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| Monday, November 17, 2014 - 7:51 am
"for being a legend in the house", Leo got the $5000 voucher. I guess its just the late intruders that get nothing and the show didnt actually lose the sponsor. So Marina lucked out, I dont think she was there any longer than Tom or Richard and yet she got it.
| Monday, November 17, 2014 - 10:37 am
Well, actually I didn't mind the "Leo" talking to Sonia, if he was a bit more like that in the house he would have been liked by the others a bit more. Too bad they don't show the percentages any more, at least the one for the evicted housemate. I didn't understand what was the argument between Pryia and Penny, was it because Pryia believes David is only playing Penny and Penny knows it but plays along, if that's the case I think Pryia should stay out of it, unless it was something that either Penny or David said to Pryia and she resented, isn't that what she was saying in the DR, I don't think Pryia would react like that only because she doesn't like what she sees but I think it was something that was said to her directly and she took offense, but couldn't understand what that was exactly. I don't really like Penny, there is something about her that doesn't click, at least for me, sometimes she seems natural and sometimes she seems totally fake, I can't appreciate that. I liked Lina more in the beginning but now she is becoming boring. I hope both intruders don't make the final three. Ryan isn't someone I would vote the winner, he wasn't entertaining at all but maybe he should be in the final week but not among the 3 finalists. I'd like Pryia to be in the final week but also David and Skye. Too bad one of these 4 nominated are leaving tomorrow when they should have been there for the final week.
| Monday, November 17, 2014 - 11:53 am
I think Priya's talking point is that she thinks that if Penny and Dave mention their attraction for each other then it's like Cat and Lawson, it would be bad for them and also the audience would hate them. But I don't know whether she sincerely means that or whether she is trying to start a discussion that the audience might pick up on, in the hopes of making Penny and David less popular... I suspect the latter. Either way, she's just making it worse and she looks like the bad one, so she should keep her mouth shut! I don't see anything special in Lina. I think Penny's great, I do think she's natural, but I still think she shouldn't win when she's come in that late in the game. Skye gets more obnoxious every episode. This time Leo was obnoxious too but it will be interesting to see how Skye is without him. I would like Skye to go tomorrow but I doubt she will. Probably be Priya or David, and I'd be sad to lose either.
| Monday, November 17, 2014 - 12:37 pm
Best eviction would be Ryan. He hasn't had much screen time recently so maybe it will happen.
| Monday, November 17, 2014 - 11:59 pm
Once again the problem is that they edited out the critical part of the discussion, the part where the initial offending comment was made. Priya appears to have asked David what the deal was with him and Penny, but we don't know because the scene picks up with Penny saying they're just mates and David saying she's just the girl in the house he gets along with. We don't know what Priya said or why. It's funny because Priya is using David's strategy against him. He told Sandra weeks ago that his gameplan was to "make it uncomfortable for them" by dominating conversations, turning things around on them by being the smarter debater, and making them want to walk away. Now he's the one walking away and telling other people to walk away. Guess he gave up on trying to be smarter than Priya. I'm glad it was Leo, especially after seeing him completely drop the mask. It would've been an unpleasant week had he stayed. Still, it was sad to watch his highlights because it was mostly scenes of people saying negative things about him, poking fun at him behind his back and then his unsuccessful relationship with Skye. And then Sonia telling him about Skye's crush on Ryan in front of that big crowd. I really wish he'd learned about that in the house rather than that way. Skye should've been honest with him weeks ago that she wasn't that interested anymore. Disappointed a bit in Penny. Fake forgiving someone is not cool. Don't say you're fine with everything and then tell others that you're really not and that you're even more angry about the attempt at smoothing things over. That really is hypocritical, as is accepting a dinner date with someone after being so adamant that you don't want to be seen as coupling up. I generally like Penny, but this was not a good episode for her.
| Tuesday, November 18, 2014 - 8:44 am
It's time to go... David! Just goes to show, being seen as too much of a "game player" or strategist on BBAU is a bad thing and will ultimately lose it for you. Of the 4 still up, Ryan definitely should have gone before Dave, especially remembering how he was in the first half of the show, and the fact that he hasnt done much of anything these past few weeks.
| Tuesday, November 18, 2014 - 9:28 am
I agree that Ryan should have gone before David, I don't get his popularity. However, I'm glad Pryia is still there, she wanted to beat David and she did. David did not do any favours to Skye while talking to Sonia and his views are shared by so many people down under in the forums, I don't understand their viciousness against Skye, who's only fault is to be a bit immature because of her age. I just hope Penny and Lina are evicted before the other originals, I don't think they added anything to the game. If they're gone as hoped, I wouldn't mind any of the others winning except Ryan.
| Tuesday, November 18, 2014 - 1:18 pm
Sad to see David go, especially for the reasons you've already said about Ryan, I just don't get his popularity. But Priya stayed, not that she will win. I don't see any other option than Lina going first. Hard to know how popular Penny is, but the shine went off her for me too, these last couple of episodes. My guess is: Lina - out first Tuesday Penny - out second Tuesday Travis - out third Tuesday Priya - 3rd Skye - 2nd Ryan - 1st I don't really get the Travis popularity either, and he's a wildcard as far as I'm concerned, hard to know how popular he is compared to the others, and he could very likely be above Priya. I'd be sad if Priya didn't make it to the last day, the others I don't really care about.
| Tuesday, November 18, 2014 - 2:58 pm
I was a fan of Priya, but for the past few weeks, I have not enjoyed her actions, so just not rooting for her. So I don't really have another fave; I guess I would lean towards Travis or Ryan winning. Next week should be interesting. Too bad there won't be a show a day for the the next 8 days!
| Tuesday, November 18, 2014 - 3:50 pm
Does anyone know - do they do a big finale, with all the former HM returning for the show? I think that would be really fun to see them all again.
| Tuesday, November 18, 2014 - 4:35 pm
I think so Mickie. I remember they have dancing (I mean actual dancing), or did when Sonja wasn't quite as pregnant.
| Tuesday, November 18, 2014 - 4:38 pm
Just did a search, first thing I found was that Ben from last year took an overdose over the weekend. "Ben was seen by Mental Health on Sunday and was then released Sunday afternoon. He is quietly recovering" I hope his depression wasn't exacerbated by the flop of his little section in the Sanctuary with Travis.
| Tuesday, November 18, 2014 - 5:11 pm
So now what happens to the (Dec./Jan. ?) trip to Graceland with Tim? Still on schedule? Postponed or canceled? If is postponed or canceled what happens to the AU $40+K Tim & Ben successfully crowdfunded to pay for the film crew of the trip?
| Tuesday, November 18, 2014 - 5:35 pm
It's time to go... David! Just goes to show, being seen as too much of a "game player" or strategist on BBAU is a bad thing and will ultimately lose it for you. (Flagg) If that's true, Priya & Skye should be the next two to go as they're the biggest game players/strategists left in the house. Too bad David went as I grew to like him and was hoping for him to win BBAU. My wish for next week's results: 1. Ryan (winner BBAU 2014) 2. Penny (in 2nd only due to Lina dropping) 3. Travis (never thought I'd rank this bogan so high. Aisha eviction helped him rise) 4. Lina (would have been #2 but dropped to her closeness to Priya) 5. Priya (ahead of Skye mainly because she's an immigrant to AU) 6. Skye (most arrogant, fake & selfish person left in the game. Uses 'I'm only 20" to try to explain her immaturity/selfishness but gets upset when others bring up her age)
| Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - 9:03 am
That was a quick show today, mostly because I skimmed through their Diary sessions, presenting their case to the audience, if by now they don't know who deserves the win I don't know what those last words could do. I hurried up listening to Penny, Linda and also Travis and Ryan. But I wanted to listen to Skye just to see what kind of questions Big Brother asked her and how she responded, no big surprise there, she was natural enough for me to wish her good luck, but Pryia is the one I listened to more carefully and I liked her even more and would love her to win this Big Brother. Whoever wins, it really doesn't matter to me as I wasn't into this season as last year when I really wanted Tim to win and it was for most part a very enjoyable season to watch. Sad to hear about Ben's overdose and I hope he'll recover okay. If Ryan wins this Big Brother it would be a reflexion of what this season was, a huge bore!! 
| Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - 12:29 pm
Kitt stated: Priya - 3rd Skye - 2nd Ryan - 1st Interesting guess, Kitt. I've been thinking Travis is going to take the whole thing, which is why perhaps Aisha wasn't super upset @ getting booted after turning down the money. Don't know why that thought came to me, it just did. I agree with you Jbw, if the public was voting out the strategic players, for sure Priya and possibly Skye should go next. I've never liked Priya that much. She's been in game mode since Day 1. I feel she is sneaky and manipulative and those are traits I dislike the most. The HG's are all on to her now, as shown by their recent conversations about her. Can't help but wonder if that's why David left. It's been said on here that Priya has a large block voting for her, so I could see that block getting David out. What do you all think?
| Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - 3:34 pm
I don't know what's going on with Travis. I didn't like him for a lot of the season but don't mind him so much now, but that's only because he's faded into the background, so maybe that means he won't get as many votes. I don't think Priya has a large voting block, but she does appeal to a certain mindset (my mindset!) where none of the others do, and with David now gone she might pick up some of his voters.
| Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - 7:20 pm
The final show is usually ridiculously over the top. They tend to have all of the previous housemates doing a dance number, sometimes singing as well, usually related to a dance or singing task they may have had during the season. They have the 2 finalists all dressed up and watching the entire finale show on a big screen, while the host brings up the evictees 3 or 4 at a time from first out to the present, and does a quick interview to see what they've been up to or who they think should win, etc. At one point they have the network's news anchor doing a bit where they read off all of the news that has happened while theyve been in the house, as well as personal news about their families. Sometimes they have the evicted houseguests back in the house or the backyard, wherever the 2 finalists are watching the show. I think they have even had their loved ones there with them at some point. There's probably a lot more but thats pretty much what I remember off the top of my head. Its usually a really big production, much more so even than the BBUK finale.
| Thursday, November 20, 2014 - 1:13 am
I suspect Priya does have a big following now. She has gained a lot of fans in the past several weeks. And since they saved in no particular order and left Priya for the last two, there's a good chance she wasn't in the bottom two. And Ryan and Skye might be a lot closer to the bottom. I could see Travis winning at this point. He hasn't had an awful moment in weeks, and has just been having fun in there since Aisha left. I think this is what viewers like seeing, more so than people complaining about each other. That's the mistake Priya and Lina are making now. With nominations behind them there's no point in throwing shade at anyone. It just makes you look negative. Loved the scene of them sitting inside debating whether or not to jump in the pool with the others. Such party animals. Now is the time to loosen up and just have fun. Wow, David did not come off well in his post-game interview. He is still putting himself in the perpetual victim role. I think that's what bothered me the most about his behavior, in that he would set himself up as being different from everyone and then complain that they were the ones rejecting him. Sandra took the opportunity to write a rebuttal. I wasn't a fan of hers, but good for her. Looking forward to the secrets revealed episode coming up.
| Thursday, November 20, 2014 - 9:19 am
I'm surprised it wasn't evident to Ryan that Skye had a crush on him when Leo was in the sanctuary and it took Travis to tell him to finally sink in? The fact that Skye told Travis and expected he kept that confidential was a bit ridiculous, it had to come out in one way or another. But I didn't understand the argument between Lina and Skye. Pryia is playing both girls I think. Penny is trying to be funny but I can't like the girl, I don't know why. It's no use trying to win arguments this late in the game or to criticize one another, just spend the last days there having fun and play nice for the camera. So, Lina should try to relax and not get too opinionated with Skye, it makes her look sour and Skye should just stop falling in Lina's trap and brush off her criticism, keep laughing and joking with all of them, it would be better for Skye. I don't really have a favourite this time and whoever wins it's okay by me, only the intruders should not win, don't know why but I think it's just not right. So, when it's the next show?? on Monday with the first eviction, or double eviction?
| Thursday, November 20, 2014 - 1:20 pm
Yeah, Priya is playing too hard when she doesn't need to. But as she said, that's Priya. Schedule is: Mon 8.30-10.00pm (1.30am PT, 4.30am ET etc.) "Secrets Revealed" show Tue 8.40-10.40pm (1.40am PT, 4.40am ET etc.) Eviction show for 6th, 5th, 4th place Wed 8.30-10.30pm (1.30am PT, 4.30am ET etc.) Finale for 3rd, 2nd, 1st place
| Thursday, November 20, 2014 - 2:28 pm
Priya wants Skye in as many arguments as possible to make sure Skye doesn't beat her, all while 'posing' as Skye's buddy/. One of the reasons I loved BB AU so much is it wasn't so cutthroat, but this season has sadly been different.
| Thursday, November 20, 2014 - 9:01 pm
Only my second season watching BBAU, and it does seem a little more cutthroat than last year, but still nothing compared to BBUS. In BBAU people are being stabbed in the back with foam knives. In BBUS, they use 12 inch steel blades.
| Thursday, November 20, 2014 - 9:37 pm
Agree with all the comments above. I like both Lina and Priya, but they are playing a little too hard, and not in a wise way. Lina needs to stop thinking she needs to correct people's behavior. And Priya needs to stop telling Skye when she should feel offended. She didn't seem to mind what Travis did that much, and Priya had to talk her into being mad at him. She was wrong about Ryan already knowing, though. He seemed to think this was a recent development that was brought on by Leo's departure, rather than something that happened while Leo was still there. I'm not sure if Priya is trying to get Skye in more arguments, or just isolate her from Travis and Penny so she'll only trust Priya. But why bother at this late stage? Boy, they're really getting on each other's nerves now. Imagine if this had been a longer season. The Christmas feast was nice. Loved the dog costumes. I can't believe I couldn't remember who Jason was. I had to look him up to get a better image of his face. And I liked Jason. I just forgot his name was Jason. The video of the children was really sweet.
| Friday, November 21, 2014 - 9:14 am
Saguaro, you missed some great Big Brother Australia seasons. See if you can find some of the older seasons on Youtube. Great times in those shows. So much fun and the Friday night games. I loved them.