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| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 1:01 pm
Oh yeah! I forgot it was James Rhine that took over when they asked Missy to leave the couches. Yes, he did a better job for sure. It's mostly a blur to me except for remembering how a bunch of us here were shouting "Hallelujah!" when Missy left the interview couch.
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 1:03 pm
No way would I pay to see it. Like someone said, maybe if they paid me. 
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 1:10 pm
Okay, reading the first half of this thread, you guys talked me out of it. The limited hours totally turned me off. Thanks! Then I read SinceBB1's post, and I'm back to getting them again. Thanks! I'm also planning to see LaNouba at Downtown Disney next Saturday, so I won't be around for that afternoon/early evening, but knowing that you can see the archives later....well, I'm IN! With the 4 or 5 others in the universe who's willing to pay for this shit!
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 1:13 pm
Since, I signed up and got them, hopefully they will be worth it. See you on Friday!
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 1:22 pm
That wasn't Missy that James replaced. It was a woman named Nikki Artale who does a Vegas Stars web cast where she interviews Vegas performers.

| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 1:24 pm
You are so right, Aurora. I feel bad about attributing it to Missy. I still think Missy is missing a few synapses here and there, but that woman knew nothing about BB or how to interview.
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 1:25 pm
That is Howie, not James ...very confused now
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 1:26 pm
Scuba, Howie was there that night...
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 1:27 pm
Naja thank you, I never watched it.
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 1:37 pm
I don't remember it being Missy from Real but just some random lady that I had never heard of before and yes she was terrible. No I will not be ordering the Vegas Bash but will look forward to what you all post. eta: I walked away and forgot to post. Thanks for the confirmation Aurora
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 1:39 pm
Well, it looks like Missy was in the house. I wonder why Missy and Chelsea didn't do the interviews?

| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 1:59 pm
I asked if the same people were going to do the feeds as last year...this is her reply.... "NO! Not NO but HELL NO. lol We are the same as in the people that host the event but this year SuperPass who handled the live stream last year will NOT be doing it. It will be way better quality all around! On our website if you click on "LIVE FEED" link at top of page you can see our 24/7 live stream, we have live shows, show movies and recording session when we do them.(we're actually a recording studio in Vegas) Check it out it will give you an idea of how good our quality is. " In all honesty, I did watch an old "Yeti" movie on there last night...and the video quality was great...just like the BB feeds....
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 2:03 pm
Scuba...I will be there!
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 2:05 pm
Uh, just read your update, Since, and no.. I paid for feeds this summer but really I didn't watch all that much and there are so few of them I would want to see more of.. maybe Kristen (but I'm thinking I might not enjoy her in that setting with those people, maybe Ragan and Brit but really, what is the draw anyway? James is okay but you have to have someone being interviewed who you care to see and hear. Rachel? Don't think so. And Rachel drunk was just not something I want to see again. Last year most of us wanted to find out how it was going for Jeff and Jordan.. Nothing similar this year.
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 2:07 pm
Missy was involved in some stuff which also wan't very good.. I'm certainly not interested in seeing more of her after last year.
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 2:19 pm
Well, I guess I am just a die hard BB fan. If it means I will just get to watch a few good interviews...then that will be good for me! I am interested in seeing them out of the BB atmostphere. For better or for worse! LOL!
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 3:52 pm
Interestingly enough, Nikki Artale is one of Live at the Studio's hosts. Probably why she was chosen to do the interviews last year if they hosted the event. She might be seen wandering about again trying to get her hand on a microphone. lol I wonder if you just have to pay the $20 to see the Vegas Bash live. On the web site it looks like they transfer video to YouTube and YouTube is free. I'm going to be out of town next week anyway, so I think I'll check that out when I get back.
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 3:58 pm
Aurora - that Nikki woman is a scary, scary looking person...who would buy real estate from her????? And, she's from Jersey - she and Enzo should get along really well......
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 4:26 pm
Niki Congero asked me to post this response since she is not a member and has been reading the posts here..... "Ok everyone let me straighten things out; this year will be nothing like last year. Nikki Artalie is a local interviewer and a very nice lady; she does not however have a show on LiveAtTheStudio. She was just helping out last year. No need to bash her, I mean really what has she ever done to deserve that. You will see all kinds of different people doing interviews through out the weekend. James Rhyne from BB is one of them. Also Kevin from BB1 will do some fun interviews from the suite at the Meet & Greet. First here is the link that show who is attending. Not only BB peeps buy many others. Here is a description of the feeds. Come see all the action in Vegas on the LIVE FEEDS September 17th -19th. This time "What Happens In Vegas...You get to see" Check out this seasons Big Brother house guests along with reality stars from past Big Brother seasons, Survivor, Amazing Race, Rock of Love, Road Rules, Fresh Meat and more... This will be a weekend you wont forget. Come chat with the stars and be apart of the events from home. You will see a continuous LIVE FEED of all events and every thing in between! From the Meet & Greet Friday, to the Red carpet Saturday and Main event at the Blue Martini to the beer pong tournament and BBQ at Hogs & Heifers on Sunday. Get your all access weekend pass now at Bottom line we do this charity event every year, this is the first year we are going to stream live feeds from the whole weekend, some of it may be us setting up some of it will be just peeps hanging out. But it will be fun. If you’re not interested in getting it that’s cool we just wanted to make it available. Hope this answer any questions. Niki Congero LiveAtTheStudio/Host of The Vegas Bash"
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 4:32 pm
Oooops, my bad - sorry Nikki - the hot red hair just scared me a little!
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 5:05 pm
Never judge a book by it's cover .... remember Susan Boyle (who is going to sing for the Pope on his visit to UK .. yay!)her appearance did not match the voice
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 5:06 pm
Nikki Artalie is a local interviewer and a very nice lady; she does not however have a show on LiveAtTheStudio. She was just helping out last year. No need to bash her, I mean really what has she ever done to deserve that. Well if she was the one interviewing the HGs last year, she did a horrific job at it.
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 5:26 pm
Niki Congero just added... "I do understand why people were frustrated with the M&G last year we weren't even really planing on streaming it then just sort of tried..opps my bad won't do that again (with out planing that is). This time we have been doing shows remotely from the 3 locations to make sure all is well, so far so good. Should be a good time, so grab a bottle of wine or 2 and enjoy the show!"
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 5:31 pm
I am sure Nikki is a nice lady. I saw her interview last year and she did not do a good job and the production was totally unprofessional. I was watching at the beginning and there was a whole lot of cussing and looking for equipment. We were making jokes about them needing to go to Radio Shack. I don't claim to know who was in charge of what but just know that it was a hot mess last year. I also wanted to add why I am not getting the Vegas Bash feeds: 1. I am not interested in any of this years cast. 2. I think the price of an additional $20 is way to expensive.
| Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 5:32 pm
Like she said...everything last year was done spur of the moment. They thought it would be a nice thing to do. They didn't plan anything or have any interviewers lined was just a last minute idea. This year they have people lined up and prepared. Granted...the BB cast is what it is! So no one can change that! LOL! But things already look like they are going to be better! And don't confuse Niki with Nikki. Two different people. I think Nikki just got pulled in and wasn't prepared. She was just trying to help out. The cussing and looking for equipment was the Real crew...not Live At The Studio. That is why Real is not involved this year!