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| Wednesday, August 21, 2024 - 3:38 pm
Chelsie is supposed to go if it's Cam vs Chelsie. At least that's what Tucker wants. So it must be true. 
| Thursday, August 22, 2024 - 1:51 pm
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq An amended updated thanks to @TheBigBroTea . My AM routine has been crazy this past week which has made it difficult to keep up with any late late night updates, especially when they aren’t gameplay related w/ no flashbacks Things You "Need To Know" - Day 37 (Tuesday 8/21) #BB26 1. Tucker/Angela Final 2 = "The Unexpected" 2. Kimo points out that some people are making subtle changes based on Tucker's likes/dislikes. Makensy (curly hair) Leah (less make up) 3. Leah tells people Tucker/Rubina were holding hands under a blanket 4. Quinn talks to T'Kor/Kimo about keeping Chelsie 5. Tucker and Rubina continue their late night shenanigans 6. T'Kor/Kimo talk (unsuccessfully) to Leah about keeping Chelsie, Rubina talks (unsuccessfully) to Tucker about keeping Chelsie 7. Kimo warns T'Kor that they need to be careful about going against Tucker's wishes this week 8. Angela survives Have Nots What to Watch For: - T'Kor/Kimo/Rubina plan to talk/push more about keeping Chelsie - Tucker and Joseph’s new closeness has HGs concerned Way Too Early Voting Scenarios (*subject to change) Brooklyn vs. Cam: Brooklyn evicted Brooklyn vs. Chelsie: Brooklyn evicted Cam vs. Chelsie: TO BE DETERMINED👀
| Friday, August 23, 2024 - 12:00 pm
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 38 (Thursday 8/22) #BB26 1. Kimo/Rubina/T'Kor agree to keep Chelsie over Cam, behind Tucker's back 2. Chelsie wins AI Arena 3. Brooklyn evicted 8-1 4. T'Kor wins HoH 5. Tucker offers to be a pawn, but then says he'd rather not do that 6. Leah tells people that Tucker's HoH condom box was opened and used this week 7. T'Kor mentions a plan of Cam/Makensy/Tucker noms, Quinn says Leah would be a renom option 8. Chelsie is upset over comments someone made. In one convo, Tucker speculates that it was Leah because she has already been warned 4 different times this season. Details continue to be cut from feeds but we did get this convo: Rubina: "someone saying something..." T'Kor: "inappropriate?" Rubina: "regarding..." T'Kor: "race?" Rubina: "yea" Alliance Update: Kimo/Rubina/T'Kor/Tucker form "Friendzzzz" (not a typo) before the eviction
| Saturday, August 24, 2024 - 9:20 am
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 39 (Friday 8/23) #BB26 1. Kimo/Rubina both offer to be renom pawns (WHAT ARE WE DOING THIS SEASON???) 😐🫥😑 2. AI Instigator calls out Tucker/Rubina showmance via Quinn's hologram, which upsets Rubina 3. T'Kor nominates Cam/Makensy/Tucker 4. AI Instigator speculation continues throughout the day 5. Joseph talks about his crush on Leah 6. Kimo and T'Kor (plan to) create an alliance w/ Quinn/Chelsie/Rubina 7. Angela enjoys a charcuterie board in honor of Brooklyn Note: The feeds cut for over 9 hours to start the day. Why? We'd love to know too. What to expect today: - Veto Draw 🗳️ - Veto Comp and Results 🚫 - Maybe everyone will offer to be a pawn instead of looking out for their best interests, who knows with this group
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 12:24 pm
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 40 (Saturday 8/24) #BB26 1. Angela/Joseph picked for Veto 2. Prizes Veto Comp Cam: Veto 🚫 Makensy: Hawaii Trip 🌴 T’Kor: $5K 💵 Angela: BY Cleanup Task🗑️ Joseph: 24 Hours Solitary 🔒⏰ Tucker: BBAI Assistant Costume (w/ encyclopedia tasks) 🦸♂️ 3. Joseph talks to Quinn/Tucker separately, hopes they watch out for him while he's away in solitary 4. Chelsie starts talking about evicting Tucker if he loses AI Arena 5. Makensy states she will nom Kimo/Rubina/T'Kor if she pulls out an HoH win 6. Angela works on her punishment through the night. T'Kor, Tucker, and Joseph have gone to bed, everyone else is still up supporting her. (almost done as of this post) 7. Many believe the renom for Cam will be Leah or Angela What to watch for today: - T'Kor finalizing her renom plan (Angela, Leah, or someone else?) - Joseph starting his solitary - More BBAI Assistant Tasks - Angela finisher her backyard cleanup - AI Instigator visits (?)
| Monday, August 26, 2024 - 12:44 pm
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 41 (Sunday 8/25) #BB26 1. Joseph begins his solitary punishment 2. Episode: Tucker is the AI Instigator 3. T'Kor wavers all day between Leah/Angela as the renom option 4. Angela reveals to T'Kor that she knows about T'Kor/Chelsie's pact not to nominate one another (Tucker told her) 5. Tucker warns that an Angela renom means she will reveal everything about her alliance, says she will need to be evicted 6. Tucker plans to confront Angela prior to the meeting What to Watch For: - Tucker plans to speak to (confront) Angela before the meeting - Joseph finishes his confinement - Veto Meeting Results
| Tuesday, August 27, 2024 - 8:55 am
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 42 (Monday 8/26) #BB26 1. Tucker confronts Angela about her attempting to turn on him, Angela tries to do damage control w/ T'Kor 2. Cam uses the veto, T'Kor nominates Angela 3. Joseph finishing confinement before veto and plays catch up with everything that happened 4. Tucker and Angela continue to argue, Tucker also says he may throw the AI Arena Comp 5. Makensy believes there is a strong alliance between the Week 1 Have Nots (Cam/Quinn/Tucker/Kimo) 6. Rubin and Tucker kiss in front of the HoH Camera, T'Kor/Kimo/Quinn/Joseph watch and cheer 7. Kimo/Quinn/Rubina/T'Kor form "The Mistfits" (not a typo)
| Tuesday, August 27, 2024 - 12:39 pm
Also, on Monday, Tucker was bummed that Leah didn't get put up and said he wanted to go home. Then T'Kor had a meltdown and was crying because she made some people feel bad with her decision to put Angela up. Rubina consoles both Tucker and T'Kor and gets Tucker to go up to the HOH room and console T'Kor. Rubina was attempting to form an all-girls alliance, but without Angela.
| Wednesday, August 28, 2024 - 2:07 pm
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 43 (Tuesday 8/27) #BB26 1. Chelsie continues to plan a way to get votes to evict Tucker 2. Cam/Joseph/Tucker discuss working together 3. AI Instigator messages begin being shown on feeds. The messages now list grocery items, colors, and other facts which have HGs thinking this has to do with an upcoming competition. 4. Quinn mentions The Ballers (wrong name for Kenney/Cam/Tucker/Cedric alliance), Tucker forgets this was his alliance and now tells everyone there must be an alliance between Quinn/Chelsie/Cam 5. They host Girls Night upstairs and Guys Night downstairs 6. Cam mentions that he doesn't think he has been shown on the episodes much due to his lack of DR calls 7. Joseph continues to reveal too much information to Leah
| Thursday, August 29, 2024 - 11:53 am
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 44 (Wednesday 8/28) #BB26 1. Joseph and Tucker campaign for Angela to stay. (maybe Tucker should worry about himself first?) 2. Chelsie/Quinn plan a flip against Tucker if he loses AI Arena 3. Feeds Cut for the Halfway Party 4. Tucker/Rubina make-out in front of everyone, all cheer but the target grows 5. Quinn/Chelsie talk about how T'Kor/Kimo/Rubina/Tucker aren't hiding their alliance at all
| Friday, August 30, 2024 - 11:06 am
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 45 (Thursday 8/29) #BB26 1. Makensy wins the AI Arena 2. Tucker evicted 5-3 3. America awards Tucker $20K for AI Instigator 4. Quinn wins HoH 5. Quinn's current plan is to nominated Angela/Kimo/Rubina 6. Joseph/Quinn discuss forming an alliance that basically includes everyone but the nominees (Angela/Kimo/Rubina). Quinn has already told most of them they are safe this week too
| Saturday, August 31, 2024 - 10:41 am
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 46 (Friday 8/30) #BB26 1. Quinn nominates Angela/Kimo/Rubina 2. Quinn tells us that Angela is the target 3. Angela stews and cries after her nomination 4. A grill was delivered overnight, and it was successfully lit during the day 5. The Post-Tucker era begins w/ a low energy day 6. Makensy agrees to be Angela's Veto pick 7. T'Kor/Kimo worry that Angela isn't the target 8. Quinn acknowledges that Leah will likely stab him in the back 9. Rubina misses Tucker What to watch for today: - Veto Draw - Veto Results - Who does Quinn nominate if he needs a 4th nominee?
| Sunday, September 01, 2024 - 5:52 pm
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 47 (Saturday 8/31) #BB26 1. Leah wins Veto! (Joseph and Leah were picked) 2. "You are sick nasty, you are incredible, you looked really cool in yellow, I like your smile, you treat people with kindness, you are really funny, you are really good at cooking, there's a lot, the word sensational comes to mind when I think of you" 🫠💀 3. T'Kor/Rubina make plans to start a Women's Alliance (today) 4. Joseph tells Angela she is leaving unless she wins AI Arena (yikes) 5. Leah says that Angela is a benefit for her game when asked about whether or not she will use veto
| Monday, September 02, 2024 - 9:27 am
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 48 (Sunday 9/1) #BB26 1. Leah asks Quinn who the replacement nominee would be and he seems shocked that she would consider using it 2. NO FINAL DECISION made about using veto/replacement nominee (as of this post). Leah clearly wants to use it on Angela, but it's unclear if she will follow through 3. Angela offers her game to Chelsie/Makensy (if she stays) 4. Leah continues to wear the veto necklace, holds 1-on-1 meetings 5. Joseph's target continues to grow What to watch for today: - Pre-veto meeting scramble (what is happening??) - Veto Meeting Results - (possible) Veto Meeting Fallout
| Tuesday, September 03, 2024 - 1:25 pm
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 49 (Monday 9/2) #BB26 1. Leah uses the Power of Veto on Angela! 2. Quinn names Joseph as the replacement nominee 3. Joseph's reality has come crashing down, he fears this was a plan between Quinn/Leah 4. Feeds go down for the Labor Day Party 5. Makensy and Cam flirt/cuddle after the party, Chelsie isn't having any of it 6. Rubina/Cam talk about not nominating one another 7. Leah follows up with Joseph, tells him Quinn did not want the veto used
| Wednesday, September 04, 2024 - 2:22 pm
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 50 (Tuesday 9/3) #BB26 1. Angela plans to vote however Leah wants her to (this week) 2. Chelsie predicts a Rubina eviction, but in the same breath mentions an all Women's Final 6(The vote is very much up in the air) 3. Cam/Makensy continue to cuddle and people are noticing 4. T'Kor/Chelsie make plans to form a new alliance 5. Lots of games (jenga, charades, etc) played today while they are locked indoors
| Thursday, September 05, 2024 - 9:47 am
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 51 (Wednesday 9/4) #BB26 1. Makensy tells us she has the house wrapped around her finger 2. Chelsie/Cam/Quinn/Leah/Makensy agree on Kimo as the main target. They are undecided on Joseph vs. Rubina, and Rubina interrupts their convo before they talk it through 3. Videos have been shown throughout the night, HGs are studying 4. T'Kor finally starts discussing votes late in the night (too late???) 5. Ainsley has an announcement for us during tonight's episode Voting Scenarios (*subject to change) Joseph vs. Kimo: Kimo evicted Kimo vs. Rubina: Kimo evicted Joseph vs. Rubina: TO BE DETERMINED👀👀👀
| Friday, September 06, 2024 - 12:44 pm
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 52 (Thursday 9/5) #BB26 1. Rubina wins the AI Arena! 2. Joseph evicted 4-3 after a crazy sequence of live votes (Chelsie/T'Kor/Makensy/Rubina evict Joseph) 3. Chelsie wins HoH 4. Jury starts, AI Arena ends (thank you for the chaos) 5. Chelsie's Plan: Angela/Kimo noms
| Friday, September 06, 2024 - 5:15 pm
Kimo is to be put up as a pawn, the target is Angela. Chelsie wants nominations to stay the same but will consider Leah or Quinn if she has to put up a replacement nominee.
| Saturday, September 07, 2024 - 9:20 am
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 53 (Friday 9/6) #BB26 1. Chelsie holds AM meetings while Angela stirs 2. Chelsie nominates Angela/Kimo 3. Feeds Glitch then cut for 3.5 hours - The assumption is weather related due to the extreme heat. The air conditioning and appliances stopped working during the feeds cut (generator power?) 4. Quinn/Leah discuss working with Cam/Makensy against Chelsie (after this week, but can Quinn keep his mouth shut that long?) 5. Chelsie says Leah is the likely renom if the veto is used
| Sunday, September 08, 2024 - 10:46 am
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 53 (Friday 9/6) #BB26 1. Chelsie holds AM meetings while Angela stirs 2. Chelsie nominates Angela/Kimo 3. Feeds Glitch then cut for 3.5 hours - The assumption is weather related due to the extreme heat. The air conditioning and appliances stopped working during the feeds cut (generator power?) 4. Quinn/Leah discuss working with Cam/Makensy against Chelsie (after this week, but can Quinn keep his mouth shut that long?) 5. Chelsie says Leah is the likely renom if the veto is used
| Sunday, September 08, 2024 - 11:57 am
Dipo, you repeated the tweet for Friday.
| Sunday, September 08, 2024 - 3:45 pm
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 54 (Saturday 9/7) #BB26 1. Makensy/Quinn/Rubina drawn for veto 2. Makensy wins veto! 3. Veto was OTEV, and Makensy won in 1 Round! The 5 other competitors were all incorrect on the first question. 4. Rubina upsets T'Kor by saying she is using Rubina/Kimo as shields 5. Cam/Chelsie/Makensy discuss targeting Kimo this week 6. Alcohol Delivery leads to games like Truth or Dare, Kiss/Marry/Evict, etc. 7. T'Kor worries Quinn may evict Kimo, Rubina/T'Kor/Kimo plan to meet with Chelsie and make sure Kimo is safe
| Sunday, September 08, 2024 - 3:46 pm
Thanks, got the new one.
| Monday, September 09, 2024 - 10:20 am
RealityBBQ #BB26 @rbbq Things You "Need To Know" - Day 55 (Sunday 9/8) #BB26 1. Angela convinces Chelsie/Makensy that "she heard" conversations and that T'Kor/Rubina/Kimo/Quinn/Leah are working together 2. Chelsie decides they need to split up Quinn/Leah 3. Cam/Chelsie land on Quinn as the target 4. Chelsie gives Leah a heads up about what Angela revealed 5. T’Kor/Rubina are asked about their preference between a Quinn/Leah renom 6. The current plan is for Makensy to use the veto on Angela and Chelsie will nominate Quinn. 7. Chelsie tells Kimo the plan, but he does not push back and ask for the veto to be used on himself What to watch for: - Veto Meeting Results - Post-Veto Fallout after a Quinn blindside