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| Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 6:51 pm
I think there's a small chance that Bobby and Farrah together (which I think is a good bet for what will happen) might actually get along because they have to, if in the secret room. Bobby might try the tough love again but he's smart enough to give up and just let her just talk about what she's hearing over the headphones, which I presume is what she'll be doing.
| Friday, September 11, 2015 - 3:11 am
Going in the secret room isn't special, it is going to be a twist and the remaining housemates will know about it. The two housemates will not know that the house knows they were not evicted and will know what is going on in the room. This is why I want Farrah and jenna to go in, they will just talk nasty about the housemates and how they have put one over on them and the joke will be on them because the house will know.
| Friday, September 11, 2015 - 8:53 am
That makes sense. Would give the other hms a break too. Keep them there all week! Not sure how it will work with the others knowing though, because they're going to have to be very careful with what they say, if it's the usual setup and the secret room people can hear the main room. I'm not sure Janice can not talk about it. And if the main house can hear the secret room, then surely the secret room can hear the main room hearing them....?!
| Friday, September 11, 2015 - 1:35 pm
LOL Kitt! You guys are right, it's not really a special reward this time for those voted into the secret room. But since I can't follow the logic of anything Farrah says or does, I assume she will double talk herself into believing everyone still LOVES her!! Then again if you watch BOTS everyone does seem to love her. I don't.
| Friday, September 11, 2015 - 1:38 pm
Looks like the two will be in the secret room for two days. The housemates will find out tomorrow that they are not actually gone and are in a secret room so they will have some time without the housemates knowing they are in the room.
| Friday, September 11, 2015 - 2:07 pm
First fake evictee is Farrah
| Friday, September 11, 2015 - 2:17 pm
Second fake evictee is Jenna! I picked correctly.
| Friday, September 11, 2015 - 2:25 pm
It will be interesting to see what happens, Emma has said that they will have to make some major decisions that will effect the house. They are getting to nominate but all their nominees will be immune. Their first nominee was Austin so he is now immune. Tomorrow the house will be told about everything and their goal is to try to get nominated so they will be immune.
| Friday, September 11, 2015 - 3:28 pm
Thanks for spoiling Amy - it actually sounds like a really fun task. Trying to get nominated would be so easy. Just dance around the house singing happily about about Farrah and Jenna being evicted and gone!! It's almost natural for everyone to do that anyway.
| Friday, September 11, 2015 - 11:25 pm
I so wish it had been a real eviction with them gone! Jenna annoys me more than Farrah, because I think Farrah's just broken, whereas Jenna seems to purposely swap between nasty and nice. But more F&J on my tv isn't exactly what I wanted for the weekend. Oh dear, and they're immune from the next eviction... unless that's a lie too.
| Saturday, September 12, 2015 - 9:07 am
I wondered if their immunity was a lie too. No one has even mentioned it - maybe it will be explained once BB spills the secret to the HMs. Of couse, even if F&J are nominated, doesn't look like they'll go anytime soon. Not because people love them, but people do think they're "making" the show. I personally disagree with that and would rather see what happens once the louder people go. I think BB is perfectly capable of stirring up quieter housemates to make a show. And for me that's more interesting. Anyone can rile a loudmouth. It takes a good BB to really bring out the best/worst of calmer people!
| Saturday, September 12, 2015 - 10:34 am
I agree. I mean we've hardly heard from Sherri, and she's an excellent comedic actor, I imagine she'd be a lot of fun if she wasn't scared to say a word. But BB have everything under control when there are large numbers of people up and a vote to save. It doesn't take many votes to save the crazies.
| Sunday, September 13, 2015 - 12:13 am
Saturday's show.... I thought the joke was meant to be on Farrah and Jenna.....???
| Sunday, September 13, 2015 - 7:42 am
On CBBBOTS they showed a clip of the HMs being told that F&J were in the secret room and the HMs got to watch a few seconds of the girls' reactions to watching the live feed. It was a good clip- seeing the HMs' faces as they realized what had happened and what they were watching.
| Sunday, September 13, 2015 - 8:55 am
Just getting Sat Highlights Show on Youtube(Praise the Lord for Smart TV!). I am a bit confused w/ the Fake Fake double Eviction. Checked the Fake Eviction in 2013 but it dint help. Have to wait and see. Poor Fatman w/ basic rations....
| Sunday, September 13, 2015 - 10:09 am
Since Saturdays show was clips of Friday the housemates didn't know yet, though on Sundays show we will see the housemates find out about the secret room. By the time we see them telling the housemates about jenna and Farrah they will probably be back into the house since they were only going to be in the secret room for 48 hours. I can hardly wait to see the look on jenna and Farrah face when they realize the public duped them.
| Sunday, September 13, 2015 - 10:41 am
Chy, in the past, fake evictions have been people going into a secret room, then they get to watch the rest of the housemates, and re-enter supposedly with extra information on who's on their side and who isn't. What it always turns into is they see people criticising them and then come back in and start a fight about it. This one is fake fake because the joke is (or was meant to be) on the people in the fake room, because instead of them having the secret power (being able to see other people) the regular housemates knew the situation and could act out what they wanted the two in the secret room to hear. But it doesn't seem to have worked out that way. I think BB messed this one up. They should have waited an hour or so after filming before giving Farrah and Jenna headphones, so that they could tell the others they would be listening. But they left it too long, and F&J have got so much ammunition to create even more arguments. Meanwhile I'm guessing now the others do know they're so miserable that they're not actually free of F&J after all (plus they're immune from Tuesday's eviction) that they won't see much joy in the task. Bit of a misfire imo.
| Monday, September 14, 2015 - 1:00 am
So far Farrah and Jenna have nominated Austin, Natasha, Bobby and James so they are all immune from this week's eviction. Not sure how many more if any will be nominated by them and thus immune.
| Monday, September 14, 2015 - 1:15 pm
They're running out of people. Who's left, Gail, Sherri and Janice? Oh and Chloe&Stevi and Scoop. I doubt they'll be able to nominate more, unless their immunity is a lie and they go up with less of the others.
| Monday, September 14, 2015 - 1:35 pm
Last nominated, and therefore immune, is Sherri! Love that they are all safe and the other are up for nomination.
| Monday, September 14, 2015 - 1:42 pm
So that makes it Chloe&Stevi, Gail, Scoop and Janice. interesting because they all have big fans and big detractors (except Scoop who I don't think has detractors, but maybe some think he's boring). No idea who will go but I'd guess not Janice. I'm behind again, are Farrah and Jenna definitely safe for tomorrow?
| Monday, September 14, 2015 - 3:28 pm
Yes, they are safe, unfortunately. And it is going to be a double eviction. 
| Monday, September 14, 2015 - 4:14 pm
Caught up. So awkward. I don't like any of this sort of stuff. Only thing I gained from today is that Sherri really wanted to be nominated and succeeded, and Chloe&Stevi wanted to be nominated and failed. And are we going to see C&S break up on tv?! Perhaps appropriate given their start but again... awkward. Double eviction... I don't know how many fans Stevi&Chloe have, I mean Stevie got reasonably far in the X Factor and that takes viewer votes. I would think people would vote for Janice because she's a bit crazy ;). I'm not keen on Gail myself but I'd feel bad for her if she left, so maybe she'd get some sympathy votes. And Scoop seems like a nice guy even if he's been a background player most of the time. I think Scoop will go with probably Gail, but maybe S&C.
| Tuesday, September 15, 2015 - 5:13 am
I don't think C&S will break up on TV. If CBB went on longer, even a few more weeks, they might. I think there is a chance that they will after it's over though. I think Scoop and Gail will both go too. It's a shame because if Jenna and Farrah had actually left, I think Scoop and Gail had potential to be our more interesting housemates.
| Tuesday, September 15, 2015 - 1:16 pm
First evicted housemate is Scoop.