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| Thursday, November 08, 2012 - 12:15 pm
It stretches the imagination that Lisa would sell a false story to a long-time friend for $10,000.
| Thursday, November 08, 2012 - 1:10 pm
This may be naive, but why doesn't Kyle try AlAnon? Maybe she could use some help too. That was a good point Kyle made about the birthday party. It was only 2 hours and Kim should tell her kids to go because it was their little cousin's party.
| Thursday, November 08, 2012 - 1:54 pm
I'm going to play Devil's Advocate here. Kim's children are much older and a 4-year-old's birthday party is a fate worse than death for anyone over the age of 5-years-old. One of my sisters has two teenage boys (ages 16 and 18), and my other sister had to learn the hard way that these teenagers do not want to go to a birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheese or Skate Country for a 7-year-old. And the only reason she understands is because they flat-out told her they don't want to go to a young child's birthday party - even if it is their cousin.
| Thursday, November 08, 2012 - 5:19 pm
Not a fan of Kyle, Kim, or Taylor - enjoy the rest. The little girl is adorable - looks like her Daddy. The dialog between Taylor and Adrienne while shopping for dresses was sooo... scripted. Neither can act. Lisa Vanderpump's behind continues to spread but she is still beautiful.
| Thursday, November 08, 2012 - 5:45 pm
I agree with Mistysmoke. I think that Kim just doesn't want to be around Kyle. She is just at the beginning of her recovery and she said that she needs to apologize for a lot of her behavior, but it appears that Kyle is a trigger for her which was proven in the first show when Kim was at Kathy's house and Kyle showed up. I don't blame Kim a bit for wanting to stay away from Kyle right now. Kyle's daughter, I have to say is just adorable.
| Friday, November 09, 2012 - 7:41 am
I don't believe for a second that Kim is clean. Kim's issue were way more than alcohol. Her issue had pills involved and she still hasn't admitted it. She seems like she is playing the role of a person in recovery, but I don't feel her heart is in it. I also believe she is still on prescription pills
| Friday, November 09, 2012 - 7:49 am
Frogichik I could not agree more. I thought in some of her interviews she was still slurring some words....I still think she has a substance abuse problem of some kind.
| Friday, November 09, 2012 - 9:14 pm
Why is she always giggling inappropriately? Hmmmm...
| Saturday, November 10, 2012 - 10:50 am
Nerves. My mother laughs at everything that comes out of her own mouth. It's a nervous tic. I thought Kim looked good. She looked healthy and aware for once. Why does she need to admit to us what substances she was using? It's her own business. Even though she's on a TV show, she gets to choose how much of her personal life she has to share. I wish her well.
| Saturday, November 10, 2012 - 9:22 pm
She doesn't have to admit anything. She also doesn't have to expose herself to the world on a reality show. Since she chose to do so, her problems are open to discussion on sites like this one. I think we all wish her well. I was thinking that the giggling was a symtom of some deep-seated insecurity. Her two sisters appear to have had a much less troubled life.
| Sunday, November 11, 2012 - 10:40 am
Kim's serious about recovery so she's going to come back on this series while she goes through it? Right(cough).
| Sunday, November 11, 2012 - 10:52 am
Maybe she needs the money they're offering her. It's been a long time since she made a movie. Who knows?
| Sunday, November 11, 2012 - 4:19 pm
Delete Delete Delete - That's all I keep doing because I can't say what I really feel about these people and the BS they push about themselves. Enjoy. I'm staying far far away.
| Tuesday, November 13, 2012 - 9:17 am
I think Kim really needs the money. Still don't understand why Adrienne wants to be on this show, unless she likes being a celebrity.
| Wednesday, November 14, 2012 - 8:26 am
ok, maybe I missed something, why does Adrienne think Lisa owes her an apology? Along with that, can she not see how offensive her accusation at the reunion was? I think Brandy did the right thing at the party. She went to the party, gave her gift, explained to Kyle she was uncomfortable and wouldn't stay long, and then left when she felt it was too uncomfortable for her. I think Kyle bringing the text message up in front of all the ladies was rude, and was done to start trouble. I also thought it was great that Lisa basically told Kyle not to get involved in the situation with Adrienne. LOL "I didn't know unicorns pooped."
| Wednesday, November 14, 2012 - 9:58 am
I thought it was very childish of the women to still be talking about what Brandi said at the party to Yolanda. Taylor was taking such glee in trash-talking her. They remind me of the mean girls in school. Ugh. I'm so over Adrienne. Knowing that she and Paul are divorcing just makes her treatment of him hard to watch. They used to be my favorites. No, Lisa does not owe Adrienne an apology. Kyle just wants everyone to get along, but Lisa was right to ask her to stay out of it. Every season I seem to have a favorite, and I think this year it will be Lisa. Although I do like Brandi. Her mouth is her worst enemy. Love at the beginning of the show when she says, "Money doesn't give you class. It just gives you money." So true!
| Wednesday, November 14, 2012 - 11:06 am
Misty, the only reason I can think of why Adrienne would want an apology from Lisa is she's mad that Pandora didn't have her Bachelorette party at the Palms. I have always said if Adrienne wanted to host it, she should have offered it and not expect Lisa to "ask" for something for free. That is the only thing that I can think of. Adrienne was pretty pissed that Lisa didn't have the party at the Palms - unless something else happened and I just don't remember it.
| Friday, November 16, 2012 - 9:45 am
I thought Adrienne wanted an apology for not being invited to the Villa Blanca party. The whole thing is pretty silly. I had forgotten about the Palms thing. That's really a childish thing to hold onto also. She needs to let that go. Maybe Lisa didn't plan the bachelorette party. Doesn't the maid of honor usually do that? She shouldn't hold that against Lisa. The Palms has a pretty skanky reputation. Maybe Lisa secretly didn't want anything to do with that. 
| Friday, November 16, 2012 - 9:59 am
Another possibility was Adrienne accusing Lisa of selling a story, I guess about Adrienne (?). I don't know what the story was. Lisa strongly denied doing that, but I think Adrienne didn't believe her.
| Friday, November 16, 2012 - 11:45 am
BJM, I don't think that's it. Adrienne and Lisa haven't spoken since the reunion last season.
| Friday, November 16, 2012 - 12:59 pm
You're correct, Lexie. The reason Adrienne wasn't invited to the Villa Blanca was due to the feuds before that.
| Saturday, November 17, 2012 - 7:32 am
It was at the reunion that Adrienne accused Lisa of selling stories. Didn't see why she thought that.
| Saturday, November 17, 2012 - 9:09 am
I just watched next weeks promo and according to Paul, Lisa owes Adrienne an apology for, calling Adrienne "beautiful new shoe line" the "Maloof Hoof" and calling their new dog, "Crackpot" instead of "Jackpot". I remember the Maloof Hoof ordeal. Lisa didn't actually call it the Maloof Hoof. They both had shoe lines coming out and Lisa said, you should call yours the Maloof Hoof and I will call mine the Vanderpump Pump. You could clearly see she was just making a play on words. Adrienne just completely lacks any sense of humor and was not amused. As of next week Taylor is still telling anyone that sits still for more than 3 seconds that Brandi said, she has slept with everyone in Beverly Hills. Sadly Taylor appears to be even more drunk than she was at a 4 year old childs birthday party.
| Saturday, November 17, 2012 - 8:41 pm
Re: Taylor I just wish they would get rid of her. She is a very mean person, her skeletal body and artificially misshapen face disturb me and she is very fragile emotionally. It makes me nervous wondering what she will do next. Brandi has no filter but I still kind of like her. Her honesty is refreshing. Verdict is still out on Yolanda. She does add some new interest.
| Sunday, November 18, 2012 - 3:24 pm
I agree, Chieko. I find Brandi's honesty refreshing also. She and Lisa (and Ken) have certainly bonded. She makes me laugh and there's no BS with her. She tells you what she really thinks, not what she thinks people want to hear. Taylor just seems so phony and desperate to be included. She seems like she would do or say anything to be part of the group. She did write that book awfully fast after her husband's suicide. I tend to side with Brandi.