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| Tuesday, July 09, 2019 - 10:18 pm
9.21pm ... #BB21 Live Feed Updates @BB21LiveFeeds ·55m Bella tells Sam she soens't think he's in toruble. They need to figure out a way to get out Jack & Jackson #BB21 ·52m Sam tells Bella the eight makes sense. Christie made it because she was tfirst HoH & then the couples. There'is no room for me to weasel in. Why would I keep working with Jack, Michie and everybody? It's too early for me to make a big move #BB21
| Tuesday, July 09, 2019 - 10:23 pm
hamsterwatch #bb21 @hamsterwatch·51m Cliff talking about OTT, said he cheered for Whitney b/c same last name, 'podunk small town' like him, and she was so cute hamsterwatch #bb21 @hamsterwatch ·51m Kat: "I fused my extension back in, so that was exciting" #Deathrace2019 status report 45m Holly and Jackson are griping because Christie tells everybody everything... if they only knew what Bella's been up to #BB21 Live Feed Updates @BB21LiveFeeds 41m Holly tells Jackson she doesn't want to tell Christie anything because she cant keep her mouth shut. She just likes to brag about overhearing Cliff. She needs to keep her mouth shut #BB21
| Tuesday, July 09, 2019 - 10:24 pm
Thank you so much for your hard work on these, Dipo.
| Tuesday, July 09, 2019 - 10:25 pm
[SMEG] #BB21 @girlsmeg ·37m Holly says Nick was weird to her today, talking about how rich she is. She says she's not rich at all & doesn't know what he's talking about. #bb21 #BB21 Live Feed Updates @BB21LiveFeeds ·34m In HOH Christie Tommy Sam Bella talking about Jess's boring stories and how they go on forever. Tommy- but we just have to deal with it. Sam- But I quit my job for this #BB21
| Tuesday, July 09, 2019 - 10:26 pm
hamsterwatch #bb21 @hamsterwatch ·26m David said something to Holly about the FFA alliance - she asked who is that? he said "the Feed the Fish Alliance" 🤣 [SMEG] #BB21 @girlsmeg ·26m David tells Holly about the FFA, the Feed the Fish Alliance & asks her if she wants to join. Holly used to be in the FFA, the Future Farmers of America. #bb21
| Tuesday, July 09, 2019 - 10:33 pm
#BB21 Live Feed Updates @BB21LiveFeeds ·8m Tommy, Christie, Sam and Bella are discussing who they want to put up next week if they are HOH. They are talking about nominating Cliff/Nicole to in so many words "smoke out the power" They are discussing what the power could be. #BB21 Christie is saying that everyone has known that the 3 of Cliff, Nicole and Ovi had an alliance since day 1. Tommy brings up that why are they worried about Cliff, Nicole and Ovi. Bella brings up that she doesn't think that Cliff, etc wouldn't put up Tommy/Christie. #BB21 Christie is worried about being the first target for Cliff, etc because she nominated him. Bella, Sam and Tommy all tell her that it wouldn't happen and she's being paranoid. And even if she was nominated with like Jack, she would stay. She is ranting about the power. #BB21
| Tuesday, July 09, 2019 - 11:00 pm
#BB21 Live Feed Updates @BB21LiveFeeds· 11m Nicole says she is still working on finding her "safe space" in the house, finding her nitche. Jack says the thing with Analyse put a target on his back and it's hard. He says again that he had a hard day today. Nicole says that it's hard b/c they are living together day to day. Luna @LunaCee73 · 10m Nick says his first impression of Christie was that she'd be a baby (she was crying onstage?). Christie: "Then you found out I was a (e) savage, winning the first HOH." Sam says they all threw it, everyone laughs. #BB21 Sam says they didn't vote for Jess for Camp Director because she made it clear she'd never nom any girls. Nick says banishments would have been Jbros, Nick and Sam. Christie says David would have been one of them. #BB21 Sam: "It's weird. I almost have, like a mental condition." lol (he's talking about having such a sensitive gag reflex that he has trouble brushing his teeth) #BB21
| Tuesday, July 09, 2019 - 11:02 pm
Luna @LunaCee73 ·8m Christie says that Cliff is America's Player, that's why he carries Orwell around and why he talks to the cameras. #BB21 Sam: "We are doing what everyone did to Donny...'he's in the military, blah blah blah'" Christie: "That's what you DO in this game." #BB21 #BB21 Live Feed Updates @BB21LiveFeeds ·3m The HOH crew of Bella, Nick, Christie, Sam and Tommy are talking about what happened to the lead-up of Jackson being named Camp Director. They are also talking about the first day and first impressions. They all thought Nick was a "Typical Jersey douchebag" #BB21
| Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 8:31 am
Matt @mattliguori Follow Follow @mattliguori More *thursday night* Julie: Hi Bella. Bella: Hi Julie!!!! Julie: Please cast your vote to evict. Bella: Ok but I should tell you there’s an alliance of 8 people, plus Sam is our 9th and- Julie: ... yes, we know Bella: Did you know Nick and I- Julie: Ok get out. #bb21
| Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 10:09 am
hahahahahahaha, Missyb.
| Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 10:10 am
11.03pm #BB21 Live Feed Updates @BB21LiveFeeds· 11h The HOH crew is now discussing what they think the next Whacktivity comp will be. It's the "gross" one. They figure it will be eating gross food. They say Nick will have a good shot at it because he randomly told the HGs early on "I can deep throat a banana, wanna see?" #BB21
| Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 10:15 am
Isabella was in a relationship with Bill Bolding (doesn't look old to me) as of April 2017 (photos)... Wendy Jennings @wjennings87 ·15h Replying to @EvelDick She was living with him but didn't get "the chance" to break it off with him before going on the show...
| Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 10:26 am
Just a little side note that I found hysterical.... The Onion @TheOnion·4h UPS Reports Troubling Drop In Residents Answering Doors In Lingerie (link:
| Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 10:39 am
REAL🅿️otato4sure 🥔 @TVtater · 3h 7:30AM BBT, everyone still sleeping. Cliff or David should be getting up in about 30 minutes if they follow the same schedule they "usually" do. #BB21
| Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 10:46 am
9.08am.... #BB21 Live Feed Updates @BB21LiveFeeds ·1h Cliff is doing his Cliff Notes while the rest of the HGs sleep. Currently talking about his newly formed goatee and that he/Jessica are both in there promoting different body types. That no one should make you feel less than. Talks about the food they are eating. #BB21 REAL🅿️otato4sure 🥔 @TVtater ·1h Cliff’s theories about why Orwell is missing: 1) Camp Comeback task. 2) Team America task. 3) Somehow related to a new power from the Wacktivities (Nope, Tommy took it because he thinks Cliff carrying around Orwell is a task, lol) #BB21
| Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 10:51 am
#BB21 Live Feed Updates @BB21LiveFeeds ·1h Cliff giving a shoutout to his home town of Clearlake ( think that's what he said) TX, which is between Houston and Galveston. He said NASA is out there, so he was surrounded by astronauts. Also talks about a military base. Says NASA got him into reading science fiction. #BB21 Shout out to George Straight and particularly the song Troubador. "Go to Youtube and drive up those likes. See I'm already talking like that." He says he and his wife both like George Straight and wouldn't it be cool to get her to meet him. #BB21 Cliff is telling us about the child support/pre-nup convo and says that he doesn't want to have that type of convo on the feeds. Says that he doesn't want the feeders (or HGs) to have to take sides. He says that he's a Libertarian, big into people taking personal respons. #BB21 He's now talking about politics and his viewpoints. Basically says that he doesn't think that people with different viewpoints than him are inherently evil. He says that he would get rid of Fed government and go to State's Rights. #BB21
| Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 10:54 am
#BB21 Live Feed Updates @BB21LiveFeeds ·1h He says that the game will be way different when the camp comeback people come back in, going from 16 to 13. Says that Ovi thinks that the person that comes back will have a power, Cliff doesn't think so. Says he will be safe with Ovi, Kemi and Jess (assuming she's next) #BB21 Cliff says that if David comes back he's saying all of the "right things" and Cliff is saying all of the "right things" but that they will have a "healthy amount of distrust." but they will have to work together. #BB21 Jackson is up and moving around. He is currently listening at the door to Cliff talking. He rushes into the bathroom. Cliff is currently talking about various scenarios from last week. Cliff says he is going to "shut it down" for the day. #BB21
| Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 10:58 am
9.45am... #BB21 Live Feed Updates @BB21LiveFeeds ·1h Jackson and Cliff have discussed that they were worried about the food situation before they came in (Cliff was worried everyone would eat only veggies, Jackson was worried about rationing) #BB21 Cliff is telling David that since they are back to a "normal" schedule, that the live shows should always be on Thursdays so that should help them start to figure out what is going to happen and when. #BB21 Christie, Holly and Jackson are discussing what to do with @BBADOrwell today. They discuss hiding him all day or letting him disappear and re-appear every couple of days. Jackson: Where is our knife?? #BB21
| Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 11:01 am
#BB21 Live Feed Updates @BB21LiveFeeds ·55m Cliff, David and Tommy are talking about the city of Atlanta and the growth of business there. They talk about TV shows filming there. Tommy says a friend of his moved to Atlanta to be a stunt woman on the Walking dead. And fishies...It's wake up time! Good Morning HGs! #BB21 HGs are all starting to wake up after the fishies. Jack says that they played Beyonce. People are beginning to congregate in the Archery Room. #BB21 Jack is talking about wanting a sponsorship when he gets out of there for "Squatty Potty" In the other room, Sam is talking to Analyse...something about driving a truck in the snow. #BB21
| Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 11:14 am
#BB21 Live Feed Updates @BB21LiveFeeds ·36m Sam is talking about a snowstorm that happened when he was driving his truck. That he got stuck at 11:30AM and sat there until 12:30AM when someone came to pick him up. He was in the country and had no cell service-they located him via computer in his truck. #BB21 [SMEG] #BB21 @girlsmeg ·20m David tells Kemi he noticed she doesn't seem like she fits, she doesn't smile much. He doesn't think she looks like she's having a good time. #bb21 hamsterwatch #bb21 @hamsterwatch ·17m Sam said to Kemi originally he was going to go with the house but he's been hearing little things.. he's pitching a flip, and offer to work with her
| Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 11:19 am
[SMEG] #BB21 @girlsmeg ·10m Kemi tells Sam the reason she wanted Jack out is bc she heard he wanted her out. She doesn't know where the root is & she wants to talk to Jack about that today. If they can find the root, maybe they shouldn't target each other. #bb21 Sam suggests Kemi talk to Jack today & paint Jess as a bigger target. He thinks she is, bc Jess was going after the guys & Kemi was only going after Jack. Sam is going to tell the same to Nella & Nicole. #bb21 Tommy & Holly talk about locking Nicole in as a number for them. #bb21 hamsterwatch #bb21 @hamsterwatch · 6m Sam's wasting no time, he's presenting his pitch to Nick and Bella.. Nick said "I'm down"
| Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 11:22 am
Myriam 🌊 @maximusmom22 ·2m Sam is campaigning for Kemi to stay.🙌🎉 #BB21 #BB21 Live Feed Updates @BB21LiveFeeds ·2m He says he wants to talk to Nicole, Nick, Bella, Christie and Tommy. 'With me, that will be six" to keep her. Sam is now talking to Nicole, Nick and Bella about keeping Kemi. He asks if they are down. Nick says he is, Christie would be too. Not sure about Tommy. #BB21 [SMEG] #BB21 @girlsmeg ·3m Nick: Sam wants to flip the vote. Christie: Keep Kemi? Nick: Because she's not going after him. Christie: How do I know that? Nick: Because she wants Jack out. Christie: If someone's gonna take a shot at Jack, then great. Keep me posted, I'll do whatever you guys want. #bb21
| Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 2:04 pm
xenobriotic 💣 @xenobrioticBB ·1h Jack to Holly/Sis: "I said Grateful in front of Sam.... I mean, he already knows" about the 8. #bb21 Laur @FunFeedMoments ·1h Jack to Holly/Analyse: Um, I said Gr8ful to Sam. I mean it doesn’t really matter, Gr8ful is dead, Six Shooters is real. #BB21 BigBrotherJunkie👁 #BB21 @89razorskate20 ·41m Nicole went over with Ovi who the votes would be, Nicole, Cliff, Bella, Nick, Sam & Christie or Tommy! #BB21 #BB21 Live Feed Updates @BB21LiveFeeds · 47m Nicole and Cliff confirming what their reasons will be to vote Jess out- Cliff all girls alliance and Nicole--voting with the house. (Ovi also there with them) #BB21
| Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 2:10 pm
[SMEG] #BB21 @girlsmeg ·29m Nicole says part of the reason she wants to keep Kemi is bc Kemi wouldn't put Cliff up. According to 'people' Jess would probably put him up with Kat. Cliff: That gives me some coverage right there. Ovi: Kemi's always gonna be a shield for y'all. #bb21 #BB21 Live Feed Updates @BB21LiveFeeds ·28m Ovi filling Nicole and Cliff in on how Nick is trying to get info out of Nicole to try and tank her. Nicole saying she loves Nick but Bella is ruining his game. They want to get Nick away from Bella. #BB21 Cliff/Ovi/Nicole agree if they can get one of Bella/Nick out they'll be able to get Sam for sure. They all agree this will not be a simple vote. #BB21 Ovi worried they're setting up Nicole as a pawn.. She wonders if she should talk to Jackson about people lying about her naming Holly. #BB21 Laur @FunFeedMoments ·34m Nicole says someone should tell Kat 5min. before the vote that the house is keeping Kemi, so she has no time to run that news elsewhere #BB21
| Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 2:15 pm
#BB21 Live Feed Updates @BB21LiveFeeds ·22m Cliff plans on celebrating the moon landing on Saturday (or next), Kat says she's down and wants to celebrate as well. #BB21 #BB21 🧚🏼♀️ @BBFeedsFairy ·1h Jack tells Sis/Holly/Christie that Sam wants to send Jess home over Kemi, Sis says no (e) way, Holly says no, that's not smart at all, they're trying to build an alliance against us #bb21 #BB21 Live Feed Updates @BB21LiveFeeds ·21m Sam and Nick doing their usual game talk in front of everyone.. Sam doesn't want to be at the bottom with the couples. Jack comes in and Nick immediately flips over for a antibacterial treatment. #BB21