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| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 7:11 pm
Snoopsmom, that is the best place for her. That way if anyone puts them up, the Left Overs swill send Indy out.
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 7:11 pm
Snoopsmom, she did it that way so if they go on the block, it’s more likely someone not in LO will go home. Not dumb, strategic
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 7:16 pm
I'm glad they address the bullying, this time around. But there have been many times in past seasons where there was awful bullying and nothing was really done to help the victim---the girl Evil Dick went after is one that comes to mind. Today they must be more mindful of it.
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 7:20 pm
If they were put up the Leftovers would have the numbers to send Indy out regardless of Taylor being part of that group. As part of the group, if put up with them she doesn't get a vote. I just don't see the benefit to Taylor.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 7:21 pm
The bad thing about Taylor picking Alyssa/Indy, is that she will be on the block again - sooner than later. Even if she's not in danger, it does wear on her. And as for Taylor's speech, it doesn't matter (to me) if it's not as bad as anyone else's, and there's no justifying it based on the behavior of others. As I say to the kids I work with, that's an interesting explanation (and understandable), but it's not an excuse. You can do better, and you should do better. Good night, all!
Board Administrator
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 7:25 pm
I think Taylor would have been better off joining Daniel and Kyle... because no way they would send her home before Daniel. Do they know this only lasts for a few weeks?
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 7:26 pm
I wish Jasmine would stop attempting to sound so country/Southern by *trying* to say clever similes in the D.R. Oh how I wish Julie would have taken a big bite of a MUFFIN and mumbled: “Hmmm?!” at Jasmine when she commented on how Julie ”looked as purty as a _____.” She never says them correctly or they never make sense, and her voice rises many octaves as she tries to sound enthusiastic…
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 7:31 pm
They have not been told how long the Festie Bestie twist will last. They just assume it will last until Jury starts… they don’t think it will last much longer.
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 7:33 pm
I think the point was that they want a Leftover in each bestie group, so joining Daniel and Kyle would put Taylor in a bestie group that already has a Leftover in it. This way, the LO control every vote. The only hole in the plan is Michael and Brittany, who do not have a non-LO member. This puts them in a slight danger of being backdoored this week. Hopefully one of the Leftovers wins HOH and that won't be an issue. Also, the Leftovers all agreed that Taylor would not be used as a pawn again after paying her dues week after week. If they win power, they will probably nominate Daniel and Kyle, and get Daniel out. Hopefully the bestie twist ends after next week and start of jury.
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 7:38 pm
What was Daniel’s comment at the very end??
Board Administrator
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 7:41 pm
Rosem, Taylor needs to play for Taylor. Not sure how her joining Alyssa and Indy would change how they control the votes? The obvious next choice is Daniel/Kyle... get Daniel out. But if for some reason Daniel is safe, Alyssa and Indy would go up (and Taylor), right?
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 7:45 pm
Karuuna, if Daniel becomes safe, I believe that the Leftovers will keep their word and put up Monte-Joseph-Terrence and get Terrence out, or Jasmine-Turner, and get Jasmine out. Because they are controlling the votes. And also, Kyle will not want Alyssa nominated, which also protects Taylor.
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 7:46 pm
Of course all of this depends on who wins HOH, and I am SO MAD that we didn't get an HOH at the end of this episode!!!

| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 7:48 pm
As the show ended, Daniel muttered that the show was “trash…”
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 7:51 pm
Cali, I guffawed! Saying on live national television that the show you are currently paid to appear on, is TRASH. Did their 7-second delay fail? How did that even get on the air? Maybe it's because the show IS trash. Haha!
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 7:56 pm
Oh, Cali - Jasmine's comment to Julie was one she practiced to use last week but then used something about ribs. So, she recycled it for this week. It would have been fantastic if Julie was eating a muffin when Jasmine voted. It would have brought the house down! But it probably would have messed up Mrs. Moonves' lipstick, so, no. We just get Jasmine pretending to be on Hee Haw.
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 8:06 pm
Having been to two finales... well the first was back at the old house and was outside, and Julie was inside, but for season.. the first Janelle season, indoor audience and I can tell you that Julie had hair and makeup people buzzing around her often in between takes and she was intent on studying her script, so there would be NO MUFFINS INVOLVED. I think in subsequent years Julie has become simultaneously a bit more relaxed and humorous but also quite a bit more religious/preachy too. She is more relaxed in interviews than she is at live shows.
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 8:13 pm
I gather that Rhinanna is a huge BB fan and pretty often makes comments in social media so the RHAP folks tonight, especially Aman and Taran, were quite excited and sure that Rhianna would appreciate the quoting of her lyrics, espcailly considering what has gone down this season. I only knew it was associated with Rhianna because of the podcasters and Taran in Twitch (my first visit there). Otherwise I'd have had no idea (and still would not, as the show hasn't started yet here. The funny thing about the HG who make comments on how Julie looks is that they have to see her on the screen in the living room but at the time they comment in the DR, they cannot see Julie at all. This was confirmed by a former HG last week. I really with they would just automate the voting. Give them deviced, all vote at once, Julie gets the results and gets on with the eviction. Thus no sycophantic remarks to Julie and no shout outs.
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 8:35 pm
Getting to vote quickly without talking to Julie is an excellent idea.Am so sick of the fake compliments, the shoutouts that take them to the door, and dancing in the hallway!
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 8:45 pm
Agree about the voting situation. Most of the time we know how the votes are going to go, and could do without Julie’s ridiculous speculation when each HG enters the DR. They waste so much time on “previouslies” and voting and awkward interviews, there is no time for the HOH comp, which is the main reason I slog my way through the hour.
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 10:04 pm
Strangely, I didn’t hear Daniel say “this show is trash” at the very end! I was so looking forward to it! He was stalking around venting and just when I thought, “here it comes!”..cuts out to commercial. Maybe they actually edited it? I love the show. I thought him saying that sounded hilarious.
| Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 10:47 pm
One reason for Taylor to join Indy and Alyssa is, if by some dumb luck they win a veto, she is one of the decision makers and can use the veto in the best interests of the LO. There are bigger targets that Alyssa and Indy, so she could stay off the block for a bit too.