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| Sunday, January 11, 2015 - 11:05 am
It was a good job Nadia was there, without her I think Cami would have made everything a lot worse.
| Sunday, January 11, 2015 - 2:17 pm
Too bad Patsy wasnt nominated because she is a complete waste of space in there.
| Sunday, January 11, 2015 - 2:41 pm
I really hope that they severely limit the alcohol given to this group from now on. Tonight it's Perez who is losing his mind, and the alcohol apparently hasnt even started yet.
| Sunday, January 11, 2015 - 5:31 pm
I missed it, but from what you are saying these are people with a lot of issues, do you think the producers select celebrities who are 'problematic' (I wouldn't want to say 'mixed up' or 'deranged') but definitely not 'socially adept' people. To be a celebrity, even though past their time, should make the show a bit more 'civilized' or entertaining and not a place full of boozers or arrogant people. Why are we saying 'ejected' when we're used to 'evicted'? Is that the word they use there? I'll have to remember when it's on... so many other things are happening right now that I just can't remember or catch it too late..
| Monday, January 12, 2015 - 10:58 am
Just watching yesterday's show but apparently Ken Morley has been ejected.
| Monday, January 12, 2015 - 11:15 am
Spunky, ejected means that BB told them to leave, not that they were evicted by the normal process. Yes, often they put in controversial characters, but they are usually more like Katie, who says things but aren't a "risk" in any way. I'd have thought if they had any psychological testing (and they claim they do) they would have known Jeremy shouldn't be in the house. With Ken, they probably thought he would be smart enough to control his mouth in the house whatever his usual behaviour, but apparently he wasn't.
| Monday, January 12, 2015 - 11:25 am
Here's the statement regarding Ken. Tuesday's eviction is now cancelled too. Day 6: Ken is ejected from the Celebrity Big Brother House about 4 hours ago Ken Morley has been removed from the Celebrity Big Brother House for using unacceptable and offensive language following his formal warning. Tuesday’s eviction is now cancelled and lines are now closed. Anyone who has already voted will be able to apply for a full refund and details will be available on the Big Brother website from midday on 13th January 2015. - See more at:
| Monday, January 12, 2015 - 1:27 pm
I personally dont care but a lot of people might be upset at such spoilers being posted before the broadcast.
| Monday, January 12, 2015 - 1:37 pm
Obviously something is different with the casting this series as now they have had 2 ejections in week 1 when CBB has never had a single ejection before. Walkers, there have been plenty. But never an ejection. I wonder if the bookies were taking bets on 2 ejections? They already paid out 3-1 on Jeremy's ejection.
| Monday, January 12, 2015 - 1:51 pm
Sorry if anyone was miffed, as it was officially announced by Channel 5 I thought it was the sort of thing we were all comfortable about being posted (the BB threads don't really have spoilers as it's a live running show, i.e. if it's happened and reported then it's news not spoilers). I don't even know if it will be in today's episode as it happened today (Monday) and today's episode will be about yesterday (Sunday).
| Monday, January 12, 2015 - 2:55 pm
I appreciate any information at all since my ability to watch this season is spotty. To me if it has been made public by CBB or Ch 5 before the show has been seen, it's fair game.
| Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 3:57 am
Flagg well not really an ejection they had the "mutually agreed" leaving of Coolio during ultimate big brother when he made trans-phobic remarks about Nadia. I think spoilers are fair game it has been announced and available everywhere. I am only up to episode two think I might like this one better than the last two (personally hated both of the last two winners)
| Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 12:43 pm
They must have updated the spoiler rules at some point so I was mistaken in the previous post about the alleged spoilers. I guess now anything released on the network's website is not considered a spoiler on this forum. I don't really agree, but that's the forum rule so I apologise.
| Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 1:17 pm
Oh gosh, no need to apologise! We've had this sort of discussion before here. On the main BB (US) forum if it's happened in the house it's not a spolier, but as it's just a small group of us here we've sometimes had "spoiler" (i.e. non show) threads to be safe, but everybody (who's voiced an opinion) seems to be happy with at least big announcements being posted before they're on the show. If there is someone posting (or reading) who doesn't like it that way I'd be very happy to only post anything like that in a separate thread, just say. I was thinking someone else had been ejected recently (and couldn't find it) but that must have been what I was thinking of, Kellee, with Coolio. Ken's was unusual in that it wasn't one single event or even one final comment that went too far (unless it was one they didn't air) it just seemed to be that he was offending and upsetting everyone left, right and centre and was too much of a liability overall. I doubt he cares, wherever he usually performs must already know how he is. Maybe he might not get a panto this winter but I wouldn't have thought much else would change for him.
| Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 1:29 pm
By the way, since tonight is not an eviction anymore, they are doing some sort of live twist, at least I assume so as they've renamed the episode "Celebrity Big Brother Live: A Twist in the Tale." It's still on 1-2pm PT, with BOTS 3-4pm.
| Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 2:58 pm
Queen of the Fairies? Ken Morley & Jim Davidson probably think that title should have been bestowed on Perez Hilton.

| Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 8:54 pm
Today's task was actually quite a clever one for creating problems/planting seeds. The housemates had to choose one person to save, starting with Nadia (who was safe because they chose her to go first before they knew what the task was). Very Survivor-esque. Nadia was chosen to go first so is safe. Nadia chose Patsy to be safe from eviction. Patsy chose Perez. Perez chose Alexander. Alexander chose Calum. Calum chose Michelle. Michelle chose Katie. Katie chose Kavana. Kavana chose Alicia. Alicia chose Keith. Keith has to chose between Chloe and Cami-Li. He thinks the person he doesn't choose will be up for eviction. He chooses Chloe so Cami-Li is (not) up for eviction. Actually now Cami-Li is immune from eviction, is Queen of the Fairies and rules over the others. BB says EVERYONE else faces eviction but then Emma says that Cami-Li has to choose some people to save (later on). Does anyone remember whether the last (cancelled) vote was a vote to save or a vote to evict?
| Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 9:09 pm
Apparently (reported on the BBC so should be true) Jeremy Jackson has received a caution for common assault for the incident with Chloe. And he's shaved and in an interview on a morning show he's saying he was just checking what bikini she had on.
| Wednesday, January 14, 2015 - 2:26 pm
Saw it live yesterday and repeated on today's show that while Cami-Li was in the DR immediately after the task, she said she felt "gypped". Why wasn't she warned for using an offensive word as 'gypped' is considered a slur against gypsies?
| Wednesday, January 14, 2015 - 7:36 pm
I expect she didn't know where the word came from. Maybe BB advised her afterwards. I really don't like Cami-Li. So self centred, over emotional, over the top. I like how she had a strop about them not choosing her and then slagged off Perez, and then had to make a choice of her own and chose... Perez! Not keen on Chloe. Perez is a complete narcissist but entertaining. The rest are ok with me, except for Katie.
| Wednesday, January 14, 2015 - 8:21 pm
Ive heard that word my whole life and never realized it came from "gypsy". Though I must have had some suspicion because when I heard her say it, for a second I thought she would get in trouble for using it. Was there a reaction from the other housemates maybe?
| Thursday, January 15, 2015 - 10:10 am
I never knew gypped was a slur against gypsies either but now that I think about it, it makes sense. And I actually feel bad that I've said it myself. I like gypsies. Cami and Perez are so loud they give me a headache. Everything either one says is at a decibel level 50 times higher than the norm! I may go deaf from watching LOL! I know there's a lot of drama filling the show time but I'm really missing seeing some actual tasks! The season doesn't last that long and I love the CBB tasks (although please no more pole dancing/whips sex room setting. Ick)
| Friday, January 16, 2015 - 3:17 am
No one's mentioned the BIG news, there *will* be a BBUK this summer *and* they have increased the prize money - which I hope is a sign that Viacom cares about BB & not just maintaining the status quo or worse, dumping it altogether - which felt like a very real possibility after last year's show. I hate when real life interrupts my BB experience, luckily it's just CBB - I finally got caught up with the show but have had to skip BOTS & live segments. I recently saw Perez on Millionaire Matchmaker & he seemed like a good guy. I know he's being OTT with his Perez character but I have a feeling that may be closer to the truth. He is just so annoying.
| Friday, January 16, 2015 - 11:24 am
I'm only half glad BB is back this summer, last season was such a downer. Glad you've caught up, Willwillbe, you've been missed! Perez is a funny one, I think he is a nice guy deep down, but he's just so narcissistic. The crying though, I don't even know if he's serious and it's something he's learned to do because it gets attention or whether it's completely fake. Tonight as well as the eviction there will be a new housemate!
| Friday, January 16, 2015 - 11:45 am
Live times for the tv shows (times PT) Fri16 1-2.30pm CBB: Shock Arrival Fri16 2.30-3.30pm BOTS Fri16 3.30-4.15pm CBB: Live From The House Sat17 1-2pm CBB Sun18 1-2pm CBB Mon19 1-2pm CBB Mon19 3-4pm BOTS Tue20 1-2pm CBB: The Eviction Tue20 3-4pm BOTS Wed21 1-2pm CBB Wed21 3-4pm BOTS Thu22 1-2pm CBB Thu22 3-4pm BOTS Fri23 1-2pm CBB: The Eviction Fri23 2-3.30pm BOTS Fri23 3.30-4.15pm CBB: Live From The House Sat24 1.15-2.15pm CBB Sun25 1-2pm CBB