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| Wednesday, March 02, 2016 - 12:06 pm
Well it's here! The first episode is tonight at 9:00 following Survivor (nice lead in there). 
| Wednesday, March 02, 2016 - 7:05 pm
Who writes this stuff? Way too heavy handed with the gambling cliches.
| Wednesday, March 02, 2016 - 7:23 pm
The house is soooo bright. I'd lose my mind after a couple of hours. LOL
| Wednesday, March 02, 2016 - 7:54 pm
Good episode thought. I like the houseguests so far. Wish we got feeds tonight instead of having to wait till tomorrow.
| Wednesday, March 02, 2016 - 8:36 pm
I'm really liking everyone but Cassandra right now.
| Wednesday, March 02, 2016 - 8:39 pm
I didn't mind the references. A warm up to this years theme. What I will mind is if the theme is dropped half way thru. I felt kinda bad for the brothers and the enforced giant handicap they have being outed. But it will be interesting to see how they deal with it. though they have doubled down (tee hee Flagg) having the added isolation. Now that I see it is Jace, (is that a wig? I hope so) vs Tim I feel fairly certain we will not have to endure Jace. I'd like to get the screamer in there. At least they'd all have the same Queen on their money. Once again I think some of the women will start off targeting each other. Maddy looked quite happy to take Kelsey out at the knees 5 minutes in. And I also felt bad for Shari out of the comp because Nick knocked her off. Bad luck there. The house looked stunning, bright yes but maybe not so much in person as it comes across on the tube? Lastly it sounds like the Moose is back!
| Wednesday, March 02, 2016 - 9:02 pm
References to the theme are fine, but that whole opening sequence was non-stop mixed gambling references, one after another, like 4 or 5 in one sentence. It was laughably bad. As for the show, too early to judge. Launch nights are always the same and always boring since we see almost nothing of the actual houseguests or their interactions. I hope the public is smart and put in Tim and Nikki.
| Wednesday, March 02, 2016 - 9:52 pm
I'm so excited! Yay! Fun first episode. I'm looking forward to Marcia the Moose! 
| Wednesday, March 02, 2016 - 10:37 pm
Ditto Miz. I enjoyed the first ep too and can't wait for Marcia Moose either. As for the furriners ;) ;) I think that the least obnoxious would be the stacked Italian and the Australian with the uber-curly hair and yummy accent. As for the brothers, I find it unfair to them since they didn't know about each other being on the show (although how they didn't know is beyond me). One brother seems so nice and sincere (the one who did the challenge) while the other one, um, not so much. I would have warmed to him if he'd been more supportive of his brother rather than glowering and sulking once he lost. He seems to resent that they are in it together. He's right though that they are an easy target. If I was HOH, unless someone pissed me off from the outset, I'd ditch the bros and not make any enemies out of the starting gate.
| Thursday, March 03, 2016 - 6:53 am
When I saw Tim I had to rewind, maybe a look alike but nope, it was really Tim, the Aussie winner I liked and enjoyed his season because of him. Looks like we can vote till 3 pm today and I hope he really gets picked instead of Jase, I'd rather see the Italian instead of crazy Nicky. I think the brothers were a bit unlucky with this Big Brother, not only everyone knows they're brothers (at least the US twins were undercover for quite a longtime) but they get seclusion and only 1 vote and if one lose the other loses too and if they win they have to share the win. I like the younger brother, seems more fun than the other. The first HOH competition seemed to me a tough one, you'd expect to have it later on in the season but not this early so hard. I noticed an older lady, 47 !! She seems 30. But I can't wait to see if Tim gets in. I'll go vote!
| Thursday, March 03, 2016 - 8:00 am
Pretty good start. A bit frenetic as usual. I haven't warmed up to many of this season's houseguests yet. Maybe that's partly because I liked last season's houseguests so much. It'll take a little time to get to "know" the new ones. I love Arisa but I agree that her hosting is better when she is less scripted. One of her strengths is she seems to be a host who knows and enjoys the show she is hosting and that makes her better when the script isn't so tight. I'm looking forward to seeing the so-called foreign invaders. Tim should be a lot of fun. Oh and I hope Marsha is back.
| Thursday, March 03, 2016 - 11:42 am
Is anyone watching these Canuck Hamsters live online, not just the TV eps? I'd appreciate it if folks shared a running commentary of their antics or at least important highlights. I suppose we'd need a new thread for that. 
| Thursday, March 03, 2016 - 12:20 pm
The live feeds don't start until tonight. We'll be sure to start a thread when they get going. 
| Thursday, March 03, 2016 - 12:56 pm
Yay and thanks Jimsky! 
| Thursday, March 03, 2016 - 6:34 pm
What time do the feeds start?
| Thursday, March 03, 2016 - 7:00 pm
After the west coast show, Chitchat. So 9 or 10 west coast time.
| Thursday, March 03, 2016 - 7:16 pm
Thanks mama
| Thursday, March 03, 2016 - 8:40 pm
Wow! What a great second episode! I really enjoyed it! I don't understand why the HOH (I don't know the names very well yet.) didn't at least contemplate nominating a male?!! I am happy with the extra players they threw in the house, should make things interesting. All I kept thinking was as long it's not Jase. LOL Mameblanche-- I agree with your sentiments about the brothers. I was dismayed with the one brothers animosity towards his brother being there like he had any control over it. I too like the one brother over the other. The Veto challenge was sure unique, I haven't seen anythign like that before and I've been watching BB U.S. since it began!
| Thursday, March 03, 2016 - 8:55 pm
I was happy with who went in as well but it did seem like a bit of a flop with the HGs. I couldn't believe Loveita who seems like a player only contemplated nomming 4 women. Poor Paige
| Thursday, March 03, 2016 - 9:02 pm
Jasper--Ahhh yes, her name was Loveita!! I know, right?! Poor Paige.
| Thursday, March 03, 2016 - 9:03 pm
Women targeting women. 
| Thursday, March 03, 2016 - 10:21 pm
Miz I remember it only because she looks so familiar to me and I don't know why.
| Friday, March 04, 2016 - 8:30 am
I was watching in a hurry waiting for the announcement of who was chosen and so happy to see it was Tim, the guy hasn't changed a bit. His smile is so friendly and shouldn't have any problem with the Canadians, although while watching BBAD I noticed how the others were trying hard to open up to him, some of the guys did a better job, but they were all so nervous about their own game that to me it seemed they didn't really care to bond with Tim, they know that he'll be gone at the first opportunity. I kept thinking how he likes his animals down under and he did try to explain about the Tasmanian Devils etc... the others were listening but something wasn't clicking. Then I remembered how he liked the outdoor spaces in the Aussie house and it seemed to me like he may feel 'caged in' very soon in that claustrophobic house, then he was used to 'bed time rules', everyone in bed at the same time and lights off at the same time, while up here at 3 am they're still up and I never saw a 'nighty nighty' thing like down under. Anyway, I don't want to make comparisons, but Tim was a big motivation for me to watch this BB. It won't last, and so might as well enjoy him while he's there.
| Friday, March 04, 2016 - 5:40 pm
I love Tasmanian Devils and their little noises. They are so cute when they're babies. I hope some of them think on and realize it won't be bad to keep targets around and pick off some of the guys. I know nothing of Tim but he seems fun.
| Saturday, March 05, 2016 - 9:56 am
What's happening to BBAD camera people... they love Tim, in 3 hours of BBAD Tim was almost on every clip... I think pretty soon people will make fun of hearing him saying... ye ye at everything they tell him, but he's so friendly with everybody that you can sense a certain peace when they're all chatting... no nutty behaviour, no vulgar talk, Tim is really holding court in the BB Canada house. I love it!!