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| Tuesday, January 30, 2018 - 2:58 pm
Thanks for spoiling Amy. I probably won't be able to watch it until late.
| Tuesday, January 30, 2018 - 3:08 pm
The third evicted today is Amanda.
| Tuesday, January 30, 2018 - 3:27 pm

| Tuesday, January 30, 2018 - 9:41 pm
Wow, I'm not sure I've ever seen someone as genuinely happy to leave a Big Brother house as Malika!
| Wednesday, January 31, 2018 - 3:23 pm
Amanda was my first choice to win, I'm sorry she's gone. I now hope Ann or Jess win; I'd like to see a woman win the year of the woman, but I'd also be okay if Shane L or Wayne win. I will, though, be disappointed if Shane J wins, I don't like his trying to sway opinions of Ann, rather than getting to know her, in spite of her political votes when she was in office; society has evolved since then, she's on big brother, perhaps she's evolved from those votes as well. But gossip is not how you get to know someone, speaking to them is.
| Wednesday, January 31, 2018 - 8:27 pm
You don't think there's any hypocrisy in Amanda going around behind Shane J's back telling Wayne, Jess and Ashley that Shane J is talking behind Ann's back? I like Amanda a lot, she's a true eccentric and clearly very loyal - at the beginning I thought she had a good chance of winning and I would have been happy if she did - but I think she just didn't want to discuss what Shane J wanted to discuss, and chose to dismiss it as bad, rather than listen to it and understand what he was trying to say. Or make some other excuse if she was just bored and didn't want to talk. I like Jess a lot, she's clearly a sweet girl, but she's quite boring to me. And it's not her fault but I think Amanda and Ann treating her as a child didn't do her any favours. She's 28. I agree it would be nice if a woman won this year, but at the moment the two left are my least favourites.
| Thursday, February 01, 2018 - 12:20 pm
No, I don't think it's hypocrisy at all. Amanda was telling Wayne what Shane J said about Ann, what she said back and why. Wayne said similar things about what Shane J had said to him about Ann, what he said back and why. And they both decided they liked Ann, were friendly with her because they got to know her, in spite of her political views--well Amanda, Wayne said he didn't know much about Ann's voting history--and that was that. In any event, I thought what Shane J did was simply gossip, trying to sway opinions of Ann, which I saw as very catty. To me this had been going on for a while, for example, at some point Shane J and other HMs had gathered talking about Ann, stating what she felt, believed and why. And based on the gossipfest, Shane J was appointed to go and speak to her and was planning to confront her with, who knows what and who knows why, but at that point, none in the gossipfest had actually spoken to Ann. Shane J is one of the people I believe never got to know Ann, he just went around talking about her behind her back. Malika was another one, she told other HMs what Ann thought, felt, believed and why, yet on BOTs said she never had a conversation with her. The way I saw it was the two of them were, yet again, gossiping about Ann that night, trying to sway others to--I still don't know--and in Shane J's own words, because of her voting history from 22 years ago, which he read on the internet. And I think that is what Amanda was pointing out, that Shane J didn't really get to know Ann, he was only gossiping. I thought if Shane J wanted to know why Ann voted the way she did, he should have asked her, rather than gossip about her. I may not agree with Ann, but I'll fight for her right to have an opinion, that's the nature of democracy, where everyone has a voice, even with opposing views. I initially wasn't sure if Jess was being herself, bc she was acting so insecure. But then I thought, maybe she is that insecure. And in speaking to Amanda and Ann, it thought it kind of brought her to the knowledge and understanding that her voice does matter as do her opinions. So, I didn't see anyone treating her like a child, I really thought she was coming out of her shell; no matter the age, some people are much older than Jess and still insecure. All in all, I think meeting these women helped her come out of her shell, be herself and be okay with sharing her opinions. As a side thought, I would love for BB to give Emma something special for year of the woman, bc she does such a good job on the show and has a family to look after as well. I hope they do something for her, it would be a nice touch to this season.
| Thursday, February 01, 2018 - 2:43 pm
Ann's voting record wasn't from 22 years ago, it was across 22 years. She only retired in 2010, and has still been very vocal ever since. And I think she made it very clear her current feelings, and that's what Shane J and the younger guys were offended by. Quite correctly imo. It's debatable what's the best way to address that, and obviously Daniel didn't choose the best way. But to me Shane J tried and tried to tell Ann that her disapproval was heard by numerous young men and women who took it as a statement on their worth, which was dangerous. He gossiped sometimes for sure, but he addressed Ann directly so many times, when he spoke to others I think he just needed to vent his frustrations with her, and also wanted to make sure that a conversation was had on camera which made sure at risk young people knew that others in the house were not condoning what Ann said, and they shouldn't take her disgust or dismissal of them to heart. Amanda characterised that as trying to get Ann out, Shane thought of it as trying to make sure Ann's bigoted message wasn't considered the norm in the house. That's why I blame Amanda for not listening. Yes, I'd love for Emma to get something. She sounded really ill on Tuesday, hopefully that is better too.
| Thursday, February 01, 2018 - 8:33 pm
Nice for everyone to be back today, I think the episode would have been boring without it.
| Friday, February 02, 2018 - 2:41 am
I was referring to what Shane J said when confronted by, I think Wayne. Shane J and Malika were gossiping about Ann, they brought Wayne into it, he asked what was this about--something to that affect--then Shane J said it was from 22 years ago, and the reply was about it being a fun little show, etc. In any event, Shane J could have said through 22 years, I didn't watch it back, but I could have gotten it wrong. In any event, I didn't see Shane J, or Malika for that matter, try to get to know Ann, which is what Wayne and Amanda did. I only saw Shane J gossip about Ann, or confront her with things he read on the internet, but I didn't see him actually try to get to know her. For me, I think Wayne and Amanda had it right, get to know Ann as a person, maybe one day it will change her views. I don't know, I do know it won't happen in the BB house. And I do think there are more people out there now in the world as a voice for younger people, like Rylan and his husband for example, also Amanda and Wayne, so I saw no reason to confront Ann about her past votes, they already happened; I wish Shane J just got to know her, like some of the others did, instead. I agree, it was really nice to see everyone back, it looked like a lot of fun for them.
| Friday, February 02, 2018 - 2:17 pm
First housemates out, in fifth place, is Wayne
| Friday, February 02, 2018 - 2:33 pm
Second out and in fourth place is Jess.
| Friday, February 02, 2018 - 2:48 pm
Third out and in third place is Shane L
| Friday, February 02, 2018 - 3:36 pm
Second place is Ann Courtney wins celebrity Big Brother!!!
| Saturday, February 03, 2018 - 12:27 am
I loved seeing Ann carrying her handbag everywhere with her!
| Saturday, February 03, 2018 - 12:35 am
Wow, she just (in my timeline!) said Courtney got 49% of the final votes!
| Sunday, February 04, 2018 - 3:08 pm
I thought that Emma was very rude to Ann. Her bias against Ann was clearly showing. Not very professional.
| Sunday, July 15, 2018 - 1:41 pm
bbspy @bbspy 5m5 minutes ago More ICYMI, this week Endemol applied to renew its lease on the Big Brother UK house by THREE years - up from its previous request for a one-year extension... #BBUK #CBB