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| Friday, September 10, 2010 - 3:22 pm
Josie did such an excellent job at that video (yes, I know she didn't actually sing, but she mimed really well!).
| Friday, September 10, 2010 - 3:24 pm
I still suspect it'll be on Channel 5 in some form next year- maybe they adapt more of the US format or something to make it different, and probably have a new host, but I think it's better than 50/50...
| Friday, September 10, 2010 - 3:27 pm
Yep, me too. And a lot of ex-BB people are suspiciously appearing on channel Five shows, so I suspect it's a done deal, they've just agreed not to announce it until after this finale. I hope it's very different - if it isn't I think it will just be a let down.
| Friday, September 10, 2010 - 3:32 pm
I think they'll give it about a month or so- then make a big announcement about it (if they do want to keep Davina, maybe they hold it until they get her deal done). Maybe they do a hybrid of the US/UK rules- audience nominate, HG's evict.
| Friday, September 10, 2010 - 3:37 pm
I don't know if the UK public would much like the HG eviction part of the US show, but there are so many things they could combine to make a great BB format. First one needs to be that it's ok to WANT to win! Cuz really, everyone does & I always felt bad that the HMs weren't really allowed to say they want to win! I also would like the US format to pick up LOTS of hints from the UK format.
| Friday, September 10, 2010 - 3:39 pm
Eugene on 8 out of 10 cats makes it a complete event!
| Friday, September 10, 2010 - 3:39 pm
Sara, make sure to watch 8 out of 10 cats, your Eugene is in the audience!
| Friday, September 10, 2010 - 3:44 pm
Lol - you're already there! I think the public would want to be the ones with the final say. I like the idea of having it more of a competition. They should keep the POV. It'll be hard work finding a good balance though, the US one really doesn't compare and I wouldn't like the UK one to get too close to that.
| Friday, September 10, 2010 - 3:58 pm
Aw - thanks Kitt - you know I love my little Eugene!
| Friday, September 10, 2010 - 6:13 pm
Is there a place online to watch BB2?
| Friday, September 10, 2010 - 6:43 pm
I'll send you a PM Will - check your email.
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 11:29 am
Thanks Kitt. I wondered how I could keep up with whatever news is out there, but I forgot that I can always count on you.
| Monday, September 13, 2010 - 2:02 pm
Sara, good idea re me posting as I watch...will do when I can. Most painful surgery evr had and I've had a lot. Months of phys therapy and 6 weeks of wearing uncomfortable box brace. Pain will be around long time says Doc - ugh. Very glad Brian won!
| Monday, September 13, 2010 - 8:27 pm
That does not sound good, Cricket. So sorry it's going to be a long recovery. And no BB to distract you! Have you watched the prior seasons? A lot are still on youtube, some in nice playlists - let me know if you need links. It was the joint BB11/UBB wrap party tonight. Sounds like most of the BB11 people went but only a few of the UBB people - just Nick and Victor I think. Dave from BB11 didn't attend in protest, because apparently he feels BB lied to him and didn't allow him enough contact with his family during the show (errr Dave, it's BB - NO contact!) and he feels they should have told him his family was suffering. Not sure how they suffered. Oh and JJ and Josie made up again, ho ho.
| Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 5:59 am
If anyone is interested, here is a link to some pics from the wrap party. Very, very posed pics - some of these people I didn't even recognize... Sunshine, for example.
| Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 6:05 am
I also read about Dave protesting by not going to the wrap party. He felt that his family was "suffering" because of how negatively he was being discussed/portrayed online, and he was told his family was "ok". When he found out John James got a telephone call from Nathan because John James was worried about his mother, Dave called foul. Another thing these folks never learn, is that Big Brother can change the rules at any time, for any reason. It's part of what BB is.
| Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 6:17 am
Poor Cricket - I hope your recovery is easier than expected... take good care of yourself and know that we're sending good cyber vibes to you!
| Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 8:29 am
Thanks for the pictures Sara. John James is still wearing those silly pants. I would have thought that for the wrap party he might have worn long pants like a grown up. Many of them would be hard to recognize. Some seemed a lot less attractive in the photos than they were on TV.
| Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 9:39 am
Sunshine's wearing only half a dress! Corin really doesn't look like herself. I presume the "guest" that Nick is kissing is his wife?? Ben, oh Ben... Of course Preston looked lovely 
| Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 11:01 am
Ok, although they both still look tensely posed, that is probably the most natural pic I've seen of them. The other pics OK published on their cover were just goofy looking and at the wrap party they were starting to look like mother and son... Josie in that long, grown up dress, and John James (as pointed out by Mama already) looking like a 10 year old boy in short pants. I could go on and on about how annoyed I am with the JJJ "romance" but I won't... And yes, who in America is going to hire Ben for a talk show job in that get up???
| Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 11:52 am
Some quotes from Nadia that I found interesting. These are from Star Mag - so take with a grain of salt: Speaking about her time back in the house, Nadia said; “I was so confused. I thought people would maybe be a bit sympathetic towards me, not boo me. And I couldn’t believe that Davina didn’t ask me about Coolio.” Nadia felt insecure after Davina commented on her being “boyish”. She replied to Davina’s comments by saying to Star; “She’s someone I have always looked up to. Kids watch that show – she should be more responsible. “For Davina to say I am boyish, what does she want me to do? “Should I be a perfect, pretty size zero? “It’s made me realise I need to have surgery and reshape my face. I am still not accepted as a woman. “Davina’s comment has made me hate myself. I feel fat, I feel ugly. I am disgusted by myself when I look in the mirror. So I will have to try harder to conform.” The full interview with Nadia was published in Star magazine today, with claims that Ulrika called her a “fat tranny”.
| Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 2:39 pm
I thought that was the best pic too. You're right about the mother and son effect, Josie doesn't look old, but she is frumpy sometimes compared to JJ's schoolboy get up. Poor Nadia, I hope she picks herself up. It seems that Big Brother have made it clear (even if not in words) that they're not going to comment on the Coolio mess, so she needs to decide what she wants to do - sue for some sort of damages, which I doubt would go anywhere, or make her statement and for her own sake move on and try to forget about it. It's a shame BB even put Coolio in there to start with, he wasn't well liked in his own year, and his behaviour this time should easily have been anicipated. Then they're stuck having to not upset a celebrity and try to gloss over some real hurt. Hard as it is, I think Nadia would be best to just make her statements to the press, then try to move on. And please, please, Nadia, don't have surgery! I hope she's just saying that for effect.
| Wednesday, September 15, 2010 - 12:45 pm
Now Chantelle and Preston are in OK Magazine: They are still working on working it out...