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| Tuesday, October 20, 2020 - 2:09 pm
1. Is there any possibility that Cody doesn't win the whole thing? 2. Why was Enzo (and Nicole) so determined to keep him so long?? I suppose Cody does deserve to win it all. I didn't want him to. Wish Nicole had smartened up cuz I bet she could have won against Christmas...
| Tuesday, October 20, 2020 - 2:38 pm
The odds are with Cody, it’s his game to lose. If he’s in F2, I have no doubt the jury will vote him the winner. There is a *chance* he may mess up in one or more of the final comps, and my hope is Enzo &/or Nicole is blowing smoke and they realize they can’t/shouldn’t take Cody to F2 if it’s up to them!’s 2020, so I’m assuming it will go as predicted...sigh...
| Tuesday, October 20, 2020 - 4:19 pm
I haven't watched at all since before Nicole A left. I just saw the general direction and figured Cody had this under his thumb. I don't care for any of the remaining players and found the feeds and the show unsatisfying. I hope Enzo wins at this point. I will maybe watch, I have a few episodes on my DVR. So sad, 2020 hit the House and it was boring.
| Tuesday, October 20, 2020 - 6:27 pm
Social media has ruined the BB that we love. Everyone wants to make money as a social media influencer so they are afraid to do anything that shows them as anything less than wholesome. Also the horrible, nasty, hateful people that don't think twice about trying to ruin the lives of anyone they don't like or agree with. Cody has played an excellent game and everyone else in there has played a good game. It's been the most boring season I've ever seen but I'm afraid this is what we're going to get from now on.
| Wednesday, October 21, 2020 - 8:42 am
As a positive, under covid, cbs showed that this can be done. Hopefully Survivor does the same quarantine and has a season soon.
| Wednesday, October 21, 2020 - 9:57 am
I agree about social media affecting the game now. Late last night I heard Nicole telling Cody and Enzo about an app for travel that if you just mention it in your instagram stories they give you free flights. She said that she, Vic, her Mom and Dad all got free flights to New York for her to go wedding dress shopping. It's all about going on the show for what they can get after.
| Thursday, October 22, 2020 - 11:37 am
I have never missed a season or even 1 episode of Big Brother and maybe I am just getting tired of it but The show is just not good anymore. I rarely have a favorite anymore or anyone I want to root for. They all vote the same and thats boring. This seasons all stars was such a disappointment. Makes me sad.
| Thursday, October 22, 2020 - 4:30 pm
Unless they make some major changes of the show, I don’t think its going to survive. A new casting company with some fresh ideas for contestants. So sick of the Jock, the Blonde, the old guy, the gay guy, etc. Just put entertaining people in the house, they don’t have to be models. And. My biggest thing: Don’t reveal the vote count. They also need new scriptwriters, because I can recite word for word, almost everything Julie is going to say. Bring back food comps, replace slop with tasks. There is so much they could do to revive this dinosaur.
| Thursday, October 22, 2020 - 5:07 pm
I don’t know....I still think Enzo can win if he gets to F2, even against Cody. I think he has to win the last HOH to build up his comp credentials, but he’s got enough friends on the jury that he could squeak by 5-4 if Cody really screws up his final plea and jury questioning. (Xmas and Nicole will cancel each other out probably so it’s more 4 of the other 7). If he does the smart thing and takes Nicole, he wins going away (7-2 or 8-1)...and if Cody wins the last HOH and backstabs Nicole? Then it gets interesting, as it’s probably better for him to take her over Enzo. Nicole I don’t think can win against either- I don’t think the jury wants to make her a 2 time winner. Frankly, while I do give the producers credit for getting the season going in the first place (let alone completed)- I’ve been watching a lot less this year than most. Not a lot of drama, you lost a lot of good characters really early, and even the triple eviction (that could have been a classic if done right) just didn’t work. And for the first time in who knows how long, we didn’t have a returnee twist (but under the circumstances they probably couldn’t have). It’s not the worst season ever, but it’s in the bottom 5 or 6 seasons for me. Next year we need an all new cast- no coaches, no returning players, and some half-decent twists..
| Friday, October 23, 2020 - 11:54 am
I started watching Season 7 All Stars to soothe the pain of this season. I think Cody will win. I really hope that Nicole does not.
| Friday, October 23, 2020 - 4:31 pm
Rhondalee,I agree with everything you said.
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| Saturday, October 24, 2020 - 11:38 am
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| Wednesday, October 28, 2020 - 2:02 pm
Thanks to all of the posters here who made this a much needed diversion from real life. Kudos to BB for getting through the whole season with HG's and staff safe from COVID. Too bad we had one of those new school "steam rolls". Cody worked the hardest and played the dominant (and most boring) game. If he isn't surprise cut by Nicole he should win. Looking forward to new HG's and a new year of BB next summer.
| Wednesday, October 28, 2020 - 2:06 pm
I stopped watching and canceled feeds after Kaysar left. Would prefer Cody win over Nicole, but don't enjoy seeing either in the final 2. With the pre-game alliance, and the influence of Dan and Derrick I feel we were all cheated out of a season. Not sure I'll bother watching the finale tonight or if I'll just watch Married At First Sight.