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| Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 11:51 am
Very annoying, Kitt. I missed the rest of BBBM because I was just tired of John James. Then I forgot about it and missed the rest of the show. I'm glad Coolio is gone and will have to check the archives to see what happened around the time of his fight with Nadia. He said he was going to change strategies, so I guess he though he was too nice last week? Victor and Nadia were in 'fight night' season, right? What season was Michelle Bass on? I'm sad that she caved to Victor and let him decide whom to punish/scare. I'd like to have seen how Coolio handled the clown.
| Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 12:05 pm
Michelle was in the same season with Victor and Nadia. She was in the bedsit with Emma and their return to the house was what fueled fight night. That and a lot of booze... back in the day when they got much more alcohol.
| Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 12:22 pm
Ahh, thanks, Kitt. So Michelle knows Victor. I wonder why they are taking 3 from one season and none from some seasons. Might it have been more interesting if they took one from each season, so they didn't know each other that well?
| Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 1:34 pm
s/Kitt/Sara in above ;) It is odd three from one season are in there, but they were kind of from different sides, Victor was with the bad boy group, Nadia was with the girls, and Michelle floated a bit, because she was mostly concerned with her boyfriend. They must have spent quite a bit of time together, but I guess most of them will have, as there are bound to have been BB events over the years where people from different seasons mixed. Nikki and Brian seem close from before, for instance. Looks like Makosi is the same as ever. She doesn't seem any more stable to me. You can see Nikki has learnt a lot of ways to cope but it still struggling at times. I'd forgotten how nice Brian was, right now I think he's my favourite to win.
| Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 1:52 pm
Twitters from today. They skate over the Coolio thing: 08.29 Ulrika is awake and looking a touch grumpy this morning 09:34 Brian is asking Nikki if she is a Mole, sent to make him have uneasy sleep 11.21 Coolio and Nadia have had another massive bust up 11.51 Nadia is packing her stuff up! Will she leave after her massive row with Coolio 12:05 Ulrika is telling Chantelle that it's about time she started having children as she is 27 12.41 Coolio has finally come out of the Diary Room, Nadia has gone straight in after him 13.04 Nadia is chatting to Makosi in the Kitchen 13:21 Coolio is in the Diary Room talking to Big Brother 15:39 Victor and Michelle are causing trouble in the Garden 16:15 Nick and Nadia are talking about rap music at the Carousel 16:23 Ulrika says that she is nervous about taking part in tasks this time around 16:35 Stuart from BB9 is dressed as a roman soldier in the Diary Room, Nadia is called in to talk to him 16:43 Brian tells Stuart that he used to have a massive crush on him 16:46 Nadia's 'slave' Stuart has been ordered to strip and do press ups for the group 16:54 Nadia is making her slave Stuart give her a massage in the bedroom now 17:29 Preston is telling Stuart how scary Mr Snuggles the clown was last night 17:43 Chantelle and Preston are playing a game of piggy in the middle. Nasty Nick is the piggy 18:07 Ulrika is making roast chicken for dinner with some help from Brian 18:20 Nikki tells the other housemates that Big Brother has promised the group a party tonight 18:47 Michelle and Victor have chosen Brian and Nick to dance to music in the task room 19:21 Brian and Nick are both sweating buckets after their epic session of dancing 20:29 Makosi jokes that all of her other housemates are divas 20:40 Ulrika, Chantelle and Preston are comparing dieting tips 20:50 Ulrika's roast chicken is now ready to be served. Nick says how tasty it looks
| Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 7:39 pm
After watching quite a bit of Ultimate BB, I have to say that I really like this group. Ulrika's always been someone I enjoyed watching. Chantelle, Nikki, and Brian (definitely Brian) have such awesome personalities! I love watching the four of them together. And I love watching Preston... There's nothing really to add on to that. >_> How bad is it that I'm enjoying UBB more than the "real" season? My interest just dropped off shortly after Sunshine was evicted, and it didn't come back until Sam left. Heck, it'd be pretty cool if he was in the house with this group! I can already see Nadia and Sam going at it. 
| Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 9:52 pm
I've enjoyed watching UBB too. I think they need to pick up the pace though. They don't have a lot of time!
| Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 10:59 pm
The only time I don't like BBUK is when there are too big characters stopping us seeing the personalities of others. John was a bit like that, and Coolio was lot like that, so I'm very glad they're both gone. Yep, I agree, lots of nice folks in there, nice folks with quirks that make them very entertaining. I actually like almost all of them as people, I'm just not sure about Nick, because I just haven't "known" him like the others, and Makosi, because I think she's pretty unknowable anyway. Even Victor is a good guy, despite his protestations about being hard or a troublemaker. Definitely need to pick up the pace! I think there are going to be lots of tasks with other ex-hms, so hopefully there will be some silliness for us. Nominations tomorrow (presumably) could be pretty spread out... I expect Makosi to be up but of the rest I don't know. Maybe Nick because he's a bit aloof? Or Nadia or Nikki for the drama? I presume Michelle and Victor are immune for this week.
| Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 4:33 am
i watched the shoe argument between Coolio and Nadia. WOW did she ever go ballistic!! over reaction and definitely drama queen. Coolio did a relatively harmless prank. it may have undercurrents of Bullying....but compared to the Three Day nonstop bullying of Corin, this was nothing. IF BB asked Coolio to leave, its shocking that they Allowed JJ the threatening vile behaviour thru the whole show and Sam pepper was off the wall. Even Dave's violent manic behaviour was ignored. Dave let Sam have it with a Coat hanger at one point. And coolio is asked to leave because "he put shoes in a bed"??? I think nadia is playing a game, nothing more.
| Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 9:54 am
Is there any way this could be real...or is it a joke or inaccurate gossip? John and Josie Romp
| Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 10:54 am
Sunshyne4u stated: i watched the shoe argument between Coolio and Nadia. WOW did she ever go ballistic!! over reaction and definitely drama queen. I read an article yesterday that made it seem like Coolio chose to leave; however, after catching up on DS reading, I think you may be right, Sunshyne4u, that he was pushed out. Here are some convos from the HG's late last night. Chantelle saying that Coolio only wound Nadia up for the cameras to make good telly, nothing personal. Nick saying that his ejection was an 'over-reaction'. Chantelle saying that she didn't hear some of the things that were said, however. chantelle and nick talking about coolio leaving and how nadia reacts badly very quickly Nick thinks that Coolio was pushed out, it was sad and he should have said sorry, whether he meant it or not. I also read that Nadia made a big fuss about it in the DR and from the above discussion, it sounds like the DR wanted Coolio to apologize to her and he wouldn't..possibly because he didn't think he did anything wrong. I'm not a fan of Coolio's but it's confusing how they let John James get away with so much garbage and they are now being very strict. Confusing. I have a feeling Nadia might be up for eviction this week.
| Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 11:02 am
Sunshyne, I think there were a lot of dubious comments by Coolio to Nadia in particular (about her being a man) and reported use of the n word, so I would think BB didn't want the offense and bad press that could cause ruining their final BB. I also think he probably realised Nadia wasn't going to let him rule the roost, which was what he wanted, and that contributed to the "mutual" part of the decision. The shoe argument was just part of it. That's my take anyway. I guess we'll see a bit more today. Cricket, noooooooo! I don't believe the 10 hours of passion for one second! Them getting married - yep, I can believe that. Josie adores him and he adores his mummy, I mean Josie. Good luck to them though, I hope they can make whatever weird thing they have work... just also hope Josie had a very good support system as it's not going to be easy.
| Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 11:08 am
And in the house: 08.57 Victor and Michelle are awake and chatting about Michelle's snoring 09.36 The alarm has gone off and everyone is now awake 09.57 Brian is making Chantelle laugh talking about his dancing last night 10.53 Michelle and Victor are playing guess the sell by date on various herbs in the Bedsit 11.37 Nikki is in the bath whilst chatting to Brian and Preston about previous housemates 12.26 Preston and Chantelle are chatting about dating websites 12.50 Nadia is talking about her recent romances 13.03 Brian and Chantelle are chatting about her relationship with Preston 13.59 Nikki is chatting about Pete and their relationship 15.26 Ulrika is giving Chantelle some relationship advice 15.57 Task Reveal, the house is full of Big Heads! 16:15 The housemates have to wear giant caricature heads and keep them on for an hour... 16:15 The housemate who takes their head off closest to the hour mark wins the task 16:58 Ulrika is amusing herself by tickling people with a flower while they wear their giant heads 17:37 Big Brother announces that the task is over and is about to reveal a winner 17:42 Preston is announced as the winner of the task, removing his head in 61 minutes 17:50 Preston's special prize is....... Michelle and Victor joining them as housemates! 18:04 Victor and Michelle are getting to know their new housemates Victor and Michelle are in the main house!
| Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 11:29 am
REMINDER show's on at 12 noon today... i.e. about 30mins. Davina says "all will be explained re Coolio tonight."
| Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 12:50 pm
Cricket, noooooooo! I don't believe the 10 hours of passion for one second! I know, Kitt. Lol, someone @ DS said Josie couldn't stay awake that long. Just because she was screaming (if that's even true) she could have been drinking wine or champagne and eating chocolates, which made her happy and loud. I don't think they'll make it to the altar. I think they might date long distance for a few months and that's it. I hope she doesn't marry him and set herself up for a lifetime of arguing. I'm watching the highlights show right now and my feeds are very choppy. Does anyone else have choppy feeds? We just switched to a new carrier and I'm not sure if it's them or not. Is Brian from Ireland?
| Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 1:15 pm
It was the feeds, I watched about 30 seconds and gave up as choppy noise makes me tetchy. Going to have to watch the youtube later. To be honest I hope they don't marry either. If they do I hope it works, but I think Josie's setting herself up for a life of hurt... or a period of it, if it ends in divorce. But right now a public engagement is totally expected. What will come of it I don't know. Yep, Brian's Irish.
| Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 2:09 pm
i watched it all, yes Coolio did mimic and mock Nadia's exaggerated way of talking. And she is genetically a man regardless of how many hormones and surgeries she has. not everyone can pretend and i can imagine Coolio would never see her as a real woman. When watching feeds, I find nadia very aggressive almost man-like. I watched her season HL shows (not live feeds) and have been watching this UBB. Coolio did cross a line by some of the stuff he said, but a person is allowed by law to speak their mind. Only when it crosses into a Hate crime area would it be stopped, or so I thought. NO ONE except Nikki felt Coolio really was doing anything wrong. During the fight at the eviction show everyone was smirking and laughing along, no one said Anything. This is approval for Coolio, no wonder he didnt stop when nadia commanded. CRICKET - the other day when Nadia pulled her extreme drama queen act and started packing to leave Declaring "Its him or me" Big brother made their choice. Nadia kept the rant up for over an hour straight, working herself into a frenzy at a few points. I watched it all on live feeds. Coolio did come out of diary room, had a solitary smoke then within the hour was back in room and gone. You could hear nadia Ranting from in the house. A voice like a foghorn, it could pierce the mist and heard for miles LOL (((funniest thing ever right now on feeds, nadia in bikini and Nick on smoking bench Holding up a Pillow so he doesnt have to See her in the little bikini getting in the pool. HA HA HA Now she is breaking rules smoking IN the pool and Michele got in with her mic on.))
| Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 2:11 pm
i just had a giggle. Eight lines of Archives above and Every single one of them is ended by Kitt....... coincidence?? or a secret plan to take over the world??
| Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 2:52 pm
Do they have community property in Great Britain? If so, I do believe JJ will marry her. He has gotten a taste of the rich life with his inheritance and knows it won't last forever. If not, they will become an engaged couple to milk the "fame" and then slowly disappear so that he can go back to his real Mommy. I haven't seen the show yet, but I do believe that's two down for Nadia. If her plan is to take out anyone who has a chance of winning, she's ahead of the game.
| Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 3:18 pm
Secret plan to take over the world, Sunshyne. Don't know about the community property. I think Josie said she had promised £20K to a charity she had links to, and that she'd give some to Steve to buy a better leg, so after taxes the £100K isn't going to be much more than £40K. If they choose to stay in the limelight that's going to be gone pretty quick. Wonder what the going rate for interviews and photos for BB housemates is. I don't know if Nadia got Josie out on purpose... and I think a lot of them were saying the same thing, just Nadia was the loudest (as always) and the one the highlights showed. I agree though if she hadn't made a fuss to BB about Coolio he'd most likely still be there. He had to have done quite a bit we don't know though, otherwise surely BB would have said he chose to leave the house. The fact that they said "mutually decided" or whatever the phrase was, was pretty telling I think.
| Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 3:53 pm
Thanks for the info on Nadia, Sunshyne. I wish the next time someone threatened to leave BB, they'd show them the back door. (((funniest thing ever right now on feeds, nadia in bikini and Nick on smoking bench Holding up a Pillow so he doesnt have to See her in the little bikini getting in the pool. HA HA HA ROFLMAO....poor guy. Re the John James/Josie situation, the more I find out about Chantelle/Preston, the more the JJJ situation seems exactly the same. They met in BB; the gal won and the guy professed his love. I read an article where Chantelle stated after one month of marriage, Preston told her he really hadn't wanted to marry her. The made it 9 more months and pretended to be happy, but weren't. Are these romances swept along by BB and the public or are they ever real? I agree with you Mamabatsy about John James. I can't help comparing him to James of U.S. BB....staying very close to winners so they can be beside them for all the interviews and public attention.
| Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 4:26 pm
Last two weeks: Mon 30 August no day time tv Live Feed listed 10-10.30am BBLB 2-3.10pm Highlights 3.55-10pm Live Feed Tue 31 August 5.20-6.35am Live Feed 10-10.30am BBLB 2-3.10pm Highlights 4-10pm Live Feed Wed 01 September 5.20-6.35am Live Feed 10-10.30am BBLB 2-3.10pm Highlights 4.15-10pm Live Feed Thu 02 September 5.20-6.35am Live feed 10-10.30am BBLB 2-3.10pm Highlights 4.25-10pm Live Feed Fri 03 September 5.20-6.35am Live Feed 10-10.30am BBLB 1-2pm and 2.35-3.25pm Eviction Show extra long 3.25-4.30pm BBBM 4.30-10pm Live Feed Sat 04 September 5.35-6.20am Live Feed 1-2pm Highlights 5.10-10pm Live Feed Sun 05 September 3.45-4.50am BBLB 6.35-7.00am Live Feed 1-2pm Highlights 5.15-10pm Live Feed Mon 06 September 5.10-6.30am Live Feed 10-10.25am BBLB 12-1pm Come Dine with Me: Big Brother Winners Brian Dowling, Nadia Almada, Brian Belo and Sophie Reade compete for a £1,000 charity prize. The week starts with Brian Dowling, who quickly regrets presenting his guests with rather easy fare, before Nadia serves up her authentic Portuguese food, convinced she is going to win. On day three there are farcical scenes when novice Brian Belo attempts to prep an ambitious menu, while on the final night glamour model Sophie hosts a dinner that ends on a sour note. 2-3.10pm Highlights 5.10-10pm Live Feed Tue 07 September 5.20-6.30am Live Feed 10-10.30am BBLB 1-2pm Highlights 4-10pm Live Feed Wed 08 September 5.10-6.30am Live Feed 10-10.25am BBLB 1-2pm and 3.05-3.35pm Eviction Show 3.35-4.40pm BBBM 4.40-10pm Live Feed Thu 09 September 5.45-6.35am Live feed 10-10.30am BBLB 12-1pm Highlights 2-2.50pm 8 Out of 10 Cats: Big Brother Special A motley assortment of former housemates assembles for a Big Brother special, in tribute to the opinion-polarising series which ends for good tomorrow 4.15-10pm Live Feed Fri 10 September 5.10-6.30am Live Feed 10-11am BBLB 11.30am-1.30pm The Final Davina McCall presents highlights from the past 24 hours in the house and also reveals the first batch of runners-up 1.30-2pm Big Brother: Dermot's Last Supper Dermot O'Leary returns to the house for a special show in which he examines the BB phenomenon and recalls some of the most memorable moments 2.30-3.35pm The Final Hour So this is it. After 10 years, 11 series, seven celebrity versions and four other spin-offs (remember Big Brother Panto?), presenter Davina McCall prepares to call time on the big daddy of reality shows. But before the lights are turned out for good, the diary room chair is auctioned off for charity and the Tree of Temptation is chopped into firewood, there is the little matter of crowning the winner of Ultimate Big Brother, from one of the band of housemates who walked in two-and-a-half weeks ago for a second bash in front of the cameras' glare. Last in the series.
| Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 6:53 pm
Once again, thanks for the schedule. I do hope one of our sources will show those extra shows. The Come Dine With Me should be funny. I saw the one with Ben and he was Ben just as he was in the house. OH NO! They can't chop up the tree of temptation! I think the tree should win. If the tree were put up for the final vote, I bet it would win. FIREWOOD? I bet they could make a fortune selling bits of it.
| Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 7:13 pm
Thanks so much for the schedule and the extra info, Kitt. Wow, I can't believe there are only two weeks left. It seems like I just cut and pasted the 'first' two weeks to my laptop and now we're heading into the 'last' two weeks. I so hope the other channel will continue Big Brother UK. You know, we could use a better producer here in the U.S. to liven up our boring BB, so perhaps the producer of BB would like to apply for the job. Is that PEJ? Is he the producer? Only thing is he needs to be stricter than he was with BB 11. Quote: the diary room chair is auctioned off for charity Hmm...wonder if Mario has found anyone to buy it for him yet.
| Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 9:20 pm
lol, Mario will need a bigger house - the chairs aren't exactly the size for sitting in a corner! Yep, I think PEJ is the producer, or at least a bigwig. I think channel Five will take it, because a few of the ex-hms have been on there lately, and some of the official BB twitters have even mentioned it, as if they have some tentative agreement to start bring them into the BB fold. I really hope Davina goes too, if they do take it, it just wouldn't be the same without her. Talking of BB US, did you notice a couple of BB UK things on this season. First the robot (and he wasn't a Titan, I'll just say that), and now this week they've had to wear hand puppets, and talk through them. Hope someone on BBUK got royalties ;).