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| Sunday, September 05, 2010 - 6:31 am
From the website: At 11:07am, Big Brother announced to the House that they would be nominating today. The gang reacted with combined surprise and a number of them have already been expressing their struggle to find good reasons to nominate. Victor, usually the master tactician, admitted that even he was lost for what to do. However, this time there is a twist. Each member of the gang must spin a special nominations roulette wheel which will then decide how they will nominate. For example: a housemate could be asked to draw their nominations on a white board, they might have to rap their nominations or they may have to do a dare before nominating.
| Sunday, September 05, 2010 - 6:52 am
I think Brian has it in the bag, but this last week, anything could happen. If it's not Brian, then I kind of hope it's Victor - just because he tried so hard to be entertaining. I don't want Ulrika to win just because she has been kind of vicious about people on the feeds. She's badmouthed a lot of people from this year and from her CBB year and I just think it's all unnecessary.
| Sunday, September 05, 2010 - 6:57 am
Vanessa is allowed to nominate and be nominated so I think she's gone on Wednesday's eviction. The show doesn't seem to be extended, so not sure how many will go before the final - at least 2 I would think.
| Sunday, September 05, 2010 - 12:09 pm
I don't know about Vanessa, because a lot of the girls seem to really like her from the past. I think Victor and Nick might receive a lot of noms because they found out about BBLBC, and seemed to take it badly, not entirely sure why. I can also see Victor and Nick nominating Brian for tactical reasons, but I can't see him leaving. Thank you Banner-Mod 
| Sunday, September 05, 2010 - 12:18 pm
Not much on twitters: 09:27 Ulrika, Vanessa and Nick are chatting around the Kitchen table. The 'mature' trio appear to be forming a strong friendship. 11:07 BB has announced to the House that nominations will happen today 11:47 Nominations roulette has begun... 15:31 The housemates are speculating about nominations 15:44 The housemates are sat on the sofa talking about cheating in relationships 15:58 Victor is talking about the BB pantomime he and Nick were involved in 17.25 Run through of the task is going on in the Nest 18.03 Housemates are looking forward to the Feltz Show going on soon 19.01 Feltz: The Vanessa Show has been a great success. It's a wrap! 19.36 Nikki is making Chantelle laugh 19.47 Ulrika and Vanessa are chatting about Madonna 20.06 Preston and Chantelle are reminiscing about old times
| Sunday, September 05, 2010 - 12:21 pm
The official site has the nomination results. Michelle, Nick and Vanessa are up! It will be a double eviction! I have no clue which of those three will go, I can see big votes for them all.
| Sunday, September 05, 2010 - 1:58 pm
Today's show: Vanessa calling out Nikki, amazing!! I don't know why people don't do it more often!
| Sunday, September 05, 2010 - 2:21 pm
Coolio did say first of all to me, 'We need to stick together. We are not like them'. When I asked why, he said, 'We're black'. i remember Coolio trying to play that poor oppressed Black person role on CBB the first time. I also remember Coolio didnt know ANYTHING about the slave trade/how it started and who really did the rounding up and selling. Terry sat him down and tried to explain it to him. I feel bad for people who try to blame their problems on their own ancestry instead of their OWN behaviour. i've met a few in my life. I wish the TV show HAD left some of the Coolio harrassment in. We were all left guessing and it made Nadia look like she was overreacting
| Sunday, September 05, 2010 - 6:42 pm
Vanessa really knows how to deal with Nikki. I don't think Nikki has ever been confronted like that.
| Monday, September 06, 2010 - 12:45 pm
It was funny, most people know exactly what she's doing but it's something a child to do so somehow it's not the done thing to explicitly spell it out to someone. I'd do what Ulrika does, and just let it annoy me but not point it out to her except tetchily... good on Vanessa. Today's twitters: 08:48 One of the girls just got annoyed with Victor for snoring 09:03 Preston and Ulrika are chatting about Chantelle in the Kitchen. Preston still finds his divorce from Chantelle 'heartbreaking' 10:18 Victor is giving a masterclass on how he attracts women 11:13 Michelle and Chantelle are 'glamming' themselves up in the wardrobe. They are looking HOT...TO...TROT! 12:14 Victor has just been hit by the Tree of Temptation!! 12:27 Vic is cracking on with his task. He was capture housemates bitching about each other on a dictaphone - 'Victor-phone' 12:50 Victor has been told that he will face the full wrath of the tree for giving the game away 13:59 Brian is teasing Chantelle that she will leave on Wednesday 14:48 Preston, Nick, Victor, Vanessa and Nikki are doing a blind crisp tasting in the Kitchen 16:05 Ulrika says that Big Brother is a luxury as at home she doesn't get a 'nano-second' to herself 16:33 Victor has been ordered to wear a Tree costume after failing his TOT Task 17:38 Vanessa Felzt is wondering what Cliff Richard looks like topless! 17:42 Ulrika has said that she's not 'scared of confrontation', but that she doesn't like it 17:57 Wise words from Vanessa: "I've wasted time, and now doth time waste me". She says that's her serious thought of the day 18:13 Victor has started his nasty taste testing from the Tree of Temptation! Blurrrrgh! 18:16 Victor is about to drink coffee that has been defecated from a cat! It's apparently the most expensive coffee in the world! 18:19 Now time for the colon sausage! 18:25 Victor has finished his taste testing, but housemates are voluntarily tucking in themselves! 19:38 Victor is telling fellow housemates about the infamous 'fight night' 19:59 Ulrika has posed the question: "What if we were just left in here - how long would it take us to notice?" Victor's task sounded like it could have been fun - shame he blew it! Also the BB Come Dine with me is on today - in fact it's on right now - so I'm hoping the nice girl with the E name will put it on her BBLB youtube page.
| Monday, September 06, 2010 - 1:07 pm
Here's the last few days' schedule again, just in case anyone has lost the old one in the archives: Mon 06 September 5.10-6.30am Live Feed 10-10.25am BBLB 12-1pm Come Dine with Me: Big Brother Winners Brian Dowling, Nadia Almada, Brian Belo and Sophie Reade compete for a £1,000 charity prize. The week starts with Brian Dowling, who quickly regrets presenting his guests with rather easy fare, before Nadia serves up her authentic Portuguese food, convinced she is going to win. On day three there are farcical scenes when novice Brian Belo attempts to prep an ambitious menu, while on the final night glamour model Sophie hosts a dinner that ends on a sour note. 2-3.10pm Highlights 5.10-10pm Live Feed Tue 07 September 5.20-6.30am Live Feed 10-10.30am BBLB 1-2pm Highlights 4-10pm Live Feed Wed 08 September 5.10-6.30am Live Feed 10-10.25am BBLB 1-2pm and 3.15-3.45pm Eviction Show 10 mins later than previously advertised 3.45-4.50pm BBBM 4.40-10pm Live Feed Thu 09 September 5.45-6.35am Live feed 10-10.30am BBLB 12-1pm Highlights 2-2.50pm 8 Out of 10 Cats: Big Brother Special A motley assortment of former housemates assembles for a Big Brother special, in tribute to the opinion-polarising series which ends for good tomorrow 4.15-10pm Live Feed Fri 10 September 5.10-6.30am Live Feed 10-11am BBLB 11.30am-1.30pm The Final Davina McCall presents highlights from the past 24 hours in the house and also reveals the first batch of runners-up 1.30-2pm Big Brother: Dermot's Last Supper Dermot O'Leary returns to the house for a special show in which he examines the BB phenomenon and recalls some of the most memorable moments 2.30-3.35pm The Final Hour So this is it. After 10 years, 11 series, seven celebrity versions and four other spin-offs (remember Big Brother Panto?), presenter Davina McCall prepares to call time on the big daddy of reality shows. But before the lights are turned out for good, the diary room chair is auctioned off for charity and the Tree of Temptation is chopped into firewood, there is the little matter of crowning the winner of Ultimate Big Brother, from one of the band of housemates who walked in two-and-a-half weeks ago for a second bash in front of the cameras' glare. Last in the series. Note both the Tuesday and Thursday Highlights shows are earlier than normal - this could be nothing or it could be that there's some live task or surprise eviction. The Thursday one is particularly suspicious, as they have to bleep swear words and edit content for a show before 8pm.
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 9:13 am
Twitters for Tuesday: 09:33 The housemates are being woken up by the song 'Flawless' 10:11 Chantelle is wearing a sexy white dressing gown with pink spots 10:47 Victor is singing 'Smoke on the Water' to himself 11:17 Vanessa is telling Preston that he wears similar clothes to her dad!! Is that supposed to be a compliment? 11:41 Victor tells Ulrika that she is looking cute today 11:45 Chantelle just banged her head on one of the cameras in the Bedroom 12:24 The housemates are cooking lunch under the grill. We wonder if it is cheese on toast? A classic housemate favourite. 13:06 The housemates have just received their new task. Flawless just performed a cracking dance routine for them 13:53 The gang are chilling out on the sofas in their sexy shell suit outfits 14:15 The housemates are about to begin auditions 14:23 Chantelle is second up. Brian has already been in and busted some smooth moves 14:39 Nick has just been in and shocked the judges with some streetwise shapes 15:10 Victor has given his audition. Vic was less than slick! 16.18 Flawless are giving their feedback on the Ultimate's moves 16:59 Vanessa and Nikki are talking about their eviction dresses The task was to do a dance act like Flawless, from BGT: For today’s task housemates will be creating their own synchronized dance routine, inspired by dance act stars Flawless. They will become the dance act... Flawed! Flawless will be on hand to give housemates a master class of dance moves and to help choreograph the routine. To pass the task, housemates must choreograph, practise and perform a dazzling routine with the help of Flawless. The dance crew will then ask each housemate to audition in the large task room to become the lead dancer. Flawless will then host a master class in the large task room and a rehearsal session in the Living Room. Later in the evening Flawed will perform their routine and Flawless will then decide if housemates have done enough to passed the task. If housemates pass, they receive a pampering hamper to help ease the muscles and get them looking flawless. Later in the evening Big Brother will play the premier of the Flawed routine in the Living Room.
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 12:20 pm
BB is playing havoc with my life. I cannot get any errands in between watching the various shows, and my daily walk. I cannot skip the walk this week because I missed too many while it was so hot here. I am out of groceries, my printer needs new ink and I have to buy a gift for my granddaughter's 16th birthday. I guess I will have to forgo my afternoon nap. I am making a great sacrifice for BB. I hope they reward me with a Brian or Nikki win.
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 12:54 pm
Lol! Only one more week and it will all be over! Unless of course Five take it over... ;) The e... youtube person does have the Come Dine With Me if you're interested. I haven't had time yet, only just caught up with yesterday's shows.
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 1:26 pm
Victor doesn't know the meaning of subtle, does he?! I knew Nikki had had anorexia, but not that it was for so long. 11 years in an institution, all through her childhood from age 8 until 19? Makes it easier to understand why she acts like such a child.
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 1:59 pm
Did Nikki talk about her anorexia on the feeds?
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 2:25 pm
Yes, at least they put it on the highlights show. She was out in the garden with Vanessa, and Vanessa asked her about it. Her wiki has quite a bit about it too, she says when she was 12 she was down to 37lbs.
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 6:01 pm
Just watched the HL show and the scene with Nikki talking about her anorexia brought me to tears... it is really hard to believe everything she went through (yes, I read the wiki page too LOL). I am a complete softie, because I would also like for people to stop bringing up Preston and Chantelle's divorce. She seems to be handling it better, but still... enough is enough folks. We all can tell she hasn't dealt with it very well and she's not going to in that house. Cut her a break. Shades of the old Victor in his tree costume... just shades, though which is good. I disliked Victor and Jason in BB5, but I have totally enjoyed him this time around. He's more mature, yet still has his devilish streak. Wish he could've brought it out more in Nick because I don't know if Nick will stay tomorrow. Now I'm wondering if Vanessa will stay... Michelle really hasn't bothered to do much to win her spot, has she? Shame too - so many of them seem so reserved and are just now relaxing enough where we would see their basic true selves... and it will be over!
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 6:57 pm
Yep, straight to Wiki for info! I really don't think she should have been on the show the first time round, I don't believe she could have been stable after such a traumatic childhood, really only a few years earlier. Thankfully she seems to be ok now. Hope that awful crowd don't boo her. Poor Chantelle and Preston. And when they leave the house, which is going to be even more traumatic in a way, they're going to be asked about it in every single interview they do. I hope when they get time to talk in private it'll begin to heal. To be honest I'm a bit concerned they'll start up again, because they clearly love each other - but it's no good if their life styles are just so incompatible. Jason was worse than Victor in BB5, but I didn't like Victor either. He's a smart guy, with a nice side, but he gets frustrated or something and becomes decidedly "not cool." I'm not sure what's going to happen on tomorrow's eviction. Nick has the support of Victor's fan club, Vanessa has people who don't like her outside the house, and Michelle has people who don't like her from her last BB, but this time had hardly done a thing. The bookies have Vanessa definitely going and Michelle and Nick pretty much tied.
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 7:18 pm
I really wanted Michelle to stay, but she obviously feels very uncomfortable in the house since Makosi and Nadia left. I'm a big fan of anyone who tries to entertain, which I think Michelle did in BB5 (cue "Stuey pants") but she can't pull it off now. I also think Nick will stay over Vanessa, but I've been wrong so many times, so please no betting on my opinion LOL.
| Wednesday, September 08, 2010 - 7:26 am
Davina has come into the house and The Tree of Temptation gave her a task to read letters from home to the housemates. Then she had to tell them all individually that they are her favourite housemate from UBB.
| Wednesday, September 08, 2010 - 8:53 am
Did she cry with the letters? ;) I bet she's good at telling them, believably, that they are the best. She seems to think on her feet quite well.
| Wednesday, September 08, 2010 - 9:04 am
Davina almost started crying when she told the Tree of Temptation she loves him and he said "I love you, too" back to her!!! She stood in the bathroom and didn't move for a minute and then ToT said "you ok?" or something and she told him NOT to be nice to her because it would make her cry! It was really cute to watch.
| Wednesday, September 08, 2010 - 10:25 am
Awwwww. She's just on BBLB now and they showed clips of her telling everyone they were her favourites. She was pretty good at it. Not sure how she's going to hold it together at the finale.
| Wednesday, September 08, 2010 - 10:30 am
Yeah- this has been part of her life for a decade, and even if Channel 5 picks the show up, there's no guarantee she'll be back.