, I so agree with the both of you regarding Kim. I say good for her for what she is doing and bad, bad, bad for the rest of them for not only drinking in front of her but for drinking in excess in front of her. Maybe the others are too insensitive to support her, but you would think her sister would certainly know better. I really do think Kyle is jealous of her and in fact of anyone that gets more attention than her. Personally I was appalled at their behavior.
| Thursday, December 06, 2012 - 8:20 pm
For me this season... KAT - Kyle, Adrienne, and Taylor - Ugh!! I'll toss Paul in there too. I'm having a visceral reaction towards Adrienne every time she appears on screen. What has happened to her?? She's in a Jill Zarin state of delusion, jealousy, and bitterness. Enjoying the rest of the ladies so far. Yolanda is spot on with some of her observations. Proud of Kim as well and I agree that Kyle's jealousy of her is coming to light. There is a lot of history between those two.
| Thursday, December 06, 2012 - 9:56 pm
This article may explain what Adrienne and Paul are so upset with Brandi about in the next episode... Brandi made that comment at the reunion about their marriage and then blind items started popping up. I don't blame Brandi though. I'm sure MANY people knew and I'm sure producers drop things to the tabloids too. Why on earth would you go on a housewives show when you are trying to keep such secrets? Not sure if the above article is true, but seeing as their marriage has imploded, I'll bet some of it is.
| Friday, December 07, 2012 - 5:48 am
I believe Paul and Adrienne are also suing Brandi at the moment
| Friday, December 07, 2012 - 9:53 am
Brandi recently tweeted thanking Paul for recommending a good surgeon for her breast pain so they seem to have moved past any grievances.