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| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 12:42 am
About a half an hour ago, Tucker was in the shower & got out and put an outfit on. I didn't see the original, but he called this one his pajamas. Personally I would love to have encyclopedias in the house! I love to read and it would drive me batty not being able to. Watched Angela in the back yard. As others said she has a grabber (I use one at times as I am vertically challenged lol) picking up and transporting one orb at a time across the yard. Quinn is being funny, yelling at them 'BUT SHE IS A NANA!' etc. A few hg's were chanting & rooting her on. Then she went to a decontamination booth. Removed hazmat suit, boots, socks, gloves, belt & & glasses. Got sprayed with thick pink goo. Then rinsed with apparently cold water before getting dressed again. She's taking it well for now. Who knows after a few hours.
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 4:55 am
Earlier tonight Leah was in the Unicorn Room w/Chelsie. She was telling her about how loud and disrespectful the late night HGs are when they are talking/giggling all night and she’s trying to sleep. She can’t believe they have no respect for those who are trying to sleep. Well… I just woke up at 4:30 CA time, to hear loud chatter/laughter on the Live Feeds. I look at the tv… Angela is barely able to walk, she’s still at with this awful orb task. She’s swaying and moaning as she tries to transfer those balls. But mostly what I hear is cackling and giggling. Rubina, Kimo, T’Kor, Quinn, Leah, and Cam are all out there, but they sound like like little girls having their best slumber party! It’s so sad… once in a while one of them tells Angela’s she’s doing great. Then the camera shows Makensy in the kitchen making quesadillas for the kids. Honestly, if I were in Angela’s situation, I’d tell them all to please go inside, the noise is deafening at times. They are promising she will soon be having a hot shower and a massage. She says every single part of her body aches and she’s freezing. They are all wearing blankets and dozing in between their raucous giggling and story telling. Tomorrow will be all day napping. I’ll be curious to se if Angela tells anyone about what was going through her mind as she heard all this while being tortured with this task… she just keeps saying she’s freezing, and that BB has told her she can’t even take off her hazmat gloves. She wobbles left to right and she slowly walks back/forth. She’s almost limping as well… Kimo and Rubina are snort-laughing at some silly story they are discussing. It’s hard to watch! Leah’s making it about herself as usual. Every so often Angela cries out that she’s SO sore, there’s still so many balls, and she’s SO cold… it is very much like when Brittany was kicking the soccer balls. The peanut gallery is telling each other what they like about each other, physically and personality-wise.
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 4:56 am
Angela still picking up balls but she’s moving slow. Rubina , Tkor, Quinn, and a couple others are giving her support.
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 5:13 am
I hadn’t seen/heard Chelsie, but now I see she is sitting at the curved counter in kitchen with Cam and Makensy. It’s awesome they all stayed up to encourage Angela, but I can’t imagine Tucker being able to be the only one awake tomorrow.
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 5:26 am
They all convince Angela to sit down, take a break. They are wrapping a blanket around her, Leah has towels in the dryer to warm her up. She said it feels better and keeps thanking them. THIS is more like it! She was so cold, limping and tired.
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 5:38 am
Kimo/Quinn in the bathroom area discussing trying to keep Leah off the block. Quinn insists it needs to be Angela, they can’t lose Leah. Not sure that’s gonna work after what Angela’s going through. T’Kor may not be able to do that to Angela after this all night punishment.
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 6:50 am
Angela is still going. Makensy is walking with her. The end is in sight, as you can see. Angela: "Thank you guys, very much. I couldn't do it without you."

| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 6:56 am
They say is is 6:56. "You're killing it, with time to spare."
Cam, Chelsie, Leah, and Rubina are there as well to cheer her on.
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 7:05 am
I see Quinn and Kimo out there also. Someone says there are 34 balls left. They see a hummingbird.
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 7:17 am
Down to 12 balls left... (This seems like when BB would be doing the pink goo blast now)
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 7:18 am
They want to do a countdown starting at 10. The group is cheering "10."
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 7:25 am
She finished and they are going wild. Feeds go to WBRB, then the WBRB disappears and it is just the fish tank. This the group (Cam, Chelsie, Rubina, Quinn, Kimo, Makensy and Leah) cheering her on at about 6 balls left to go.
Angela is taking a shower.
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 7:26 am
Angela just finished. They created a human arch for her to walk through on her last ball (Cam, Leah, MJ, Quinn, Kimo, Rubina).
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 7:28 am
Angela thanks them all for staying with her. She calls them "amazing" and "rock stars." She is enjoying the warm water shower. They start to leave. Leah is the one on the feeds when they go to WBRB.
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 7:34 am
Feeds come back and 1 & 2 are on the bathroom with the lights out. Feeds 3 & 4 are on the rock room with the lights out. Then Feeds 1 & 2 switch to the HOH room with the lights out.
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 7:56 am
The bathroom mentioned above was the HOH bathroom. T'Kor was still up. The feeds have now doubled on the rock room.
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 8:46 am
Good on Angela for getting this done. Good on those who stayed up with her. I did not see Tucker, Joseph, or T'Kor in any of the clips I watched.
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 8:52 am
Agree, good for her. I bet Joe and tkor will be on her shit list for not staying out there
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 9:00 am
I guess T'Kor was out there some, just watched another clip. And she was awake to let Angela use the HOH shower when she finished. In the clips I saw, it was Cam, Quinn, Leah, Chelsia, Kimo and Rabina who were the biggest supporters. And you know she saw that, and also who was not there. LOL I wonder if this will keep her off the block as the Replacement Nom? T'Kor seems to be going back and forth between her and Leah.
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 9:07 am
T’Kor was out there all night. I never saw Tucker, but he has task to focus on. Never saw Joseph, has his Solitary Confinement started yet?
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 9:11 am
T'Kor was out there at least until 3am when I was watching... she also was doing other things... Joseph on the other hand went to sleep I think shortly after midnight ... in the unicorn room. Leah was gone for a while but was out there for the end. Tucker went to bed but was awakened several times for his task. I got about 4 hours sleep .. but woke up in time to see Angela finish the last 38 or so.... I was crying so much! MJ was walking beside her for those .. and probably for a while before.
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 9:11 am
Thanks Cali and Need, I did see T'Kor in some of the clips I watched, not all of them. I am not sure if Josephs solitary started or not. They usually do these things one at a time. Anyone know how long Tucker's lasts?
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 9:14 am
And it is entirely possible that Tucker was told to go to bed .. so they could get footage of them waking him up for his task. I think he would have stayed up with the rest of them.
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 9:19 am
Tucker's lasts a week... Joseph has not started his solitary. I'm guessing that they'll start his around 10 am .. or a little later....after everyone is up... which I think is good.. the later he starts the further into Monday he goes... and then won't have much time to find out the things that happened before the Veto ceremony... P.S. Kimo is so close to figuring out that it is Joseph as the AI hacker ..
| Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 9:45 am
Not only was she there, but at some point she gave her this encouragement speech! Now let's see if she puts her up as the replacement nom.