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Board Administrator
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 11:50 am
Kminfinity, that’s certainly possible but, unfortunately, at this point it is all supposition. I have very little faith in BB production ever presenting things accurately. To them, this is all about entertainment.
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 11:54 am
Kyle has done what he's done and Michael (and Brittany) have done what they've done. Kyle is walking out the door tonight. Will these events also bite Michael and Brittany in the butt if they make it to the end? We'll see.
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 11:55 am
To add to Strategists post, I would like to add something. When this was going down in real time and the dr was "talking" to them about it. Spoilergirl said that BB doesn't come right out and say anything to them. They ask them questions to lead them in their thinking. Otherwise it would be game interference. At the time, Spoiler girl said that according to her source, Michael and Britt caught on immediately. Kyle didn't get it. I agree with Jimmer that I don't think Michael is getting more hate than Kyle. (At least around here. I have no idea what Twitter is saying.) It's just that there's not much to disagree with about Kyle on the board. And I think a reason that Monte is salty with Michael about this whole thing is because they are supposed to be in an alliance and Michael never told him. Michael benefitted from this information for 2 weeks. Knowing that Kyle wanted an all white alliance, and with Michael being white, he knew that Kyle would never target him. And Monte, for being black, it automatically puts him at the bottom of the alliance totem pole through no fault of his own. It wouldn't matter how well he played the game. That, and the suspect timing. Now I'm wondering why Michael is getting all the blow back, and Brittney isn't getting any. But then again, maybe she will down the line. And why didn't Kyle talk to Turner about the all white alliance?
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 11:56 am
Some other instances where Kyle exhibited problematic behavior were his use of the term Silent Majority when he was proposing the all white alliance, and his characterization of Monte, Taylor and Joseph as being the loud and aggressive ones as opposed to the white people in the Leftovers. In a different conversation he lamented being a white straight male thereby being at the bottom of the pecking order.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 12:05 pm
Good points, all. Thanks for the respectful discussion. Bottom line... we don't have all the facts, so IMO it's wrong to judge any of them too harshly. I will still say a lot of what is being said about Michael and Brittney seems more based on supposition than facts about their behavior. We don't know how strongly they condemned Kyle's suggestion, we do know Brittany made it quite clear it wasn't okay with her "I won't be part of THAT." I'm not sure what people expect in context of the game. Are people supposed to potentially jeopardize their game by taking strong stands about these things? That's a lot to ask. It ultimately was a desperation move by Michael, who saw his own chances in the game slipping away. Are we to fault him for using something he didn't want to use (per his diary room sessions) earlier when it seemed like he had nothing else? I don't know... I can't really condemn Michael for that. He's a true BB fan and this is his dream. Kyle (clearly to me) was guilty at a minimum of implicit bias... but it seems more to me. He may not have been conscious of it, but lamenting that he's a straight white male ... that's a different horse.
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 12:08 pm
Kminfinity, I agree that CBS handled this poorly. At the beginning of the season, whenever the cookout got mentioned, the feeds would cut. Whenever race was discussed, feeds were cut. This was long before they started to protect Kyles game. I dont even believe they were doing it to protect Kyles game. I think its to protect themselves (from what, I dont know) and pretend that race and race issues don't exist. To sanitize everything. It really annoyed me the other night when Taylor was telling Kyle about her experience when she won her pageant and she was getting hate for it. I would have loved to hear the end of her story and how she dealt with it. Who is CBS trying to protect from hearing the end of it? We already heard most of the story. It wasn't to protect Kyle, it didn't happen to him. It wasn't to protect Taylor, it already happened to her. She is aware that she may get more hate mail, but she wanted her story told. So, all is left CBS. What do they need to be protected from? Aggravating.
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 12:39 pm
I don’t think this situation is what will or would bite Brit and Michael in the tush. The fact that Micheal is a veto beast is what may prevent him from winning. His social game doesn’t overcome his beast-i-ness. I don’t think Brit is in good enough social standing for anyone beside Micheal or Taylor to give her a vote for the win. Kyle’s weird and odd idea- if there is a cookout pt 2 there should be a counter non poc cookout just doesn’t sit well with me.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 1:15 pm
I'm not sure what people expect in context of the game. Are people supposed to potentially jeopardize their game by taking strong stands about these things? That's a lot to ask. That is a very good question. Taking a stand against racism can involve risks and penalties both in the game and in real life. While I understand why people don't take a stand, it's hard to argue that not taking a stand is the right thing to do. If your life or your family's wellbeing is put at risk that is one thing. Losing a game? Not so sure. I do agree that it's a lot easier for us to sit and judge watching safely at home after giving it some thought, unlike being in that pressure cooker of a game. So I have some empathy for Michael and Brittany.
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 1:25 pm
Michael and Brit sat on the info and used it for gameplay. Very disappointing. The fact that they now are saying it weighed heavy on them makes me roll my eyes
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 1:26 pm
And we also should acknowledge that POC have had to let instances of racial bias go since forever because pointing it out almost never benefits their game. Michael and Brittney are some of the first white contestants who’ve had to navigate this and they are still not the ones being targeted.
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 1:42 pm
Just to add some levity, maybe I'm the one who's biased. I really didn't like Joseph being put on the block! I think it tainted me LOL
Board Administrator
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 1:52 pm
LOL Strategist. Big Joseph fan, eh? I agree that he is hard not to like. 
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 1:57 pm
We all have bias, some are more aware of their bias than others. I think Michael and Brit were in a no win situation. No matter how they handled it they would be open to criticism. I think you have to be a strong person or a fool to go on these shows and have your every move picked apart and judged. I'll be very interested to see how it is handled on the show tonight. Also a no win situation as they won't have much time to devote to this and keep the show moving along.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 2:00 pm
Talking about jeopardizing your game, it's notable as well that when Michael and Brittany revealed this information at a time that would help them the most in the game, Turner responded by acting immediately and doing something that likely hurt his game. Of course, we can say that it may help Turner in real life but it certainly jeopardized his game. He accepted that penalty.
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 2:23 pm
To add to all this speculation and things we did not see.... I saw a tweet the other day saying that when Michael and Terrence had to pick teams, Michael told Terrence to target Joseph. Could there be any truth to this?
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 3:08 pm
Watched a pod cast and Jasmine felt if anyone would spill on the alliance, it would be Kyle. She was spot on. Taylor just told Alyssa that Kyle stood up for her during the game.
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 3:41 pm
Bama, and Britt told Michael in the storage room that she would do no such thing as putting in a good word for Kyle to Alyssa. She said Alyssa deserves better. Lol!
Board Administrator
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 4:15 pm
For all we know, the migration is already completed... we have no other info. There was a very brief board outage this morning. <shrugs>
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 4:24 pm
Talking about jeopardizing your game, it's notable as well that when Michael and Brittany revealed this information at a time that would help them the most in the game, Turner responded by acting immediately and doing something that likely hurt his game. Of course, we can say that it may help Turner in real life but it certainly jeopardized his game. He accepted that penalty. Exactly Jimmer! As a huge fan of Turner I was not/am not happy with Michael’s calculated, sudden decision to find his moral compass. None of what unfolded this week helped Turner in any way. It only hurt his game. If Michael truly cared about what Kyle was suggesting and not making it about his game, he would have responded the way Turner did.
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 4:34 pm
Grooch, Michael voiced in the diary room his hope that Terrance would target Joseph because that would benefit his game. Michael is always in self serving game mode. He used what Kyle said to him and Brittany for complete gameplay. No different than what Kyle did.
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 4:58 pm
Grooch, I thought Michael hoped that Terrance would take out Alyssa, while he took out Jasmine. Terrance hoped that Michael would ta JJ e out Monte while he took out Joseph.
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 5:37 pm
Sea, I think he said he wouldn't mind if Joseph ended up going. I saw an old post I posted around the 24th where I said that Michael said he was planting seeds among the LOs so they would go after each other and he could stay in the middle. So, he says one thing to the others while plotting something else. So, things can get interesting this week. Even if Michael wins hoh, who will he put up and who does he really want gone?
Board Administrator
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 5:40 pm
Codebear posted this in the LFD thread but I think it’s appropriate here as well.
quote:Newsweek article: 'Big Brother' Fans Accuse Michael and Brittany Of Using Race Row for Game
That’s a big publication.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 6:17 pm
They also published: Kyle Addresses 'Big Brother' Racism Scandal But Viewers Reject His Apology and... 'Big Brother' Viewers Accuse Editors of Protecting 'Racist' Housemate FWIW, they report on Big Brother every week. 
| Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 9:21 pm
Well, here's a clip of Kyle and Michael discussing a possible POC alliance starting. Back when Dan was still around. Link