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Winston Hines

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: Big Brother : USA 2018: Cast Bios: Winston Hines users admin

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Monday, June 18, 2018 - 11:58 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Age: 28
Hometown: Somerset, Ky.
Current City: Bowling Green, Ky.
Occupation: Medical sales rep

Three adjectives that describe you: Active, ambitious, and passionate.

Favorite activities: Hiking, long walks or driving with my dog, working out, and watching movies.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? I’ve been living alone for two years now so isolation is somewhat normal for me, but that feeling of total cutoff from friends and family will be a struggle.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Paul Abrahamian. His mix of gaining other’s trust while simultaneously screwing with them was iconic.

Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Yes, I hope to use my interpersonal skills to gain trust from key individuals identified early. But unlike Cody from last year, you cannot come in and split the house too early. It’s a waiting game.

My life’s motto is… Give your all today, for what you keep you lose forever.

What would you take into the house and why?My dog. Duh.

My record player with some music because I have to have music.

Fun facts about yourself: Writes love notes to my dog before work.

Volunteered for Big Brothers and Big Sisters in 2016 and 2017.

I hold my high school record for the 40-yard dash for over a decade.

I’ve gotten mistaken for Justin Timberlake and Ryan Reynolds.



Tuesday, June 19, 2018 - 1:39 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
What made you want to be on the show?

I'm a big fan of the show. I fell in love with it last summer.

That doesn't mean you're a fan. You're a new fan!

No! (Laughs.) Let me explain this. I have binge watched six seasons since because I realized this is a sick social experiment and last season sucked. You go back and watch some of the great seasons like season two and season 10 with Dan Gheesling, and all stars and you get back and really see how the game is supposed to be played. Season 19 was was group think. You only had three people who played the game. I was team Cody because he said, "Let's get the vet out!" And nobody would do anything. He inspired me to go on the show. I ended up following him after the show and he put on his Instagram to apply for Big Brother and how it will change your life and here we are.

Who are some of your favorite and least favorite players?

Dan [Gheesling] and Derrick [Levasseur] are some of my favorites. I couldn't stand Christmas [Abbott], Alex [Ow] and Jason [Dent]. Matt [Clines] didn't do a damn thing. He drove me nuts.

How have you been handling being cut off from the outside world?

I'm reading Derrick's book, The Undercover Edge.

Did they give it to you in sequester?

Nah, I brought it. I paid for it!

Are you looking for a showmance?

No. I'm here to win the money. This is not The Bachelor.

What will your catch phrase be on the show?

Bangarang! Hook is one of my favorite movies ever!

What do you think of when you hear floaters grab a life vest?

Rachel! She was crazy, but she was good. That phrase cracked me up.

What are you worried about viewers seeing from you?

I'm worried about having no privacy. I just need a moment alone. I'm not here to impress America by any chance. I came here to play the game and win. It's such a long stretch and by day 50 you're like, "Golly, this girl is looking reall good right now," (laughs.)

How do you handle confrontation?

It's going to be tough. I'm just going to have to smile and not blow up in somebody's face.

What is your alliance going to look like?

The best alliances are the ones that go unseen. I'm hoping to establish that with the right kind of character.

If you make it to the end will the jury be bitter against you?

You have to start managing their emotions because more often than not they vote emotionally. That's going to be tough, but I think there will be players who will vote based on game play.

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