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| Saturday, September 15, 2018 - 11:35 am
I feel bad that BBUK isn't being renewed. Hope another network picks them up. Kitt thanks for the cheat sheet. I'll probably need it till the last week of the series! Don I was ready for Lewis G to keep on walking. Talk about an attention seeker!
| Sunday, September 16, 2018 - 1:58 pm
It's about to start here, after the Bermuda Triangle documentary. Things move faster in the BBUK and we should see some interesting changes.
| Sunday, September 16, 2018 - 2:14 pm
Ellis seemed such a school girl but she showed everyone her naked butt while dancing on the table. I felt embarrassed for her, brainless girl! I'm glad she was kicked out, she would be quite scandalous!
| Sunday, September 16, 2018 - 2:27 pm
Zoe took the No. 13 bed and tomorrow we'll know what she'll get as a reward and of course Ellis jumped into bed with Lewis G and smooching... They can't sleep because of heavy snoring... Too funny!
| Sunday, September 16, 2018 - 2:41 pm
They had to find giant coins for bigger prizes and Zoe got a special power and can swap coins and she has to keep this power secret. The one with the least amount of coins will face eviction on Friday.
| Sunday, September 16, 2018 - 3:01 pm
The wealthiest is Sian. They removed Ellis but BB didn't say the reasons and so everyone speculating. Lewis G seems to be missing Ellis but will find another 'mate'. Tomas' snoring will have everyone awake again...
| Sunday, September 16, 2018 - 3:29 pm
Akeem and Sian as the richest get to choose their teams to play for more coins. Akeem is now the wealthiest. The second night in the house gets a bit rough with Anamelia getting into a fight with Isaac and then with Lewis F and then they hug and friends as before.
| Monday, September 17, 2018 - 10:55 am
I got my answer about sharing bigcoins. BB keep their tallies secret, and also keep the coins, so they can't pass them between each other. At least not yet. Just watching yesterday's who and Ellis' dancing. Kind of glad she's gone. Good grief now Lewis G has her hands all over her naked butt!
| Monday, September 17, 2018 - 1:37 pm
Looks like it's going to start about 3 pm my time and are now showing a documentary. It's incredible I'm watching British TV.... 
| Monday, September 17, 2018 - 3:00 pm
I wouldn't be able to sleep either, it's awful! Anamelia making a bid deal about Lewis F laughing at snoring Tomas. Lewis F was excluded from playing for coins today. Looks to me Anamelia is the drama queen of this BB. After another coin challenge Akeem is still the reachest. The second coin challenge lasted over 7 hours, the last two couples holding the coins called it a ‘draw’. Anamelia making a bid deal about wanting to win but Kay wanted to give up, poor Kay. Anamelia is overbearing. The results??? I can’t understand these guys. Who the heck won? In the end Akeem is still the reachest. Facing eviction is Anamelia, Tomas and Cameron but they’ll get some chance to survive. Well, I can understand why Anamelia didn't want to give up the challenge. Oh well...
| Monday, September 17, 2018 - 5:57 pm
I think that Lewis F's laugh was his way of coping, a somewhat nervous one. He seems a nice guy but has trouble in crowded situations. He's bound to blow sometime. Anamelia is a pain. She's going to be the one that is never wrong cause she's just standing up for herself (much like Natalie). She will be the one to push Lewis F's buttons while Lewis G will be needling her. She now has one of the least amounts of coins. I think they love Tomasz and Cameron more than Anamelia. I love their friendship. The odd couple but being truly open with each other. Refreshing.
| Monday, September 17, 2018 - 6:01 pm
I'm not sure I like the big coin thing. But it does show how greedy some folks are. Anamelia touts her holistic views but was one of the most greedy ones.
| Monday, September 17, 2018 - 6:32 pm
I think I like the bigcoin thing... got to let it play out longer but I like that even popular people can get to be up for eviction. OMG Anamelia! Kay can't change her but she can change Kay by forcing her to hold her hand up for seven hours?!? She needs to go, but she's the sort of person that gets a lot of votes for the drama. I adore Cameron! Anyone a Red Dwarf fan? He reminds me so much of Lister's paranoia! Thomasz seems lovey too. I like Lewis F, but you're right, he may well blow. But I do think although he likes talking, he is caring. Anamelia not so much, she's all me me me.
| Monday, September 17, 2018 - 7:54 pm
Sorts OT but sorta related, anyone hear about this new UK show called “The Circle” starting up Tuesday on Channel 4? Basically, they’ve taken 8 people and put them in separate apartments, and can only communicate with each other thru a special social media service, and they have to be liked to win...The catch is, they can hide their true selves if they think it’ll help them (we know everything) of the contestants is going to try to win by playing a “catfish”- he’s going to pretend to be his girlfriend!
| Monday, September 17, 2018 - 7:56 pm
Hey all! We just started watching as we are still behind on CBB but decided we better catch up with this one. Watching them all enter we already find Lewis G some obnoxious- does he get any better?
| Monday, September 17, 2018 - 8:12 pm
He kinda gets more real and in some ways calms down.Overall, I like the show. Enjoy!
| Monday, September 17, 2018 - 8:38 pm
I haven't heard about that, Wilson. Looks like it's only 19 episodes (according to wikipedia) but it's daily, not sure I have the time for that. Let us know if it's any good! Some in the house are saying Lewis G is actually sweet, but he's also horribly infantile and annoying at times. I still don't like him but it is early days.
| Monday, September 17, 2018 - 8:51 pm
We have watched BBUK for a few years now...this one looks good. It was so sad how Emma and Rylan seemed so sad about the cancellation- I hope both CBB and BBUK are picked up elsewhere as we love them and look forward to them every year. I will have to look past to him going in with his shirt open like that and remain open to Lewis G lol.
| Tuesday, September 18, 2018 - 2:28 pm
It’s too bad I can’t understand how Lewis F talks, and so fast too, I would have liked to understand because he seems to have interesting opinions. Anamelia continues to instigate others, Zoe and now Cameron who is also up for eviction. I would keep Anamelia because she creates a lot of controversy and at this point it’s still okay to have controversy. Eventually she will be evicted but for now I would keep her.
| Tuesday, September 18, 2018 - 6:43 pm
I'm wondering how long it will be before Lewis G is kicked out. Some of the things he was saying seem a little close to the edge for me. I've liked the challenges so far, but the "blood money" one tomorrow sounds like it could create problems. I like a happy house.
| Wednesday, September 19, 2018 - 6:37 am
I too prefer a happy house. Of the three currently on the bottom, I would get rid of Anamelia. I really like the unlikely (seeming) friendship of Tomasz and Cameron. They are such likeable characters. On the launch I thought they were both fish out of water but I think, other than Tomasz' snoring, they are great characters!
| Wednesday, September 19, 2018 - 10:32 am
I am actually worried about Tomasz's health- he was so out of breath doing the stairs on launch night, his deep snoring and him saying if I stop breathing don't worry I will start up again. Obviously has apnea and needs a cPap machine- apnea can be deadly serious.
| Wednesday, September 19, 2018 - 10:57 am
Yeah I thought the same, Meggie. He needs a cPap machine. Sometimes people of that size are still relatively healthy, but he really seems to be struggling with breathing, I hope he is able to make some changes.
| Wednesday, September 19, 2018 - 12:01 pm
In light of it it also seems the comps are unfairly stacked against him.
| Wednesday, September 19, 2018 - 12:15 pm
A couple of times he's said something like "Big Brother you promised it wouldn't involve running." It sounds like he's told BB he will not be able to compete in physical challenges, and they've agreed to there being some that do not involve that (like the general knowledge questions). It's an interesting question, whether they should make challenges he can compete equally in. If he were legally disabled they'd have to, but as I presume he doesn't formally have a disability, how much do they have to accommodate him? I'm also wondering whether the house doctor will have seen the sleeping/breathing issues we have, and will intervene. It's quite a liability for someone in the house to have an untreated condition that could actually mean they don't wake up in the morning.