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| Thursday, March 31, 2016 - 5:32 pm
Ha ha! What a mess! That poker chip task was funny. Nikki kills me... I'm seething. 
| Thursday, March 31, 2016 - 6:33 pm
The reactions about the wildcard reveal were hilarious. Dallas out and we find out who the house votes back in on Sunday. We are going to miss some good feeds they are off until Sunday! 
| Thursday, March 31, 2016 - 9:48 pm
I can't see Raul and Jared being swayed away from Kelsey. But if the rest of them want Loveita maybe so. What are they going to do if it isn't unanimous? Boy whatever Nikki is thinking is written all over her face! (I can relate) She seems oblivious half the time but her diary visits are always rather insightful. she really has people's number and they should be more careful of her. I think most of them just see her as a fixture and not really playing, I think they are wrong. On the other hand her votes always seem the opposite of what I think she'll do.
| Thursday, March 31, 2016 - 9:53 pm
Jasper great post! Do they not realize she came in SECOND in BB UK? She is a force to be reckoned with and they may realize that too late. Unless she loses it once too often and ends up completely unstrung. And I do worry about that.
| Friday, April 01, 2016 - 8:23 am
I am not sure this was a good move by the producers to block the feeds and BBAD until Sunday but it may help the Sunday ratings, since that's the episode that, to me at least, always seems like 'old news'. So I missed BBAD and can't find anywhere any 'leak' of what's going on in the house. If you hear of anything, I'll come and check again. I'd rather see Loveita back because she has a more competitive edge than Kelsey, but I did like Kelsey's personality more than Loveita's. I think Dallas was gracious enough in his interview with the host, but he played too hard and too openly, he should have been more subtle and more under the radar like Mitch seems to be doing so well.
| Sunday, April 03, 2016 - 11:25 am
I'm interested to find out what has been happening tonight. On another note, I recently Googled Nikki as I wanted to watch some of her BBUK shows. I didn't realize she has been a long time sufferer of anorexia and has written two books about it. It's such a horrific disease.
| Sunday, April 03, 2016 - 10:44 pm
I'm surprised they voted for Kelsey to come back, it seemed at first they were for Loveita. Well, it doesn't matter since the women will go after each other. I don't think Jared will use the veto to save Joel. One thing is sure, a guy will be evicted!
| Monday, April 04, 2016 - 6:11 am
I'm not surprised Raul spilled the beans to Mitch. Jared wasn't smart to share the new info with him. Kelsey didn't want to tell Raul as she knew he had been spending time with Mitch. I'm hoping Joel gets to stay this week. I was/am routing for him for the win. Then if not him, Tim.
| Monday, April 04, 2016 - 6:31 am
Tough choice about who to vote back in. Terrible gameplay by Raul. So frustrating. LOL and then he wins HOH.
| Monday, April 04, 2016 - 11:05 am
Frankly I was surprised he won the HO. It appeared the two women only had one hand on the pedestal the ball was on, he had both. why would they only have one if both were allowed. no wonder it barely moved. I really dislike him. boo a total waste and hoh to put up Joel who has no one.
| Tuesday, April 05, 2016 - 10:58 am
To me Mitch seemed so 'under the radar' that I'm really shocked he will be evicted on Thursday. Well, I'm all for surprises but I admit I'm a bit lost this time, I really thought he would go the long road to at least final 3. I would have gone after Ramsey and Maddie to split up that couple or even the brothers to get rid of 'surplus', and definitely would have played the Nikki or Tim card. But Raul is not me.
| Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 9:31 pm
FInally Jared shows some intelligence on the show. Great strategy during the POV competition, throwing his round right after winning the same type of round to make sure everybody bet onn him and lost it.
| Thursday, April 07, 2016 - 12:06 am
Great ep tonight. So dramatic. So confusing. LOL. First Kelsey comes back practically convinced that Mitch is the equivalent of the anti-Christ. She convinces Jared and even Mitch's BFF Raul. So Raul puts him on the block with the bullseye on Mitch's back. Then Jared decides NOW that perhaps the brothers are REALLY the devil's spawns and must go. And most surprising (to me) convinces Kelsey of this even though she's the one to put the target on Mitch's back. Then the two of them campaign mightily to Raul, who is justifiably p'od and says essentially <77>?! And decides to be intransigent and stamps his feet and says NO he wants his bff Mitch to STAY on the block and if Mitch is saved he won't won't won't backdoor the bros. And then he allows Mitch to manipulate him to decide hey yeah, good idea for you to come off the block. And then... Mitch blows it all to hell, cuz nobody bothered to clue him in to his impending rescue... and Kaboom, makes a (what is the opposite of death-defying?) a death-enticing speech and we see one of the best BB moments of shooting oneself in the foot since Marcellus' dumb gaffe. Like I said. Grrrrrrrrrrreat ep!
| Thursday, April 07, 2016 - 7:32 am
Mame, my sentiment exactly !! This season is strange, first the women targeting each other, then Dallas and Loveita who seemed so strong are suddenly gone, then Mitch who seemed untouchable will go tonight. The brothers are still there when so many want to get rid of them. Tim and Nikky are simply forgotten. Anyway, Raul is toast, since he only has Jared and Kelsey, not enough, unless Jared wins HOH, he's also toast. Their alliance is too small. I'm curious to see what Nikki will do if she wins HOH, will she target Tim? Mmmm
| Thursday, April 07, 2016 - 9:22 am
Do you really think Jared was going to use it? Did Raul ask him to on the feeds? I got the impression that Jared wouldn't. I think Raul will be quite upset when he sees that couch scene and how his BFF in the house was faking it.
| Thursday, April 07, 2016 - 11:15 am
I was laughing last night at how Nikki pronounces Raul as Rail or Ray-ool. Also laughed at "quadruple eviction". Ha! Phil was buying that. Jasper, I don't think he was going to use it. I only watched a bit of feeds though. When I would check at Joker's there seemed to be a lot of back and forth, so I'm not positive.
| Thursday, April 07, 2016 - 11:19 am
Oops! I think the back and forth I read about was after the POV ceremony and about who to evict. I need to re-boot my brain. 
| Thursday, April 07, 2016 - 11:32 am
I didnt think Jared would use it, I thought that was just production trying to make a more interesting storyline.
| Thursday, April 07, 2016 - 5:17 pm
One thing I enjoy about BBCA is hearing the reactions of the audience as they watch the show at the same time.
| Thursday, April 07, 2016 - 5:29 pm
Oh, Tim. Thumbs down on the side pony.
| Thursday, April 07, 2016 - 5:53 pm
Mitch evicted 3-5. I hope Joel wins HOH and puts up two of the trio. 
| Thursday, April 07, 2016 - 6:01 pm
Why cut the show before the completion of the HOH! Ugh! I'll put winner in other thread once the feeds come up.
| Friday, April 08, 2016 - 6:41 am
I don't understand the need for this unfinished business with the HOH competition until the next tv episode, everyone will know by simply watching bbad, unless they block bbad and the feeds, it is simply useless to not show the winner of HOH. Of all the people I wanted to win, Maddie was certainly not the one. She goes after the women and Kelsey will be next, in a way I don't mind since she was once evicted and to me those evicted and get a second chance but don't do much to take advantage of it, deserve to be evicted again. Jared will also go up just to make sure Kelsey goes, that's Maddie's thinking. Oh well... 
| Monday, April 11, 2016 - 5:12 am
Is this getting too predictable? Well, I expected those nominations and so Kelsey goes on Thursday. I don't mind, she's really not trying to bargain her way to stay, was lousy in competitions, a very weak player, she got a second chance and did not know how to take advantage of it. She doesn't deserve another chance.
| Wednesday, April 13, 2016 - 6:38 pm
So Kelsey is willing to be evicted again I guess since she wants Jared to come off. Can I ask whether the live feeders see Jared pray regularly? It seemed an oddly placed scene Nikki kills me. I find her hilarious