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| Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - 7:37 pm
I'm starting the thread a little early again and it's another ambiguous theme. "I'm with the Band". I think the best explanation I found for it was at and they said: "....each of the remaining Season 13 hopefuls will serve as the lead singer for the show’s musical director Rickey Minor and his merry crew of players." Honestly, that's what I thought they did every week....LOL OH, and this week is the start of the 30 minute results show. Thank heavens.
| Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - 6:43 pm
I've complained about Malaya from the start but she's definitely improving.
| Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - 8:46 pm
That opening number had to be the worst group number I have ever seen. .. very painful
| Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - 8:53 pm
I just got back from the taping of tonight's show and my back is killing me! Our seats at CBS Television Studios (where AI is taped) were in the first of the two balconies and because it was considered standing room only, we were stuck doing just that for nearly three hours. We were let into the studio just after 4:00 (or one hour before the start of the live show). The only good thing about where we were was that we have a bird's eye/side-view of the judges table. Observations worth noting: *** The opening medley was pre-recorded at approximately 4:15. The judges came out just for that performance and the cheerleader guy (Cory) warned us that we might have to sit through it a second time in case the first time wasn't good enough. The judges seemed relieved when word from the control room came back saying no second take was needed and they scampered back to their dressing rooms. *** The closest we came to being on camera was just before Ryan introduced Dexter. We were about four feet away from where Ryan was standing. He graciously acknowledged us with a wave immediately after he finished the intro. *** The commercial breaks provided plenty of amusement. The hair and make-up staff do so much "touching up" of the judges, especially Ms. Lopez. She was usually texting or making a call, but that didn't stop the hair person from making sure her hair was constantly in place. Keith was, by far, the most UN-aloof of the three judges. He frequently went into the audience and posed with the fans standing in the pit in front of the judges table. He took at least a dozen or so pictures with fans and didn't hesitate to lie length-wise on the floor (as if he were posing for a Playgirl centerfold) to accommodate photo requests with the fans. He was also constantly signing autographs, too - a fair estimate was 50 to 60 autographs. Ms. Lopez, by contrast, signed 7 autographs (I counted them) and while handing back half of them to the fans, she didn't even look at them as she handed them back. She made one attempt to do one of the selfie photo things with some fans in the pit. Because her skirt was so incredibly tight, it took her close to 30 seconds to wriggle herself down into a crouching position to get close to the fans before snapping the photo. We were taking bets on whether the skirt would rip while she was crouching and standing back up. It miraculously didn't rip. Harry signed about 20 autographs and took a half-dozen or so of the selfie photo things with the fans. Caleb and Majesty seemed to get the best reactions from the crowd, while CJ got the weakest applause. I'll be shocked if he survives tonight's vote. And now we're going to watch our recording of the show. Many sections of the show we couldn't hear but not when the singing itself was going on - that was fine. The chances of seeing myself on camera are slim and none. I'm going to go get something to apply to my aching back - it's still killing me!
| Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - 11:42 pm
Hey Unky Ricky, I appreciated your write up of your experience as an audience member at AI tonight. Thank you for all the fun observations worth noting...loved all of them. And hey!, I think I saw President Obama sitting in the section you described. Did you see him? P.S. I hope your back feels better soon!
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 12:07 am
Wow, standing can be killer for that long!! Thanks for all the details..
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 5:19 am
Uncle Ricky, thanks for the description of last nights show. I didn't know that they pre-recorded the (painful) group numbers. I was wondering if J Lo's performance last week was also pre-recorded. I can't see how the set and her could change that fast. I liked Caleb's performance and Alex's even though the judges didn't care for it. I also like Sam and hope he continues to improve. Jena was good too. The rest were just okay.
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 7:21 am
Really appreciate hearing what it was like in person. Thanks so much for posting about it. Let us know if you remember any other details. 
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 8:22 am
I am sorry, but Majesty just does not do it for me. In the group number, she was flailing (sp?) so much that she couldn't breathe or sing. I don't get the praise when she sings as there does not seem to be anything special there to me. Now, Caleb was in his element. He's very comfortable on stage, talking with Ryan and the judges and just being himself. He looks like a front runner to me.... unless they start having him sing show tunes... not that there's anything wrong with show tunes.
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 9:25 am
I can't imagine standing for three hours, Uncle Ricky! It doesn't surprise me about JLo. Thanks for sharing. I think CJ's problem is he sings songs no one knows. He looks so into it that I just want to love it but often I don't. Majesty never seems as good as they say she is, to me, but she sure is pretty. Dexter was a bit better this week but is often pretty blah and generic to me. I predict a bottom three of Majesty, CJ and Malaya. (Although Malaya is improving and I think deserves to stay.)
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 9:29 am
Actually, I think it was Malaya who doesn't do anything for me. She was the one flailing in the opening number.
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 9:50 am
I'm w/Kitt on the bottom 3 this wk but, Dexter may be down there instead of one of the gals. CJ was so off key last night that it was hard to listen to him. Caleb, Jessica, & Jena were really good as was Sam (the young gals seem to really like him). Didn't see Alex but he seems to be one of the more talented of the bunch. Why don't they show high lights of all the singers at the end like they used, when you only watch the 2nd 1/2 like I do (won't miss Survivor for this) you count on the high lights to form your opinion.
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 9:51 am
After a good night's sleep my back is all better! Thanks Egbok (Go Dodgers!), Sea, Gldnlvr, Jimmer and Kitt for your kind feedback. My husband and I were exhausted enough to declare "we're never going through that again!" We missed a lot of the banter between the judges, for example, because of the poor sound in the studio. It was only when we watched the tape of the show that we heard the section where Keith and Harry were razzing each other about their fanbases: When Harry made his "smattering of applause" comment, Keith said, "that's what it's like at your concert," followed by Harry's zinger back to him, "What's 40 feet long and has 8 teeth? The front row at a Keith Urban concert." I forgot to mention that a majority of the kids you see in the orchestra pit are bussed in from local high schools. During the warm-up, Cory the Cheerleader asks where audience members are from - four sections of the pit produced the names of four different high schools. (We saw the kids getting off the yellow school buses when we were on the way to the parking lot.) So if it ever appears like the fans in the pit seem to know one another, that's the reason.
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 10:41 am
Uncle Ricky, could you hear when JLo evidently dropped the F Bomb ..she was urging one of the girl singers to "get messy" and Harry wanted JLo to do the hair toss and she either said {} you or off.. but it was bleeped. I read a report on it but they didn't seem to know exactly what she said.. I'm guessing you might not have been able to hear that part. Just as well. I can sure understand both of you thinking "never again", but at least you experienced it together, so that is fun and you each understand why the other was really ready to sit down. I dodged the bullet once on standing.. I got tickets to see Ingrid Michaelson a few years ago at House of Blues.. well I had no idea that it is standing room only. and I was brining a friend who is a bit younger than I but quite unable to stand long at all..luckily I saw something on the website and called to confirm that it was standing only and they told me about limited seating they put her on the list and when we arrived (by then she was tired enough pushing her walker through Downtown Disney) we were referred to security and they took over, whisked us into an elevator, and to benches or seats looking over the railing. We sat with a couple where the woman had a full leg cast. They took her walker away and brought it back at the end. They handled it well. I could have stood, but as short as I am unless I was by the stage, may not have seen much and even there not very much. Could you tell where the audience in seats came from.. behind the high schoolers in the pits?
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 12:14 pm
I only caught that f-bomb thing by watching the telecast, Sea. By the time we'd reached that portion of the show in the studio, we were barely paying attention, we were so tired. But, yes, I think she did say "F-you" or "F-off" to Harry and then assumed that horror-stricken face upon realizing what she'd said. I'm pretty sure the audience in the lower-level seats are restricted to guests of the sponsor companies. Someone in my running club works at Coca-Cola and he's always bragging about being able to go any AI taping he wants to attend. Whereas I got my tickets from someone who works at Fremantle Media, the distribution company (a/k/a the "poor relations"). Interestingly, about halfway through the show last night, I looked over to the section directly to my left and saw someone sitting in a seat that had been vacant during the show's first hour. I knew he was famous, but not common knowledge famous. Then it came to me: it was Simon Fuller, the creator of the Idol franchise. His seat was two rows behind where CJ's girlfriend and CJ's mother were sitting. And in front of Simon was that Emily Piriz, the second finalist voted out of the competition. She left early and missed Caleb and Jena's performances. And note to Gldnlvr about Jennifer's performance last week being pre-recorded: ZERO DOUBT it was pre-recorded. There's no way she could've changed out of (and back into) her results-show dress in time. Just the time to apply her performance-number make-up must've taken a half-hour all by itself! 
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 6:11 pm
Malaya and Jena are safe. Our Fox station entertainment guy in So.FL picked CJ, Dexter and Jess as B3 last night. He's pretty accurate.
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 6:12 pm
I was in West Hollywood yesterday to see a movie only playing up there. Anyway, we decided to have lunch before the show and picked Flavor of India on Santa Monica Blvd. There was only one customer in the place and he was sitting by the window. I went up to him to ask him how the food was. Lo and behold, it was Keith Urban! He said the food was great and that he ate there all the time. He looked thinner in person. BTW, the food was EXCELLENT!
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 6:21 pm
Alex, Jess and Caleb are safe. Dexter is safe. Majesty, CJ and Sam are B3.
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 6:23 pm
Longbeachfan....did you give him a big ??
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 6:26 pm
Sam and CJ safe. Majesty to sing for the save by the judges.
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 6:27 pm
Jag2000, no, he's not my type. I like a man not so puny. lol
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 6:31 pm
Save by judges is only good for 3 more weeks. Majesty not saved. Bye-Bye. I liked her youth and spirit. She does go on the tour so that's a plus.
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 6:33 pm
LBF...but he's soo cute and plays a mean guitar. And he's rich!!
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 6:34 pm
Jag2000, yes, but very MARRIED. lol
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 7:58 pm
I am loving all your stories of brushes with celebrity. So cool. I think this may be the first year in awhile that the person I like best at least makes it to top 3. I think Jena is amazing.
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 8:12 pm
my top 3: Caleb, Jena, & order
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 8:15 pm
I agree with your top 3, Tex. Except for me, Jena is my fav.
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 9:50 pm
I really don't have a favorite this year. I liked CJ last week but this week he was soo bad. Most of the girls hurt my ears when they scream rather than sing. I think it's a done deal that Caleb is the winner and I don't like rock. And I don't know one song anyone sings.
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 10:19 pm
Shocking that CJ survived! I just keep picturing all the little preschoolers at Majesty's school bursting into tears when they find out she's been voted out. Poor little critters. They were certainly the cutest of all the cheering sections that have appeared on camera!
| Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 10:48 pm
Best results show ever! Not the result, but "these two are safe" fast forward, "these two are safe" fast forward, "these two are safe" fast forward and "this person is going home!"
| Friday, March 28, 2014 - 1:33 am
I am wondering why AI is set to the the second show on the board list. At the minute I am posting right now, AI has 402 posts this season while The Voice has 38.
| Friday, March 28, 2014 - 5:57 am
I was alright with Majesty going home. They all have to eventually, after all. And they have the tour, and potential record deals, no matter what. I think Caleb is my favorite. I always like the rockers. I do agree Jena is great, too.