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| Tuesday, September 01, 2015 - 5:07 pm
Paul Burrell went in to boos and chants of "Get Farrah Out!" lol.
| Wednesday, September 02, 2015 - 6:01 am
On BB BOTS, Rylan said they nominated yesterday. He didn't go into any details or give results. I was a little bothered that they showed Janice having a "fit" in the DR - her rolling onto the floor from the chair with the security guard in there not stepping forward the ease her fall was odd. On BOTS they implied it was all an act but still... Not good form to air it IMO.
| Wednesday, September 02, 2015 - 8:51 am
I thought that too, Sara. I am sure she gave permission to air though, they wouldn't have done it without. I think the guard was just a guard, and didn't know what to do, and there are always issues for guards with touching people without permission, so it was just the wrong person there at the wrong time. I thought she fitted because she'd worked herself up so much, rather than the effects of the sting. Like when he asked if she could still breathe she was having no trouble talking and hadn't seemed to think about that, then once he said it she freaked out about it and that lead to the slump and fall. Still, not pleasant for her either way.
| Wednesday, September 02, 2015 - 4:55 pm
Yesterday's nominations: Austin: Farrah (no depth, unpleasant interactions), Janice (lets other people do stuff and others tip toe around her) Gail: Farrah (wouldn't got to her, F doesn't like her), Daniel (volume of his voice) Sherrie: Jenna (wary round her, no telling when she will blow up or be cross), Farrah (takes everything very seriously as if they're having a go at her) Natasha: Farrah (nasty about first challenge, petty), Janice (rude, butts in) James: Janice (entertaining but makes people uncomfortable, sometimes frightening), Farrah (rude, hard work, makes him uncomfortable) Daniel: Janice (civil unrest she's caused), Chloe Jasmine & Stevi (Stevi spend all his time helping delicate Chloe, show might be detrimental to their relationship) Janice: Farrah (negativity, lot of growing up to do), Daniel (packing comment) Chloe Jasmine & Stevi: Farrah (lairy, in your face, causes arguments), Daniel (bad manners) Bobby: Jenna (doesn't contribute, confrontational), Farrah (spends all day looking in mirror, self obsessed) Scoop: Sherrie (motherly but this is meant to be a knock down drag out, wouldn't want his mother there, snores), Chris (hasn't connected with him) Jenna: Chloe Jasmine & Stevi (not cut out for this competition, she's too sensitive, he's too run by her), Chris (quiet, might be intimidated by her) Chris: Jenna (had no contact with her, finds her intimidating), Daniel (dominant, not interested in others, just his own voice) Farrah: James (acts confused to do with cultures, starts fights, spreads negativity), Chloe Jasmine & Stevi (uncomfortable seeing them kiss all the time) Farrah 8 noms Daniel, Janice 4 Jenna, Chloe Jasmine & Stevi 3 Chris 2 James, Sherrie 1 Austin, Bobby, Gail, Natasha, Scoop 0 Everyone over 1 nomination is up for eviction on Friday.
| Friday, September 04, 2015 - 9:29 am
I just saw that it is a vote to SAVE, not evict. Which is normal for Celeb BBs but I'd forgotten. In that case I guess it's bye bye Chris, for being boring, unless people who want the others out realise this and save him. I can't spoil again this afternoon, in fact most likely won't be watching the show live at all, so probably no spoiling at all from me this year. Not sure how many people are watching this year, but if anyone does want to take over spoiling I'm sure it would be appreciated.
| Friday, September 04, 2015 - 2:08 pm
First housemate evicted is Daniel. 
| Friday, September 04, 2015 - 3:14 pm
I had read that Daniel and Chris were expected to be at the bottom, but it's a shame. I thought Daniel was really good at the sneaky picture task! I'd really been hoping Farrah would leave. There's enough controversy with Jenna and Janice. Farrah's just annoying. Plus this stupid "does she fancy James" story line is icky.
| Friday, September 04, 2015 - 10:35 pm
Daniel's interview was really good, I know they said (in the house) that he just liked to hear himself speak, but when he does speak he's pretty smart and funny! Yes, it's Farrah who needs to go. She's just one dimensional childish meanness. And I agree Jenna and Janice would be enough, plus without Farrah we'd see more of the others.
| Saturday, September 05, 2015 - 2:19 am
I figured it would be Chris out, since we barely ever see him, but Daniel wasnt really a surprise either. It is funny how arguably the biggest celebrity in there is the first one out.
| Saturday, September 05, 2015 - 11:20 pm
I think maybe viewers knew Chris was likely to go home without votes, so purposefully saved him, whereas maybe they thought Daniel might scrape by. Jenna annoys me almost as much as Farrah. She's just so wrong all the time but so insistent on what she believes.
| Sunday, September 06, 2015 - 1:54 pm
Whew! Just caught up to 1st eviction. Saved it for this pm between two gigs actually. I've tried to catch all the life show and Bots as well, Heaven knows how hard it is to have to depend on Youtubes. I was thinking how unfair it would have been if Farrah got booted because she was deliberately rude to the "Royals". I don't think she's that, that bad. She's shown compassion towards Janice and she was really sorry to have to be mean to Gail... Janice, she must have great followers/fans in the GB. Why is she even there? I know she just wants camera time, notice how she made sure she was all the way up there to give Paul the last goodbye kiss? Even when BB told her to go to the bottom of stairs, she disobey and try to catch some cheering from the audience which was directed at Paul. She won't do any tasks accordingly; She doesn't care about anyone else's time, feeling, property .... just so selfish. She ought to go back to her own house and play Queen there. I think the public kicked Baldwin out because they don't want him to have any winning chance. The talking heads on Bots dint do him any favor. --> It's almost annoying how TPTB is pitting UK against USA. Really dislike Austin. Don't even know what kind of celebrity he is. Googled it and dint care to read it. Never watched the teen mom, never watched Janna, ... Seen Chris, Bobby, Sherrie in films or on tv... I will try to stick it out, please keep talking about it. 
| Monday, September 07, 2015 - 11:27 am
Chy, in the Celeb BBs they don't vote to evict someone, they vote for who they want to save. So it ends up that the more boring people go, not because people don't like them, but that people are fighting over which of the scary people (Janice, Farrah, Jenna) they want to keep around for whatever brand of drama they prefer, and just neglect to vote for the nicer people. That's why Baldwin went, it was nothing to do with people not liking him, just more to do with him not making a big enough impact for people to bother to pay money to keep him in. I think Chris was the natural choice (to go) but he has lots of fans from his many years on tv, and he was so obviously in jeopardy I think people threw a few votes his way.
| Monday, September 07, 2015 - 5:22 pm
Wow I hope Gail goes. It's heartbreaking to watch her crying. But she HAD to have seen the show before!! She had to have some idea of what she's gotten into. She's just too delicate.
| Monday, September 07, 2015 - 7:04 pm
Live tv times (PT): Tue Sep 08 1-2pm CBB: Live Eviction Tue Sep 08 3-4pm CBBBOTS Tue Sep 08 4-5pm CBB: Live (5*) Wed Sep 09 1-2pm CBB Wed Sep 09 3-4pm CBBBOTS Wed Sep 09 3.50-5pm CBB: Live (5*) Thu Sep 10 1-2pm CBB Thu Sep 10 3-4pm CBBBOTS Thu Sep 10 4-5pm CBB: Live (5*) Fri Sep 11 1-2.30pm CBB: Live Eviction Fri Sep 11 2.30-3.30pm CBBBOTS Fri Sep 11 3.30-4pm CBB: Live Fri Sep 11 4-5pm CBB: Live (5*) Sat Sep 12 1.30-2.30pm CBB Best Bits: Heroes and Villains (5*) Sat Sep 12 2.30-3.30pm CBB Sat Sep 12 3.30-4.30pm CBBBOTS (5*) Sun Sep 13 1-2pm CBB Sun Sep 13 2-3pm CBBBOTS (5*) Mon Sep 14 1-2pm CBB Mon Sep 14 3-4pm CBBBOTS Mon Sep 14 4-5pm CBB: Live (5*) Tue Sep 15 1-2pm CBB: Live Eviction Tue Sep 15 3-4pm CBBBOTS Tue Sep 15 4-5pm CBB: Live (5*) Wed Sep 16 1-2pm CBB Wed Sep 16 3-4pm CBBBOTS Wed Sep 16 3.50-5pm CBB: Live (5*) Thu Sep 17 1-2pm CBB Thu Sep 17 3-4pm CBBBOTS Thu Sep 17 4-5pm CBB: Live (5*) Fri Sep 18 1-2.30pm CBB: Live The Final Countdown Fri Sep 18 2.30-3.30pm CBBBOTS Fri Sep 18 3.30-4pm CBB: Live Fri Sep 18 4-5pm CBB: Live (5*) No changes except the Friday 18th episode is labelled "The Final Countdown." I presume that means the finale is Wednesday-ish of the next week.
| Monday, September 07, 2015 - 7:35 pm
So that BB is really unpredictable. See which side is protected from nominations this week! Sara's right, I want to see BBUK for non Americans. These celebs! I almost dint get into it if it weren't for how unwatchable the BB17 is right now. Kitt, thanks for keeping me in the loop. Is there a reg. BB in the near future? I thought I used to be able to watch the "Live" part on their website? BUt I cant even remember if it's the same network.
| Monday, September 07, 2015 - 8:39 pm
Long long time ago BB UK was on Ch4, and they had online streaming. It's been on Ch5 for the last five(?) years and first they stopped live streaming, then they brought it back in limited form on tv for some CBBs, this one has a lot. Nothing online anymore except for a few clips, which are here, if you have a vpn that allows you to see them: The regular people BB is in the early summer, runs Juneish to August or so. Assuming this year wasn't a total bust in the ratings there won't be one until 2016. Likely to be another CBB in January though.
| Wednesday, September 09, 2015 - 9:29 am
Boring eviction. No one even posted that Chris left! LOL I think he was super thrilled to be out. His interviews were dull and I think he was mostly angry at being in the house - that's how he came across to me anyway.
| Wednesday, September 09, 2015 - 1:07 pm
I have been away for a few days so I haven't been posting. Not really enjoying this season either so I have been behind.
| Wednesday, September 09, 2015 - 1:34 pm
I'm just watching Sunday's show now. Been a bit busy but like Amy, not that keen on things so far. (Will be better if/when Farrah's out.) On Saturday the US team voted (who won a task) for Scoop as BB President. He had to go to the DR and choose which UK housemate he wanted to "killer nominate." He chose Chris, because he's not bringing much to the household, which meant Chris was now definitely up for eviction. The US people nominate UK people only in Monday's show. Which I'll list when I get to it!
| Wednesday, September 09, 2015 - 2:48 pm
On today's episode, Chris was evicted and the housemates nominated face to face, this turned into a fiasco when Bobby really let into Farrah about how ugly she is on the inside. On Friday there will be a fake double eviction where both "evicted" housemates will be sent to a secret room, though the twist is that the remaining housemates will all know that they are in a secret room so the joke will be on them. The nominees are: Farrah Stevi and Chloe Jasmine Gail Jenna Bobby
| Wednesday, September 09, 2015 - 4:08 pm
Weird that in Monday's nominations the US team were able to discuss their noms of the UK people. Farrah said James, Chloe & Stevi because of water situation. Austin said Bobby was annoying. Janice said James as he's the weakest link. Jenna said Austin needs to let James go, so James. Austin votes for Gail over James. Scoop says it's a waste to nom James as he's not going home. Should do Gail instead. All now saying: Gail - might unsettle the UK side Chloe & Stevi - not going to win anyway Bobby - sleepwalking is annoying They were up for eviction with Chris on Tuesday's show (which is the one where Chris went home). Today's noms ... I think Bobby will go in the secret room with ... Gail maybe? Unless people want to see Farrah be even more of a b word than she currently is. Won't be Chloe & Stevi, not sure about Jenna.
| Wednesday, September 09, 2015 - 4:40 pm
I think since it is a twist on the fake evicted housemates in the secret room I think it may be Farrah and Jenna that will go in. The public knows that the eviction is fake and will be choosing the people who go to the room by voting.
| Wednesday, September 09, 2015 - 10:48 pm
I think those two are both awful! I'd hate to have them rewarded with a special task in that way. I don't think people like Chloe and Stevi, and they'd be a nightmare of self indulgence in a special room, so I don't see them getting the votes either. To my (old) mind, Bobby is the biggest celebrity there, and I think maybe Gail might get kind of a sympathy vote. But sadly I do think Farrah will get votes because of the "drama."
| Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 5:13 pm
I'm really getting worried that they'll vote Bobby AND Farrah into the secret room. Bobby will be miserable. It will be nauseating watching Farrah. She will think she's loved. Ick.
| Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 6:49 pm
The (late - from Wednesday) noms for the upcoming fake fake eviction were face to face and as follows: Jenna: Bobby (disrespectful, deluded), Chloe & Stevi (thinks it would be better for their relationship on the outside) Sherri: Farrah (for strategy - American, no relationship developed), Jenna (same) James: Chloe & Stevi (Chloe spends a lot of time alone not interacting), Farrah (blurb about her negativity being from pain) Janice: Gail (likes to be in charge of housecleaning, doesn't want to step on her toes and start a row), Scoop (thick as thieves with Farrah and Jenna) Bobby: Farrah (beautiful outside but ugly inside, tried to understand her but can't), Gail (struggled with the turmoil of the house) Natasha: Farrah (made an effort, thought they made progress, then she attacked again), Jenna (came in at end of conversation, wouldn't listen) Farrah: Natasha (issues from day one, spreads negativity to others), James (got hot water turned off) Austin: Farrah (horrible), Chloe & Stevi (Chloe delicate, cherry, annoying) Gail: Chloe & Stevi (don't clean), Bobby (mean to the Americans, good for him to be at home) Chloe & Stevi: Farrah (offended him several times), Austin (hates her cheeriness, picks on Janice) Scoop: Chloe & Stevi (pdas), Sherri (elder, respected, game move(?)) Farrah 6 Bobby, Gail, Jenna 2 Chloe & Stevi 5 Austin, James, Natasha, Scoop, Sherri 1 Janice 0