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Archive through November 04, 2014

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: Big Brother : Australia 2014: BBAU 2014: Archive through November 04, 2014 users admin

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Friday, October 31, 2014 - 10:20 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Mickiej a private message Print Post    
The editing is what irritates me the most. I know we aren't getting a true slice of what they are like, only what will make for good TV. That is evident by Penny's admiration of Skye's bottom for all to see as well as Skye's tipsy fight or Priya's defensive stand. If the Aussie public were able to watch live feeds, I feel it would be more fair. But this truly is a production, and they are being manipulated as staff desires. This manipulation affects the Aussie public for votes...and awards the final prize money to whom they decide, not the public. That is too bad.



Friday, October 31, 2014 - 5:03 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cricket a private message Print Post    
Spunky, I didn't understand the whole conversation. I agree with everyone that the editing is so all over the place. I've heard Lawson be snippy with Skye in the past, but on the show Thursday, she was kind of going at him and when he said she was showing her age of 20 or whatever, I didn't think that was least not bad enough to have her try to tell people he was 'evil' and a very bad person.

When Lawson asked Skye to say how he'd been mean to her and disrespectful of women, I thought it childish of her to bring up the outside girlfriend. There's something behind the scene re their relationship (Lawson/outside girlfriend) and Skye going there as a reason he's disrespectful was not the way to go. She needs to stick to problems in the house.

It's too bad this happened because Skye said she'd had a good convo with Lawson recently and that's a good thing.

I truly hope Aisha doesn't use this to her advantage to stir Skye up or to discredit Lawson in the house and if she does, hope it backfires on her. Aisha is not far behind Priya in being a very serious game player.

I read on another discussion forum that Ryan is very wealthy. I'd never read or heard that before. It made me laugh after having read that when Ryan had that sweater around his shoulders on the show. He looked very preppy, heh, heh.

I completely agree with you Mickiej. We so need live feeds for they are the true Big Brother show.

Re Lina, yes she is very sharp. She's really trying to learn all she can in a short time about the regular HG's.



Friday, October 31, 2014 - 9:14 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Well, both BBUK and BBAU were cancelled on their original networks when they had feeds, and were picked up by competitors and never again had feeds.

They don't think the feeds help ratings, and in both versions, the feeds were seriously detrimental to the show on past seasons (see "Turkey Slap" on BBAU and Jade Goody on CBBUK)



Friday, October 31, 2014 - 9:21 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
At this point in the show, I dont really like any of the originals or early intruders. Probably the only one I am rooting for is Lina.

That would be great if one of these latecomer intruders won the prize.

This cast is so bad they lost 25% of their weekly airtime. I dont think that has ever happened before. I think they lost the Saturday show last season when the games were so bad, but not 2 nights. And I think that was more a budget cutting measure to eliminate some extra commentator salaries.

Past seasons also had spinoff shows. This one cant even keep iots own scheduled airtime.



Saturday, November 01, 2014 - 12:08 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Puzzled a private message Print Post    
BB AU has been my favourite BB, but this year it's really, really bombed. I guess the hamsters all looked good on CDs and interviewed well, but bombed out on the show. It happens. Their twists, like bringing Ben back, were epic fails. Unfortunately, the editing has been really bad, too. They should have brought in intruders around week 3, but not this lot who are equally dull. I hope they have better casting next year.



Saturday, November 01, 2014 - 12:58 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Yea what was the point of Ben? He obviously gave them nothing either because we barely saw him and he was allegedly there for at least a day or 2.

All I remember is him repeatedly mentioning that stupid Prada movie.

I wouldn't count on there BEING a "next year". The ratings have been that bad.



Sunday, November 02, 2014 - 9:40 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Puzzled a private message Print Post    
I hate to think it, Flagg, but you're right. I do hope they'll get another chance to get it right.



Monday, November 03, 2014 - 1:10 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Mamajenn a private message Print Post    
Skye is my favorite. I think Ryan, Lawson and David know how well liked she is, and delight in her shortcomings when it comes to speaking. I am not a fan of any of these three, and would love to see them go! I like the rest of them, the one intruder, bigger guy, I'm not thrilled with him either. I would like to see Kat go out of the girls.... looking forward to tomorrows show!



Monday, November 03, 2014 - 6:30 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    

All original HM were up for eviction - Sky, David, Priya & Ryan were saved as the 4 top vote getters & Lawson was evicted.

Travis, Cat, Leo still up & TWO will go tomorrow night! I assume Cat & Leo.

I am glad they did this, allowing the boring people to be removed before the HM voted out the intruders.

With the strategic playing HMs left, nominating the intruders wouldn't be helpful to their game. Could get interesting.

Still disappointed in this season & I really don't think the HM should matter with the type of tasks they have had in the past. This year seems to be nothing but shomances, arguments, noms & evictions & a little of any of these goes a long way.



Monday, November 03, 2014 - 8:36 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Spunky a private message Print Post    
It was a surprise, I did not expect Lawson to be evicted this early, not when all of them were up for eviction. And now I wonder why Cat was chosen to be invited to the dinner... Did David get a hint it would be the last dinner for Cat and Lawson? And why Lawson and not Cat, is the public evicting Cat tomorrow just to see them reunited outside the house?

If Cat stays and Leo is evicted, it would eliminate Skye's quandary about who to feel attracted to, that she fell for a couple of compliments from Ryan makes me wonder about Skye's poor judgement. I liked her better when she saw through Ryan and nominated him twice, but then that popularity vote and other bits of news from Ryan's family made Skye change her mind about Ryan, now I understand how she changed towards him. Seeing Leo again at eviction time so close to Skye and Ryan so far away made me smile, but I hope they don't drag this story too long and maybe Leo will be evicted tomorrow night, although I rather see Cat leave the house and be grilled by Sonia as she did with Lawson. Sonia was relentless with her grilling and I just about had it, all I wanted to see where the percentages but of course with another eviction tomorrow night they couldn't show them.



Monday, November 03, 2014 - 9:26 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cricket a private message Print Post    
Agree, Spunky. Today's show was more about grilling Lawson than anything else. Doesn't look good for BB or Sonja to push that so hard.

Funny that they showed Skye saying 'cheating' re Lawson; however, that's exactly what she talked about doing on today's show.

You know what they say about people in glass houses; the same should hold true for people in Big Brother houses.

I'm sad that Lawson is gone. He's one of the few people I still liked in the house.



Monday, November 03, 2014 - 9:37 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
I liked Lawson too. I don't condone the cheating part but he has to live his life how he feels best, and he's still very young.

I expect it's a case of low voting numbers again. Notice Priya jumped from next to bottom to the top four (above Travis!), and that was probably because her fans realised she was at risk because of last week's figures. Lawson's fans didn't have that reminder, and probably thought Cat needed saving more than him.

Having said that, Travis is likely to get more votes in any circumstance than Cat, Lawson and Leo, so they're all going to have to go this week.



Monday, November 03, 2014 - 10:11 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Hey, isn't Travis still up for eviction?! The trailer for tomorrow's eviction has Aisha vs Cat vs Leo, with no Travis?! He wasn't saved in the first four, was he saved separately and I missed it?



Monday, November 03, 2014 - 10:14 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Just checked, the website has Travis still up, it's just the promo photo at the background of the tv thing that doesn't mention him.



Monday, November 03, 2014 - 11:50 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Merrysea a private message Print Post    
I don't think it was necessarily the popularity or things about his family that made Skye start to like Ryan. I think it had more to do with Sam and Sandra leaving, which made Ryan less negative and more open to talking to others. I know I like him a lot more now than I did when he was with them all the time.



Monday, November 03, 2014 - 1:01 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Spunky a private message Print Post    
It could be that he's more open without Sam and Sandra but my bad vibes about him continue, he's playing Skye and with David's help he'll manage to make Skye feel awkward, either she'll play along and continue to be chatty and spontaneous or they'll make her look more bratty than she was last week. I remember it was Ryan (okay and Sam) who pushed all that food towards Skye to make her gain weight. Ryan David will laugh their pants off, but this if Leo is evicted tomorrow.



Monday, November 03, 2014 - 5:49 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
David explained pretty well why he picked Cat to go to the party. He wants to keep the cat/lawson relationship in the public eye since he knows the public won't approve and so it makes him more likely to stay.

You cannot really compare Skye's discussing (while not actually doing anything) "cheating" on Leo whom she has known for several weeks and has not actually committed to anything with Lawson cheating on his girlfriend of 3 years in the real world.



Monday, November 03, 2014 - 11:07 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Curlyq a private message Print Post    
Just glad it's finally over and they can move on from the Lawson/Cat story. Loved Jake's tweet about being Skye's "flavor of the month." At least he can joke about it.

It's true that in the house none of them have made an exclusive commitment to each other (that we've seen). So there's no reason they should feel like they have to commit to one person in there. That's why showmances are such a bad idea. They hope it will buy them some camera time, but when a new guy comes along (or in Ryan's case a guy who's showing a new side of himself) they're stuck. For some reason I kept thinking about how people love their iPhones until a brand new version comes out. Leo was like a shiny new toy when he entered the house, but maybe now the novelty has worn off.

It seems like ever since Ryan and Skye had that argument at the staircase over Sandra's nomination reaction, and hashed it out later, they've both been saying how wrong they were about each other. Ryan has said that more than once, and now Skye's getting a crush on him. I can see them becoming another Travis & Aisha. Skye and Leo never seemed like the right match.

David made that strategic decision not knowing the public wouldn't see any of it until it was too late to affect the vote. I wonder if he would've chosen any differently if he had known. All it did was show what he is willing to do to win.



Tuesday, November 04, 2014 - 5:42 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Cat and Lawson at the perty wasn't shown too late, lines were "paused" as Sonia said, immediately after they showed Cat returning to the Sanctuary from the house. Seemed a bit convenient for Dave, actually.
Plus Cat was still up for eviction the next day as well.



Tuesday, November 04, 2014 - 10:21 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Argg, have a friend visiting this afternoon and staying the rest of the week and was hoping to watch the eviction this morning... first time in ages the e name twitter person hasn't linked to it! Argg!



Tuesday, November 04, 2014 - 10:54 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cricket a private message Print Post    
I know who went home if people want to know.

Re glass houses, the BB house is a glass house; hence never say never. That's what I meant about Skye. It's a unique situation.



Tuesday, November 04, 2014 - 11:04 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Yes, please spoil me!



Tuesday, November 04, 2014 - 11:07 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cricket a private message Print Post    
Okay, from Jump In they stated Aisha & Cat left.

I'm surprised Aisha left before Travis, but all of a sudden he's on track to win possibly or maybe Ryan. I don't know when things switched up on this show.



Tuesday, November 04, 2014 - 11:14 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Thanks Cricket! I'm shocked Leo didn't go, I thought it would be him and Cat.

Possibly good for Cat because she and Lawson can do their thing together, or together decide they have no thing outside the house.

Travis has been quite popular in some of the results, then some of them he's been near the bottom. This week he knows he's either fifth or sixth in the house (after Priya, David, Skye and Ryan) plus his girlfriend was evicted... that might smart a little!



Tuesday, November 04, 2014 - 11:20 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Spunky a private message Print Post    
Me too, I was a bit surprised Aisha got less votes to save than Cat, but really, both girls were a bit boring. I guess since they brought back Lawson in support of Cat, when Travis is evicted they'll bring Aisha to sit on the couch with him and Sonia.
But finally, the Clawson drama is over... at least in the BB house.
Skye is going to play smart or she's going to feel the wrath of both Leo and Ryan... oh my to get entangled like that... David will love it!
When I saw Richard and Ryan during the challenge I could see how similar these two are, both very boring no matter how much 'romantic' they were asked to show us.. eek! Skye should know by now that Leo does not like to kiss on too much lipstick... eek!

Okay, so I'm curious to see what David will do with his superpower. I expect the intruders to be nominated but Skye, Leo and Travis will be high on the red zone... I'm sure, thanks to David while Ryan will have only Travis's nominations and so not enough.

Whatever the nominations, I think one of the intruders should be evicted and if it's a double again... two intruders out!