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| Sunday, March 20, 2016 - 6:33 pm
So happy for Joel as HOH. Gutsy noms! 
| Sunday, March 20, 2016 - 6:39 pm
Jimmer, haven't had a sub in years, but if I did, it would be Subway. Further to my story about the sofa... delivered today but it turned out to be way too long for my elevator (and they weren't willing to take it up the stairs) so they took it back. DH and I went back to the store this afternoon, and swapped it for the loveseat which is considerably shorter, from the same set, (also a double recliner) AND a single recliner as well. (The single is NOT part of the set.) So we can still seat 3 just 2 in the loveseat and 1 in the single. Major pain in the keister, and initially disappointing, but it actually may work better in our living room. We got the single recliner today as it was a showroom sale. The loveseat recliner is coming in a few days from their warehouse. They agreed to NOT charge us again for delivery. I won't relax about it until it's here, safe and sound. Hope nothing else goes wrong. In the meantime we are really enjoying the single. The kitties are pretty scared of it. Should be interesting when the loveseat arrives. Hopefully they won't be quite as skittish around them by then. My friend and his wife has a pair of recliners and they have 3 cats all of whom totally are fine about it. So hope that happens soon for my girls. Anyhow, I think I'll change the channel during the BB commercials from now on, as it's been expensive for us this week! LOL
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 8:05 am
Going back to the tv episodes for a moment, I think Lovita brainwashed Joel and had another woman nominated and more likely to be evicted on Thursday. It's getting a bit ridiculous as they seem blind to the fact that they may end up with a house full of guys with no women left very soon. It's really useless for Dallas to use the veto on Raul as Kelsey will be evicted anyway, even if Tim is the pawn. I think this group is playing this BB game all wrong, last season was much more interesting. So, stay tune for Thursday, it should be a fun night with the fake double eviction. Back to the brick shopping...
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 8:23 am
Why are women not valued in this game? They seem very disposable and are the first to go in U.S. and Canadian games!
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 8:32 am
One of the biggest problems is that the women in BB don't value each other. Rather than seeing other women as potential allies they see them as their main competitors.
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 9:17 am
Did Loveita really have that much input in Joel's decision? I don't watch the feeds. I thought he gave a pretty good speech and I wish they'd get rid of Raul. He gets on my nerves.
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 1:33 am
So you don't like Frankie Jasper? opppps I mean Raul 
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 7:18 am
I wonder what Kelsey will think when she gets out and sees Jared could have saved her. Jared didn't tell Kelsey that he could have won the POV. He could have guaranteed her safety this week. But he didn't do it because he wants to play in the HOH next time.
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 9:12 am
I thought about that too.. he could have won the POV to save Kelsey but how idiotic to think that he will win HOH and 'his future' in the BB game is more important than Kelsey. Not only he won't win HOH but he will be a target since his alliance is now crippled. And how idiotic for all of the women to target each other, Lovita may take the blame but it should have been obvious to Jared's alliance that Dallas alliance is the winning one so far. That Joel was part of Jared's alliance was a surprise to me, I think he's among the backstabbers with the highest record. So another woman will leave the house, too funny. I can't wait to see the fake double eviction.
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 9:35 am
That will be interesting Spunky. Tk - ick. he is just all about the Raul show. Just grates on my nerves. But then Mitch, who seems pretty grounded likes him so I think there must be something under all that surface. Yes here goes another woman, but I wouldn't trust Kelsey to work with her. It is amazing that the women don't rally together. Although Sarah tried that and I think Loveita was trying it and there always seems to be another woman in the mix running and telling tales. Same on Survivor. Jared is entitled to think his future in the game is more important than Kelsey if that's how he wants to move forward. Yes he could have removed but without the votes he had no guarantees to save Raul. He'd then just be a pair and of course still a target. I gather he thinks he and Raul could throw in with the guys and have a few more weeks to wrangle his way around getting rid of the rest of the ladies and Tim. Shocking to me that they haven't dealt with the brothers. oh and Dallas, just gross with the open mouth chewing, smacking noised, spitting out his drink.
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 10:23 am
I cannot stand Dallas. UGH!!! It was also foolish of Jared to not go for the veto as he could of easily been backdoored. I sure hope Kelsey goes tonight. The second "fake" DE will be interesting. P.S. I know he can't help it, but Jared's voice drives me nuts. He sounds so congested (the monotone delivery doesn't help). I want to take a decongestant when I hear him speak. LOL
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 10:30 am
Cassandra's southern accent during the comp was hilarious. Joel said big bosom when referring to the back of her dress. I think he meant bustle. 
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 2:13 pm
LOL Rieann, I caught that too! Can't stand either Raul or Kelsey so I am doing a pre-show happy dance that at least one of them is toast! I REALLY like Jared, he seems 'relatively' guileless and sincere (compared to most BB players). Eventually I'd like to see where he lands clique-wise without either of those two nasties. Can't wait for tonight's fake-out either. Yay for a 90 min show. 
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 5:19 pm
I had it wrong. I thought the first eviction would be real and the second would be fake. Both evictees tonight will go offsite for a week and ONE will go back in the house. There will be a special feed for the "evictees".
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 5:34 pm
Cool. Nice twist.
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 5:48 pm
I also had it wrong. I'm so happy it's turning out this way. I thought there would be three people nommed in the second part of the show and two of those people would be evicted; then be part of the Wildcard setup. However, that's not what BB Canada is doing. Kelsey is the first person in the Wildcard. Will people then vote between her and the next evictee as to who goes back in the house? I so hope Jared isn't the second evictee.
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 5:56 pm
Noooooo....Raul & Jared nominated by Maddy, who won HOH.
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 6:04 pm
Love these POV outfits and the skates tied together. 
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 6:07 pm
Maddy is going to backdoor someone. Wants Raul and Jared to win Veto.
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 6:09 pm
Could the guys shorts be any tighter or shorter, Riann? Heh, heh. Veto comp is people on roller skates tied together carrying ladles of punch.
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 6:10 pm
Nick won...this could backfire on Maddy!
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 6:13 pm
Aw, geez. Joel & Dallas talking Maddy out of backdooring Levita. Why didn't talk to them before nominations? If Lovita gets evicted, she'll probably come back in...sigh.
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 6:15 pm
Lovita nominated...will she go or will it be Raul, who says he's just there to look pretty. Oh, please let it be him.
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 6:19 pm
Lovita evicted...poor Kelsey; she'll be with her for a week, right?
| Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 6:23 pm
Five women in a row! Sigh. 