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| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 12:09 pm
Big Brother Access #BB25 #BBCAN11 @bigbroaccess · 2h Jag confirms to Bowie that he’s keeping the nominations the same. #bb25
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 12:13 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 2h #BB25 BJ asks Cirie if Noms are staying the same, she assures her they are. Cir-"God forbid one of the guys go home, so if Jag goes it's you, me, & Matt that's a for sure thing. The 3 of us will have to decide after that. As long as 1 of us doesn't end up OTB!" #BB25 Cir-If Amer wins HOH, who would she put up if Jag is gone? Bowie-Matt, Cir-Right, Matt & whom? That's the problem. We have to stay off the block
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 12:21 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 2h #BB25 Blue asks Cir if she should mention the boys when she talks to Bow Cir said she tell Bow she wants to protect the boys bc Bow was worried about the boys Blue says she won't say names, she'll say she's going to protect her ppl #BB25 Cir tells Blue not to mention she's going after Matt/Jag to Bow. Let Bow think Amer is going after them Blue says that makes sense and maybe Cir cant talk to Bow before Blue does
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 12:24 pm
Joker's BB Updates #BB25 @JokersBBUpdates · 1h Posted 10:16am: Cirie and Blue in CR. Cirie tells Blue to tell Bowie Jane she is NOT going after Jatt; but to tell Fel she IS going after them. #BB25 #BBLF
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 12:25 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 1h #BB25 Amer tells Cir she was telling Fel yesterday if Matt/Jag are still here in final 4 they'll both stay bc one of them will win veto and the veto holder is the only vote
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 12:25 pm
hamsterwatch #bb25 @hamsterwatch · 1h Jag: "when is the veto meeting usually?" America: "I don't know, you tell me, veto king" 😂
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 12:27 pm
Joker's BB Updates #BB25 @JokersBBUpdates · 1h Posted 10:44am: Cirie and Matt outside. Cirie says I was talking to Bowie. Cirie says Bowie was saying what if Cory told America to lose it, the HOH and POV to minimize her threat, Cirie says it would be a risk, but it would make us see her as... (
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 12:33 pm
hamsterwatch #bb25 @hamsterwatch · 1h Matt reported to Jag that Cirie said she thinks only America would take a shot against them.. Jag asked if Cirie suggested they keep Blue? Matt said no, she was just talking next week 😏 Matt also told Jag that Bowie suggested America threw this week's comps to reduce the target on herself (Cirie's been pitching that this morning to several) - Jag said no, America didn't throw it
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 12:34 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 1h #BB25 11:00 AM WBRB
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 1:44 pm
Joker's BB Updates #BB25 @JokersBBUpdates · 41m Posted 12:42pm: Blue says to Bowie I'm a strong competitor, I will protect my people. I hope you don't think I'm a liar or manipulator Bowie says who are your people. Blue says Matt and Jag. Blue says I lean with Matt and Jag through ups and downs. #BB25 #BBLF
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 1:44 pm
BB25 @BBUS2024 · 47m Cirie bringing up the idea to Felicia of making the vote a tie so Jag is forced to vote out Blue #BB25
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 1:45 pm
Joker's BB Updates #BB25 @JokersBBUpdates · 41m Posted 12:43pm: Blue says to Bowie where do you stand? Bowie says I'm kind of alone too. Blue says Matt and Jag will always take themselves so will Felicia and Cirie. Blue says people don't see us as a pair. #BB25 #BBLF
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 1:45 pm
Joker's BB Updates #BB25 @JokersBBUpdates · 42m Posted 12:44pm: Blue says to Bowie we have a good chance of winning DE HOH, what would you do. Bowie says I don't know, I was worried I would go up today. Bowie says I need to talk to everyone, I don't know what I would do. #BB25 #BBLF Posted 12:46pm: Blue says 7 to 5. What is your ideal. Bowie says people who I can trust and strong competitors Blue says I want f5 to be me you Jag Matt and either Felicia or Cirie. Blue says Felicia and Cirie are the same person. Bowie says I agree same. #BB25 #BBLF
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 1:47 pm
Joker's BB Updates #BB25 @JokersBBUpdates · 40m Posted 12:51pm: Cirie Matt Felicia Jag outside, Cirie talking about America throwing (comps). Jag says America has been in situations she had to win before and didn't place in top 3. He doesn't think she threw. Felicia says America is easy to beat but might be most likely to nom Posted 12:57pm: Cire and Fel talking. Say Jag is pushing Blue to go. Fel asks what should they do. Cirie wants to force a tie and make Jag kick out Blue himself. #BB25 #BBLF
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 1:48 pm
Joker's BB Updates #BB25 @JokersBBUpdates · 38m Posted 12:58pm: Blue says to Bowie, who do you trust most. Bowie says Cirie, maybe Jag and Matt, it is hard. Bowie says I trust till I'm burnt, which is dumb. Blue says everyone lies cheats + manipulates. Bowie says I didn't mean to say I don't trust you. Posted 12:58pm: Blue says to Bowie, I trust Matt and Jag the most, I have done this journey with them, so that is where I stand. #BB25 #BBLF
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 1:49 pm
hamsterwatch #bb25 @hamsterwatch · 34m Matt told Bowie he'll tell Cirie today he's voting out Blue, "I'll just commit to it"
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 1:50 pm
Joker's BB Updates #BB25 @JokersBBUpdates · 33m Posted 1:09pm: Matt and Bowie in bathroom talking. Matt says if Blue stays she has a better chance of winning. Bowie says if Blue is with Cirie, we break it up. Bowie says Jag is 100%. Matt says yes. Matt says if we stay firm, Cirie will come to us. #BB25 #BBLF
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 1:50 pm
Joker's BB Updates #BB25 @JokersBBUpdates · 33m Posted 1:10pm: Bowie says to Matt , I gave Blue nothing in the conversation, I had to act like I'm so dumb. #BB25 #BBLF
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 1:51 pm
Tooms @ToomsBB_ · 1h Blue alone: The campaigning has begun. My ideal, preferred F3 would obviously be me, Cirie, and Felicia. I think I have the highest chance of beating them, beating Bowie too. As much as I would love to be in a F3 with Matt & Jag, I just know that's not gonna win me $750k. #bb25
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 1:56 pm
Joker's BB Updates #BB25 @JokersBBUpdates · 7m Posted 1:39pm: Bowie says to Jag, America won't take a shot at Cirie. Jag says he thinks America will nom mama Fe and Bowie? Bowie says not Cirie. #BB25 #BBLF Posted 1:44pm: Matt says to Cirie and Felicia, that Blue and America like to sell each other out, it is the same sh$t, they both lie. #BB25 #BBLF
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 2:04 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 7m Replying to @BBLiveUpdaters #BB25 Feeds cut to WBRB, when they return Fe is gone. Matt tells Cir one of them should win the first HOH then Jag can play in the second. Cir tells him he has to win the veto or its done. Matt says he's worried about Jag being taken out in the DE.
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 2:06 pm
Joker's BB Updates #BB25 @JokersBBUpdates · 13s Posted 2:02pm: Matt and Cirie in bathroom. Cirie says if I win, I got you Matt. They hug. Cirie says f America she is going home. Cirie says we can do this. Cirie says I love you Mattie. #BB25 #BBLF
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 2:47 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 6m #BB25 Cir and Fe in the kitchen. Fe asks Cir what she's thinking. Cir says there isn't anything they can do now. She asks Fe if she can basically say "I told you so". Fe says yes she can. Cir knew what the plan was with Blue being the target. Fe sees it now. #BB25 Fe asks why its better for them to keep Blue. Cir says it's because Blue will take the shot where Amer may not. Fe says we need to be able to take the shot then. Cir completely agrees. Fe says that may be what Jag wants but I'm thinking about what's best for ME.
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 2:51 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 5m Replying to @BBLiveUpdaters #BB25 Cir hopes that Amer won't replace "One of us", not even as an ally but as someone they can beat. Fe doesn't think they will carry Amer to the end. Cir says they are doing the same thing to Blue right now, they don't want her in one of the final chairs.
| Monday, October 23, 2023 - 12:21 pm
#BB25 Cir tells Blue not to mention she's going after Matt/Jag to Bow. Let Bow think Amer is going after them Blue says that makes sense and maybe Cir cant talk to Bow before Blue does