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Archive through July 20, 2022

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: Big Brother : USA 2022: General Discussion: Live Feed Discussion Thread: ARCHIVES: Archives for July 19 - July 25: Archive through July 20, 2022 users admin

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Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 10:34 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Calimom3 a private message Print Post    
Well, in Monte’s case, I wouldn’t be sad to hear it’s impossible for HIM to win… 🤭



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 10:53 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Seamonkey a private message Print Post    
Terrance, and you were right there wanting Taylor out. That looks to be Colorism.

I wonder who production likes least? Jasmine? Monte? Oh but there is Daniel, Turner, Pooch....



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 11:02 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Calimom3 a private message Print Post    
I can find (if REALLY try) SOME redeeming quality in most HGs each season. Turner is a challenge for me. He’s boring to watch, he is not endearing, interesting, nor entertaining. He’s that goofy type of guy who is there to be a wingman for others. He’s the quirky dresser who goes along with whatever the BMOC-type guys say/do. The only positive thing I can think of is: he is very loyal to Pooch… that’s all I’ve got! 🤷🏼‍♀️



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 11:15 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Seamonkey a private message Print Post    
And while we don't know for sure, Turner's sister just hates him, so at the very least, he didn't maintain that relationship well.

And then there is how he goes by TURNUR in places.. But I haven't seen much of him in my random visits to the feeds.

Jasmine, I got a chunk of time watching her and she would just make me crazy. The way she can order people around and then criticize them. And then be hypocritical.

Like oh thanks for the eggs you cooked for me, but I usually just eat egg whites, then she gobbles down the eggs.

Or cook this for me, Taylor and then she complains that Taylor was ass kissing. and of course she ate the food.

And asking have nots to cook for her.

I hate that her accident means she is almost assured of being on the jury and maybe there at the end.



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 11:25 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Christiii a private message Print Post    
For me, any cast us better than the Jackson Miche season..I was really uncomfortable watching it...these people I just find annoying



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 11:31 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Seamonkey a private message Print Post    
Or Mike Boogie.



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 11:51 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Mama, it is probably not true, Spoilerking is a parody account, this is their twitter profile:

"Big Brother Spoilers -the best alleged spoiler account on Twitter. for super fans only and entertainment purposes. I. DON'T. MISS. #BB24"

Notice he said 'alleged spoiler'. I think his twitter name is a takeoff on 'spoilergirl'.



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 11:59 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
One feed has loud snoring in the golf BR, Taylor lying there awake, and I think Pooch and Turner are in beds, not sure which of them is snoring. So I guess the 'no napping' rule is in the garbage.

The other feed has Queen Jasmine in her HOH bed,eating the food Nicole brought her. Daniel, Ameerah and Alyssa are there too. They are bashing Brittany.

So, those are the live feed viewing choices, folks!



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 12:02 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
I have a feeling that if/when they shut the feeds down for 4 days, I might not notice. LOL

I have to keep either changing feeds, or turning them off in disgust.



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 12:25 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Bubbles a private message Print Post    
Thanks posters for years of live feeds that you keep us updated on. I always think watching live may be fun, but this year it seems to be more of a chore as this cast looks to be boring, so more than ever I thank you. This cast must have been totally different when they interviewed or I don't know why they were picked. My favorite part of previous seasons were the weekly TV and BBAD conversations of game play, but now no BBAD and all we get are the HOH and veto challenges. No wonder production is letting the HG's nap, they have nothing to offer. I hope it somehow livens up or the ratings will start to drop drastically, and I guess they should.



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 12:27 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Mamapors a private message Print Post    
Well true or not it made me laugh! And that is more than any of these houseguests have done. But yeah I guess the part about Alison laughing should have let me know it was not true LOL



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 12:33 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Mama, I totally enjoy Spoilerking’s tweets. Nothing better than making fun of BB, especially this season.



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 12:37 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Monte and Taylor have been having a long chat at the billiards table about life, family, going to therapy. If only Monte spoke to Taylor like this from the beginning, he may have seen her as a person instead of an enemy.



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 12:39 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Feed changes to the HOH room, Michael, Brittany on the couch, Joseph, Ameerah (asleep) and Jasmine in the bed. I predict that Jasmine will be suffering from bedsores very soon.

Somebody needs to at least flip her over.



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 12:43 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Camera back to Monte and Taylor. Taylor saying that she did not grow up privileged or wealthy, but realizes that others have had it worse. This makes her want to volunteer and give back.

Monte seems very interested in this conversation, I am hoping he doesn't tear her down for it later. I haven't heard anything that he could use in that way, but they've surprised me before.



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 12:50 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Somebody on Twitter who says they called customer service 'allegedly' found out that the feeds will not be cut:


After 21 minutes, a couple of miscommunications, and help from a very lovely customer service rep- I was told feeds will NOT be effected by the network scheduling changes!!

I repeat- feeds will NOT be down over the weekend!! #BB24



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 12:51 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Of course, the customer service rep may have just wanted to get off the phone, lol.

Would be nice if something official came from CBS/BB but not holding my breath.



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 1:22 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Monte is sort of apologizing to Taylor, saying he misunderstood things, and maybe they could have some trust. Kinda letting her know that she has a good chance to stay (she already knows this).

This could be progress, or it could be Monte wanting his ass covered in case she wins HOH tomorrow.



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 1:23 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
OMG, Monte FINALLY understands that Taylor was telling him that the girls were worried about the guys coming for them, NOT that Paloma was coming for him.

Took him long enough, and Taylor had to explain it AGAIN, as if he was 5 years old.



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 1:25 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Luckily, Taylor is now lying to Monte, telling him that the girls' plan is NOT to get the guys out. Haha!



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 2:15 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Mamapors a private message Print Post    
Production needs to tell Jasmine that she CAN NOT use her injury as stategy!!

And for the record she has not gotten out of bed for going on 48 hours (well I am assuming she has used the restroom but I can not confirm that)

She is on my last nerve.



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 2:26 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Monte is now telling Kyle and Daniel that he thinks it would be ok for Taylor to stay in the house longer. Oh, how magnanimous of him!

He says that Turner would be Taylor’s target, and not him. It appears that Taylor’s work has paid off.



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 2:30 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Monte is talking about letting Joseph and Turner to know ahead of time so they’re not voting on the wrong side. Discussion continues about when they should have the conversation.

So, all the boys who Pooch thinks are his boys, are all going to vote him out. These boys better wake up to the lesson that they all could be the next “Pooch”.



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 2:37 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Grooch a private message Print Post    
Thanks, Rosem for hanging in there and making sense of it all.



Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 2:46 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Grooch a private message Print Post    
Omg! The guys and Brit discussing the have not room (I guess they are all keeping up appearances that Pooch will be staying) and they said that Pooch will have to be touching Turner because he'll be the only other guy in the room. Ugh!

Thank god Pooch is leaving before his behaviour gets worse. Ugh! I hope he doesn't coach kids. Maybe that's why he's unemployed.