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| Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 2:36 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 1h #BB25 Jag thinks breaking up the Mama's can wait a week. Let's say Fe goes, Cir is close to both Amer & Matt, so that's not good. Jag thinks Amer 1st then Cirie. Bowie doesn't know
| Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 2:41 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 1h #BB25 Fe says she does agree now. As much as she hates to send Blue home she gets it. Matt says he'll prob cry. They talk about how Blue has made F3's with M/J and F/C and told Bow that they need to be a pair together. She's trying to cover herself in every way, she's dangerous #BB25 Matt says Amer is less likely to win and break them up. Fe agrees. She reminds Matt that the person that wins the second HOH can't play the following wk. Matt says either him or Jag win the second one and they protect each other.
| Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 2:58 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 1h #BB25 Matt has been in Comic studying the room for future comps. Fe comes in and they are whispering about the vote this wk. Fe asks who their target should be at the 5. Matt says it should be Jag or Bow. He says everyone thinks it will be him and Jag in the end. #BB25 CORRECTION!! My apologies. This was so hard to hear due to the whispering. Matt did NOT say Jag. He just said BOWIE. Thanks to everyone who heard it well enough and asked me to go back and listen. ❤️
| Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 6:31 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 52m #BB25 Blue comes into HOH. Jag asks where everyone is. Blue tells him in comic. Every1 is bored, just chillin Jag-that's crazy, everyone is 1 room. It's gonna keep getting worse, everyone is gonna be in the same spot soon Bowie discusses driving everywhere to find heat patches
| Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 6:42 pm
Pooya @Pooyaism · 1h The laziness of production this season is lowkey unmatched. This is the third competition in the last 2 cycles that has been a compare the images/skulls/comics and put them in the right spot. It's no wonder Jag has won them all. It's become his expertise at this point. #BB25
| Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 6:44 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 57m #BB25 Amer is concerned if there is a split vote or how the vote will go because Jag is close to Blue. She assumes Bowie would too. Fe-he wants it to be a 4-0 vote but, we don't... GRRR FEEDS CUT! (I've been wanting to hear if they are telling her the plan 1st!)
| Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 6:46 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 55m #BB25 Feeds return to a silent HOH except Jag chomping on a bag of Cheetos. Blue-anyone have any stories? Matt-we can play a game again Bowie, Jag, Matt, Blue start to play a word game
| Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 6:51 pm
Big Brother Gossip 🇺🇦 @BBGossip · 47m #BB25in280 Tuesday - Day 84 - PM Jag HoH Blue & America nominated Jag won & didn't use PoV Matt & Jag worked out that Felicia was trying to pit Jag against Matt. America still safe. Blue still likely to go. Unclear if it will be a split vote (to force Jag to break tie) #BB25
| Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 6:59 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 3h #BB25 Jag tells Fel he realized it's important for her to also maintain her relationship with Cir so maybe she shouldn't stick her neck out trying to get a 4-0 so she doesn't seem "team Jag" Fel doesn't think Cir likes going against the house but also likes giving sym votes
| Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 7:01 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 3h #BB25 Jag says at least for him the jury management is after the fact. They need to get there first and deal with it then. Fel agrees and says they just need to get to the 4. Jag is rethinking making it 2-2 so Cir doesn't get credit for a sympathy vote
| Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 7:03 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 3h #BB25 Bow will be glad when Thurs over Amer too She's going to keep reminding herself to do her best. If she leaves, she leaves. She hopes she's not their target but you never know. Everyone's just lying Bow agrees Amer has been more careful with what she says bc it gets twisted
| Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 7:06 pm
WOW, he is really delusional... Ryn Van Zwaren @llama_fluent · 6h Matt: America & Cory will never have what me & Reilly had. What Matt & Reilly had: Matt: I find you really attractive. I’ve got a little crush on you. Reilly: Aw, Matt *hugs to deflect* Matt: so you can take what you want from that info Reilly: I’ll let my assistant know #BB25
| Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 7:13 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 1h #BB25 Jag-I'm trying to figure out who is lying. If Fe were trying to get you/me to take a shot at Cirie that'd make sense but, she doesn't. The common thread is Cirie, she earlier this week went to Blue. She puts herself in the middle. Matt-Fe is doing the same thing
| Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 7:14 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 1h #BB25 Matt-I don't think they're working together but individually they're both trying to start sh** to make this house as shaky as possible so they survive Jag-The common thread for me is Cirie. Also, our best bet is Bowie anyways
| Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 7:30 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 7m #BB25 Cir/Fel join Blue/Bow/Jag/Matt in HOH They told Amer to join them Cir asks why Matt is laughing about chicken n biscuits crackers Bow said they fell on the floor for 3 seconds Cir said on Survivor they had the 3 day rule. It’s on the ground for less than 3 days it’s good
| Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 9:09 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 32m #BB25 Bow & Fe in the kitchen. Bow is making what looks like potato, cheese & tuna???. Yupp Fe hates the fact that Blue will be caught off guard. Bow says she thinks he's going to tell her, Fe reminds her he can't actually tell her she's going home, he can tell her what he wants #BB25 Fe says Jag will prob talk to Blue tomorrow or maybe even Thurs morning. Bow fears that the longer he leaves it the worse the blindside. Fe says yeah and that it will prob be a split vote as well. She says Cir wants to force Jag to show his hand.
| Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 9:13 pm
Freddy 🐝🥊🌹 @Frebbolicious · 19m Matt is again questioning jag are you sure cirie told blue shes the target cause it doesn’t make sense matt says I’m getting weird vibes is Felicia making things up #BB25
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 12:48 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 12h #BB25 Matt and Jag decide the plan is to tell Blue on Thursday that everyone wanted her out from the beginning, and they tried everything they could to keep her.
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 12:49 pm
8.52am ... BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 3h #BB25 Bowie Jane & Fe are awake & starting their AM routines
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 12:50 pm
Dolffica Johnson #BB25 @Dolffica · 7h Dolffica's #BB25 Morning Update: -Blue still target, may or may not be told today -Vote should be unanimous -Matt finally told Cirie that Felicia sold her out to Jag -Cirie then deftly shifted suspicion back onto Felicia with Jag, rising her target -New alliance map later today
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 12:51 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 3h #BB25 While Bowie & Fe were getting ready about 20 mins ago...Fe told Bowie about Cirie leaving the room last night Bowie-"It's getting hairy" Then shortly after, Fe shows Bowie how she shaves her head & what type of razor she uses #BB25 All cams on Fe trying to clean up a mess in kitchen #BB25 Fe-I just want a nice, peaceful day today. BJ-They're gonna use you saying that right before the house explodes. I don't know how it would Fe-I don't either, my gut is just telling me that it is Feeds cut
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 12:51 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 3h #BB25 9:32 AM BBT WBRB quad (Possible wake up)
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 12:52 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 3h #BB25 Feeds return to Bowie/Fe studying & reminiscing about when Bowie & Fe were tied for HOH. Fe tells Bowie that Cory threw all the mental comps Lights up in BR's Amer still resting
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 12:52 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 3h #BB25 Blue asks Cirie if she's heard anything Cirie says not really Blue tells Cirie about Felicia coming into Scary last night & wonders why. Asks Cirie to talk to Bowie for her. Cirie says she will but, she doesn't think Bowie will give up much
| Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 12:54 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 2h #BB25 Cir-Fe will do whatever she can to save herself, she is gonna do & say whatever & it's already been proven. She will lie & say that we said stuff, but, there isn't much that we've said. She's already up before us. I'll try to go talk to Bowie. I'll try to talk to Jag #BB25 Blue tells Cirie to just make sure Jag is comfortable. Jag & Matt, & see if she can get any sense the vote is flipping just in case.