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| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 1:35 am
Bye Mummy and good nite to all
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 1:36 am
We just need lap tops with good batteries. Then we can be there and see everything. TVCH needs to be known. We can push ourselves here and there. Shout outs !!!!!!!!! We can rock it. (Well if Missy can I guess I can.)
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 1:38 am
I type so slow, NITE to ALL.
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 5:50 am
I know I can find it in this thread, I know I can I know I can.....Rachels reality
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 6:49 am
Carley, but I couldn't find it first.
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 7:00 am
It's probably due to my age but here's a question for you wonderful people who have been staying up and posting pics and comments (and I have enjoyed them!)... So last nights "Red Carpet" event ... there was a photo that looked from slightly above (like someone was taking the pic from a scaffolding) and it looked like there were maybe two dozen people (and I could stretch it to three) mingling around...(most being probably "production"?) so ... Were all the millions of fans kept further back??? I know there were some "die-hard" fans allowed inside - but how many were really there? ... Do the most recent "house guests" think all these other "reality stars" showed up for them? (yea right .. Jesse really wanted to meet Rachel .. LOL!) ... Why do these people think that a drunken internet interview by James is going to get them anything more than a few disgusting pictures on the internet? By the way .. I knew Rachel had coordinated Brendon's shirt/smoking jacket with her dress - she probably thought it would make them really seem like a couple and she could claim "her man" easier! (He looked very silly in my opinion)... I've been "here" since BB1 - and I used to get the feeds .. several years back I used to spend the entire summer glued to them, I even posted for LFP's...[Ordered and ate gourmet peanut butter] but the past few years it hasn't drawn my interest to do so (like I said probably due to my age .. and more so probably having gone through cancer [unlike Kathy - I don't dwell on the fact of what MIGHT happen - percentage wise it's not worth worrying about] that I have my "LIFE BACK" ) But in all those years .. not one of those people (especially Big Brother contestants) have become "Famous" my take on Brit going home... she made an appearance the first night (might have been contractual to get AC money...) but is grounded knowing that nothing is going to come from it .. and went home to take care of the things that matter...(remember in the house a few weeks back she was talking to the guys about needing to come to the realization that they may not be "famous"...) I'll still come on here to read back through the "archives" .. and thank you all for posting the pics - but I just feel sorry for these "kids" and hope reality really sets in for them soon...(Can't really say Yau-man or Casey are I question them showing up...but maybe "CBS" does pay for them to come out???) Sorry for the length...
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 7:49 am
Interesting post and perspective. I think they are there mostly for the fun and extending the experience plus whatever else may come their way. If I were their age and had been on a reality show, I'd probably want to go and have fun as well. Plus while they are a million miles away from being an A list celebrity, there are still an awful lot of people who find them entertaining and enjoy meeting them. I know I would.
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 8:47 am
But how does that explain the ones who were on <fillintheblank> reality show 10 years ago coming for something like this? It is like being on a reality show, for some people (quite a few) turns them into (or they already were) Peter Pans who never want to actually grow up. I've watched Real World since season two and the ones with actual lives have moved on and are living those lives, family, career, etc. But last few years it seems like they just get stuck in "reality". People like Jack or Yau-Man.. they have lives and they will show up now and then for fun or to see people (or maybe their way is paid so they hook it onto a vacation). I was just taken aback when Brit was made out to be so strange for returning home! (or wherever she did go). Seems like an adult thing to do, given her circumstances, not to just leave it to parents to deal with the aftermath, and their dogs. I think it was always a big deal for the cast to have a wrap party for their season that featured their season instead of this parade of people dredged up from the depths of reality who are there to self promote instead of to have it be about this cast, for someone to promote and make money. Heck it makes Mike Boogie throwing the big parties at his restaurants seem almost benevolent .. yikes!
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 8:53 am
Now I am reduced to watching:
So, so sad 
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 9:01 am
SeaMonkey, I guess you have to be a certain type of personality to go on a reality show to start with. I don't get Enzo etc who think they will find fame and fortune, they must know, as you said, no past reality people have become famous. I do believe that there is a bond between the people who go on the shows, it was nice to see different BB seasons bonding, once the weekend is over people like Danielle, Monica etc will go back to their normal lives. I think it may be a shock to some of this years cast to realize that by this time next week they will be forgotten.
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 9:02 am
I was surprised that Brit, as America's Choice, did not attend the rest of the weekend since there are fans involved. However, you never know, maybe they needed to meet with an insurance adjuster or something (not theirs - I know that they did not have renter's insurance, but the home owner probably had fire insurance and those reps probably want to interview Nick.) I don't think the fact that Lane ended up with Rachel's best friend on Friday night would have added to Brit's desire to stay, and neither would Kristen's remarks about being angry about the things Brit said about her. Not that she would leave BECAUSE of those things, but they would hardly add to her desire to stay for the weekend. Even when you are "just friends" with a guy and are involved with someone else, it still can hurt to see the guy easily move on to the next person. It just goes on to emphasize that these people think they have "close relationships" in the house (and maybe some really do), but in reality it is just that there are only a limited number of people you can interact with so the closeness of the relationships get skewed in your mind.
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 9:04 am
Sea, last night someone mentioned a free hotel room and meals and so forth. If someone offered that to me, I'd most likely take it.
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 9:12 am
Oh I bet there are more than a few fans who would want to buy them drinks, etc. As confirmed reality TV fans we tend to be a bit jaded at times but you don't have to be much of a celebrity to attract attention. Heck if you attend some SciFi conventions they will drag out people who haven't done much for years and people are still excited to see them. It's fun meeting people you've seen on TV and getting an idea of what they are like in person.
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 9:15 am
Need - I believe that it was $150 admission to the Blue Martini event, and the fans who could afford that had access to all the....uhhh.....'celebrities' (LOL!). The BB houseguests have gone to Vegas after the end of the season before there was coverage like they had this year, so I think they go for a fun, partying, reunion of people who have had the unique BB experience. They're like family (well, most of them anyway!) and some may think this will extend their 15 minutes, but I think most go to Vegas for the FUN! The organizers of the event included the MTV and VH1 reality folks probably because those networks were sponsors of the event, and it would add more excitement as a 'reality' event rather than just a BB event.
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 9:18 am
'Morning, Scuba... I see you survived the night! I hung on until almost 4, and then conked out. And...if anyone from TVCH wants to make the trip to Vegas next year - I'm IN!!
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 9:19 am
I think Brit is more grounded than some of the people in the house. She is a BB fan and knows not much comes from them being on BB. She is probably ready to go home and start her normal life with her fiance. Matt and Ragan had more sense, also. What I have seen of the weekend so far, I know I wouldn't have enjoyed being there with a bunch of losers.
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 9:24 am
So, Joyce, I guess we won't be seeing you at the TVCH Vegas trip next year?

| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 9:37 am
Well I think they see the "little" fame and fortune that BB brings to some and they each think they will be even bigger and better. Heck even Rosem went to see Will live and brought him a grapefruit. Now I call that FAME and FORTUNE!
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 10:09 am
I feel Brit split early because the real world came knocking at her door. Once she was out of the BB bubble and the butt kissing, some fans made it real to her they did not like her nastiness. Brit is a coward, she can dish it but she can’t take it. I don’t know jack sh*t about most things, but I do know observational humor works fine in the atmosphere of a comedy setting and it’s not taken seriously, yet it should not be acceptable in everyday life because people do take it seriously. Some of the things Brit said behind people’s back are the kind of stuff that middle and high schoolers are committing suicide over. Words do hurt and they hurt deeply. Of course Brit’s comments were specific to the BB house but her general nastiness is universal to the meanest that office workers, college, high school and middle school students inflict on individuals outside of their social groups. Some people think Brit could make it in the comedy field; she’d never make it. Granted she has great timing, she doesn’t have the fortitude. I can’t see her in front of an audience where if she bombs, her going home to rework her material night after night until she finds the right combo of jokes to make the whole audience connect with her. Comedy looks easy but it’s not. People can say funny things but bomb at stand-up. Maybe she can go into movies.
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 10:23 am
Rose, I am alive, sleepy but here! Got chores to do today but will be around for tonights events, well some of it, real life will need tending to for part of it <sigh> Why do people need clean clothes and food? I just don't get it 
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 10:26 am
There is a Britney interview on TMZ where she says she is not even sure she wants to go back to Arkansas and that she wants to be an NFL star, not as a cheerleader, but as a sideline reporter. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 10:29 am
Kay, I am glad most people don't agree with you, or she would not have won america's choice. most female comedians do the same thing she was doing. Look at Joan Rivers, and Kathy Griffin.They make a living by being mean girls, so I am sure Brit would do good. Does she want that kind of life? I doubt it.
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 10:38 am
I hear voices.
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 10:40 am
Joan and Kathy can take the heat, Brit cannot. You're she probably does not want to be a comedian.
| Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 10:46 am
I think the only person who went there looking for more than just fun was Enzo. He was lobbying to get a job in Hollywood, but he was at the wrong party. Did he think agents would be there? The others go to have fun and this gives them a good reason and venue to get away for a few days. They all have a common bond - they were on a reality show. I get together with a group of women the past 3 years who all attended the same summer camp that I went to. We have a common bond. Some are younger and some are older so we weren't all friends before, but we are now, and we have a blast. No one else there other than Enzo were looking for fame and fortune. Britney left early to probably be alone with Nick and deal with her fire and to see her family. Why party with a bunch of people you don't know? I am more surprised that Matt didn't show up. Probably felt uncomfortable from the lie he told.