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| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 8:31 am
3rd snippet: caught some of Chelsie's self talk to the cameras.. actually evolved into a sermon of sorts..(even not being very religious - I can say she's good.. if this is how she is with the teen groups .. it's in a relatable way..) she went over Proverbs - Love is patient .. part.. Angela came into the rock room and startled her mid-sentence .. but then stayed for the end. Angela told her she didn't know what MJ was going to do but - yada yada yada - the same stuff she always says about wanting to stay - good for your game.... then she said good night and sobbed in her bed (Kimo who is also on the block .. stopped and gave her some encouraging words)
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 8:41 am
Last snippet: I woke up at 3:30 - and Leah, Kimo and Rubina were in the backyard chatting. They were discussing their places in the game and how they think they were being perceived based on what Zingbot said. The camera I was on was focused on Leah (closeup) and only heard the others off camera. Leah says to Rubina "At least you have a story arc" (meaning the showmance - {oh that was so three weeks ago - lol} ) and Rubina replied .. "My showmance has nothing to do with my game play" .. NOW, I have to point out - since I was looking directly at Leah at this point - something I pointed out yesterday.. she may have said it in a playful, innocent tone... but the facial expression was mean girl all the way... just a little "jab" to get under Rubina's skin.. Cam's insignificance was mentioned.. Kimo commented that well he hopes more than his just laying around is what is being portrayed .. And Leah said hers sounded as if she is being portrayed as dumb... and that was just wrong... Shortly after WBRB - they got up to go inside .. and call it a night (morning) - they went in a little loud - not too much .. but not being especially quiet because - Angela probably was awakened - seeing as she sleeps in the open room...they brushed their teeth.. did their business ... Leah took off her make-up .. and Kimo went to the rock room with Chelsie and Cam .. and Leah and Rubina went into the unicorn room...
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 8:47 am
thank you Grooch and Need and everyone else who gets the overnights!!
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 9:27 am
What I don't understand ... WHY don't they cook something quick (NOT PIZZA .. LOL!) vs. totally from scratch .. when they've had one of these all day competitions? ... A quick spaghetti .. something that takes maybe 20 minutes vs. 2 hours... AND WHY DON'T THEY HAVE A CROCKPOT? (Come on BB - that's something that doesn't make noise.) I mean.. throw a bunch of stuff into the crockpot .. let it cook on low all day.. awesome meal!
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 9:39 am
Mean girl all the way is because Leah can't get over the fact that Tucker chose Rubina over her. She bashes Tucker, every day, because she had a crush on him and he chose Rubina. Now, Rubina is taking all the jabs because Tucker is gone; jealous girl. Early on, Chelsie was talking to Leah and trying to find out whether her crush on Cam was bigger than her crush on Tucker (because of Chelsie's crush on Cam) and Leah said she was more attracted to Tucker and that he was her crush. It was a very long conversation on the balcony outside. After that conversation, Leah went to Rubina who was sitting on the bathroom couch and asked her if she and Tucker had a thing because if she did, she would not pursue him. Rubina denied being that close to Tucker. Then Leah found out it was a thing and she can't get over it.
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 10:16 am
I am not giving up on Angela yet. I am waiting for her to go to MJ and tell her that she was “eavesdropping” and “overheard “ Cam and Chelsie discussing the best time to get MJ out since MJ has won so many comps and is clearly a threat. It worked before on Chelsie, why not try it again?
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 11:19 am
I want both Angela and Leah to stay. My only fear is that MJ will put up Leah and not Chelsie if Angela comes down.
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 11:43 am
I think that if Angela can convince MJ that Chelsie is a threat to her, there’s a chance that MJ might use the veto to replace Angela with Chelsie. It is a very small chance, since MJ is apparently in the Chelsie cult. I actually wish that MJ was as into Cam as Chelsie thinks she is. It would be an added incentive to take out her “competition”, but MJ just isn’t into him.
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 11:48 am
Great post Grooch. I listened to Chelsea preaching. She is good. I thought that it was 'rich' when she was telling girls about their 'jealousy.' Apparently, she isn't able to recognize her own jealousy. This always happens with the girls. They get hung up on a guy and they evict each other over it. That is why we can never have an all girl alliance. MJ is going to be sorry on Thursday night when she finally sees that she has been played. I hope that Angela does convince MJ about Chelsea's plan to get her out fast. She needs to wake up
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 11:49 am
Hwest and Rosem, I hope that this happens. I want Chelsea out on Thursday!
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 11:57 am
I have been trying to figure out who Cam reminds me of and it's Calvin Lockhart an actor from the 70's-80's.
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 12:05 pm
Jadajean, wow, that is a great comparison...he could be Cam's dad.
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 1:15 pm
oh wow they look identical!! What a handsome man!
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 1:16 pm
Cam/Chelsie in the kitchen working HARD to put up Leah as renom! They tell her the jury will respect it, getting out a good player. She’ll earn T’Kor’s vote (but she may lose Quinn’s, so big deal).
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 1:20 pm
Chelsie tells Makensy “you’re gonna win more comps and hold the record for the most wins!” Makensy asks “should I not tell anyone and just put her up?!” Chelsie says “Did SHE tell anyone when she used veto on Angela?”
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 1:23 pm
Chelsie tells her she will gain 5 people by losing 1… that should tell Makensy what she needs to know, Chelsie is in a 5-person alliance! Now Leah walks in!
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 1:27 pm
Wow are they saying that Angela may stay to see another day? (Take down Kimo, put up Leah, Leah goes home...) .. O.K. by me .. my 4 picks at the beginning remember .. only based on silly stuff .. were Angela, Cam, Chelsie and T'kor... might be fun (for me only) to have 3 of my 4 remaining picks in the top 7...All of my picks at the very least made jury... go me!
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 1:34 pm
I do get a kick when Chelsie talks about living in "Rancho" .. (It's Rancho Cucamonga) .. I never called it just "Rancho" .. because there was also "Rancho Palos Verdes" and probably another 10+ "Rancho's" I'm not thinking of.... Edited to add: Rancho Mirage, Rancho Santa Margarita...
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 1:45 pm
MJ is stupid if she betrays Leah like this. Does she not see that she's next. Chelsie will not be satisfied until she has Cam to herself. Wait until Cam finds out that they have been lying on Leah and all the awful things Chelsie has said about him.
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 2:07 pm
MJ, Leah and Cam have been having a "relationship" conversation for the past 30 minutes (at least) .. they've talked about cheating.. expectations.. a whole bunch of different areas... Leah has at least spoken OVER MJ 5 times (since I've started counting...) .... we'll see if it impacts MJ's veto ceremony tomorrow... Chelsie is in the backyard ruminating.. if you were wondering...
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 2:21 pm
Rubina has joined the relationship conversation...
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 2:25 pm
They are still talking about relationships and Rubina has joined them. MJ was engaged once. Leah said that she has never cheated. Haven't seen Kimo today. Angela and Chelsea are outside. "It is nice like, to talk about it like, but like it is hard"...Leah.
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 2:26 pm
I now want Rubina to win. Leah, Angela, Mckenzie will be gone in the next 3 eliminations, SOOOO, Rubina for the win. Did I just say that our loud??!!!! OMG.
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 2:27 pm
If MJ does Chelsea's bidding, then I hope Angela wins the HOH and evict Chelsie and they share a ride to jury house.
| Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 2:30 pm
Love that Sea 