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| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 1:17 pm
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 1:30 pm
The thing for all of them now is what is the best way for them to get to the end (Let's assume for right now nothing changes and Kimo goes this week): MJ- she's in the familiar F5/F4 trap-the only way she can be 100% safe is with a POV win; she's probably favored in that however. If she doesn't win, who of the others would be willing to take her over another person? -Rubina might be more willing to keep her over Cam and Chelsie (knowing Cam/Chelsie would take each other to F2). -Cam probably wouldn't keep her over Chelsie, but might over Rubina (as I don't think Rubina would take him to the end) -Chelsie is a wildcard right now- if Cam wins HOH, would she take her over Rubina? and does she trust Cam enough that he wouldn't dump her at F3? -In any case, I suspect she'd have to win F3 HOH to get to F2; If it's Cam/Chelsie I think in the end they'd take each other, and Rubina is 50/50 at best (the odds would be better Rubina taking her over Cam than Chelsie) Chelsie-Probably is in the strongest position right now; I think she's favored in the F4 HOH to guarantee her safety to F3, and there's also the POV. -If Cam is HOH, I think she'd take MJ over Rubina to F3. -If Rubina is HOH, it's 50/50 as to what she'd do (MJ would take her to F2, Cam would take her to F2, but would Rubina?- maybe over Cam, not sure over MJ, but MJ would hae a better chance of winning the final HOH than Cam most likely) -If she's HOH, does she just let the chips fall as they may in POV so she doesn't get her hands that dirty? And if she wins HOH and POV, who does she make do the dirty work? Cam- not as in as strong as position as he might think (I do think the talk about cutting him this week is just talk; better it be 3-1 than 2-2). -If he ends up with HOH he'll probably let things fall as they may -If he's not but wins POV if Chelsie is HOH he'll do what she wants, if Rubina is HOH he'll keep Chelsie over MJ. -If he wins both HOH and POV he'll give Chelsie the vote Rubina- Ideally the best thing for her is to win HOH and let the other three fight it out. -If she wins just POV if Cam if HOH it's a tossup as to who she'd take; I think in the long run her odds would be better with MJ than Chelsie (Chelsie would take Cam over her, MJ would take her over Cam probably) -If she wins both she knows it's likely 2v1 regardless on who she gives the vote to; I'd slightly lean towards giving MJ the vote as Cam and Chelsie would almost certainly take each other to F2, MJ might be able to be persuaded (and MJ would be more likely to win the last HOH)... It's an interesting endgame- Chelsie probably wins if she gets to F2 and likely has the easiest path to F2- the only hitch might be is if Cam wins HOH and Rubina wins POV at F4.... If MJ doesn't win POV at F4 there's a big chance she'll be out- but she's likely favored to win that POV...and if she can get to F3 I think she can win the F3 HOH. Can she win a F2 vote though? Rubina might have to win one of HOH or POV to go on, and might have to win F3 HOH to get to F2....she'd have a reasonable chance at a F2 if things fall exactly right... Cam's fate is going to be heavily tied to Chelsie...and is playing for no better than 2nd place (the only person i think he might have a little chance against is Rubina, and that's minimal..)
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 1:32 pm
I don't have a cold heart but we have all have had issues that we've had to overcome. While I feel for Rubina's childhood, she's done nothing in this game to deserve to win. What has she done except boink Tucker and follow T'Kor around. A lot of father's leave the home and mother's have been stepping up to the plate to do what they have to do. I also hate the saying of "they don't need the money or how the money would change so and so's life". As much as I don't like Chelsie or her game play, she is playing the game. IMHO, the only ones that deserve to win are Chelsie for her manipulation and comp performances, MJ for her survival skills and comp performances and Angela for her tenacity and determination. Lousy childhoods and being broke would not be factored in if I was voting for a winner. Glad you're safe Fan.
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 1:49 pm
Agreed Jadajean. Cowboy used the "poor me, I need the money," and it didn't go over well.
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 2:02 pm
I think Chelsie encouraged Makensy to be negative towards Cam, and thus she can then manipulate Makensy and "save" Cam, after Makensy alienates Cam. And Chelsie is the one who should go on the block!! And out. Quite the manipulator and that might work to win Big Brother, but it is sad for real life, especially for one who claims to be so religious.
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 2:03 pm
Fan, glad you are ok. So many lost everything.
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 2:08 pm
From what Taran said this morning, apparently Cam actually did have a lot of sports injuries, so he might actually have back problems and that might be why he is so inactive, but he looks so strong, and is expected to be strong. But Makensy berating him is a bad move.. Just one of many bad moves she is making.
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 2:11 pm
MJ is just clueless. Doing all of Chelsie's dirty work.
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 2:23 pm
But has Rubina talked a lot about the situation with her mom, with her mom's family winning control in court and letting the home be repossessed while keeping brain dead mom on a ventilator for 9 years? And then leaving the daughters to make the final decision to pull the plug and bury mom.. The gofundme was 6 years ago. Rubina asked for $1000, got over $3000. But I haven't heard her make this a plea for sympathy, though that could happen. If she isn't F2, I sure would rather see her get fan favorite money than Tucker, who doesn't need money, from what he said. But the Tucker fans are still out there posting that the season died when he was voted out (yet here they are still posting about the show they claim to not watch).
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 2:44 pm
I've never heard Rubina talk about her mom until last night with Kimo. I was was referring to people saying that wanted her to win because of the situation she was in. IMHO Fan favorite should go to the fan's favorite and not on who needs the money. I could care less if Tucker needs the money or not, or if he is a so-called trust-fund baby, He was my favorite and will get my vote for Fan Favorite.
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 4:20 pm
I have been beating my head against the wall for four days about the 🎵 that they are singing; It’s because I recognize the melody as the 1994 hit “You Gotta Be” by Des’ree
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 5:00 pm
HGs were in the backyard lounge area discussing various things. MJ brought up her parents’ house and asked the others to “guess what it looked like…” Kimo suggested she not describe what their house looked like, so she said “guess what colors the theme is inside.” (WHO CARES?) Then she described various things and reminded them they have a lot of land because “remember, we own a construction company, we restore and rebuild old houses.” Do we dare assume the company she works for is her FAMILY construction company?!
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 5:18 pm
Cam goes up to HoH room, MJ walks in shortly after. She tells him he’s got to step it up and WIN something. He assures her he will. She said ”it would be awesome if you helped us out by winning and keeping us safe!” His reply: “don’t worry…” she says “don’t WORRY?!” She tells him she’s won a lot, and thinking about next week is “scary.”
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 5:22 pm
MJ goes over a few scenarios, Cam says he’s not worried about POV, he’s focusing on HoH. Then after that, he’ll focus on Veto, and so on. He says he’s not at all worried about the 3 of them (Cam/MJ/Chelsie) making it to F3.
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 5:39 pm
I agree, Jada, about reasoning that fan favorite should be for your favorite. In my case, Tucker is irritating and absolutely not my favorite. I am not sure, yet, if I will bother to vote. Might vote for Quinn. To be honest, Rubina annoys me. I do feel for what her family went through..
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 6:04 pm
My fan favorite was Cedric. I really liked him as a person and his parents deserve a pat on the back for raising such a nice young gentleman. Hope that Rubina wins HOH, that Makensky wins the veto and that Cam goes home. Makensy for the win...I changed my mind AGAIN LOL.
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 6:04 pm
Sea - I agree with you about Rubina and Quinn would probably be my 2nd favorite followed by the long winded Leah. The rest bore me to death.
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 7:56 pm
Realityfan, I love Cedric as well. Really great kid. I follow him on insta
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 8:28 pm
I hope that he wins Pamy.
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 8:44 pm
Sadly, he will not have a chance. Most people wont remember him. It will probably be Angela or Tucker
| Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 8:49 pm
That sucks...
| Monday, September 30, 2024 - 7:24 am
I do not think Rubina should win because she had tragic and devastating events impact her life. What stood out to me from her gofundme video was that we judge and think we "know" the nature of these houseguests but we really don't.
| Monday, September 30, 2024 - 8:16 am
Jokersupdates reported a lot of game conversation in the early morning hours. Makensy talked with Rubina in the HOH room assuring her she was safe. She might use veto on her and put up Cam, but she would want a unanimous vote. Meanwhile Chelsie and Cam were in the rock room concerned about what influence Rubina was having over Makensy. Chelsie later went up to the HOH room and they expressed their concern over Cam and what he would do if he won HOH. She also said she wants two women at the end. (She has said earlier in a diary room session she wants Makensy as her final two and she thinks she can win over her.) They were still talking at 3:28 a.m. when the posts stopped.
| Monday, September 30, 2024 - 8:36 am
Here is Chelsie's diary room thoughts on final two.
| Monday, September 30, 2024 - 8:50 am
So, what bus is everyone on now??? As far as likability, no one stands out anymore. For game play, I'd have to say Chelsea for her manipulation of players (MJ mainly). And for comp wins, MJ. But I don't like either one of them, so I'm pretty much just an innocent watcher at this point.