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| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 1:00 am
Brooklyn and Rubina have gotten under the covers in the unicorn room and are whispering to each other. Feed switches outside to Cedric and Makensy, then back to the unicorn room.
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 1:10 am
Quinn is in the purple bed in the colors room. Feeds show T'Koe leaving the colors room and heading upstairs to the have not room. She takes one of the beds momentarily, then leaves and heads back to the colors room. Cedric is talking the game with Makensy and Matt outside in the backyard. He is wondering who is lying and who has the extra power.
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 1:11 am
The lights have gone out in the colors room.
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 1:15 am
Cedric heads inside and all feeds are now on the colors room. (Time for me to turn off the feeds.)
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 3:26 am
Just turned on feeds and there were some people still in BY talking but button boy immediately puts all 4 cams on room of people sleeping and snoring. Never mind, it is MJ and Matt in BY and Matt tells MJ he wants to talk more about how much you are into me. then laughs and that is how this convo is going so better to be on sleeping snoring people.
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 6:16 am
I woke up just before 2 am.. - realized that on my new nook that I had transferred Plutotv from my old nook - and that it was sitting right by my I finished uploading what I needed and started watching for a few.... Matt and MJ were in the backyard - other view was on whomever was sleeping in the havenot room - I thought it was Kimo - sleeping on a comforter... covered in a sheet - feet sticking out - feet had socks on... ANYWAY - MJ was doing laundry .. general chit chat .. MJ over by the washing machine (said that they should be done by 3:30) and Matt in middle of the yard - bouncing around .. and he says something like this "I'm feeling really good ... I feel very powerful in the game right now" << not totally exact .. but that was the implication .. HE FEELS IN CONTROL... not sure how much MJ heard - but when she finished checking on the laundry .. they moved on to the hammock.. first trying to guess which camera's would follow them (which cameras were on.) and then the conversation merged into their "flirtmance" .. with Matt asking the question "what type of guy do you go for"?" At this point I knew I had had enough and was tired enough to go back to sleep!
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 7:07 am
Hi Need! Just wanted to clarify: I didn’t think Angela would be removed for cause, I thought what Lisa said to her would send her into a spiral where she would DOR. I should have worded that better, sorry! I am very glad it didn’t happen. I want Angela to stay and Lisa to go. What a hurtful, unnecessary thing to say to a person! At one point I kinda liked Lisa, but between this mean comment and the unwanted glittering of people and food, she is quickly becoming my most disliked HG.
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 7:26 am
Rosem - thanks... it may have been Lisa's intent to send Angela down the rabbit hole... too bad we didn't see it.. and could know what it was all about! Figuring it included Angela saying she thought Lisa had the secret power ... using Tucker's (two votes rational).. Lisa aptly denying... hands waving.. lots of back and forth ... would have clarified a lot... I agree - Lisa's "I'm standing in my truth" is getting a little old .. as is Matt's similar verbiage when he is around her... but Matt seems to also change his tune to whomever he is around... I think Lisa has already hurt herself professionally by choosing to be on reality TV. Can you imagine any of the others saying that to anyone else? I can't... Oh and something else when I was watching in the 2:00 am hour... in the hammock .. Matt did say he was looking for opportunities (many different ones) after he comes out of the house... - The $$$ were dancing in his eyes...(I had forgotten until just now that was another thing he had said)
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 7:28 am
I think Lisa is the evil version of Nicole Anthony. I may drown in the river of unearned overconfidence that is Matt. Summary from Jokers: Cam, Cedric and Chelsie seem to be in a very tight trio and they said some HG are making easy targets of themselves. Mentioned Angela, Matt, Mj, Lisa From what I’m reading on Twitter, it appears that they cut the feed so that we wouldn’t see a fight between Lisa and Angela, since they want to save it for the TV show. Kenney plans to try to win the AI comp now instead of throwing it to Matt. Don’t know what changed his mind.
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 7:33 am
And to top off what Matt was saying about opportunities.. He did say that he left a good job... (to come on this show) and then talked about other jobs he has had .. and something about not wanting a corporate job (don't know if he has had one or just was speculating) but it did come across that he doesn't keep a job very long - sounds more like it doesn't hold his interest very long even if he is excited in the first place..
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 7:41 am
Yes! Lisa - Nicole... Cam and Chelsie were two of my four picks (Angela and T'kor the other) only based on the things I have in common with each of them.. only off of what was printed .. Happy to see two of them bonding along with Cedric.. now if they would just bring in T'kor .. and Kimo and Quinn .. I think they'd have a solid group (non-wishy washy).. and could go really far... Oh.. and it must have been a very long fight!!!
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 8:55 am
A long fight edited down to 30 seconds...
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 9:00 am
Lisa to Angela: “It would compromise my integrity to be associated with you outside of the house” Just wanted those exact words to be clear. I still cannot get over someone saying this to anyone inside or outside of the Big Brother house. But while you’re in a game for a lot of money where you need to get people on your side, it is idiotic. How could Lisa ever think she could win BB? I didn’t think anyone could be more delusional than Matt, but we have a winner!
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 9:15 am
Wow.. just wow.. "Integrity" is going to get her out before Jury...When she was talking to Kimo - I think Monday... and she was telling him she needed to get more information -(what she had learned from the long conversation with Matt - and we all know he was lying about having big numbers on his side..) before she made up her mind on whether to keep him over Matt...I know this is how she believes she wants to play her game... but people are just going to start saying.. PICK A SIDE! --- And can I just add .. that I have words running through my head .. and thinking that I have been typing them .. but.. my thoughts are faster than I can type!!! I still type pretty fast .. just not as fast as my brain anymore... LOL!
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 9:18 am
So much focus on the three, Matt, Lisa, and Angela this first week. And Tucker. They are al that seems to be on the feeds. We got to know. a few of he others a bit yesterday. I am ready for Matt to be gone, then we can work on Lisa or MJ.
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 9:25 am
I am wondering if the AI "comp" will be something quick (they always have a lot to squeeze in on Thursday nights) .. like "How many minutes/seconds total without going over did all four AI comps take to complete?" Some were timed.. others were based on correctness... could be interesting...
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 9:35 am
Need, I agree that the AI comp will have to be quick, but now I’m thinking that we won’t get a live HOH comp. Grrrrr…. Since I turned on the feeds there were 4 feeds of Angela snoring in the HOH room, 5 minutes of talking in the kitchen with Kenney, Brooklyn and Chelsie, now 
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 9:42 am
I sent feedback to Paramount Plus regarding the black thumbnails. I’ll let you guys know if I hear back from them. Between the lack of flashback, crappy interface, and feed cuts every few minutes, I think they are purposely making it difficult and cumbersome to watch live feeds. This way when they cancel them completely, we won’t mind so much. They are wrong, of course. If they cancel feeds, they will wind up canceling the show. Just like BBCan.
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 9:44 am
My thumbnails are never what is currently on the cams, so I have to go to quad view to know which camera I want to watch. The tunmbnails are sometimes hours behind for me.
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 9:45 am
Feeds back! Angela is awake and alone in the HOH talking to the HG on the spy screen. “Tucker, you are So good you are playing everyone in this house including me”
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 9:50 am
Mama, the thumbnails show up on my mac, but not on my Apple TV, which is where I watch them the most. It doesn't even identify which feed I’m watching, or highlight it, so I am guessing every tine. I’ve begun opening the feeds on my phone, as a guide. Brooklyn sees dead people in her dreams.
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 9:51 am
Angela (outloud to herself) “I didn’t mean to call Lisa the B word….” FEEDS CUT
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 9:53 am
So we can’t even hear Angela herself talk about herself alone in the HOH room. What is the point of having live feeds?
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 9:55 am
Feeds back, Angela making the bed. Feed switches to the kitchen with Brooklyn talking in her mom’s hispanic accent to Kenney, Joseph, Kimo and Rubina. Cam and Angela arrive in the kitchen, good mornings exchanged.
| Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 10:11 am
Tucker is using the hair dryer to dry his privates under the towel around his waist. The other 6 or 7 people there do not comment or even notice.