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Archive through August 12, 2020

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: Big Brother : USA 2020: General Discussion : Tweets - Good and Bad: Archives: Archives Aug 9- Aug 15: Archive through August 12, 2020 users admin

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Tuesday, August 11, 2020 - 6:48 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
hamsterwatch #bb22
Janelle's star points are dangerous for drinks left behind on tables.. spilled red drinks are dangerous for decor.. it's a vicious cycle



Tuesday, August 11, 2020 - 8:43 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Techno Gaijin
Kevin talking about the first Pandora's box and how production convinced him to open it when he did not want to because he knew the story was about bad things that result from opening it. Early production meddling example. #BB22

Rachel has said the same thing when she didn't want to open it too. She said they made her stay up there in the HOH for like 2 hours until she agreed to do it



Tuesday, August 11, 2020 - 8:45 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
I smell a Wine War between Janelle and Christmas #bb22



Tuesday, August 11, 2020 - 8:45 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Worldtraveller a private message Print Post    
Dipo.....anyway you can post the recent McCrae and Andy twitter ...I know you are but what am I...schoolyard beotch fest.
Too funny



Tuesday, August 11, 2020 - 8:46 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
#BB22LiveFeedUpdates @BB22LiveFeeds
· 5m
There are 12 alcoholic drinks, and the house is trying to decide who gets what. #beer ? #wine ?
Janelle says Memphis is being chinsey with his wine pours

Luna @LunaCee73
· 5m
BB booze math is hard. #bb22



Tuesday, August 11, 2020 - 8:57 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Worldtraveller you can post it, anyone can post in here. I don't follow those two so unless some retweets it I won't see it.



Tuesday, August 11, 2020 - 9:29 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
#BB22 Feeds check!

Kaysar is telling Ian that the amount of time they have to spend inside, stresses him out.

Christmas is telling stories from Nascar.

Dani and Day are chatting about the lack of group activities and how much alcohol they drank in sequester.



Tuesday, August 11, 2020 - 9:31 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
#BB22 Day and Kevin went looking for NicA.. They want her to join everyone. She's in one of the bedrooms finally unpacking her suitcase. NicA tells them that she doesn't feel like she's part of the family yet - she will once her stuff is away and she's had actual food.



Tuesday, August 11, 2020 - 9:32 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
#BB22 Kaysar is telling Ian and David about feeling lost when his family moved here from Iraq. He says it was hard to only hear bad things about his heritage/home country while growing up. He felt trapped between two worlds and didn't know where he fit.



Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 9:40 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
12.06am.... #BB22LiveFeedUpdates @BB22LiveFeeds
YAYYY!!!! Huge celebration in the kitchen as it is now past midnight and the have-nots can now eat real food! You can see first week have-nots Kevin & NicA cheering in this screen capture. Other 2 have-nots were Ian & Memphis.

It's officially Day 8, and the start of week 2 in the house. The feeds have been down for 23 minutes.

Feeds are back! Kaysar & Cody are talking in the storage room. Kaysar wants to catch up with Cody, & mentions he’s been frustrated that he hasn’t been able to. Cody is frustrated that people ask him (Cody) whose side he’s on (Kevin's or Keesha's).
Kaysar & Cody continue talking game in the storage room. Cody continues to express frustration that nobody wants to talk game in general. They both say that tomorrow (technically today) will be a busy day.
Kaysar & Cody continue talking in the storage room. Cody says Kevin came to him & essentially put the "blame" on himself for Cody putting him on the block. Cody then says Keesha did same thing to him (putting "blame" on herself for being on the block).
Kaysar & Cody are still in the storage room. Kaysar says that he didn’t call anybody to “pre-game” when he was called for all-stars. Cody: “We’re playing here.” Kaysar: “But nobody’s playing”. Cody says people are nervous and observing.
Christmas & Bay are talking in the comics bedroom. Christmas says she thinks the next HOH comp will be an endurance one.



Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 9:43 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    



Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 9:43 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
1.05am ... #BB22LiveFeedUpdates @BB22LiveFeeds
· 8h
#BB22 Cody reveals to Kaysar that he will be playing in the safety suite this coming week. Kaysar says that Cody would be dumb not to do so. Says that Cody is a comp beast.
#BB22 Both Kaysar and Cody say that the first three weeks are a "crap-shoot," not game-play. Cody ends the conversation saying that the two of them have been in the SR for a long time. Christmas enters just after conversation breaks.
#BB22 Cameras change to the backyard with Memphis, Tyler, Cody, Christmas. Memphis says that Ian is usually up until 7:30 in the morning, but has already gone to bed. They indicate Nicole has also gone to bed (unknown if NicA or NicF is being referenced)
#BB22 Memphis trying to name their alliance the Usual Suspects. Cody advises that the alliance name won't be allowed due to copyrights since it is a movie title. Christmas interjects that they did not allow the alliance name "Misfits" on her season for the same reason.
#BB22 Dani and Day enter the back yard. The group starts talking about how the yard will likely be closed by 5am. Memphis wants to get up early to try to get a few minutes outside before it closes.
#BB22 Kaysar, Enzo, and Bay in the comic room. Idle chit chat only. Talk about Swaggy and then conversation moves to the Lakers
#BB22 Dani, Memphis, Cody, Tyler, Christmas in the backyard. Complaints about how little time the past few seasons have had access to the backyards. BB: "You are not allowed to talk about production" Cody: "Well then don't give us a ***-ing reason to" Laughter ensues.
#BB22 Cody recalls when Memphis was "freaking out" and Ian was nervous. Ian was saying 'OMG do you think it's me.' Cody reassured Ian that Memphis wasn't mad at Ian, but at production. Cody says that Memphis came down the next day and says he was ready to rip Ian's head off.



Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 9:45 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
1.32am... #BB22LiveFeedUpdates @BB22LiveFeeds
· 8h
#BB22 BY crew starts talking about Enzo and how Enzo was joking about how on Thursday, instead of going in to place his vote, Enzo plans to give his first live diary room session.

#BB22. Back in the comic room. Enzo jokes that earlier they stated that this season's theme should be Parents vs vegans. Kaysar says NicA said that she is neither. Bayleigh states in reference to NicA: "You got to blend in chick" ... Choose a side!

#BB22 Backyard talk focused on food. Talking about how NicF microwaved a quesadilla and then wrapped it around a pickle... Question for the group - what odd food combo do you enjoy?

#BB22 Memphis says somebody needs to talk to Kevin before Thursday. Memphis plans to talk to Kaysar to advise that the house seems to be keeping Kevin, so that Kaysar isn't blindsided.

#BB22 Memphis doesn't want to shut his communication with Kaysar since it could prove important. Memphis: "It will shut at some point... when I put his ass on the block."



Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 9:48 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
#BB22LiveFeedUpdates @BB22LiveFeeds
· 7h
#BB22 Bay asks Enzo why he got divorced. Enzo says a lot of stupid things after getting off the show. Says his mind was in a bubble and it was hard to explain it to people outside the house. Says it caused a disconnect. Bay said that even Swaggy and she had that disconnect.

#BB22 Enzo says that the attention after the show was unexpected/too much sometimes. Enzo says they started fighting, they got separated, and she was hooking up with guys she used to be friends with and Enzo hooked up with girls around town. Says they have 2 beautiful kids.

#BB22 Cameras switch to backyard hammock area. David, Day, NicA on the hammock and Ian and Kevin sitting on the ground. Comments about how Ian looks to be a good tired. Nic A: "I see your stomach smiling through your eyes."

#BB22 Xmas and Memphis talking about if to use the Safety Suite. Memphis says it could be sketchy if they don't try to use the pass. Christmas says that they have a pretty good chance with 6 people in their alliance and that picking someone else to be safe if won could expose

BB22 Memphis tells Christmas to feel everyone out over the next few days. Christmas says that Nicole wanted to talk to her today but doesn’t specify which Nicole.

#BB22 Christmas says that she’s “seeing some stuff” in the way of what’s going on in the house and says if she’s seeing it than everyone must be. Memphis jokes that “maybe it’s your mind.”.

#BB22 Christmas says that she saw Ian talk to Nicole a couple of times today (A/F?). Memphis says that he will check in with Ian in the morning. He wants to know if Janelle or anyone else is coming to him. Christmas says that she thinks Bay is the only one hitting David up

#BB22 She says that they should speak to some of these people before the HOH so that it seems authentic instead of speaking with them after HOH. Christmas tells everyone in the BY that’s she’s tired and heads inside for bed.



Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 9:53 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
2.20am... #BB22LiveFeedUpdates @BB22LiveFeeds
· 7h
#BB22 We have Kevin, NicA, David and Day in the BY. All but Kevin are on the hammock. Day gets up to wash her face and go to bed and Kevin moves onto the hammock. As Day gets up we go to stars.

#BB22 When cams come back we have only NicA and Kevin left on the hammock. Day and David have gone inside to get ready for bed. NicA asks him if he remembers when she told him he was the target. He says oh yeah. She says she talks too much. He asks if he kept a straight face.

#BB22 NicA says that she’s a pretty good read of being to read people and when a story they are telling is the truth. Kevin says he’s serious about a F2 with her and that they will figure out the right people to bring with along the way.

#BB22 Kevin says that they need an athlete with them and he’s trying to get Tyler with him. NicA says that the beginning is all social. This is while Kevin really likes Day, because of her ability to flitter around.

#BB22 NicA really wants to come into power so that people she wants with them will come up and talk game with her. She says that Enzo, Tyler and Christmas all seem to want him to stay but Christmas won’t decide until Thursday.

#BB22 NicA also says Ian in a later in the day convo and Dani want to keep him. The only person that definitely says that he should go home is Janelle. They agree that they should keep some distance in the future from each other and socialize more with others.

#BB22 Day in the Love Room talking to cameras. She says she knows she isn’t playing perfect but is trying. She knows that some people want to see the “mean” Day. She can’t throw away her game to save Keesha either.

#BB22 Day had wanted to come in and work with Janelle and Dani. She has no idea where Janelle is at this point. She thinks things with Dani are going well and it’s obvious that her and Bay have been working together.

#BB22 Day says loves Kevin and NicA so much but wishes she hadn’t committed with them so quickly, wishes she would have waited. Day’s top priority is herself. Bay is her top priority followed by Enzo, Dani, Cody, NicF. She really hopes she’s right about all of it.

#BB22 Day says NicF has apologized to her since being in the house but she doesn’t know if she can trust her. She’s afraid she may stab her in the back again. She decides she’s going to go to sleep. Says she loves us all, asks us to pray for her and blows a kiss.



Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 9:55 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
2.50am.... #BB22LiveFeedUpdates @BB22LiveFeeds
· 7h
#BB22 Back in the hammock with Kevin and NicA. NicA says that she really likes Keesha and Kevin agrees. He says that he can’t stand Memphis and says that he can’t handle the energy that Memphis throws out. NicA says that those things don’t bother her but she understands

#BB22 NicA says that there are several very entitled HG’s in the house. She says that these people aren’t production, they aren’t running the show. Nicole says that these people should feel very lucky to be there. Kevin is worried that Memphis is a ticking time bomb.

#BB22 NicA tells Kevin to let Memphis explode “let it happen”. She tells him that it probably won’t be over him. Let him explode over another HG in front of others. NicA says that she seem through Memphis’ behavior. Kevin says that Memphis is the only one he’s uncomfortable with.

#BB22 NicA tells Kevin that there are maybe one or 2 people that she is “vibing” differently with. When Kevin asks male or female she doesn’t want to answer. She says that she sees when people scoff at her or laugh at her, “that’s f* rude” and she doesn’t vibe with that.



Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 9:58 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
#BB22 NicA says that she appreciates Dani’s snarkiness as a fan but that she needs to be very careful in the house. NicA says “just don’t say it to the wrong person”. She’s never done anything to me directly and probably knows better because she doesn’t go for it.

#BB22 Both Kevin and Nicole are looking forward to being off HN’s and having a real bed. He says it will be game changing. NicA says that they need to also move into different BR’s as it will give them better intel on what’s going on in each room.

#BB22 Kevin says that they also need to find a way to nurture relationships, “this is a long ass game”. NicA agrees. She says that she’s used to having her “person”. She doesn’t question him or Day. Kevin is noticing that people are acting “totally bizarre” around him.

#BB22 NicA tells Kevin to keep being personable with everyone and try to get Janelle and Kaysar aside but separately to talk to them. She says that Janelle is very savvy. She plans on talking to more people again tomorrow.

#BB22 Kevin says that Tyler pulled him into the SR earlier and is making time to talk to him. He says that Tyler has told him that he's on his side. NicA says that her paranoid thought is that all of those people are all in cahoots and she's afraid of being on the wrong side.

#BB22 NicA says that Cody directly told her that he wanted to keep Kevin. She's afraid to lose him or to look stupid. She says that Cody isn't safe so if she wins HOH "wouldn't I go after the person that lied to me"?

#BB22 Kevin says Enzo is talking to Cody, NicA says that she can tell that Enzo wants to talk to her but people always walk in. Kevin says "I feel like a fisherman sitting in the BR waiting to get people to talk to me" NicA loves that analogy and giggles.

#BB22 Kevin says that waiting in the BR is sometimes the only time that you can get people alone. He also says that he’s going to talk to Cody about getting his circle of people to lean in his direction then he can return the favor”.

#BB22 Kevin thinks that because Cody is HOH that Cody feels assured that he will not put him up. Kevin says that he won’t put him up. NicA says that she keeps making it look like the 2 of them are not so close.

#BB22 She also reiterates that Kevin needs to speak with Janelle and Kaysar tomorrow so that he isn’t their first thought to put up. Kevin thinks that’s why Janelle has been pushing the narrative that he backstabbed Jeff, so that no one trusts him.

#BB22 Kevin heads inside to go to bed and NicA stays on the hammock to talk to cameras. She realizes it’s 3am and says hello to her family who are probably asleep and to Eric who is probably still up working.



Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 10:01 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
#BB22 NicA says that she will probably have a bagel and egg in the morning for breakfast. She says by Thursday new HN’s will be made and she hopes she’s not one of them but she will be fine if she is.

#BB22 NicA says that she misses Eric so much “buddy. It’s really weird not having you here to confide in. Super strange.” She says that someone asks her what she eats for dinner “I eat whatever mom makes. I have tunnel vision”. She hasn’t seen them in 3 weeks.

#BB22 NicA says that she’s not sad yet and that she just did 99 days in the house. That is helping her be OK right now. She shouts out her BB21 fam and says that she hopes that they are all supporting her and David. She says that this season is different though.

#BB22 NicA says that she taped several podcasts that will come out throughout the summer. She says that she’s so happy in them but may look different now because she’s been so sick. She states that she’s always been a night owl and is glad more people have stayed up late.

#BB22 NicA says that some of the HG’s got to bed so early. Janelle gave her facewash to clean all of her make-up off. She’s going to go and brush her teeth and wash her face. She was going to eat something but says she ate so much earlier.

#BB22 NicA says that she’s not going to make tea or future Nicole won’t be happy if she stays up too late even though current Nicole is happy staying up late, future Nicole will pay for it.

#BB22 NicA tells her family she didn’t pack enough clothes. She asks for novelty shirts for when she wins HOH and she packed too many pants. She says that she’s really looking forward to having a bed. She doesn’t want to go in but knows production needs to get started on the BY

#BB22 NicA says that she loves the bidet in the house and tells the viewers that they should all get one. She also wonders why there's no such thing as a bidet for your face, to wash your face. "I know that everyone is saying, yeah, it's called a sink"



Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 10:03 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
4.08am... #BB22LiveFeedUpdates @BB22LiveFeeds
· 5h
#BB22 NicA says that she can't believe she's back in the house again. She realizes that this is the last time in the BY until after HOH. She shouts out her friends Rachel and Cassey. She probably won't stay up tomorrow, she needs to be ready for the live show the next day.

#BB22 NicA heads inside to get ready for bed. She says the grass is very wet and says goodbye to the BY as she heads in.

#BB22 One last look at NicA's make-up, that was done be Janelle earlier, before she takes it all off.

#BB22 NicA is struggling to get the heavy make up off even after using a facial cleanser and make up removal cloths.

#BB22 After brushing her teeth and cleaning her glasses NicA says "off to bed". She heads upstairs with the blankets that she was using in the BY and down the hall to the HV room. The lights in the rest of the BR's are already out and everyone is asleep except for her.



Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 10:03 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
#BB22 As for now, all is quite in the BB Bubble. we have sleeping HG on all 4 camera. for now. I will keep you posted as soon as we have movement on the live feeds.



Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 10:06 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
#BB22LiveFeedUpdates @BB22LiveFeeds
Memphis has awoken and is finding his way to the lounge to drink his morning cup of coffee. But quickly returned to the HNR to retrieve his hat. #BB22

Memphis is cleaning up from last nights late night feast. #bb22

Kaysar and Memphis in SR talking how slow it was to get people to talk. K asks M how he got people to talk. M says Keesha is better for his game and K says "what is the cost to keep her" #bb22

Kaysar and Memphis in the kitchen still talking about Keesha needing to play the game and do the work to secure her vote. K says " I dont think we got it" If I says something to the other side he says to M it will blow their cover. K doesn't want to blow up his game. #bb22

Memphis says that Kevin came and promised him the world. Kaysar is annoyed and says he cant promise that to everyone. K is whispering and at times in hard to understand. K says "someone has to go home" M " you dont want to be the next person to go home. It's too soon" #bb22



Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 10:08 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
9.15am... #BB22LiveFeedUpdates @BB22LiveFeeds
Kaysar and Memphis are talking about production, live shows, and the BB tv schedule. Memphis says he doesn't remember a lot since it has been so long. Trying to figure out if HOH comp is live. Kaysar says it is. #bb22

Kaysar and Memphis continue to talk about Keesha and the idea that she might freak out. They continue to talk but it is very quiet #bb22

Memphis says that Enzo was saying he was going to steal the bike from the BY

Kevin, Day, and Bay in the BR and K is talking about how everyone is talking to Memphis. Says how he just wants to know if he is safe and how he needs to talk to people. D tells him to "do it". K offers to make D and B breakfast. #bb22



Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 10:12 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
9.45 ...
Bayleigh and Day in the BR chatting over the sink. Ian walks in and says a cheerful good morning to them. Topic is about sleeping and Ian's food. He had pizza, potato's, a cookie and bell peppers. #bb22

Kevin in the Kitchen talking about his portions outside the house and how last night he ate 2 pieces of pizza but normally he eats maybe 1 or 3/4 of a slice. #bb22

Dani in the BR talking with Day about how cold she is at night and how she sleeps in full sweats.#bb22
HG's are making breakfast and discussing body types and different style of workouts for the individual. Foods they consume outside of the house and how their body reacts to food. #bb22

Bayleigh and Day are in their beds. Bay is having her morning alone time reading. #bb22



Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 10:15 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Kaysar says if there is more to this vote and it is a hit on Keesha, then this is also a hit on them and fighting for her will look bad. Memphis agrees. He says Keesha has to to do the work to stay. They agree they don't think they got it. #bb22



Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 10:17 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
#BB22LiveFeedUpdates @BB22LiveFeeds
Kevin, Day, and Bay in the BR and K is talking about how everyone is talking to Memphis. Says how he just wants to know if he is safe and how he needs to talk to people. D tells him to "do it". K offers to make D and B breakfast. #bb22

Kevin in the Kitchen talking about his portions outside the house and how last night he ate 2 pieces of pizza but normally he eats maybe 1 or 3/4 of a slice. #bb22\