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Archive through September 03, 2022

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: Big Brother : USA 2022: General Discussion: Live Feed Discussion Thread: ARCHIVES: Archives for August 30 - September 4: Archive through September 03, 2022 users admin

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Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 1:22 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Earthmother a private message Print Post    
No matter how smart and articulate Michael tries to get through to him, Terrance doesn't get it. He is set on his way of playing this game and I know how he is perceived online, so he is in a world of hurt. The game isn't doing what it's supposed to do. Terrance seems to think that every person, meaning Taylor and Monte, completely agree with him and will use it against Mike and Brit in the end. They are not going to show their cards to that man, again he's taking the delusional drugs.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 1:25 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Calimom3 a private message Print Post    
Why does Terrance make a reference about a “Ho” in regard to the black female, but the white female who has sex on live camera (multiple times, even if they only lasted 10 seconds each) is never spoken of in a disrespectful way? That is weird for someone who is proclaiming to be so sensitive about representing the black community.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 1:30 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Earthmother a private message Print Post    
I agree Christiii. I heard him too. For then to sit there and laugh made me so angry. I just wish all three of them were not in the house or the jury. Terrance is getting more from this game than he deserves that's for sure.

But my solace in all of it is what he suffers when he gets home. NOT all his homies, will agree with things he has said. Over the last two years I have had a chance to see THE REAL in some people I've known for years, and I have nothing to do with them today because of their underlying hate. I had to see it and when I did it was the end of the road for them, in my life.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 1:35 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Earthmother a private message Print Post    
Because the White woman supports him, so he thinks. He wants to make Taylor feel guilty for not supporting him. He however was nowhere around when she was being bullied, and even loves and quotes the A**H*** who bullied her. He is just a disgusting man.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 1:35 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Calimom3 a private message Print Post    
Brittany is giving Terrance a pep talk, as he pretends to be giving up due the unfair overwhelming odds against him. She should just pay his shoulder and tell him she will support whatever he decides to do—give up or fight to stay! He alluded to “others” who felt the same as him, but now he makes of Micheal mentioning “others” who felt as Michael did! Hypocrite.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 1:40 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Earthmother a private message Print Post    
Terrance telling Brit that maybe he changed Michael's mind. She is skirting the issue of it being a possibility of taking him down. She is trying to very diplomatic.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 1:42 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Bamagirl a private message Print Post    
Brittney is bugging with her talking to Terrance.

I can't stand to even hear his voice, he's so vile.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 1:55 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Seamonkey a private message Print Post    
You know, if Terrance won veto it would be quite interesting... But then quite disappointing if Alyssa went home instead of Monte. I would like Monte to hear from Joseph how he was treated by Terrance.

If it is Comics, I sure don't think Terrance would win.

Sad for Turner, because I think BB Comics would suit him so well.

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Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 2:00 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Jimmer a private message Print Post    
I’m very disappointed for Turner.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 2:01 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Earthmother a private message Print Post    
I hope this conversation Michael and Brit are having is on the show. Michael is laying it all out and if anyone doesn't understand then so be it, but let the fans see it. I feel bad for Michael because he is unfairly taking the heat for damned if you and damned if you don't. He inadvertently got put in this position and to be seen as a manipulator is very unfair.

Michael and Brit, along with Monte, Turner and Taylor are still all leftovers at the end of the day, and Joseph will understand that.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 2:16 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Mamapors a private message Print Post    
What is Monte even saying? Seems like code. I had a dream. It physically hurts cause I am holding stuff inside.

Could you be a little clearer Monte?



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 2:18 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Earthmother a private message Print Post    
Alyssa is being fun and polite in the conversation in the HOH. She has some skills and very personable. Monte and Taylor having a casual conversation with each other while she showers. Monte still hurt thinking Joe turned on all of them.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 2:19 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Earthmother a private message Print Post    
The minute the Dyerfest comes up feeds go down. Unless it's Veto time.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 2:25 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Earthmother a private message Print Post    
Monte and Taylor are making sense. He realizes that there are three groups of two. Monte knows that Michael will always choose to keep Brit. He of course doesn't realize that Taylor has a final 2 with Brit, and that Monte and Turner are also close. I like they are at least using logic. This is the game I love.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 2:39 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Earthmother a private message Print Post    
I can't wait to hear the conversation between Brit and Taylor tonight. I want to see if Taylor spills anything about her talk with Monte.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 2:40 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Earthmother a private message Print Post    
Cats, I think it's Veto time.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 3:01 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Mimiaow a private message Print Post    
Turner will be bummed to find out it's BB Comics. I think he had a shot of winning.

I don't think Terrance is going to do it.

Michael will probably lay out all the covers and then look at the set, come back and start picking the correct ones. He's got a really good chance of winning.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 3:02 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Bamagirl a private message Print Post    
It's going to be some time since we know it's comics.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 3:04 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Gbcole a private message Print Post    
I can't see anyone, that is competing, able to beat Michael in BB Comics unless something goes drastically wrong for him.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 3:09 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Bamagirl a private message Print Post    
Mama, I read back the thread and I agree, I think we're going to see an even meanie and vile terrance. I also read he has a 14 yr old daughter. I'm embarrassed for her!

I think his wife has to know what she married, a disgusting pig!



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 4:02 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Chippy a private message Print Post    
Just watched the taran update. Was Monte being real with Terrance about Taylor?



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 4:03 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Mamapors a private message Print Post    
I never know with Monte, Chippy. I hope not, but who knows.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 4:06 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Chippy a private message Print Post    
I have to say…I usually form pretty strong opinions of the HG that stick but this group, I go from hope you win to hope you get evicted so fast I’m surprised I haven’t broken a hip.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 4:10 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Fan3 a private message Print Post    
All I want to say is Daniel told them that Micheal would be hard to beat. And they just laughted at him. Can say they weren’t warned.



Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 4:40 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Earthmother a private message Print Post    
I think we are all feeling that way Chippy. I thought for sure I was going to like Nicole, Daniel, Paloma and Terrance..How wrong was I?