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| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 2:03 pm
Blue playing Big Brother
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 3:25 pm
autumn updates @autumns_updates · 1h This is so foul… And he only needs sympathy if he was somehow wronged. I think Jared is projecting because Matt called him out on that comment- he’s so defensive now 💀 #bb25 BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 1h #BB25 Jared points out that sitting next to Matt in F2 might be a problem due to sympathy. You could have an amazing resume and people might still say, well... and at this point Matt has nothing on his resume.
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 3:31 pm
Big Brother Updates @BBrotherUpdates · 1h Jared to Blue - at the end of the day Matt has not made any moves not any big not even any small moves I mean like you saved Jag cool you saved your best bud... everybody expected you to do that and that was just that #BB25
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 3:31 pm
Trekcapri Chats @trekcaprichats · 1h Cory checking in with Bowie. He updates her on what his convo was with Cirie. He tells her that she wanted to let Cirie know that she wasn't targeting her & next week too. He prob will target whoever returns to the game. #BB25
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 3:32 pm
WOW, this sounds like exactly what Jared was doing, not Matt. Big Brother Updates @BBrotherUpdates · 1h Jared-that was the biggest move you (Matt) made Blue - and not using the veto Jared- but that was allotted to you( Matt) by someone else.. America picked you & yeah not using the veto, but once again that was just you (Matt) being used to execute someone else's move #BB25
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 3:33 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 1h #BB25 Bowie asks Meme to chat, she just wants to get the lay of the land before next week. Bowie goes over all the conversations she's had. Meme points out she's had none. Meme thinks it's fair if the person who comes back gets to play HOH, but not if they get immunity.
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 3:39 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 51m #BB25 Jared jokes that if he's out this week he's going to pull a Swaggy. Swag left and went to golf with Bayleigh's dad. Blue agrees, go see Hilary (her mom) and check in on her. Jared will use the ring Blue gave him as proof of it being real.
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 3:41 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 33m #BB25 America's turn with Bowie - America tells her that Cam wants to work with their side. Bowie asks if he included her in that? Not by name. He didn't say any names. Bowie worries Cam will try to pin them against each other.
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 3:42 pm
hamsterwatch #bb25 @hamsterwatch · 33m if you missed it, Bowie has joined the game, and she's been holding one-on-ones with various hamsters today
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 3:46 pm
The Big Brother Wiki @bigbrotherwikia · 1h When Jared goes home this week, he is gonna be so shocked to see the online reaction to his behavior in the house. #BB25
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 3:48 pm
Jun Song @JunDishes · 2h Big Brother used to be so easy to explain, “Every week somebody goes home.” Those days are gone. Now it’s “people only go home when production wants them to.” #BB25
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 5:19 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 11m #BB25 Blue doesn't like how some ppl are playing the game Bow-who should be in jury Blue-right that's a big question especially this week Bow thinks they need to change the power structure Blue says she doesn't have to tell her. she's been on the block twice. #BB25 Blue is going to try to win HOH this week Bow thinks it will be fun bc everyone will be gunning for it.
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 5:20 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 1m #BB25 Amer tells Matt that Jar said her, Matt, Cor and Jag are going to go after Cir next and then Fel. She wonders where he got that idea and looks at Cam Cam says he didn't say that #BB25 Matt told Cam about the Brown Sugar Babies
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 5:38 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 2m #BB25 Jag recognizes she's playing this game for herself Bow-yah rather than a team Jag-very different from Meme's game. She wasn't down to go with the plan next week. If she got HOH Bow would prob be on the block Bow-yah. even though she told her last week #BB25 Jag tells her that's why he picked Cir for HOH comp bc he's playing as a team. He tells Bow to develop a good relationship with her bc she'll do what she wants to make sure she's good with Bow and can trust her Cams cut away
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 5:38 pm
hamsterwatch #bb25 @hamsterwatch · 2m Cameron Zombie about Mecole: "she's tired, she's been a little stressed, she's had a rough day or two, welcome to f show!" Matt: "savage Cam" America: "I like this Cam"
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 5:39 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 8m #BB25 Matt, Amer and Cam. Cam asked Cir why Amer thinks he's coming after him and she said she didn't know Amer says it's a lie bc she asked Cor after about it Cam talks about being painted as an *sshole
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 9:04 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 10m #BB25 Bowie tells Felicia she had the meetings today because she didn't want to be left out of the discussion this week. Felicia promises to tell her what she hears, hopefully, people aren't lying to her.
| Sunday, September 24, 2023 - 8:26 am
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 8m #BB25 Good morning @janinetowle here. Jared and Felicia are up. The BY just closed. Is it Thursday yet?
| Sunday, September 24, 2023 - 8:45 am
... @dadoo53 · 9h #bb25 For Thursday show, will CBS production be using CGI and making them actually look like they’re dressed as zombies?
| Sunday, September 24, 2023 - 8:45 am
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 4m #BB25 Felicia is trusting and believing that Jared is staying. He (God) is going to keep him here bc He has more work for him to do Jared believes it too Felicia starts reading scripture. Cams cut away again. #BB25 Jared tells Felicia he loved down south for a while. Felicia asks about his mom lived in Connecticut Jared said she doesn't live there anymore. She moved to NY about 5 years ago.
| Sunday, September 24, 2023 - 12:55 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 1h #BB25 Jared tells Cory that he is over most of the stuff that has happened but that if he stays his targets are Matt and Jag. #BB25 Cory says int he world where Jared comes back is a lot more complicated then Cam coming back b/c Jared has close ties with Blue and Cirie where Cam has no one.
| Sunday, September 24, 2023 - 1:01 pm
9.08am ... BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 3h #BB25 Jar tells Fel he kept trying to tell Cam that Jag was the problem when Izzy and Felicia were up on the block. He was trying his hardest but he couldn't trust him. Cam said he would put up Jag and say he heard the deal was leaked. Jared couldn't trust him to follow through #BB25 Felicia brings up that Cam told her on Tuesday of that week he warned her when she said she had Jar, Cir, and Meme's votes. Cam said his target is Izzy but if she sits on the couch she's going home Jar-he shot it straight
| Sunday, September 24, 2023 - 1:02 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 3h #BB25 Jared and Felicia discuss Jag Jar tells her he told Blue that Jag will work with Cory and Amer bc he knows he can't beat Matt or her. Jar says Cor won HOH and had others do the work of getting him out. #BB25 Fel thinks she might be put OTB next week. They'll go after easy targets like her, Cir, Meme, Bowie Jar-Bowie is slowly moving in on the inside. They won't let her all the way in Fel agrees. She tells Bowie hasn't said an opinion the whole game.
| Sunday, September 24, 2023 - 1:02 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 3h #BB25 Felicia and Jared discuss Bowie Jane Felicia told her she's always asking other's opinions she needs to say her opinion Jared thinks her vote is important so ppl will bring her in but get her out early no matter what group she's in. #BB25 Jar says Cam is the ultimate super fan. He knows exactly what's going on. He knows Cam will pick himself to play. His first bit of hope is when Cam said he may look like a fool Thurs. Maybe it's something he can't do. They fact they let the winner pick is its a mind trick
| Sunday, September 24, 2023 - 1:06 pm
BB Live Updaters @BBLiveUpdaters · 2h #BB25 Jared-Congrats my boy on winning HOH! It was an important 1 Cory-Yeah, I think so. If Blue would've won I would've went up from what I understand. #BB25 Cory-what's threatening about you, we all made this move against you, Izzy, & Cirie. The blame was mostly blamed on me & America. #BB25 Cory-at the end of the day, I made the noms, I would do it again, today. You're here, I'm sure Cam's gonna choose to compete. What is your role, do you feel, in the house Jared-sigh of relief honestly