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| Saturday, December 03, 2016 - 7:04 pm
I agree Rosem.
| Saturday, December 03, 2016 - 7:07 pm
Continuing my listen and OMG does he take this way too seriously.
| Saturday, December 03, 2016 - 7:08 pm
Yeah, and if it was GAME, like trying to alienate people against your target, then it is acceptable to try to personally damage an adversary, but what Jason did to Shelby was not necessary, as was his bashing of Justin. Justin was a "BB Idiot" (so to speak, not calling him an idiot, just as it relates to BB). - no threat after Jason chose Kryssie for F3, but Jason felt the need to bash him anyway, ignoring the fact that Justin had voting fans too. Major blunder by Jason, so when people say he played the best game, this is why I disagree
| Saturday, December 03, 2016 - 7:38 pm
Exactly. This was not the usual bb where jury votes but america who saw all of the behavior. There was no need to bash people to America the way Jason did. He even tried to bash his closest ally the last night who does that. He really did not play the social game with America
| Saturday, December 03, 2016 - 7:47 pm
During the finale, they played the clip of Shelby making the offhand comment of "sitting on the normal couch" obviously a joke, but Jason apparently latched on to that one comment to make an enemy of Shelby. His faux outrage of this minor thing comes off so hollow to me, as I think of how he bashed everyone, even his "ride or die", Kryssie.
| Saturday, December 03, 2016 - 8:19 pm
Critiquing the houseguests is allowed. Critiquing other posters is NOT!
| Saturday, December 03, 2016 - 8:24 pm
Shelby's remark about that couch was no joke, IMO, and was consistent with the way she regarded LNJ all season. I was upset with the remark also.,
| Saturday, December 03, 2016 - 8:45 pm
There were a multitude of remarks made by Jason that were no joke to me and upset me, so I suppose we all come to this from different criteria as to what upsets us.
| Saturday, December 03, 2016 - 11:26 pm
Yes, Jason just stepped over the line too many times. It got to the point where it was not game ..just plain mean & nasty. Really when I think about was his lack of game(being mean & nasty) that cost him 1st place.
| Sunday, December 04, 2016 - 12:16 am
The reason why I didn't vote for Jason was because he was just plain mean and nasty.
| Sunday, December 04, 2016 - 12:43 am
Plain mean and nasty how so? Did he call anyone outside of his group 'not human'? Did he look for a 'normal couch'? tell. He is not a demon spawn. Did you heart on some ED? If you did, can you tell me why you loved him so and hated Jason so much? Because ED made me sick to my stomach,it hurt my heart the way he spoke to women, and anyone. And people loved him. So please, do tell me..what made you hate him so much.
| Sunday, December 04, 2016 - 7:08 am
I'll sit on the couch, with you guys, Florin, Bee, Rosem4243, Momofthree, and MissyB. I don't hate Jason, but I am appalled by his behavior. How could I not be? I watched and listened to him. To virtually anyone, who actually did that, no explanation should be necessary. Jason (and others) were not acting like average kind people. I trust they don't act that mean, in real life. Just not "normal," in my opinion.
| Sunday, December 04, 2016 - 7:36 am
I don't hate Jason. I doubt anyone here "hates" him. But he did act "nasty and mean" a lot of the times towards the ball smashers. And it intensified near the end of the show where it is fresh in people's memories when it came time to vote. Allison Grodner said there wasn't a prize for America's Favorite Player because the whole game was voting for our favorite player. So in the end that was what the vote was based on with the final two we ended up with. I think that Jason's constant calling the women in the house hookas, nonstop calling Shelby a prostitute, , gold digger, etc grew tiresome for some voters. Threating to burn her parents house down, put his dick in her mouth to shut her up, screw up her family's social security numbers and drag them all over twitter and back is what voters kept hearing over and over again. Dont forget he was wiping his boogers on peoples' things and wiping their pillows in his armpits. As a voter and you don't like what you hear and don't want to reward it, Morgan was the choice to do that. Why Ed is brought up, I have no clue. I haven't seen anyone talking about him on these boards except the one time I mentioned I checked his twitter to see what he had to say about production and rigging. I didn't watch his seasons. In fact, there are a lot of seasons I missed. I doubt I would have liked Ed. Back to Jason, now. I heard him question it himself whether he was going to far with trashing of hgs. He was using it as part of his strategy to win and was aware that it might backfire on him but he continued anyway. Maybe he thought people would like him acting like Ed? I dont know. When he got out of the house, Davonne told him he lost because of his mouth. I agree with her.
| Sunday, December 04, 2016 - 7:36 am
Exactly Idol. At least with Ed when he returned but had to leave because of health reasons u saw he learned from his mistakes and was a kinder person Jason didn't learn anything from his first trip to bb he became nastier and said things non game related just to hurt people
| Sunday, December 04, 2016 - 8:03 am
For the record, I never liked ED. In fact, he is my most disliked HG of all time. Even worse than Jason.
| Sunday, December 04, 2016 - 8:30 am
Grooch, like your post very much and agree with you. I could not stand ED. I don't care if he was doing it for his daughter or anyone else. He was despicable . And he set the new low bar for any kind of behavior being acceptable ( and encouraged). He completely turned me off and I could not wait for that season to be over. Even thought I was over BB. All because of one HG. If I have the time or inclination, I am going to go back and watch which couch Shelby "normally" sat on. I highly doubt it was a passive aggressive comment on the "weirdoes" in the house. That was Jason's interpretation. In my opinion. I am sure others differ. I am sorry for hurting any feelings in here. These BB houseguests do not affect my life in any way. I care more about the folks in here and I am sorry this has become such a sensitive season.
| Sunday, December 04, 2016 - 5:30 pm
You are so right Missyb..I'm sorry how this has seemed to split the poster's here up so much. I couldn't stand ED...his hawking up so much snot to hack all over the ground was such a turnoff I couldn't even watch him. I'd like to think Jason will figure out his mistakes(from his mom if no one else) and hopefully grow and mature as a result.
| Sunday, December 04, 2016 - 6:16 pm
<57> Jason had his moments sure but it was not that bad. He said at the beginning that when he called someone hooker it was to be cute. I keep shaking my head how people talk about him. I feel that Shelby was much more salty during and after the show. I am very disappointing in her not being able to turn the page and embrace the wonderful experience she just had 
| Sunday, December 04, 2016 - 6:32 pm
Last night the BSers were on periscope reliving their experience as they watched clips of the show with the fans. It was great fun. Shelby is now an honorary Willett sister. Cute! They took the quiz: which BBOTT houseguest are you? I think Scott was the only one who got himself. Funny stuff!
| Wednesday, December 07, 2016 - 3:44 pm
Much of what Jason sad was humor IMO. That is how it hit me and that is why I enjoyed him. I would love him to call me hookah (don't forget the New England inflection. This was Big Brother and a lot comes from stress , including twisted humor. Telling to me is how people are after and how they are to the others after.
| Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 9:09 pm
not sure where to put this so will put it here. Justin, with his mom as owner, has opened a new restaurant, using storage containers as the restaurant: