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| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 12:54 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 2h #BB25 Cirie to herself in comic "The Nerve!" "The Unmitigated Gall, to throw me UTB!"
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 12:56 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 2h #BB25 Blue tells BJ she feels icky, she can't sleep. When there's a plan in place, this 1 is obvious, plans can change, just don't want to be blindsided BJ gives her nothing. BJ just wants to get thru dbl. Blue-I just want to make it to dbl & assures BJ that she isn't her target #BB25 Blue tells Fel she felt uneasy when she saw her suitcase Fel- you’ll be okay. They both agree it will be a crazy week Fe says they all need to be okay with where they land bc only 2 ppl will be in the final chairs #BB25 Cir and Bow agree that Fel is spiraling about the DE Cir tells her that Fel brought up splitting up the boys Bow says that’s not reasonable Cir says for Fel everything seems possible Cir says they need to protect their four #BB25 Cir tells Bow Fel brought up girls alliance again. They can’t trust the other girls left. She tells jag told her Fel told him that Cir was pushing for the split vote but it was Fel who wanted it. Fel told her Jag agreed to it. Jag said he didn’t and was told Cir wanted it
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 1:00 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 2h #BB25 Bow tells Cir she was thinking of telling her to be careful with Fel bc she twists things Cir-I didn’t know until last night Bow thought maybe she shouldn’t get involved Cir says she’s done (with Fel) #BB25 Bow-She can be so sweet Cir-I know. While we’re making cookies she’s up here telling lies. She tells her Fel has said many times if you say anything I’ll say you said it Bow says and she makes up stuff too #BB25 Bow says Fel said Cir wants the boys gone this week Cir-see, she doesn’t know we have a 4
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 1:03 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 1h #BB25 Bowie Jane, Matt, Jag are studying headlines in scramble room Amer, Blue, Cir are discussing how long the season is & Cir is over it. WHY? Amer-to make us loose it!
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 1:14 pm
Eric @RealityRecaps · 2h Miss Felicia ain’t even out of the house and she’s already blaming the edit and production. 🤣🤣
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 1:21 pm
Joker's BB Updates #BB25 @JokersBBUpdates · 2h Posted 11:01am: Cirie and America talking in game room. America says I want to throw up the last few days. Cirie says I dint want split, I want unanimous, but Cirie won't say it to Felicia. America says I'm okay with 3-1 but not split. #BB25 #BBLF
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 1:22 pm
RealityBBQ #BB25 @rbbq · 3h Felicia runs to the bathroom: Girl, my cheese is coming out of me. Cirie leaving the bathroom under her breath: So disgusting...such a f... more than that is coming out of you. So disgusting with all of that and you have the nerve to throw me under the bus.
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 1:23 pm
Whit @Whitless256 · 2h Is Felicia really helping those boys study AGAIN? When her whole (bad) plan is to beat them in mental comps? stop that! #BB25
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 1:28 pm
11.25am ... BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 2h #BB25 Fe/Blue cooking breakfast Jag/Cir/Bowie in comic studying room
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 1:36 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 1h #BB25 Cirie-We just need to make it to the double. Jag-we are just 1 f**k up away, we just gotta make it through. I don't understand the whole thing with Mama Fe, we're so close! Cir-I haven't told her anything in thirty some days, now I'm gonna start telling her stuff? #BB25 Jag tells Cirie about Fe telling him that Cirie wanting a 3-1 vote because Cir wants to throw the sympathy vote & why is Cir allowed to do that? Jag-I told her I would feel bad about the 2/2. Fe was saying she would rather have it as a 2/2 or 3/1. #BB25 Jag-so I am gonna go tell Fe after this that nahh, she (Cir) is good. Like, why are you doing all this when the outcome is the same? Cirie & Jag are laughing Cir-I can't laugh. I gotta win the 1st one then, I know 1 of y'all will win the 2nd then we're right there
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 1:40 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 1h #BB25 Jag asks Cir who her noms will be. She says Amer & that she can't do BJ, she trusts BJ Jag-u can't put me or Matt up-we'd go. U can tell her that u were panicked & that she was the only 1 u could put up without her freaking out. Then u a** better win or my a** is grass #BB25 Cir tells Jag that if Fe wins, she is all about building that resume right now. She might be coming after me now. She is so concerned about jury mgmt Jag-you gotta get there 1st! You so concerned about the jury? Why don't you go talk to them? they laugh
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 6:13 pm
hamsterwatch #bb25 @hamsterwatch · 42m Felicia has now backtracked her project for today, and told Jag & Cirie that she'll "stay with the plan" for 4-0, and vote out Blue after all [revised tweet, sorry.. I'm barely here]
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 6:14 pm
Dolffica Johnson #BB25 @Dolffica · 2h Jag & Matt continue their stranglehold on the endgame & that'll continue unless someone else secures power. With the double on the horizon, the expected outcome is Felicia leaving after Blue. The unexpected is one of the boys departs for jury. #BB25 #BBLF #BB25AllianceMap
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 6:45 pm
BB Lion🦁 @BBLionOteV · 1h jag tells cirie what felicia has been saying behind her back #bb25
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 7:46 pm
Freddy 🐝🥊🌹 @Frebbolicious · 30m Cirie told Matt shes going to tell Felicia I stayed on the block for you so I’m going to put you up as a pawn and Felicia will have to understand that ( who knows if this is actually true guess we will see what happens in the double) #BB25
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 7:48 pm
Freddy 🐝🥊🌹 @Frebbolicious · 3m Felicia tells cirie if they’re going to do blue like that who is their friend she might as well put up Matt and jag if that’s how they’re gonna play this #BB25
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 8:26 pm
Whit @Whitless256 · 3h It took Cirie less than 24 hours to get up, hijack Felicia's bus, and drive it fully over her. Now the whole house is fed up with her and wants her gone. #BB25
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 3:06 pm
9.47am ... BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 5h #BB25 Feeds return. Lights on. Cirie in shower. Jag/Bowie waking up in Scary
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 3:07 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 5h #BB25 Bowie jokes to Jag-it's time for you to start pulling your weight around here Jag-No, seriously you & Matt pulled it out yesterday. That could've gone terribly wrong Bowie-I was like, "how am I the last 1 left all of a sudden" Jag wanted to win the veto #BB25 Jag thinks he would've ran out of balls in the pit (to put in tube) in Veto comp. He had 6 tries & all of them missed. He & Bowie wonder how many balls were in the pit, Jag thinks 10 Bowie-then what? Jag-exactly
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 3:07 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 5h #BB25 Jag comments the veto has to be a basement veto bc the backyard is open.
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 3:08 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 4h #BB25 Matt knows the Mamas are going to talk to him about putting up Bow/Jag. He'll tell Cir she's fine. Jag says Cir will ask what happens if Fel wins veto They decide they'll tell her that Bow is going up and going home. Jag wonders what to tell Fel
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 3:10 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 4h #BB25 Fel tells Jag she can't shake a yucky feeling Jag asks why he's confused Fel says it's bc ppl were coming after her in HOH Jag says they were coming after him too. He's not going to overthing Fel thinks she's going to end up OTB again #BB25 Cir Bowie discuss Fe & everything she's been saying. Cir-she wonders why she's always ending up OTB I can't imagine all the things she's said about her Bow-I know, she's funny sometimes but, then she's like feral
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 3:10 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 3h #BB25 Matt-at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter who goes up. It's the veto. Cir-that's why I shouldn't go up. Matt-If Fe stays, I'm fu**ed. I can't put up Jag, if he wins ya know Cir-Bowie has NEVER been OTB, out of fairness. If we're in a 4 #BB25 CIr-If we r in a 4, u can't keep putting the same person up. If it were anyone else, I'd expect it, but not from you Mtt-I know Cir-just out of fairness Matt-Bowie goes up, she might play harder for the veto Cir-exactly! exaclty. She's never gone up
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 3:11 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 3h #BB25 Feeds go back to Matt/Cir Cir-you need to be team player Matt-I know, I know. I will have to have a long talk with her. Everyone is gonna be nervous. Cir-alright, goes outside
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 3:11 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 3h #BB25 Cir is sitting by herself-"awwwee, she so relaxed (BJ) he already told her she wasn't going up, oh Matty ice!" "Felicia looks pissed! I should be too but, what are u gonna do" Small talk btwn BJ, Matt, Fe